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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27577517 No.27577517 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy edition

Currently tackling the 5mil sell wall at 0.029. After that it's time to crush the first true boss - the 18mil 0.03. After that, the sky's the limit.

>> No.27577599

You think this a game NIGGA

>> No.27577637

wish i got in sooner but those fucking niggers at big gov want all my ID just do bank deposit.
got a comfy 100k and already made a 10% return, wish i set my ID up long ago for shit like this.

>> No.27577803
File: 255 KB, 860x1242, 125125125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sitting on 170k which I got pretty early, getting 100k more today and going to let that stack sit for the next year at least with the occasional staking

>> No.27577919

I sold for now. Waiting to buy the dip. This shit is gonna rocket soon.

>> No.27577975

>I sold for now. Waiting to buy the dip.

That's what I did. The dip never arrived.

>> No.27577996

I just bought 100k.
Will I make it?

>> No.27578030

100k is generally considered suicide tier.

>> No.27578083
File: 35 KB, 330x357, 1612252265850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been watching like a hawk. I give it an hour until the dip starts. Ain't hitting $0.03 tonight.

>> No.27578093

I fucking love this gradual creep.

>> No.27578157

bought at 0.019 and 0.020/0.024

feels good to see it climb up. not selling until after a year.

>> No.27578171

Once staking starts, shit will take off.

>> No.27578224

When's staking? Tomorrow?

>> No.27578238

Pretty sure, ya.

>> No.27578306

newfag here. can someone explain stacking quickly? thinking about investing in Reef.

>> No.27578334

>feels good to see it climb up. not selling until after a year.

I'd wait for the dapp release and decide then. If it's trash or fails to gain any traction for different reasons, it might be sensible to dump.

>> No.27578340
File: 516 KB, 4500x4500, 1612249377883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what I'll do with my millions.

>> No.27578377

When's the dapp releasing?

>> No.27578380

Has anyone found much info on Unifarm/OroPocket? I'm extremely hesitant to give those jeets my REEF.

>> No.27578406


In 6 hours.

>> No.27578432

In simple terms, it's locking your crypto for a period in exchange for more crypto. It's defi mining essentially.

>> No.27578475

It's definitely a pajeet project. Not necessarily a scam. Might just be outsourced though. I'm a little hesitant too though.

The offiial Reef twitter tweeted about it.

>> No.27578506

Nope, Reefies won't be locked.

>> No.27578544

Is it worth staking 50k starting tomorrow?

>> No.27578547

Next time I get paid ill throw another 50$ at it. Poorfag so thats all I can afford. I only have around 4k stack but honestly just a couple thousand dollars would make my life significantly easier for the next year

>> No.27578574
File: 123 KB, 1000x800, 1612251971662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know. I didn't read much about it to be honest. I think I'll just margin trade it instead.

>> No.27578581

What's a good price to get in at?

>> No.27578632

0.019, two days ago.

>> No.27578638

REEF will get you long term gains. Just put as much as you can afford in when you get your pay. Hope that the price doesn't ticket before you can collect a comfy pile.

>> No.27578724

I don't think we'll dip lower than $0.024 or $0.023 in the next 24 hours. Though, maybe if you're lucky it will. At this point though, any price is better than having none.

>> No.27578747
File: 1.17 MB, 1314x1920, 1612165529277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our telegram is /reeftardsbiz btw. We did make a bunch of epic memes, but there hasn't been any coordinated shilling..

>> No.27578858

Besides waiting for a quick pump and selling, what's the long term play with this?

>> No.27578866

144k comfy stack

>> No.27578890

The long term plan is HODL. Also see


>> No.27578960

no it's STAKING not HODL

>> No.27578983

Well, I'm no expert. My view on it is accrue as much as possible now, wait for the first massive pump, sell and buy the dip. Then sit on it for a year or two.

>> No.27579142
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Won't people just dump their reef after the staking period?

>> No.27579236

If they’re stupid yeah selling a portion of your earnings when this goes up is fine but dumping your full stack after holding for a few months of staking is fucking retarded unless there’s some sketch shit happening which I highly doubt

>> No.27579639

And missing out on the moon mission? Why?

>> No.27579683

Where to stake?

>> No.27579847


>> No.27579891

still the fucking low quality REEF logo in that meme. Pls fix

>> No.27580187
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>> No.27580227
File: 86 KB, 659x327, IMG-20200310-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this going to be able to be staked on Binance or not? Reef seems to be in cahoots with the Binance so that should be an option at some point.

>> No.27580281

>That drop
Fuck I was thinking about selling

>> No.27580387

buy the dip retard

>> No.27580418

370k reefo here, got in at 0.2.
Am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.27580444

4k stack reporting in


>> No.27580457

Calm down autism the post. I’d consider staking to be HODLing.

>> No.27580509

Trying to time the dump on something like this is dumb. Just hodl.

>> No.27580580

We going on a moon mission or what

>> No.27580604

Debating throwing more into this because of the potential gains in the next couple months. Only a 66k stack but would like to get it closer to 100k. What shall I do?

>> No.27580625

buy the dip

>> No.27580676

That's cool and all as an idea, but most times I tried to time these things I just FOMOd back in and lost money. It's more chill to just leave it.

>> No.27580969

bump, i am also 50k

>> No.27581309

Good call, just shy of 100k now!

>> No.27581519
File: 12 KB, 337x337, cto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the CTO of Reef. Could he be any more chad?

>> No.27581594

Yeah he could be white

>> No.27581779

Meds are white.