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27577083 No.27577083 [Reply] [Original]

This absolute mad coin only moons and never dumps, the team delivers new partnerships and testnet updates almost daily and yet biz STILL sleeps on this. Let that sink in.

>> No.27577434

Quick rundown?

>> No.27577444

I am 180 INJ stacklet :(

>> No.27577449

Biz shilled this at $2 nigger. I know because because i gabbed $la few hundred bucks worth without much research just off the cuff.... later realized it was potentially the best thing in my portfolio

>> No.27577566

First L2 DEX with derivatives trading, crypto and stocks. Testnet out, mainnet coming soon. Backed by Binance and Pantera. https://twitter.com/InjectiveLabs

>> No.27577626

True, but I’ve not seen anything about INJ since then even though the project is based as fuck and the growth is insane.

>> No.27577801

I’m expecting insane fomo upon the mainnet launch. Can’t wait.

>> No.27577812

Already at 180m mc, how much higher will it go? Top 25 at least?

>> No.27577861

When is that supposed to be happening? Q1 or Q2? I forget. Regardless I got my 1k comfy stack ready to go

>> No.27579034

1 billion mc at least

>> No.27579124

Q2 but they’re ahead of schedule in their roadmap so it’s likely it’ll be released sooner. March is my guess.

>> No.27579137
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True i have seen the odd mention but nothing much... maybe its up to us whilst its still under $20.

>> No.27580213

Thinking of getting a bag but it being up 1600% from november is kinda holding me back desu desu

>> No.27580775
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Been constantly shilling it since December but most of the ADHD fags and pajeets on here can't tell a legit project from a PnD and so it's been ignored

INJ will be HUGE. it will steal all of Uniswaps market share and then some

>> No.27581417

is now a good time to get into INJ? pissed off i missed it before this pump, but should i wait for a retrace or just fomo

>> No.27581444

Theres always a few Inj threads popping up since October. I also join and make a comment. This token will be top 20 by Q2

>> No.27581627

Holy snapping duck shit anon! If legit that is a nice bag of inj!

>> No.27582209

Yeah swapped some stinkies in early December since Sergey kept dumping and destroying the price. Its the only project I've ever been tempted to sell LINK for

>> No.27582595
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Very nice! I have some old link too and feel similar in the way in the temptation. Link is my old faithfull and i still feel its got alot of legs left in it.
Ill buy more inj next dip though, thevmore i look into it the more convinced i am.

Have this meme i just made my INJ bros as inj memes seem rare.

>> No.27582646
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>> No.27583858

Everything under $20 is cheap as fuck