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27550972 No.27550972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*Jannie Deleted Last thread*
Just wanting to keep it short and sweet, Thank you to the two Anons from last night for your generosity, I got to thank one but I was sleeping and didn't thank the other.

If your lurking Thank you both from the bottom of my heart.

>> No.27551290

Man, i didn't see your previous posts. But i hope you wake up and the cancer is gone. Hope that everything works out for you

>> No.27551507

good luck, anon

>> No.27551838

qrd? godspeed anon

>> No.27551910

we're all on our way out one way or another anon.
hope you get as much time as you need

>> No.27551994

Let me guess, you have cancer and you're under 40? Cancer rates are increasing at an alarming rate among young people.

>> No.27552000

Check dms

>> No.27552075

I don't think 4chan has Dms.... I dunno I am a slight tard and to above poster yeah 33 here.

>> No.27552238

Exactly. It's fucking insane. Something is going on that is making cancer rates go through the roof in young people and very few people are talking about it. I'm so sorry that you're going through this.

>> No.27552302

I did grow up in a bodyshop around painting chemicals probably didn't help but yeah it seems to getting more and more rapid and not an end of life disease like it used to be.

>> No.27552675

Can you link to archive?

>> No.27552787

Of the threads? Thought of jannies purged em they were gone, I am a slight tard as I mentioned before so I could be wrong.

>> No.27552808

It's called "disease of affluence." More than ever before everything in the developed world is heavily sanitized and people spend most of their time away from outdoor sources of harm with more food than ever readily on demand and assembly line produced. So the more common killers of the past like infectious disease and starvation are becoming less deadly or disappearing altogether and autoimmune / inflammatory / chronic disease is becoming increasingly more prevalent in their place.

>> No.27552912

I think your probably right there, King Henry's son was a good example kept him sheltered and first time out among plebs he got nasty diseases and died if i recall.

>> No.27553104

It's mostly because redditors are literally cancer.

And you're vaping shit from China with devices made in China lol

>> No.27553389

If you have the post number but it’s not on 4chan
People didn’t practice semen retention. If they stopped fapping so much they wouldn’t lose their life force

>> No.27553513

>Jordan Peterson is a reputable source of life advice

>> No.27553533
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Yessir. Seen you in the other threads. Good luck and god speed anon. We are ALL rooting for you.

>> No.27553639

What kind of cancer and what made you suspect you had it enough to get checked out? Hope you caught it early.

>> No.27553844

Fuck, why can't I get cancer? I'm so fucking desperate to die I just want to die and no one will kill me I'm too afraid to do it myself please god let me die already I don't want to wake up again

>> No.27553971


There's the archive, and 27553639 the infections showing up was the first sign something was wrong, then the infections not going away with treatment was what started me hounding the doctor's

They haven't "officially" diagnosed me yet but I also haven't been able to go back and forth to the doctor from not having a vehicle.

That being said I've lost 130lbs, ability to move my right leg or even feel it, Nystagmus at random times, Which are indicators of MS as well.

But I had precancerous sarcoma cells removed from a badly infected spinal wound and doctor's said more or less if it returns it's cancer, 5 months went by after surgery and it returned along with the loss of movement and eye problems.

lack of eating, I watched my father die of liver cancer so a lot of similar things stood out to me that I was experiencing.

>> No.27554058

Yeah don't say that, I literally wished the same shit for myself and got horribly sick and been fighting it since.

>> No.27554464

Thank you sir, and I'm rooting for all you anons success even in these Pajeet scams.

>> No.27554604

Cancer would be the best thing to ever happen to me. I wouldn't fight it or receive treatment. I'd finally get to escape this world.

>> No.27554734

fucking dumbass

>> No.27554998

meditated for your health at 8pm. cheers

>> No.27555017

He's probably young, I literally thought I was invincible until I got very sick, and didn't bounce back.

>> No.27555083
File: 4 KB, 182x136, dude what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow ive never seen such a caring 4chan thread in my live.

good luck OP

>> No.27555330
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Hit it on the head with this one.

>> No.27555350

lol that picture.

>> No.27555363
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I fear there is no escape and we need to be reborn..quite unsettling thought