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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 584x312, Balance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27571033 No.27571033 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know what to do with my money.

>> No.27571091

Then clearly you didn't earn it faggot. Spend it all on hookers and blow.

>> No.27571096

Give me some. You'll feel better

>> No.27571245

Treating your friend anon (me) to lunch would be nice :)

>> No.27571249

buy dogecoin

>> No.27571377

Do 100x with shitcoins

>> No.27571521

The fact that the Quickbooks isn't reconciled is driving me crazy.

Yes I know that it is an old cap. Still bothering me.

>> No.27571566
File: 109 KB, 345x222, 8AF652B6-F53F-4F48-98C9-EA5BBDD64737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy $900,000 worth of doge

>> No.27571668

>$1M Bank Balance
>I don't know what to do with my money.

>> No.27571706

Join the reef bros

>> No.27571793

Do you want my bank account and routing #? I'm broke af :(

>> No.27572130
File: 218 KB, 1354x1961, 1599887386691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This break us over 0.03 brother

>> No.27572226

can you give me a highest interest 10k loan? I need a suicide stack

>> No.27572288

Man the potential....

My parents have $250k in savings like that, and they let me play with $50k last week, and I used it on XRP, put $50k in and sold at $107k.

Literally made them $57k in a weekend. Well -30% for taxes.

Theyre happy but are saying I got lucky, desu I did, I didnt expect XRP to pump that soon, I did it assuming it would take months or a year.

>> No.27572290

buy farmland.
grow something like rapeseed make diesel
sell it to independent diesel stations
sell farmland for profit if you get bored.

>> No.27572408

go to transport truck school
learn basics working for a broker
buy your own truck and become your own bonded broker
get paid to travel

>> No.27572409
File: 264 KB, 500x503, bigjb21-ooct-16-2012-god-i-wish-that-were-me-40085668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 30 years old and have only 2k in my bank account with 8k debt, a fine art degree, and am a virgin/never had a girl interested in me. I also live mom dependently.

can we trade places PLEASE

>> No.27572435 [DELETED] 

Could help a sickfag out.
But you don't have to, be wise with your earnings friend. >>/biz/thread/27439361

BTC> 3DucakAPUvkMcQRe1YLAQRw18wat3wPJtz

ETH> 0xcF3Eec3d91b3B2D5239fFd8326b357478DBa1Fbe

>> No.27572501

Id put a quarter of it into a depressed REIT and just live off of that. With 250k worth you can easily pull in 70k/year in two years time and never work again in your life. Use the other 750k for safe investments, 10% crypto, 5% PM. Or a house if you don't have one.

However if I had that money, I'd still put money into the REIT, but I'd hold onto the rest until this time next year to see where the economy and Covid is. I have a feeling that we're going to be seeing some draconian shit soon in the US

>> No.27572512

Buddy I wish I had 2k and only 8k in debt and had a degree lol it could be worse you could be me

>> No.27572564

use it to make more money, 1 million is nothing

>> No.27572572

Wtf were you thinking that degree would prove?

>> No.27572574

maybe you should think of things other people might want and write those ideas down think of something you can afford as a business.

if you're artistic you might be good at cutting lawns.

send out flyers now that it's winter, get your first few customers for the spring, then

get a cheap car and throw a lawn mower and trimmer in the back.

>> No.27572579

Invest some more and live even more comfortably once you reap your earnings.

>> No.27572620
File: 61 KB, 625x833, BF11D20F-A98D-4245-AECA-BFA64D275561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe try reconciling your books you unbalanced fuck

>> No.27572659

buy ETH and have the same problem in 3 months but with 5 million

>> No.27572684

you might as well let it sit in spy or voo with trailing stop losses or give it to vanguard while you come up with whatever you are going to do with it

>> No.27572710

when i say cheap i mean like an older used focus or camry for like $1800, keep some cash, and buy mower and trimmer on credit or ask parents for a loan. i really hope you don't live in the desert.

>> No.27572748

This pussy doesn't even order out I bet lmao probably a yid fly

>> No.27572757

Not gonna lie, but you could change my life 180 degrees if you gave me about three fiddy( nah por seriously, fucking 50,000 would literally set me for life)

>> No.27572778

buy bitcoin

>> No.27572793

This. Drive up Doge and spread the wealth.

>> No.27572796

Invest all of it. Youre still a poorfag

>> No.27572807

Shit 3000 would get me a car so I could drive to my doctor's appointments, 50k brah might wanna bring it down a notch.

>> No.27572811

check your neighborhood with google maps satellite and find all the houses with pools.

send advertisements for pool cleaning to those houses either by foot or post office mailing list. when you get replies buy the equipment.

pretty easy, just skim all the crap out of their pool once a week.

>> No.27572839

Based accountant

>> No.27572840
File: 197 KB, 1000x1273, 011_-_Agony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give some to me op, im trying to start a little insurrection

>> No.27572851

See the world, find a passion, get married and provide for your family, be a man

>> No.27572907

This. Pump it so i can get my 25% back

>> No.27572916


>> No.27572927

Nah niggas I'm graduating with a second degree in IT and got 2 years IT security internship exp, gonna make it bros

how do I get rid of the virginity part without buying it though

>> No.27572976

My parents and my career counselor said get "literally any degree" and I could easily get an office job if my dream didn't work out because thats what they did. Turns out offices have a glut of unemployed business majors to hire and a meme major gets nothing now

>> No.27573029

Buy more money.

>> No.27573063

buy an old tire and deliberately break things like the valve stem, puncture the tread, and patch it.

then, find gas stations that you pay to put up stickers on the air pump advertising your service.

with the right tools do on the spot air leak repairs.

jack em up, tire off, find leaks, patch. easy stuff. could probably get like $30-50 each time.

>> No.27573072

i literally got an office job testing vidya when i was 18 and had no resume or degree u just arent lying hard enough

>> No.27573078

>1 post
Buy a house, buy land, if you don't have at least 80 acres of privacy you don't have shit.

>> No.27573185

50,000 dollars, I'm from Mexico, a million pesos would allow me to put my dental office, start buying a house, pay all the debt my retard lovely family has accumulated over the years, yeah, for life brah

>> No.27573280
File: 96 KB, 606x729, 1582862974536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could turn a fraction that to 10mill easily within 2 or 3 months by buying Xfund. The most legit oracle since Link and it hasn't mooned yet so its like buying link at ico prices.

Fully functional oracle with its own blockchain and ecosystem, market cap under 2mill and under 3000 supply. This is a YFI tier token at under 1k right now. I shouldn't have to say anymore.

When you make it I want my finders fee

>> No.27573442


>> No.27573449

You believe Americans are rich?

50 grand to any American is life changing money.

>> No.27573499

do something other people need or want to be done that is easy for you to do/

>> No.27573501

Fuck off glownigger trying to bait in richfags

>> No.27573580

Alright 10,000 take it or leave it

>> No.27573582

Do you have any hobbies anon? Dont use that money on a stupid rich hobbie, go find something you enjoy colecting that make you happy if that is your type of stuff. Good Hobbie for rich people.

>> No.27573584

go practice something people actually want

>> No.27573648

correction. get good at something other people NEED. something that's in every house.

>> No.27573663
File: 2.55 MB, 509x710, 1611117172282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe give a fren some to help him start investing


>> No.27573665

Your suggestions in this thread show that you are poor. Please do not talk to me again as I was speaking to the OP only. Jeets are priced out.

>> No.27573738

Buy SPY and live off modest gains.

>> No.27573793

with that few thousand
go learn to weld and get a job at a car factory
harbor freight, princess auto has welding tools
if you're an artist you would probably like welding.

>> No.27573886

hah, why would you go around telling everyone in public your dollar wealth. easy way to attract the wrong attention.

>> No.27573928 [DELETED] 
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC> 3DucakAPUvkMcQRe1YLAQRw18wat3wPJtz

ETH> 0xcF3Eec3d91b3B2D5239fFd8326b357478DBa1Fbe

I'll raise your rare pepe for a cute kitten.

>> No.27573945

>Id put a quarter of it into a depressed REIT and just live off of that. With 250k worth you can easily pull in 70k/year in two years time and never work again in your life.
How? You’re saying you can make $70K/year off of $250K forever? Why would you stop after 2 years? Confusing statement

>> No.27574001

I'm not licensed to give out financial advice, nor is anyone else on this board. That said, if I had your money, I'd put most of it into a broad range of stocks, and live comfy off the dividends.

>> No.27574018

just under 30% a year

>> No.27574025

>8k debt
That's nothing man, you can pay that off with a McDonald's job if you live in a cheap apartment for a year.

>> No.27574067
File: 70 KB, 960x640, 47056871_2060452590688554_2320970416606150656_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get into antique firearms and cartridge handloading, very based and expensive hobby

>> No.27574087

he tracks the s&p 25 with scripting language hft

>> No.27574149

>in every house
No, in every business. You will make bigger, more expensive shit

>> No.27574355

smart people sit down in the morning with a cup of coffee and write down business ideas, and evaluate the most efficient to start up.

>> No.27574363

Cool guns, my Great grandfather mass produced longrifles before and during the Civil war, still can find em for around 500 each.

>> No.27574398

You’re over my head bro I’m retarded. Who tracks it? What’s hft?

>> No.27574483

One thing I’m gonna do when I make it is buy a bunch of historical artifacts and memorabilia and fossils and stuff and put it all in my study/library. Will be so fucking based

>> No.27574512

this is how i believe one of the american immoral class billionaires started his fortune. bought up civil war guns refurbed them sold them back to government world war 1 and collectors.

>> No.27574568

standard and poor keep records of the best performing stable stocks.

based on those records you can use automation and knowledge of candle chart movements and trends to pick and choose.

>> No.27574577

STOP POSTING THIS FUCKING THREAD. how many times have you posted? 100 times now? over a year? or is this a pasta and im dumb?

>> No.27574630
File: 240 KB, 1080x1349, 1612137871669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go work at place with pretty girls, meet girl coworker, marry pretty girl coworker

>> No.27574662

Neat, i got a 1861 springfield converted to smoothbore, might be bannerman. What did your great gramps make?

>> No.27574675

automation of trades might be something useful for emerging companies say lower on the s&p but moving

>> No.27574719


>> No.27574739

i would guess the top of the s&p is hold and collect dividends but also requires the most investment and reading the paper listening to the AM business news, reading company's shareholder meeting notes.

>> No.27574773

no how it goes is entrepreneurs buy up surplus after a war dirt cheap and sell them to civilians (like the mentioned springfield/bannerman) or foreign countries, you cant really sell obsolete gear back to the gov for the next war. Bannerman got his springfield rifles so cheap he used the barrels as rebar in his private castle

>> No.27574774

Sell covered puts and calls with spy

>> No.27574792
File: 239 KB, 1121x333, dfsdfsdfsdsfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not super familiar with guns in general especially older ones but Percussion rifles?

>> No.27574819

jp morgan if i recall proper

>> No.27574880

nice, think it was just a private thing or was he producing rifles for uncle sam?

>> No.27574912
File: 319 KB, 1099x495, fgsfsdfds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be more familiar but those are some of his.

>> No.27574942

ah my bad i thought u were just generalizing

>> No.27574948

Easy, give it to me.

>> No.27574962

Not exactly sure I think both, I don't have a ton of history on him besides the fact that he was a gunsmith and later found he wasn't just a smith but had a larger factory in Ohio.

>> No.27575059


God damn is this really what low IQ/poor families are like? I don’t have the slightest clue how much my parents have but I know it’s in the 7 figures. They would never so much as lend me $1000 for investingc let alone GAMBLING on some shitcoin. What kind of 50 something boomer gives their retarded kid half his life savings to go play the shitcoin casino?

>> No.27575089

i thought those were just some pics you yoinked off of google as an example, those are really impressive. If yo u want to see how much work it takes to make and inlay a dang patchbox look at duelist1954's channel on youtube or the short movie Colonial Gunsmith, which I think is on youtube too. Both are out of your grandpa's time but it gives an idea

>> No.27575201

I'd say his name but don't wanna dox myself lol but i'll say his name is John and his company had Son's in the name and was from Ohio but no those are his, I'm a poorfag but one day if I get healthy and sound I wanted to collect as many as his guns as possible.

I was suppose to inherit his tools but they "vanished"

>> No.27575252


invest in limited physical assets that are being bought en masse like land, silver, housing, etc

the value will only go up over time

>> No.27575274

>What 'to do' with your money
Are you retarded? Live off the interest, pursue your passions, try new things, meet new people, learn, and help others. This is the path to happiness.

But since you're a retard you'll spend it all of consumeristic garbage like luxury cars, watches and toys that don't make your life any happier

>> No.27575296
File: 74 KB, 637x763, 5gpumhhv0mh51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill dude.

>> No.27575307

If i personally had 1/9th of that I'd be starting video game studios, and also shooting Indie movies to sell to streaming services.

>> No.27575387

If I had that money I would absolutely buy an expensive car, that's my main reason for trying to make money here. I'm not saying waste more than 10% of it but what's the point of being rich if you cant enjoy it a little?

>> No.27575479

buy property

>> No.27575489

Retard hes lying, theres no chance that happened

>> No.27575513
File: 20 KB, 640x400, CAB70FOC031A0101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only car I will ever want and need in life, anything else is gaudy

>> No.27575708

Because buying shiny things will not make you happy. Human beings are always wired to want more, the hedonic treadmill is just that, a treadmill. No matter how many fancy things you buy, it won't being you closer to happiness. New toys grant a fleeting dopamine rush, then you're looking for the next hit, the next thing to buy.

Don't use your money to buy things, use your money to buy experiences, free your life of obstacles and enable you to achieve self-actualization. Devote yourself and your life to something. In this, you will find purpose, meaning, and happiness.

>> No.27575728

thats badass man, good luck to you
"john from ohio" i almost though u meant john browning lol

>> No.27575939

i cant wrap my mind around buying something that's over 100k that will literally decrease in value over time but thats to each their own and i get the desire to want to own a crazy supercar because you can go do insanely fun sshit with that

>> No.27575967

Silicon Valley Bank if anyone is wondering

>> No.27576048

oh wow like 5 years salary in fiat currency

>> No.27576051
File: 384 KB, 2047x1364, av99i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy ETH and make even more money. Just accumulate money because it's fun to take it away from others.
That's the whole idea of /biz, we just enjoy accumulating money and making sure anyone else don't get it

>> No.27576140

You can get one 700 square feet (60 m2) apartment from Finland from these towers with that amount, but pretty much nothing else.

>> No.27576190

>imagine not having at least a million dollars in your account.

You do realize that all you have to do is buy the market with index funds right? It’s literally free money; stocks always go up.

>> No.27576678

Ok so seems involved and not just dump your $250K in some sort of index and collect $70K per year. I’ll stick with staking LINK

>> No.27576747

Ahh dude, stake it plenty of decent platforms out there... take a look at MantraDAO or Fleta's respective wallets and staking capabilities.

Also, Handy is a great little app for earning even more cryptos for further staking over time ;)

>> No.27576936

yes you do, make more thread to brag about it on /biz/

>> No.27577014

bro sneed me some I just have $50 in my chase account please

>> No.27577118

Oh god no Jannie got me btw, I'll give you a better hint, Last name sounds like Hat Trick but more gErman.

>> No.27577208

Fren I will throw a little to xFund and if it bumps hard I will send you something as I didn't know about it, but you shouldnt beg here. No one really cares, this is not reddit

>> No.27577568
File: 11 KB, 225x224, image54989345834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staking is a good move, getting a passive income without taking huge risks.
The first coin I staked was NAV coin back in 2016 made me some nice gainz

>> No.27577618

This was not a beg I’m not on here guessing like these retards. I’m giving the surest bet in the market right now and right before it gets mainstream attention (YouTubers just noticed it). That was financial advice and when it hits 50k per coin and outpaces YFI any anon that listened will know they owe me a Jew tax. You would gladly pay an actual Jew for a sure thing so pay your brother as well.

>> No.27578285

Cope harder

I’ve been shilling crypto to my parents for a decade and they never believed in it until they started seeing its growth over the years and since I shilled it for so long they trust me

>> No.27578404

if you don't want your money buy doge and rubic

>> No.27578716

go all in on GME and you might be a billionaire on Friday.