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File: 150 KB, 980x1264, jcurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27583772 No.27583772 [Reply] [Original]

This DEXG / LINK image will make you wealthy.

>> No.27583817

I’m in both, big brain confirmed.

>> No.27583859


>> No.27584065

What’s DEXG?

>> No.27584141

Bro it's 300 bucks a pop. Millionaires are already invested in other projects and poorfags can't afford this shit.

>> No.27584408

Bro, Bro, the market cap is like $15M, Sushiswap is basically a scam and has a market cap of $1.3 Billion, Bro,

>> No.27584450

Ok man, you're a faggot.

>> No.27584632

the supply of dexg is 55000, which really is the only reason its still "flying under the biz radar" as people keep saying, let me explain. they see the 300 dollar price tag and assume its already mooned, they would rather have thousands of tokens instead of just 1 dexg, and its that poorfag mentality and lack of understanding about how market cap works which means we are still under 1000 wallets . yes they really are that retarded. Check the etherscan for dexg right now, it has some of the funniest trades I've seen, people buying like 0.1 of dexg for 30 bucks, paying like another 40 bucks in gas fees and then selling the next day when the dexg price goes down a couple dollars. Then buying some shit coin called like taco coin because they can get 5000 tokens of it for 30 bucks lmao. go check for yourselves it is so entertaining and makes you realise how dumb biz is.

>> No.27584930

I refuse to believe that anybody is that idiotic to look at asset price over market cap?

>> No.27585431

At the heart of it, it's a dex that reduces impermanent loss for liquidity providers, the pools are single asset and not pegged to each other. The asset price is worked out on chain using the volatility function with no external price oracles and it's linked to their own private network allowing for off chain transactions governed by an on chain smart contract.

There will be barely any slippage due to the unique automated market maker and in Q3 there will be limit orders, order books and a dextools-like system built in.

>> No.27585643

not everyone on this board is as informed as you might be. theirs a good chunk who don't understand tokenomics or the tech or even something as basic as market cap. when confronted with 2 tokens, they tend to go for the one which gives them most tokens for their money as they have nothing else to go on. yes trust me they really are that retarded.

>> No.27585833

Where can i stake my 4.3 decg babe?

>> No.27585998

just went on etherscan and one of the first wallets I clicked on was this guy, just to give you an example:
he bought 3 bucks worth of dexg, paying nearly 40 bucks for the gas fee alone lmao. His only other holding is 300 bucks of some random shitcoin ive never even heard of but he has like 7000 of those tokens, a bigger number then the 0.01 of dexg tokens he has, which probably seems more appealing. Many such cases. These are the type of mongoloids we are dealing with here.

>> No.27586098

>tfw it's my wallet
feels bad man

>> No.27586120

wew lad.

>> No.27586143

Don't trust newbie Technical Analysis. Staying safe with dHEDGE, they literally know what they are doing at least

>> No.27586266

I have Link, I have Dexg.

>> No.27586300

>which gives them most tokens for their money
i thought it is a meme , but lately i am a believer, especially looking at GME and wallstreet trying to GUESS what the fuck is happening in their system, crypto is couple of folds more transparent regarding economy, and people still dumb

>> No.27586323


bought 1 dexg a couple days ago, sold the next day at pretty much the same price so technically broke even right? Expect no he paid nearly 100 bucks on gas fees for those two transactions. we aren't talking about crypto masterminds here.

>> No.27586373

Another massive benefit is that Flowchain have IoT off-chain capabilities already in place so they can scale up the exchange operations, decrease fees and implement advanced DEX features in the near future.

At the same time the off-chain IoT network can be used to create cross-chain interoperability, with the end-points (the DEXG exchanges on each blockchain) serving as entry and exit points.

This is one of the key points that makes DEXG unique, as no other dex project has the extensive IoT tech background to create solutions like this.

>> No.27586565

Cross-chain trading may be implemented in the future, rubic btfo. Gas fees also severely reduced thanks to IoT, uni v3 btfo

>> No.27586599


one of my personal faves, bought 75 dexg for 24000 usd, 60 bucks gas fees paid

not even a few hours later sold the whole stack in two transactions for a total of 22000usd , another 100 bucks in gas fees

the mind boggles

>> No.27586696

No stupid food branding, sushi, burger, pancake btfo.

>> No.27587054
File: 28 KB, 773x541, disappointed marv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this crabbing while rubic does a 50x in a month.
Is this gonna take 'til Q4 just to 10x from here while everything else moons

>> No.27587251

Is it really hard to understand though? How many 300 dollars coins do you see 10Xing? How many 5 cent coins 10X? It's just less likely to moon when the starting price is already this high. I wish you guys luck though.

>> No.27587270

Shoo shoo pajeet
I encourage everyone to check their white papers and PUBLIC GitHub

>> No.27587387

Is this worth buying atm when I’m too broke to afford even one coin?

>> No.27587398

>coin price
fuck offretard

>> No.27587586

Not with the gas fees it isnt. If you say have 200 bucks you will maybe get half a coin at best. Better served getting something like RBC which is much cheaper and will have more millage with the coins. Or something that is on an exchange and doesnt cost a fuckton of gas in transfers

And not to say I dont believe in DEXG, I do, im in the top 100 holders even, but DEXG wont be the only .opportunity Ideally you either raise more money or find something good for the short term to swing into DEXG.

>> No.27587850

"much cheaper" why does coin cost have anything to do with mileage? Best not buy any bitcoin lads, it's looking a bit expensive to me. Rubic is a pajeet pump and dump with 20 paid for biz threads every day, DEXG is a legit project with at most one thread a day.

>> No.27588337

Will this start pumping before the product release or after?

>> No.27588424

I didn’t know they could do that, this is massively undervalued.

>> No.27588461

>$300 per token
Lol no thanks. This already mooned

>> No.27588553

They are both legitimate products you fucking monkey. The main thing between RBC and DEXG is that RBC has a lot more of an aggressive marketing campaign. Most of the people posting here are retards, but despite this garbage it made me aware of the product, I looked into it and saw something legitimate. DEXG would have a much higher market cap if this went on, even if it makes things look a bit more uneasy and shaky. I dont really like the aggressive RBC advertising, but it does in fact work. It is not a pump and dump if there is a product behind it, and if the growth has been relatively stable for the past two fucking weeks. The number of holders increase every day. Honestly im more concerned about a DEXG whale dumping than a RBC whale dumping.

Coin cost has a decent amount to do with millage when holding .3 of a DEXG wont really net you the benefits from DEXG itself, which is collecting the fees off of the exchange when it launches, governance, etc. That is the main thing. There is nothing wrong with holding .1 of a btc, because BTC itself is a store of value, very sat is apart of that store, but DEXG has functions beyond that, RBC has functions beyond that. Holding what isnt even a whole coin of DEXG wont let you capitalize on those benefits as much as you should. That is the problem. If you are going to get ass raped on gas fees though I would honestly wait until you have 500 minimum before going through UNISWAP, even then the 30-60 dollar fees are a significant portion of your capital.

I believe in both products, but im telling you why I dont think holding something below a whole DEXG is worth it currently.

>> No.27588583

It's already testing previous ATH and it's ready to break upwards so before the release I think.

We've got a comedian here, trying too hard mate.

>> No.27588674

It will definitely pump before the launch since they are going to unleash their marketing campaign before it happens, then after the launch it's either going to flop and dump or do 50x in a matter of months

>> No.27588783

This is literally 1000x the price of Doge, AND Doge is currently being pumped by WSB. I know where my money is going.

>> No.27588889

DEXG after you compared market caps and the project fundamentals?

Wise choice anon.

>> No.27588981

OP can you please wait 3 more days before making new threads?
Waiting for coombase to clear my funds so I can top of my stacklet bag.
Will 10 DEXG be enough for me to make it?

>> No.27589139

No, but enough to prevent suicide.

>> No.27589183


DEXG is unironically a great investment but the midwits will never be able to spot a great investment.

-muh iTs AlLrEaDy 300DoLlArS, I cAnT BuY tHiS... fucking degen newfags.

I'll be laughing at you with your .1 dexg baggie seething at us

>> No.27589258

I’ve been meaning to throw a few eth at this for a while but quads has settled it anon.

>> No.27589299

I wouldnt believe it too but its true.

>> No.27589310

You could publish a crypto "mastermind" blog with these. I'd read it every day :,D

>> No.27589353

maybe I'll buy some when Doge hits $1 lmao

>> No.27589372

Good god this coin price business is some newfag shit,

No IL, 55k circ supply already fully diluted, minimum slippage, off-chain minting, reduced gas, order book, rentable trading bots, fee payouts to holdouts

AND this shit could 10x from here with only a tiny fraction of uni/sushi swap volume.

But sure go yeet your 500 bucks at some random shit that is 5c because a bunch of racists on a basketweaving forum made 15 posts.

Classic newfag shit.

>> No.27589559

Will it at least net me 100K?
If I can pull 100K off of it I'll be set up to make it from the next bullrun.

>> No.27589801
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>> No.27590132
File: 60 KB, 1280x591, patrickcard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’m just expecting this to fucking snowball fast like YFI when it starts moving again, also hopeful for the news about transaction fee rewards. any cunt fudding this either bought high and sold low or it’s andre the conman cronje.

>> No.27590186


>> No.27590251

I would anon, ez 4 - 10x in the next 2 months.

>> No.27590427

If the fees for DEXG holders are juicy this shit is going to pull a YFI because noone will sell.

>> No.27590503

Sensible answer is hedge and keep both, madlad answer is all in DEXG and hope for the x50 (700M market cap, only half of Sushi).

>> No.27590988

Looks like it’s worth getting a few just in case, nice shill OP

>> No.27591577
File: 3.37 MB, 320x226, 1597306920068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice work anon. Dexg is trash. Laughable white paper, unusable dex. My offer still stands. If anyone can connect their wallet to this shitty fucking dex and screenshot it I will buy 2eth of this junk. If not, fuck off with this shit. It's ICO 2 defi boogao with these pajeet scammers.

>> No.27591626


I'd say given that he's only got 8k, all in his best option. But we've given you all the dyor you need to make the right choice anon.

>> No.27591715

lmao what retarded fud is this, the beta unironically works perfectly and the full dex hasn't launched yet (sometime in March).

>> No.27591751


Holy fuck, that is straight up retardation. Mongs are everywhere

>> No.27591878


What is Yearn.Finance? Jesus, are you shitposting or are you actually this dumb?

>> No.27592068

If this shit gives us money for free, you can bet the price will move up. It's not rocket science. It's a gold nugget people aren't even aware of

>> No.27592561

There’s no fucking chance this will catch up with UNI, you’re deluded. It’s like a X400, good luck with that.

>> No.27593155

Cope. Youre gonna be upset

>> No.27593192

It doesn’t need to anon, and that’s the beauty of it. 50x is pretty much in the books

>> No.27593256

This is exactly why I'm holding DEXG though, even if this gets to just 10% of UNIswap's market cap (and it will this year, easily), that's a X40 from here anon, that turns my $10,000 in to $400,000.

>> No.27593927

Just wait faggot.

>> No.27594023
File: 126 KB, 800x1049, stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got a release date for v1.0 yet dexg bros? Is it still the end of February?

>> No.27594113

>as no other dex project has the extensive IoT tech background to create solutions like this.

>> No.27594171

you guys are too obvious

>> No.27594180

I think the language has been ambiguous. It could be end of February or the beginning of March.

>> No.27594344

Yes, end of Feb or early March.

How shocking, 95% of biz threads about a token consist of people that hold that token trying to tell people why to buy it. That's where your own intellect and powers of deduction come in my fren.

>> No.27594503

The OP kicked this off comparing it to LINK, the game at play here is pretty clear. Top effort tho.

>> No.27594524
File: 223 KB, 1306x726, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chart is basic accumulation phase markets go through.
>pic related is HEX about to break-out of one of these rn.

The problem you have with most crypto is
>developer building
That's what you rely on, that's why rug pulls are so prevalent. Once the developers get so rich they just bail.
The ones with good intentions can't meet the roadmap and project dies.
Stop investing in houses without walls.

Again, with HEX as an example, it is a finished product.
There is no road map to place hopium against.
This is a PRODUCT, not a PROJECT.
Learn the difference

>> No.27595098

Thanks for that, I'll stick with DEXG though.

>> No.27595285

Yeah not buying HEX fuck off pajeet

>> No.27595921

Unironically better than link, Capped supply of 55,000, Market cap circa $15M, Business registered in Singapore and fully compliant, Genius developer not a fat betrayer, decentralised exchange superior to any out, Low slippage, Low impermanent loss, Offchain minting. I can’t even be bothered to continue.

>> No.27596532

Most informative threads on biz but tiny market cap, hmm am I getting scammed here?

>> No.27596650

yes. white paper doesn't even talk about 90% of the wild claims that are made in these threads.

>> No.27597105

No but the team do in the telegram, medium and on GitHub, good projects evolve even in development but I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

>> No.27597118

all this fud for the gains i've made lol
cope newfags

>> No.27597287

If you did even the slightest amount of research you could find all this shit and realise the team is about as far from scammers as you can possibly be. Why do you want these newfags to stay poor

>> No.27597568

I bought this over Gamestop, don't let me down guys

>> No.27597887

have you ever seen Jollen Chen and Justin Sun in the same room together? Think about it

>> No.27598311

kek, that's not bad to be fair, come to think about it I haven't seen either of them in the room with CZ either.

>> No.27598383

You're far far better off in DEXG than GME

>> No.27598970


You absolutely made the right choice fren

>> No.27600188


>> No.27600361
File: 50 KB, 1000x619, IMG_20201231_211940_528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He bought? Pump it. Good guy Jollen Chen.

>> No.27601145


Team has released a new GEL token that acts as lube when they inevitable fuck your asses.

Pretty nice of them.

>> No.27601339

outstanding sir, bravo, encore encore, incredible fud.

>> No.27602142

$5.4 Billion Uniswap
$1.5 Billion Sushiswap
$450 Million 1inch
$332 Million Balancer
$282 Million Pancakeswap
$146 Million Tokenlon

$13 Million DEXG Swap

let that sink in.

>> No.27602403

how much is gas fee?

>> No.27602529


>> No.27603036
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>> No.27603082

Interesting image, but I’ve heard that the head of the project was photographed with his arms crossed. Can you confirm / deny this?

>> No.27603807

how dare you anon, salacious gossip.

>> No.27604126
File: 109 KB, 1024x683, nocrossed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No arms crossed there.

>> No.27604577

This looks shopped. I can tell by the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.

>> No.27606059

that's never a shop

>> No.27606220
File: 274 KB, 999x1000, IMG_20201231_212024_639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in or stay poor.

>> No.27606541

>Token Distribution
>20,000 DEXG - Initial liquidity offering at 0.5 USDT on Uniswap.
>Staking rewards for the remaining supply

So this shitcoin has already gone up 700x, sounds like a steal

>> No.27607027

It has a 17m market cap wtf are you talking about?

>> No.27608490

Is it 17?

>> No.27608562

nobody bought at 0.5 usd but uniswap bots which dumped same day
cheapest that few anons bought were around 3-5$

>> No.27608846

Comprehensive linkedin, thats what you want to see when investing in a micro cap, not some anon unknown devs.

>> No.27608979

yeah, it's really too bad you can't buy a fraction of a dexg. all I have is .1 ETH

>> No.27609135

Absolute quality

>> No.27609461

mf'n pancakeswap....

>> No.27610469

Imagine the scenes on biz when this does a X20 from here and blasts past shitty pancakeswap, then proceeds to pump to a X50 leaving 1inch in the shit, and continue to do a X100 and fuck meme sushiswap right off. DEXG boat party incoming soon.

>> No.27611409

I’ll be there, no doubt.

>> No.27612291

you are so stupid that it hurts

>> No.27612797

Realistic optimistic and realistic pessimistic (implying no rug pull) EOY? No 2k xrp schizo shit please.

>> No.27613118

The main guy is on YouTube, whadya talking about. Check for Jollen Chen.

>> No.27613334

Realistic optimistic 10,000 (550 Mill)
Realistic pessimistic 1000 (55 Mill)

>> No.27614453

optimistic moon 20k each, no pessimism needed with this.

>> No.27614528

I consider myself a pessimist but a 55m mc eoy is pretty grim.
The dex would have to be really shit.

>> No.27615316

This. You will make money either way, any functional exchange will likely hit a 60-100m market cap. I think our best case scenario is managing to land around 1 billion MC by the end of the year if the dice fall our way, which in that case is around 18k per. Something far more pessimistic, but grounded is somewhere around 60-100m marketcap, which would give us around 1-2k, assuming the main net launches. I feel like a grounded guess, implying main net launch, is around 220-320m market cap. People say it may be lowballing, and they could be right, but would you rather lowball your potential gains or say "50k eoy" and be sad that it doesnt happen? I think regardless of what happens, short of massive delays and straight scamming, that DEXG will make you money this year if you buy it at any point before 1k.

>> No.27615482

I couldn’t agree more, X4 from here in a year actually sounds pretty shit with the potential as it stands.

>> No.27615652

Also this is a very good breakdown, respect.

>> No.27615770

I bought 3 a couple weeks ago. The shilling really works because I'm so close to just emptying all my bank accounts into this shit

>> No.27615988

I can't speak for everyone else but I'm not shilling, well I suppose a I am in a sense, but I'm not trying to fuck anyone over, I truly believe this is an absolutely fucking huge no-brainer at this mcap.

>> No.27616528

yeah I think I'll at least buy up to an even 5 in february if it dips near 250.

>> No.27617672

I've got 10 Eth waiting

>> No.27617839

Agree completely with this summary anon

>> No.27617931

Lol, i've litterly emptied my entire bank account into dexg for tue last 40 days. Even advanced 1500 on my credit card via revolut to not pay advance fees lol. As i know my march installment of this will be too late

>> No.27618913

large testicles, good luck fren.

>> No.27619799

I have 720 link,is it worth selling some to buy this? I can only get one and a half otherwise and I could get at least 3 this way

>> No.27619888

I respect it, just keep in mind you are still taking a risk and be careful. Dont go completely belly up in case things get rocky.

>> No.27621160

my honest advice, dont buy just yet. theirs this 1 whale who has been keeping this under $400, my feeling is once we approach it again eow he will dump more of his stack and if youre lucky you can get in at $200(he can easily do that with one dump as the liquidity isn't the best yet, its still early you see), BUT be quick buying the $200 dip because their are several people with good chunks of usdt or eth waiting in the sidelines for this to happen and eat that dip up. myself included. I suspect this whale will only do this once or twice more as we are rapidly approaching the dex release as well as an announcement about the how much of the dex daily profits a single dexg token will entitle you( so a reason for the whale to stop dumping and hodl as it will be a nice salary for him for life if he holds). Thats my honest opinion, and yes this IS financial advice because I'm not a reddit fag. Best of luck niggers.

>> No.27621777

That’s valid but he only had 3800 tokens, and the last time dropped 800 it only took the price from 320 to 220 and got eaten back up very quickly. I’m sceptical that he’ll do it again as 3000 is a nice stack, I don’t know how much he’ll want to drop that now. I think $200 is wishful thinking because there’s a few of us waiting to stack more. Who knows though.

>> No.27621815
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bumping to summon that sexy dexie whale, if you're reading this please dump the price to sub 250 so i can buy please please please thank you

>> No.27622339
File: 50 KB, 576x1024, 373E52F5-B434-4136-A267-410D7D9F070E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel like pure shite, just want $40 DEXG back.

>> No.27622366

my suspicion is he is owns another wallet in the top 10, or it's more my hope I suppose, without being bothered to do some digging and see if I can find a connection between any of the wallets to confirm so really I'm just guessing, its just not uncommon in crypto. so I'm hoping he does at least one more dump this month because I dont want the dexg boat to sail away without me. saying then ill probably end up fomoing at 500.

>> No.27622544

You all had literally weeks and months to accumulate below $50

>> No.27622650

who keeps fucking manipulating the price of dexg

imagine selling your dexg right now

>> No.27623561

Hayden Adams and Andre Cronje

>> No.27623911

How much will 2 of these be worth down the line? Will this outperform link?

>> No.27624716

$40k and yes

>> No.27624721

Does anyone else get salty when you fall outside of your target top wallets..

Had my mind set at being a top 200 holder, but people keep buying.

What advantage does being top 200 have?
But i keep slipping outside