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File: 676 KB, 2000x997, MONERO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27574164 No.27574164 [Reply] [Original]

Monero is a privacy-oriented crypto that's virtually untraceable. On the dark web, all the major markets are trying to phase out Bitcoin in favor of Monero, most notably the White House Market, which is currently the biggest dark web drug market out there. Even when you think you're paying in Bitcoin, a lot of these markets automatically convert them to Monero before passing to their vendors.

Think about how value is decided in the market: Price goes up when more people want to buy the currency. Two types of transactions make this happen. 1) People buying to invest. 2) People buying to spend. The vast, vast majority of Bitcoin transactions are just people buying and selling it as an investment. Monero is the opposite: Holding time is low; people are using it in real-life tranactions. In real life, Bitcoin isn't being used in that way, and I think this is a reason it's overvalued. Monero is only going up as it becomes adapted by more markets.

Now, also note that Monero isn't even supported by the biggest trader, Coinbase, yet. The only mainstream platform to get it right now is Kraken, as far as I know. Once it becomes open to the public as a common investment asset, expect an even bigger boom.

If you're still unsure, just look at its price trends. Monero is going nowhere but up. It's only at ~$150 right now, but I wouldn't be surprised whatsoever to see a Bitcoin-like boom and for this to be a $15K coin in 5-10 years.

>> No.27574253

Have we learned nothing about "must buy"s this week?

>> No.27574518
File: 15 KB, 306x306, DkC6xZjU8AAKqfE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much shilling for a crab coin.
Big red flag.

If you like this so much why arent you buying more?
Why are you shilling to raise the price?

Bunch of bagholders from 2017 who boughted @$450 still trying to unload.

>> No.27574571

Monero is a must buy every week. If you dont own an increasingly unknown amount of monero you will never make it.

>> No.27574684

The constant patronizing tone to even mildly critical bagholders in the generals are pissing me off ngl

>> No.27574983

I accumulated monero due to my positive feelings towards the project, but I realised that I don't buy crypto for my positive feelings I buy it to make mad stacks from price movements. My monero went from 130 to 155 then back down again while I swung 12c graph within every range taking my holding from 5k to 10k for a 13x over the same time span.

>> No.27575112

Monerotards havent into opportunity cost.

>> No.27575313

it won't matter when atomic swaps kick in which is in Q4 2021 if not less
it's the only coin that has actual usage and fundamentals

>> No.27575454

what the best link hub to dark net markets now that deepdotweb is gone? i've been out of it a few years.

>> No.27575506

XMR is bullshit software wallets fail and your balance goes to zero.

Seeds don't map to addresses.

>> No.27575646

Portion of gains go into monero to remain hidden from the irs.

>> No.27575682

I have been hearing you guys say this shit for years now

>> No.27575722

https://dark.fail/ is good
need for it to sync anon it's not bullshit...

>> No.27575816

This poster is either engaging in calculated FUD or is an actual retard. Anybody who can't figure out cake wallet would have a hard time using a smartphone to make a phone call.

>> No.27575852

>note that Monero isn't even supported by the biggest trader, Coinbase, yet.
and it never will be. they know exactly why people would buy that.
right now it's drugs, but very soon it will be politicized funding. look at how gofundme shut down kyle rittenhouse's defense fund and antifa trannies doxxed every donator to get them all fired. that's where monero comes into play. also supporting right wing dissidents when the payment processors and banks ban them all. frankly these "right wing extremists" will cause tighter restrictions on XMR than drugs ever will.
so no, it will never be on jewbase. we should feel lucky it's on kraken and not rely on that as a long term source.

>> No.27575994

check daily generals, most get it from Bisq or local monero, if you wanna use an exchange use binance to get LTC because lowest fees afaik and use morphtoken to get XMR
fuck jewbase

>> No.27576055

i feel like I'm already on too many watchlists to buy this or get a VPN

>> No.27576577

>https://dark.fail/ is good
thank you
local monero sounds like a logistical pain in the ass. exchange to morph token must be safe right? no one sees anything after the switch to xmr. monero must be very undervalued right now given how much it is used.

>> No.27576789

undervalued and suppressed as tits
this is yesterday's daily general


>> No.27577594

I've used local monero a few times for BTC->XMR and it has been painless.