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27536296 No.27536296 [Reply] [Original]

Load up on weed stonks! I recommend GRWG. Instead of buying a grower you’re buying a supplier of fertilizer, lights, hydroponic systems etc. They’ve been poomping consistently and posting profits consistently to back it up. Get in before it’s too overvalued!

>> No.27536355

Forgot to post source, sorry

>> No.27536380

Weed might be the most overrated thing in the world.

>> No.27536447

so SNDL is a canadian weed company will this moon or not?

>> No.27536538

I’m indifferent to it honestly, but it’s a meme favorite of the Reddit/RH community and will have widespread adoption by lazy burgers once legalized.

>> No.27536553

It is, but there's money to be made off of degens.

>> No.27536673

The Canadian growers would be retarded to not at least attempt expansion into the US. I can’t speak for SNDL specifically but I do know it’s been mooning hard as of late.

>> No.27536710

Who the fuck cares? Legalizing weed now is so late to the party it doesn't even matter.

>> No.27536937

The war on drugs in western countries is basically a sop to American foreign policy. If the foundations for it in the US crumble then we may see steps further down the line in Europe for psychedelics and wider decriminalisation.

>> No.27536956

Nice. I had to stop though. I've become super paranoid and would have weird panic attacks where I think Im about to be shot or crushed by something. Also brought up terrible childhood memories that apparently I never got over.

>> No.27536968

This COULD work, if there weren't so many niggers in the US. This will be a disaster for the public space and people will beg the government to outlaw it again within a few years.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the legalization. In general. But there are just some sorts of people who will fuck this up for everybody, and the US is full of those, uh, people.

>> No.27537040
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Dispensaries will become as common as liquor stores, how do you not see the potential to profit here?

>> No.27537086

Its already legal in a dozen states

>> No.27537199

An untapped market of 38 remain.

>> No.27537286
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>> No.27537723

Wow, selling 6-packs of nattyice, fuck, sounds lucrative bro! Fucking smooth brains at 4chains done dids it again.

>> No.27537783

I love pot lol

>> No.27537827

yeah, but I've had TLRY and CGC for a year now and I'm rock hard over this

>> No.27537840

Weed was less expensive & more potent when it was illegal.

Seriously fuck all this store/branded weed crap. It all sucks.

>> No.27538007

Alcohol is quite lucrative too, check out SAM. The point is flying right over your head, America’s degeneracy industry is thriving.

>> No.27538098

Cant you grow your own you lazy fuck

>> No.27538125

Definitely not the case unless you were smoking weed with pcp on it or some shit. An ounce of decent weed is literally $60 in Oregon nowadays. The only negative is that it’s steroided out monster thc strains and they don’t breed for the other less known chemicals in weed that also contribute to the high

>> No.27538292

It’s already up a lot from last year, you think it’ll get higher than 50 bucks?

>> No.27538420

Already priced in, the new play is psychedelics. Pick anything in the new PSYK etf for easy money.

>> No.27538647

commercialized degenerative stonks mooned smooth brain, you're literally humping a return to normal cope while the country turns into South America, people will be killing each other over meth, not buying fucking Coca-Cola tier commercialized weed

>> No.27538719

Absolutely, all the growers will have to expand their operations massively to cater to their American market if legalized. They’ll be lining up to buy GRWG’s products.

>> No.27538821

>as common
Enjoy losing your money

>> No.27538983

industrial solvents, glue, gasoline, spray paint, this is the next step for America, not brofisting over the latest strain delivered by Uber with your Taco Bell

>> No.27539010

Surely Budweiser and big alcohol and tobacco will just crush the whole market when they pull the trigger on weed?

>> No.27539121

You’re right, they’re going to be more common

>> No.27539882

those shit stocks have a full legalization already priced in

>> No.27540028

It's illegal to transport weed between states currently.

>> No.27540130

This image is so scizophrenic, i dont know where to start.

>> No.27540536


Weed for white people, is like menthols and malt liquour for niggers. Junkies get what they deserve, they get fucking fleeced.

>> No.27541147

Big Ag always wins.

>> No.27541176

What’s your point? The entire market already has the next stimmy priced in, but guess what? They’re still going to go up again when it drops.

>> No.27541245

Then why are they mooning right now?

>> No.27541343

That would be interesting to see. Big tobacco already got into the vape game so making weed vaporizers would be simple for them. I own Altria - MO. They pay pretty good divies.

>> No.27541357

why did Tilray drop from $140 to $5 in not even 2 years? it's getting back up but that makes me worry to put more than just a few hundred bucks into it.
Also dear Ameriburgers, how likely is it that Dems actually get a majority for this?

>> No.27541667


You're welcome

>> No.27541803


What is your point? He is absolutely correct. Have you ever been in a gas station that young Niggers frequent after mid night?

If you could sell blunts for twenty bucks a pop you would get rich over night. You would need a professional roller in the back of the store just to keep up stock.

You could become rich off of fresh White T's and Blunts.

>> No.27542045

Most stoners are lazy retarded consoomers, I offered to help a few of them grow their own weed and save several thousand a year but they always say no and go right back to paying insane prices for a little tiny part of a plant that's extremely easy to grow.

Stoners are easy to fleece and you should go all in on weed companies, never underestimate how much money they spend on a plant

>> No.27542358

I'd be surprised if canadian weed companies will be allowed in the American market. Honestly the way legalization was done in canada only benefitted Trudeau's friends who could afford to start one of the massive grow ops, small growers got left out of legalization and most of the legal weed is very low quality and bone dry.

You would have to be retarded to buy the awful legal weed they sell up here

>> No.27543016

MJ Alternative Harvest ETF. This is it, a nice well rounded fund

>> No.27543154


>> No.27543304

Maybe I should buy SNDL

>> No.27543699

Tried my hand at microgreens this year and am honestly surprised how well plants just take care of themselves. Dirt, water, light and some ventilation like nature's been doing for millions of years. I'm in an illegal state else I'd be growing.

>> No.27544030

>fertilizer, lights, hydroponic systems
Own license. This is stupid, the cannabis market for growers goes to the cheapest production methods possible. This equipment was for bootleggers in their basement so they don't get caught. Also, because of capitalism, quality of weed will go down. It looks like dog food because everything goes through tumblers. A seller gets about $1.25 a gram of dried trimmed nuggets. Think about that. If it goes to oil there is no reason to do anything other than plant it outside and grow it and throw it in a wagon to throw through an industrial pipeline. Mybe put money in testing agencies. All that shit has to be tested. Plus some people want terpene profiles. Shits expensive. Maybe throw it in Marlboro (whoever owns that). They will come along and put every mom and pop out of business.