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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27578492 No.27578492 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27578545
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>> No.27578588
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>> No.27578740

I don't care. It will print me more money this year than RLC ever will.

>> No.27578987

>4 years behind
LMAO good luck pajeet kike

>> No.27579604

I hold both but I'm more bullish on Aleph than RLC. Aleph has potential for huge network effect because of all the projects they're integrating. RLC has zero network effect.
Also Aleph has focused a lot more on developer experience in the vein of Firebase and AWS which are very normie developer friendly.
iExec focuses mainly on academic/enterprise adoption which is a hit or miss tactic.

>> No.27579754

Did you really come into an RLC thread to shill your faggot token?
Forget it.

>> No.27579902

Gilles literally has 9 figures in funding waiting to be used. Stay poor noiler.

>> No.27580060

>Muh integrations
>Doesn't even have decentralized computing yet
4 years behind pajeet

>> No.27580455

Not shilling anything, just comparing the two projects. RLC could learn a thing or two from other projects.
They're way too arrogant about "total world domination" and other shit when they have yet to prove the viability of their product, as in, there's no adoption yet, no developers building dapps on their platform nor actively using the marketplace, no one's running worker pools other than the team.
All of this shit has been production ready for almost six months and we're still in this situation.
Aleph is all about grassroots/community growth, RLC is the polar opposite.

I hold over 10k barrels

Who knows maybe they'll integrate RLC as an offchain computing solution. At least RLC would start getting real traffic after that.

>> No.27580551

Why dont you sell then?

>> No.27580601

he holds both though

>> No.27580682

2050 1$ stablecoin. It survives the new great depression, even after all other stablecoins are crushed

>> No.27580748

I've been holding RLC for a long long time and I'm not going to dump it.
I'm still bullish on it long term, but have come to terms with the fact that the project does have some issues.

>> No.27580869

Learn a thing or two??
The man literally wrote the book on distributed computing.
Marketing has been quiet, because they didn't want to fuck up the partnership with the EUROPEAN UNION.
RLC is going to pull an antshares this year. It's going to happen whether you watch from the sidelines or not.

Enjoy your magic alefph beans.

>> No.27580987

>but have come to terms with the fact that the project does have some issues.
Some issues? Until Blair doesn't get fired this shit is not going anywhere.

>> No.27581044

>The man literally wrote the book on distributed computing.
He didn't, he was an editor. He just compiled articles into the book.

>> No.27581194

>he was an editor
Retard and cope

>> No.27581384

How can this 2017 tranny project be this late in integration/adoption. wtf did they do for 4 years i don't get it. what was the role of biz dev then ?
muuuhhhh we're hiring right now
> bro u just achieved the feat of burning all the lead you had, congrats. I'm out

>> No.27581428

>The man literally wrote the book on distributed computing.
I get that but it means nothing if that can't be converted into a successful product or platform, with real users, real customers, real revenue.
We all know the best technology does not always win.

>> No.27581562

Marketing is this year nigger its barely a month in give it a few more to see where it's really going to go.

>> No.27581597


>> No.27581600

Basically you can't market a product without a product worth marketing.
So shut the fuck up pajeets none of you have ever run a business and never will.

>> No.27581700

Edited by = written by you fucking pajeet

>> No.27581729

No, open the book retard.

>> No.27581927

Yeah, I did, he wrote the desktop grid computing part with the other guy. Fuck off pajeet

>> No.27582847

>10 posts by this ID
The amount of seething is incredible. Cussing like a teenager and calling everyone a pajeet will not make the coin moon though.

>Basically you can't market a product without a product worth marketing.
They've been production ready for almost six months, so they should have a "product worth marketing". And how would you know how much marketing they've done anyway?
Their target group is universities/enterprises, not developers and definitely not bagholders. All I'm interested in is adoption.

>> No.27583340
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Gilles is the best

>> No.27584310

Pajeet nigger