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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27583108 No.27583108 [Reply] [Original]

I just wanted to say Thank you again to both of the Anons who were able to help me out.

Was able to get to the doctor today, I normally feel like shit but my jaw lately felt like someone shot me and was unbearable today.

Massive infection running through my head was able to get on a strong antibiotic and I am feeling better than I was yesterday.

Just wanted to Thank you two if you read this, You helped this sick fucker out.

Original Thread and I know a few anons were trying to reach out but thread got cleared, if you were serious I thank you and here is my addresses.

BTC> 3DucakAPUvkMcQRe1YLAQRw18wat3wPJtz

ETH> 0xcF3Eec3d91b3B2D5239fFd8326b357478DBa1Fbe

May all your gains be incredible, and to you Pajeets may your Pumps never dump.

>> No.27583492

Sweet dreams Anon. Wishing you the best.

>> No.27583583

Thank you anon, I try to leave then some thread pulls me in lol.

Hope Anon from last night knows I've been thinking of him/her.

And Goodnight to you and /biz.

>> No.27584355


>> No.27584590

Fuck off begging scum.

>> No.27584667
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Sweet dreams.

>> No.27584740

This isnt your diary and it also isnt your health insurance.

>> No.27585072

It isn't I was reaching out to the genanon who everyone was mocking for helping me.

also while i was reaching out someone tried to help but the thread was cleared, I'm not a healthy man I'm not gonna say no to a handup.

That being said I'm not here to beg but to learn but the help I received will go a long way even though it wasn't much to most of you it meant a lot to me.

>> No.27585142

If you gave nearly a weeks pay to someone and that person was asleep and you two never met, I think you would also hope that person at least tried to reach out.

That being said I take no offense to anything you say.

>> No.27585194

I feel.bad for you but first things first:
Posting your bare ass gets you nowhere, we're not doctors and the only male ass we wanna see are cute traps.

>> No.27585225

absolute state of americans

>> No.27585229

Just shut the fuck up, there is nothing wrong if you want to learn. But you are just an anon here and no sick man. I hope the jannies give you an IP range ban for begging.

>> No.27585263

Haha thanks for making me smile before I head off, I know if it was somewhere else believe me it's embarrassing in itself, the doctor's had a hell of a time cracking jokes at my expense.

>> No.27585286

the fuck do you want the money for?

>> No.27585323

americans unironically have to pay for cancer treatment as sad as that sounds

>> No.27585355

I don't have anything to prove to you, but you clearly have something to prove to everyone else.

I'm sorry you feel that much anger in your heart over something that doesn't concern but I'll tell you as someone who was raised by a man who had zero self control your on a downward path I luckily avoided.

>> No.27585467

Well being as sick as I am I can only work part time and I literally have to uber to the doctor's appointments, which usually results in me having to lay plastic bags to keep my wounds from seeping into other peoples vehicles.

The help I need is to get a cheap car if you really want to know.

>> No.27585470

Just kys or fuck off to plebbit with your pseudo intellectual bullshit.

>> No.27585541

Don't worry I'll most likely be dead by 40 so you get your wish either way, spoiler alert, nobody makes it out alive.

>> No.27585634

I don't like this thread, it's a sad thread.

>> No.27585700

It's actually a happy thread, some people are being snotty but w/e

I'm feeling much better tonight I also had a jaw infection ontop of everything but the genanon helped get me to the doctor today and the antibiotics are kicking in so I'm much more talkative today.

>> No.27585719

Dude you are just an anon here, nothing more. Read stoicism to cope with your shit. I really dont care about sick man stories on fucking /biz/, most people that make shit like you here are scammers and beggers.

>> No.27585816

Brother that first few words said enough there is zero difference between besides well years of putting up with death made me a tad more humble not to utter half the negative shit you say.

But we're both anons nobody cares yeah yeah but actually some people do and I thank them, and I'm sure at one point in your life you cared to.

>> No.27586006

I think your personality gave you the cancer, I already get some from it.

>> No.27586036

Post your wallet then! lol
that actually made me smile.

>> No.27586048

>has cancer
>is trusting "doctors"
You can c*re your cancer without pharma jews banking off your suffering anon

>> No.27586156

god, you don't have to give us all cancer too

>> No.27586157

I haven't had any internal biopsies yet and not sure if I will if I come to it, I had the surgery because I was getting sepsis nonstop and it was a fucking nightmare don't even wanna describe it, but the surgery helped although it's trying to return.