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27553369 No.27553369 [Reply] [Original]

>missed out on the LINK train
>don't want to buy at ATH like a sucker
>also don't want to miss out on a lottery ticket in case LINK actually swallows the derivatives market like its hyped as being capable of doing.
So what's the minimum amount of LINK that I should I buy? It must be enough that it is life changing in case LINK succeeds as a project and moons. But it must also be a small position in order to minimize the high risk of losses from buying at ATH's. Basically, I don't want to buy a lottery ticket here so much as an insurance policy

>> No.27553444

yeah i doubled my money from 12 but its over
if link 10x so does everything else

>> No.27553608
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Suicide stack has always been 1k

Better start saving your pennies

>> No.27553637

Checked. Ya the speculative pump is probably over. Maybe it goes to $100 or something before crashing. But I don't care about catching the pump. I care about owning enough incase LINK actually achieves its goal and has value base upon real world utility.

>> No.27553809
File: 136 KB, 600x821, 4FDEFB23-80AE-46B7-896B-6A0BA390F805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not selling fuck your trips

>> No.27553975

you're describing the suicide stack

>> No.27554096

And that's 1000? Because I'm not putting fuck $30k into this thing at ATH. Fuck that shit.

>> No.27554871
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capped and added to the collection

>> No.27555200
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>> No.27556789


>> No.27557045

try for 100 if you can’t afford 1k. In 3 years you might be able to meme it into being the new suicide stack

>> No.27557047

they said to me - we want to see top nft app
after it they release this trash


> I am smart enough to get how this system works - my wallet is ready for playcent NFT and coins and I am not an idiot who will miss ez pump chance

>> No.27557079

I only got just over 50 of them in case they go really crazy.
Really don't have the money to go beyond smaller coins play atm

>> No.27557097

1% of your net worth and keep buying with 1% of your paycheck. Doubling your net worth if it moons 100x

>> No.27557737
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I really hope this anon bought in and just stayed at 100 dollars... If not, he is beyond the anguish of existence now.

>> No.27557894

That's not a bad answer, actually.

>> No.27558332


It’s called a suicide stack for a reason anon: get 1000 linkies

>> No.27559409

Chainlink has literally failed to do anything it claimed 3 years ago.
>No google
>No swift
>No oracle
>Still has KYC
>No reputation
>No staking
>No callateral
>Only 2 users, SNX and AAVE and both are LINK bagholders
>No one uses LINK unless they are paid to do so
>0 organic adoption
Every single breadcrumb was a lie. Every single partnership has been silent for years.

>> No.27559499


Here are the Link holder "ranks", wallet rankings. You see how many people own Link in the certain ranges.

Total holders: 318,867 (as of January 5th). Top 1000 wallet would cost you almost $750 000 starting from zero.

1k link would put you in the specialist "zone", I personally would (at these prices) perhaps try to get to the 3k - 5k zone. If possible. But then again, it's a lot of money.

I really don't know about the data about Ethereum, but when scaled to such holder data/price action, it would be interesting to know how many people "made it" when ETH went ballistic (as in, what kind of wallet distribution there were).