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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27566707 No.27566707 [Reply] [Original]

Any oldfags on here that want to impart some wisdom onto a newfag like myself and many others who have come to shit up your board for a while. I see some crazy portfolios posted and after making my first couple thousand last week I'm hooked. Tell me your secrets please

>> No.27566803

decode with this

>> No.27566940


>> No.27567102

Don't listen to anything posted on /biz/.
That definitely includes this post.

>> No.27567150

Here's a bit of wisdom:
Lurk more

>> No.27567153
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>> No.27567163

>buy high
>sell low
it’s that simple, OP

>> No.27567183


>> No.27567229


>> No.27567232

Read Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb

>> No.27567291

I was following this until I started to fomo coming off a high. Lesson learned

>> No.27567407
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>> No.27567511

LINK for crypto MVIS for stock
You're welcome

>> No.27567577
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An ancient method passed down by generations of /biz/ness men.

First, go to home depot and purchase a good pair of kneepads.
Do not cheap out, you're gonna want good padding and support.
Charge $1 for a blowjob
1,000,000 blowjobs = $1,000,000
You are now a millionaire.

>> No.27567740
File: 293 KB, 1080x2007, Screenshot_20210202-233900_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy in fag this shit is gonna moon

>> No.27567961
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>> No.27568090

Based Raj

>> No.27568138
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Invest in a good pair of knee pads.

>> No.27568203

Buy Link

>> No.27568265

Buy whatever has the best looking tier lists

>> No.27568292

Fucking faggot

>> No.27568349
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>> No.27568398

If you don't want to do the work required to invest just dump 100% of your money into a low cost market cap weighted index fund

>> No.27568400
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>> No.27568654

learn the patterns and you'll be able to find the best investments in your sleep

>> No.27569005

I definitely want to do the work. Juts looking for some guidance as this shit is crazier than I ever could have thought

>> No.27569562

Watch this

Peter Lynch is one of the greatest investors of all time. There are longer talks but this is the most valuable video of him speaking and I post it to someone whenever they fuck up. His other talks are worth watching and his books are worth reading.

>> No.27569686

Iv skimmed through some of his lectures before but now seems like to time to really listen. Thanks anon ill look into some of his books too

>> No.27570529

Oldfag here word of advice accumulate ETH BTC in major dips and stick to investing in Low Cap DeFi projects for maximum returns. DeFi is the future and you invest in some good projects now will make you 7 figures in the future. Not shilling anything but that’s my word of advice.

>> No.27570657

Thank you for looking out for my financial wellbeing Rajneesh. Can you let me see how my accounts are doing?

>> No.27570807

This. Look at the DeFi industry leaders
Look at the ETH marketcap in 2017 and compare
Maybe we are still early

>> No.27570984

Been here for too long.
Your best bet is to find a solid telegram group built for making money and sound investments. This board is filled with spam and cancer pump and dumps. The only real token worth a fuck in this sea of shit is bao because of it being synthetic and it's farming.