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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27544751 No.27544751 [Reply] [Original]

Sake + Bao = power couple

Discuss your stacks and price prediction

chads get in here.

Bao stabilizing at $0.0015 looks like it's about to make another push to retest $0.0020.

Sake had a healthy pull back to $0.11 - $0.12 with more strong upside to $0.20 incoming. I can see Sake gaining more momentum to retest it's ATH of $2 in the coming weeks.

overall BULLISH AF

>> No.27544934

Get the fuck out with your chink tokens, Ping Pong.

>> No.27545204

What? Are you salty because you didn't have the balls to buy in 2 days ago and 5x?

>> No.27545813


go masturbate to statera or whatever you fucks do

>> No.27545815
File: 3 KB, 200x200, FEESH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sashimi is the next 10x though.

>> No.27545830
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I was waiting for a pullback to go balls deep in SAKE. Threw in $20K. This is flying under the radar.


>> No.27545947
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8m market cap for a project thats essentially Bao + SushiSwap + YFII

• SakeSwap launches ILO (Liquidity Crowdfunding Platform). After the merger, YFII plays to the community’s strengths and will introduce Polkadot, Near, Conflux, Flow, Heco, BSC and OKChain assets on SakeSwap for initial issuance and liquidity crowdfunding. It will provide quality ground floor assets for YFII’s Vaults.
• SakeSwap Launches Synthetic Asset Trading and Derivatives. Introduces off-chain assets like stocks, commodities and other equities into the Vault and other DFI Money DeFi services.
• The YFII DeFi Fund will be established. SAKE and YFII community users will get more opportunities to participate in quality DeFi projects early and share the dividends of cooperating projects.
Following this merger, DFI Money will participate in SakeSwap’s governance.

>> No.27546301
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Damn that's really bullish bro I'm definitely gonna long term hold these

shill me on this what's so great about it?

>> No.27546635

These two are seriously the best low cap alts out there right now