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File: 336 KB, 528x524, SHIB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27583158 No.27583158 [Reply] [Original]

Chart looking bullish as fuck.
This bad boy has another run in him with the amount of attention it's gathered.
Bloomberg gonna send us.
Don't miss out, AGAIN!

>> No.27583326

lurker from reddit

trying to buy this shit on uniswap

whats with these crazy gas fee prices

>> No.27583357
File: 192 KB, 800x2000, akita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck dead $shib, $akita is now the based

>> No.27583666

I was in the akita telegram lmfao every second your members were giving up the shilling and spamming how much money your garbage lost them.
The coinmarketcap listing did NOTHING bahahahaha.
Just the way it is with ethereum. Wait until they go down a bit and ape in.

>> No.27583775

You can buy on HotBit, fuck wasting your ether on transfer fees

>> No.27583788

based shiba chads wagmi

>> No.27583893

damn some niglet just bought 6eth worth. must've heard about the shibaswap news.

>> No.27583997

Fucking telegram niggers banned me.
Still holding my billions.

>> No.27584019

what'd you do?

>> No.27584105

shut the fuck up you lying retard

>> No.27584115

Good Morning shiba frens.
Just woke up happy to see the coin holding it’s value. Very good sign guys!

>> No.27584199

Told them their memes were terrible and that it was hurting us more than anything.
You should see them, they're just a bunch of Pajeets who can barely form a coherent sentence spamming shitty MSpaint jobs.

>> No.27584328

telegram can be quite cringe. just hodl your tokens.

>> No.27584347

telegram is full of cringe bots

>> No.27584528

Why would I ever sell when shibaswap is gonig to make me rich?
They don't even understand that they deter investors by acting like a moron cult. Honestly makes you think that there's no way those people can make money.
Anyways, how is your stack going frens?
I was in so early that I'm still in the green so I don't care what happens.

>> No.27584609

How will shibaswap do that exactly?

>> No.27584624

bought 4 bil at 140 so im up a couple euros. ETH fees fucked my already small buy. I was so retarded that i spent 5 dollar to fees on a 0 dollar transaction.

>> No.27584658

when a memecoin gets a legitimate use it tends to increase the value of said coin

>> No.27584709

How will it work? Idk I'm just a retard, it's gonna be like UNIswap and SHIB will be used to pay fees. This is huge if it happens.
I have spent a total of 400 bucks on gas alone those past few days buying a bunch of shitcoins and I'm still up by just holding.
Don't forget that right now the board is full of newfags that FOMO and then panic sell when they're not rich within a day, perfect time to hold.

>> No.27584746

Im in easy, bought early 30e for 31b $shib, now im just riding along while becoming financialy independent in few weeks whis $SHIB. Chadders gonna chad

>> No.27584898

yea i usually pull out of projects if the telegram groups ban me over any fair criticism/opinions. Shibaswap is definitely something big to look forward to. I got in super early and sold the big peak and tthe dump made me think it was just a pnd. I bought back in earlier today with the shibaswap news. Only got a few billion this time :( If you don't mind me asking how many billion shib you sitting on? Trying figure out what a make it stack vs suicide stack is.

>> No.27584927

>30e for 31b
Do you mean 31 trillion?

>> No.27584987

20bil, the make it stack.

>> No.27585910

Damn only got half guess i'll accumulate some more.

>> No.27586267
File: 42 KB, 1242x335, D256B315-9F3C-484F-B46E-244A1EBABE0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me how much is that.. i did math, but i’m bad at it

>> No.27586288

That's about tree fiddy

>> No.27586381

This started as a PnD for me...but I'm unironically hodling this shit now that it's actually getting Utility AND has found it's support.
150billion. Moon mission imminent.

>> No.27586441

I use UniSwap to see how much ETH my shitcoins are worth. I just don't confirm the swap.

>> No.27586529

Yeah me also.. now got around .4 eth for 30e buying shib.. so i can say things are getting sirious

>> No.27586637
File: 299 KB, 457x449, doge hates him.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for making gorrillions with frens.
Transfer some USDT to hotbit to avoid the atrocious gas fees.

>> No.27586724

If I had any ability or patience to make infographics I'd mathematically prove you're basically retarded.
You can buy SHIB with USDT on hotbit.

>> No.27586802

Yeah, that's 31 billion.
Thought by '30e' you meant 30 eth.

>> No.27586826

What's your sell target frens?
Mine is 100 dollar and not a penny less.

>> No.27586896 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27586947

Anything between $100 and $200 is ok by me.

>> No.27586951

Why? Because I look at prices in ETH instead of USD?

>> No.27586976

Shibaswap could potentially fix our gas woes in a big way. I'm disappointed to see all these new dexes relying on gas for fees, especially when ethereum itself shits the bed. Shiba might not fix all these issues but at least now we'll have options. Even if it's marginally successful, I'm sure it'll definitely take a piece of the market share, making our bags ever so better.

>> No.27587016

If we get to .0001, I'm VERY happy.

>> No.27587076

Mate, try to buy SHIB on hotbit, you'll notice that USDT is the only option.
I am repeating myself in every thread because I ended up paying £40 for my first billions in gas fees.

>> No.27587122

For one token?

>> No.27587609
File: 347 KB, 1832x1387, shibshill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







>> No.27587659

It's never gonna get to $100 a Shib, fren. Even a dollar is unrealistically optimistic. If it gets to 0.0001 I'm set

>> No.27587661

i bought shib and akita because fuck it

>> No.27587680
File: 1.70 MB, 2048x2048, shibafuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got my paycheck
>gf wants to go buy clothes this weekend
>have to explain to her I'd rather buy SHIB
Who soon to be /single/ here?

>> No.27587996

haha yes even that is a 6900X from where we're at which idk how often happens in crypto. DESU I'd be happy with a 10X haha.

>> No.27588121

I think it was a joke. That said Redditfags will believe anything these days.
We're in the middle of a little dump but still growing. I think I'll just stop following those threads for a white and just come back when shibaswap is up. Guaranteed x10

>> No.27588307
File: 186 KB, 500x371, everything happens for a reason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, after the upcoming hyperinflation, $100 may buy you a loaf of bread, so $100 isn't that far fetched.
At least it's capped, unlike pretty much all fiat.

>> No.27589033

I really hope that was a joke lmao. The community and all these threads are definitely a bit toxic. But lets see how well this project works out.

>> No.27589215

Check the guy's other posts, I don't think he's a redditor.
I'm enjoying my comfy hold here.

>> No.27589272

We need to shill it guys!
We need threads too

>> No.27589345
File: 24 KB, 480x360, how many times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27589417

Fuck off back to Telegram nigger
Why? It keeps getting me money and an exchange is coming.

>> No.27590205

I heard hotbit was pajeet exhange which locks your money when you want to withdraw it so im good paying 20-30€ gas fee, and be sure i will get my money. Iam perfect chad

>> No.27590294

So how much did you lose, anon?

>> No.27590457

Worse, it's Kore*n and it is a bit shady.
Gate.io is supposed to add SHIB soon.

>> No.27591648

Bought 8b for .3e.
Still hanging on, rooting for dream despite losing money so far

>> No.27591863

Don't worry and hold
36b here

>> No.27592458
File: 84 KB, 676x960, 69884352_2937838249773953_4864092793917669376_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this done anything I'll be happy. Even if I just make my gas fees back because oof