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27546211 No.27546211[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just wanted to say Thank you again to both of the Anons who were able to help me out.

Was able to get to the doctor today, I normally feel like shit but my jaw lately felt like someone shot me and was unbearable today.

Massive infection running through my head was able to get on a strong antibiotic and I am feeling better than I was yesterday.

Just wanted to Thank you two if you read this, You helped this sick fucker out.

>> No.27546315

I got a heart condition and 5 more years so were both speedrunning.

>> No.27546362

i saw your other thread. not one of the two anons but glad you're feeling better

>> No.27546371

Hitler also had a heart condition, go crazy sir.

>> No.27546376

drink baking soda in water

drink nigella sativa

drink essiac

Drink apricot seed flour

don't get chemo

don't get cancer surgery


>> No.27546499


>> No.27546558

Saw your thread yesterday. I'm very glad you are feeling better. Godspeed, fren.

>> No.27546620

Haha I feel like it somedays but last night/today was especially bad with the infection in the jaw.

Still got a whopper of a migraine but my pain level is from unbearable to normal which is still shit but I can live with normal.

Hope they find modern tech soon to help you brother.

>> No.27546638

Your tugging on my heart strings nigga. Post your Btc wallet if you want to cash in on this.

>> No.27546645

Just completed chemo regiment last 3 weeks now waiting for radiotherapy. I hope all is well for you anon

>> No.27546714

thought that thread was BS. glad to know I was wrong and that you were helped.

good luck fren

>> No.27546774


Thank you kind sir although I certainly don't expect anything I just wanted to reach out and say Thanks incase those two thought I was a disappearing act, I ain't going anywhere till my body says otherwise.

>> No.27546846

Glad to hear that OP. Wish you the best and praying for you

>> No.27546865

Jeez I'm sorry friend, I haven't bit that bullet yet although as time rapidly starts taking my body I'm less afraid.

I hope you make a full recovery I have had friends who have after chemo now.

>> No.27546948

I appreciate the kind words, I do feel like the positive energy has helped in ways, actually a lot really.

>> No.27547013

Cancer fucking sucks dude. Hope you make it your bitch.

>> No.27547157

I was pretty depressed last night but a lot of positive energy and a couple generous anons actually lifted my spirits quite a bit.

And other stories as well make my plight look easy, I hope anyone here facing similar struggles finds every way to overcome them.

>> No.27547299

No timestamp photo with an identifier that it's actually you suffering from this catastrophic condition leads me to believe it's some scammer pulling the sympathy card to bait gullible midwits to donate crypto to you.
Prove otherwise and I'll take back everything I just wrote and donate a few cryptos to ya.

>> No.27547369

I wasn't here last night so idk what you're dealing with, but I do know that positivity and a strong spirit goes a long way. I hope you can find a real life support circle to help through this as well. Nothing beats physical support

>> No.27547430

Hope things turn around for the better, OP

>> No.27547720

If true, hope things get better for you fren. Never give up

>> No.27547906
File: 190 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't post proof because one people asking me to shove stuff into my wounds and two was so sick last night I didn't have the energy, here's a few pics I just took.

I was 320 lbs 2 years ago.

>> No.27548004
File: 163 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just incase I do become famous someday don't want to Tim Pool myself and see these pictures floating around forever.

but you may choose what you wish sir.

>> No.27548008

god speed anon

>> No.27548086
File: 125 KB, 640x480, IMG_3643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27548115

I’m glad your ok sincerely. I was the guy that told you to post oxygen nose thing and time stamp

>> No.27548119

neither of these pics are proof of anything
this one looks like a pilonidal cyst removal which 1/5 males have

>> No.27548201

Yeah i hope so but there’s nothing to look back, only forward. On the meantime, i can forget that im a wagie for a moment while im on medical leave, enjoy my monthly salary and dca some into shitcoins

>> No.27548438

Your right it isn't proof of anything but if you were in the last thread I've been fighting off infections for the last 4 years resulting a 4 lbs of infected precancerous cells being removed from my spine wrapping towards my abdomen.

The wound returned and I lost control of my right leg and my eyesight will bounce back and forth until I vomit if I stay awake longer than a few hours.

I've had struggles getting a proper diagnoses because the blood tests came back negative but as my doctor's said it's looking like squamous cell carcinoma if it returns and it returned.

>> No.27548639

Might have missed that lol I was in bad shape last night and went to bed early.

>> No.27548957

I get that mentality all too well, but I mean it I've met people 10x worse than me who have a much better attitude and I appreciate when people still have a good outlook.

>> No.27549123

And just to be clear there are two things Pilonidal cysts which many men get and Chronic Pilonidal Abscess.

One is fixed inside an E.R the other usually leads to sepsis and cancer and death, I've gotten sepsis 3x already and this has had 11 operations.

>> No.27549294

Look into extended waterfasting if all else fails cancerman. I know it sounds crazy - but it has been known to devour cancer cells

>> No.27549443

You know I've seriously considered it, I barely eat anymore anyways.

I've wondered if a fast would help clear some shit out.

>> No.27549630

damn bro. can you do anything? hobbies? shooting was a stress reliever for my uncle when he was doing chemo.

>> No.27549661

And nobody here needs to send me jack, wasn't the purpose of this thread, I wanted to at least show the Anons who were nice that I'm not some Pajeet and I do exist.

>> No.27549752

I do organic gardening in the spring/summer but I spent all 2020 inside documenting fucking Antifa wasting my time.