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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27583265 No.27583265 [Reply] [Original]

But still not able to enjoy my gains. Because my country just extended its lockdown until March 8th (Netherlands). FUCK THIS LIFE. JUST TWO MORE WEEKS, STAY STRONG.

>> No.27583320

> can order watches cars hookers drugs alcohol literally anything

> can't enjoy his gains

> are you a virgin anon?

>> No.27583339

Gz, whats the best weed?

>> No.27583355
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>almost a year of lockdowns
>meme virus with 99.99% survival rate is still around
bros im starting to think lockdowns might not work

>> No.27583419


They say the virus is still around because people are breaking the rules

>> No.27583424

gefeliciteerd man. Je hebt het gehaald. Lockdown is toch een meme. Lockdown gaat vanzelf weer voorbij. Wat ga je nu doen met je 1.6 miljoen? Rentenieren? of ga je zelf verder investeren?

>> No.27583451

yea but the Flu cases are down 99,9% because the lockdown works.

>> No.27583497


Verder investeren, 40-50k Link for altijd houden, en de rest in andere investments laten groeien.

>> No.27583529
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politicians have been breaking rules by traveling as well
it would be a shame if something happened to them in minecraft

>> No.27583556

How can you feel you've made it at 1.6? I'm at 1.0 and feel like I need at least a 10x from here. Hoping for a 20-40x (link).

>> No.27583591

>Get rich
>Still complains
Some of you won't ever make it, even while making it, just because you're to retarded to have thought about how to enjoy life beside having 7 figures

>> No.27583637

Ik ben geen banaan

>> No.27583672


Everything is closed except grocery store. What can I do? We even have a curfew.


Well it depends on your definition of making it and the cost of living in your country. If I have enough money to pay for life essentials without working, I have made it in my opinion. Anything more is just a bonus.

>> No.27583716

Same but my mother moved into my apartment 4 months ago.
I feel like I am living in a prison now...

>> No.27583777


Actually prisoners have a better life because they still get to chill, play sports with other prisoners or workout.

>> No.27583877

hey gozer zit nu al tijdje rond de 1.4 mil. 100% link. zit jij in een telegram groep met gasten met grote porto's. want moet gaan beslissen hoe ik nu mijn gains ga investeren. zou graag met andere hier over willen spreken maar ken alleen poorfags

>> No.27583932

zit trouwens nu 100% link.

>> No.27584003

Bro gun me een beetje

>> No.27584052


Ik zit alleen op biz en linkpool telegram

>> No.27584071

Fellow Dutchie here, do you pay taxes on your crypto?

>> No.27584127


Box 3 wealth tax so it’s nothing

>> No.27584192

It would be great if you guys kept it in english. I don't speak dutch :(


>> No.27584232

denk dat voor nederland de make it stack iets hoger is als 1.6 denk dat 4-5 minimum is. straks wel op rutte stemmen he anders gooit zo'n linkse wappie straks de belasting omhoog

>> No.27584240

That explains why I feel so depressed lately...
Our situation is worse than living in a prison.

>> No.27584280

kan je link gooien van de biz telegram?

>> No.27584294

Hoeveel euro ben je gestart homo?

>> No.27584343

Yes, but you pay that annually, so that’s like 10k this year? How do you pay that? Cash out some of your crypto?

>> No.27584372


Bedoelde ik browse alleen biz en zit in de telegram van linkpool

>> No.27584427


Had rond de 80 ETH in 2017 en meeste link gekocht voor 30-40 cent, terwijl ETH rond de 700$ was

>> No.27584451

start hitting up potential SOs online, have one move in, buy dumb shit online to entertain yourselves

>> No.27584483


Yes probably.

>> No.27584574

Ik ween nog steeds elke avond dat ik mn 4000 links had verkocht voor een 100% gain

>> No.27585914

Throw all your gains into LTO and live of the interest

>> No.27586079

>1.6 million Eurloles portfolio
>Doesn't factor in massive taxes on cashing out
>He thinks he made it with this shit


>> No.27586459

Gebaseerd. Ga je leven van de dividenten van de andere investeringen? Of gewoon eruit halen wat je nodig hebt?

>> No.27586598

Natuurlijk stem ik op rutte. Belasting op crypto is onironisch meer dan eerlijk, wat genoeg ik om mij voor altijd een VVD stemmer te maken. 4 miljoen verder investeren is sowieso meer dan genoeg om van te leven. 1.6 ook als je niet al te ruim leeft. Zelf mik ik op 8 cijfers, heb het graag ruim

>> No.27586641

Taxes in netherlands are like 2% every year, none on trades.

>> No.27586656

>the netherlands
>massinve taxes on cashing out


gefeliciteerd pik, lekker bezig. Ik ben op de helft