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2757663 No.2757663 [Reply] [Original]

They just talked about Bitcoin on fucking MSNBC, and you guys think you're still the early adopters.

>> No.2757683

The retail investors aren't in yet.

>> No.2757684

You are the reatail investor...

>> No.2757691

No, I'm an unemployed NEET buying imaginary currency. Retail investors are people decide to invest in crypto over stocks.

>> No.2757695

You're the retail

>> No.2757704
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1498923302546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retail investors are people decide to invest in crypto over stocks
.......like you?

>> No.2758706

don't post the pink wojak. It's bad luck.

>> No.2758718

It's true. We are still early adopters in bitcoin, and innovators in alts. Look how many people and how much money is actually involved. It's not much. The big one won't be for at least a year or two.

>> No.2758729
File: 140 KB, 320x228, 5klDZ7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grats, OP. you're thinking exactly what the (((media))) wants you to think.

you'll realize how early we are in this game soon enough.

>> No.2758740

>bitboin is mainstreaam
>look at this video
>the normiis are cumming

How do i know you are a basement dweller?

>> No.2758749

Until we actually have daily programs focusing on cryptos, we're far from the bubble. The average person still knows nothing about bitcoin from the name and that it's "internet money"

>> No.2758789

Pretty sure a lot of people think it's pretend money

>> No.2758923

While I admit we are in a massive bubble that is due for correction in the short term, we really are the early adopters.

Go talk to some people out in the real world. Most of them haven't even heard of bitcoin or cryptocurrency, let alone etherium or even less-known ones like monero. Go find a single person anywhere who has heard of a single altcoin other than the big two. That guy is like maybe one-in-a-thousand.

>> No.2758965

being early isnt everything

anything from 2014 was late adopters, but if you got in in 2015 at ~$200 it didn't matter how late to the game you were.

of course if you bought in the past 2 months you're not only late, but you bought into the hype as well, and you're probably going to get fucked at least temporarily.

>> No.2758970

explain how it is imaginary?

>> No.2758973

People don't even care. I sperg out around my friends about crypto and they don't even think about it more than 5 minutes. Fucking peasants.

>> No.2758978

your time frames are just off, dude. you're thinking too short term.

>> No.2759197

>most of them haven't even heard
are you retarded? this just says to me that you don't talk to anyone under the age of 50.

maybe you think nobody knows what a fidget spinner is either, and that people who have an iphone are early adopters.

Bitcoin has been mainstream since 2013, people just don't trust it as a currency outside of drug deals. All (100%) the hype VC's and big investing 'experts' talk about crypto as the future (sure.....), but EVEN THEY suggest that the coins that exist right now, including bitcoin, will probably not be the future of crypto. A lot has to happen perfectly for bitcoin to be adopted and not just copied for individual markets.

>> No.2759433


bitcoin is mainstream?

dude you are on the other side of the spectrum. you are around techie dorks all day and assume everyone is some techie dork

>> No.2759451

yawn. people who doubt that BTC will succeed as the number 1 crypto currency aren't even worth listening to.