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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27560266 No.27560266 [Reply] [Original]



It gained hard last night, gaining again, big announcement tomorrow,


>> No.27560462
File: 231 KB, 720x1183, Screenshot_20210202-210458_Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27560689

Bought in early yesterday, looking good anon

>> No.27560775

160k fun 2017 hodlr here. Take me to the moon boys.

>> No.27560788

Does anyone have more information on this coin?

>> No.27560881

damn your sitting pretty, apprantly there is a big announcement freebitco.in will be using Fun coin, announcing this tomorrow.

>> No.27560925

>tfw seeing old dead coins like fun and req posted recently
when the fuck is it gonna be my turn

>> No.27561097

I been hodling this for 3 years. forgot my account password but just got back in yesterday and it pumped. I was ganna sell it at 1c.

>> No.27561123

Go check it out, it isn't dead, started getting volume yesterday, about this time last night.

>> No.27561167

is there anywhere i can short this zombie shitcoin

>> No.27561212

Damn, wish I had like 10k coins, poorfag with 5k

>> No.27561296

Taking the GME strategy

>> No.27561391

don't worry friend. We can all have FUN together.

>> No.27561605

Just need this to moon, but it does look like a solid team and concept. Freebitco.in bringing on Fun coin helps for sure.

>> No.27561721

I bought this way back when Bittrex first opened. Would i be in the green now.?

>> No.27561733

Freebitco.in taking them on gives FUN access to thousands of players and hundreds of millions in revenue.

>> No.27561834

Exactly, freebitco.in is one of the best known btc faucets

>> No.27561851

should have sold last night when i correctly called the top, but i'm having too much fun

>> No.27562238

I was going to but give it another day.

>> No.27562409

not just that, but because buying it on freebitco.in doesn't allow you to sell until march 15th, it forces all the towel headed faggots that cant read to hold their stock.

>> No.27562544

I just have one question for all my 2017 frens.

ARE YOU HAVING FUN YET?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!!?!??!

teehee. I love 2017 shitcoins.

>> No.27562619
File: 116 KB, 1280x631, fun6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes were so much better. They were simpler times.

>> No.27562718

Bought in 2017. My asshole still hasn't recovered. Meme coin, will never have adoption, can't be traded by Americans without a VPN.

>> No.27562809

>>After 15th March, when the Premium Program goes live, you can deposit, withdraw, and sell your FunFair tokens at FreeBitco.in. This feature will be activated only after launch..

those were the old days boyo

>> No.27562931
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FUNCHADs, unite!

>> No.27563283

Traded my 40k fun in for rlc at 3 cents....im not feeling too good...

>> No.27563878
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>> No.27564205
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Does /biz/ even have memes anymore?

>> No.27564556
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>> No.27564662
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>> No.27564664
File: 17 KB, 225x225, fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when ath sats?

>> No.27565943

Where can I sell this shit? I have a FUCKTON of FUN I've had sitting in a wallet for years.

>> No.27565974

There's an order for 10 million FUN @ 0.00000120 BTC. How will this effect the price?

>> No.27566053

binance. but wait a couple days my man

>> No.27566278

Sorry, 100 million I meant.

>> No.27566348

Eh, it's not worth the extra money to me. Chance to get rid of these bags at a hefty profit after YEARS of waiting... I'll just reduce the risk and get out now.

>> No.27566410


>> No.27566545
File: 172 KB, 1096x2560, Screenshot_20210203-042323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot just now from Binance. What does it mean?

>> No.27566952

jesus christ. This has to explode

>> No.27567014

It's roughly $4 million dollars investment

>> No.27567798

I've been bagholding like 25k of these shitcoins since 2017. I finally have a chance to get out but I can't trade them on binance anymore.

What do?

>> No.27567859

They are tradable on Binance, what do you mean?

>> No.27567910

Same boat (Binance US) and mine are stuck in a shitty Exodus wallet. It lets you exchange them for other tokens but the fees are fucking ridiculous to exchange and to move out of the wallet

>> No.27567943

i can only trade on binance.us

>> No.27567986

It's going up atm

>> No.27568057

You can maybe try Bitfinex

Never used them myself so don't know about the KYC urine sample kind of stuff

>> No.27568107

Doesn't matter to me anymore. I want off this ride. I've had enough FUN.

>> No.27568161

I sold a decent chunk just to make back my bag holding losses, but kept a bit just in case

>> No.27568173

There's a Uniswap pool.

>> No.27568185

I actually bought this fag shit. but it's fine I turned 1k into 9k buying every shill coin you niggers posted. took me my two best friends and a super whore on a trip cross country was comfy as fuck. but i feel in love with her fuck.

>> No.27568291

Go for it anon. You've had some FUN, now it is time to have some LOVE.

>> No.27568430

nah that was when i was a young buck now im 22 too old to be buying pajeet coins again

>> No.27568600

I meant go for your friend that you're in love with.

Or were you fucking talking about FunFair lmao

>> No.27568601

Thanks fren. Good luck to you.

>> No.27568709

When does the FUN begin?
Why would anyone need this shitcoin when you can just gamble with BTC or ETH?
I think FUN needs to step out as a currency and more in the direction of transaction or security binding, maybe some tech that acknoledges sports outcomes and make its betting allowed with other coins through FUN. Each bet pays a small fee to us hodlers, kinda like a bookie. FUN coins could buy mining power, or security of locking bets in. This way people could gamble outside of bookie sites.

>> No.27568739

i did that i paid for an abortion that wasn't mine i didn't know that, then she cheated on me and tried to kill her self when i broke up with her so i went back together with her terrible time. ruined my life lost my job only thing i had left was the bags i still hold today FUN REDD SIA a grim reminder .

>> No.27568804

>Why would anyone need this shitcoin when you can just gamble with BTC or ETH?
FUN ensures that the gambling is fair and that the house isn't skewing the results to fuck you (more than what Vegas already does, that is).

>> No.27568886

Fuck me mate, stay away from all that shit then. FUN will go up, reckon you'll mark a tidy profit.

>> No.27569019

People don't really care. You can bet on a live casino with real people. This isn't going to replace that.

>> No.27569034

YGMI friend I hope you get i on the next GME or TLSA tomrrow.

>> No.27569158

You asked, I told you - don't care whether or not you buy the crypto

Thanks buddy, you too

>> No.27569330

I want to believe but you gonna have to give better answers if you want people to buy in.

>> No.27570817
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>> No.27571093

>and then I told him I needed $500 for an abortion because I saw these super cute shoes on sale

>> No.27571221

>ruined my life lost my job only thing i had left was the bags i still hold today FUN REDD SIA a grim reminder .
Holy fucking shit, I can't stop laughing....

>> No.27571624

Will FUN reach a new ATH this year do you think?

>> No.27572001


for you newfags who haven't had fun yet.