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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27530864 No.27530864 [Reply] [Original]

>125K net worth
>No Debt
>5K /month income with some extra tenders put in some places

How do I not fuck this up? Do I play with $20k in stock? Do I go full conservative?

NVM, don't help me. Just buy some XMR or something

>> No.27530940

post your stories and sabotage yourself with closed language instead of genuinely asking for help

>> No.27531063
File: 68 KB, 1200x821, 1523563876-4240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adding zuck to attract the lizards

>> No.27531834

play with the smallest amount if you dont have 1-2 years of sticking around and trying stuff

>> No.27532265

>How do I not fuck this up?
Don't buy shit you don't need.
Don't go into debt.
Don't tell women what you are worth (most of them are in debt).

>> No.27532276

joey diaz is the funniest man alive - joe rogan

>> No.27532465

Do you have a house? If not - take advantage of low interest rates and start building real estate equity

>> No.27532945
File: 163 KB, 853x958, joey deepass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27533067


>> No.27533560

This is my real advice anon.
Your portfolio should be as follows:
>max out your IRA/Roth IRA account every year for retirement. This should be around $2,000 a year
all the gains in this are not taxed and you can take them out before retirement if you want to buy a house or something, but then you'll be taxed
>Put $60,000 in the stock market—don't day trade it. Long term mindset.
Buy the following
>ABNB (2x in two years
>BL (5x in maybe 8 years)
>datadog (IT industry uses these guys for monitoring)
>Lemonade (every insurance you can imagine sold online without having to go to an office—like the Robinhood of insurance)
>Disney (about to crush Netflix lmao)
>Sunrun (RUN) (solar)
>TSLA (solar panels for people's homes soon)
>QCOM (5G play)

Now. With your income, I recommend you buy a house in Texas, somewhere the property value is going to continue appreciating. Interest rates are extremely low. You should be able to make the payments for sure.
I figure in the next 4 years, the value will be very high and you can either sell for a profit—OR you can even keep it and do a cash out refinancing to get a down payment on another house or duplex you want (only if you make enough in equity gains from the value increasing and if you continue to save up money). The money you make in the property value increasing will be well worth the property management fees if you don't live near where you're looking to buy. This isn't about rent money necessarily, it's about making an appreciation play.
Frankly, I don't know you skill level or pain tolerance, so it's hard to advise you on real estate. But I would get into Texas properties since in the right areas they're increasing desu. Just make sure *****not to buy on the out skirts of a city/where they can just build 200 new homes and keep your property's value down******. Buy closer to the city/work but in a nice place if possible.

>> No.27533678

Oh also buy some Rubic and ETH.

>> No.27534057

literally this. get a hobby and enjoy life op, you did it.

>> No.27534254

>125k in net worth

You don't have any kids or a wife do you.

>> No.27534307

eat that fuckin mushroom Lee

>> No.27534322

Throw baby money into a shitcoin of your choice, hell, even BTC seems like a good bet.
Move into a cheap state.
And just follow your dreams, 125K seems like a hefty amount of money that can carry you until you're able to monetize what you're passionate about.
Never work a day in your life after on.

>> No.27534340

This is likely the case.

>> No.27534496

list of dead memes why

>> No.27535046
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ok i ordered uber eats and im watching some podcast. I also logged into Binance like 4 times without doing anything. We're getting better

>> No.27535184

I want to do this but I tend to think everything is a scam. I cant look at guy in the eye and have him sell me a house. I'll just skip the appointment out of skepticism.

With that said, I guess I just need to find a real estate investing mentor

>> No.27535349

I am aware that I am a degenerate and I am just trying to build as much wealth while I have income as possible.

Once I've broken my body with stress and passed my prime years, I'll have enough money and I'll start chasing younger women but leave them as soon as they start wanting kids.

Just brainstorming here, no I dont have kids or wife though.

>> No.27535505

i was robbin mothafuckas in boulda colorado

>> No.27535599

You lost me at Disney and got me back at Texas.
Rest assured I have saved your comment. You seem like you want me to succeed but you also want to validate your own strategy you are in the midst of.

>> No.27535650

>Throw baby money into a shitcoin of your choice
>Move into a cheap state.
>monetize what you're passionate about
>And just follow your dreams
What this anon says isn't a bad idea. But don't rely on your 125K for more than a year if you're trying to monetize your passion. Having savings like this is life changing with the options it brings you. it be better to get a job and work on your passion business on the side until it takes off if it's going to take more than a year.
Also keep in mind that the cash flow you get from your work right now options a TON of options to you. It's the only way you can afford to get a loan for a house right now. Unless you buy full in cash or pay your lease in advance if you move to another state. Explore all the options your income and savings provide you first. Weigh whether you see them as worth pursuing.
Life is short though anon, it's best to find a balance between sacrificing for gains and living your youth in your prime.
Make a list of your priorities before you make any big moves and make sure you're making decisions you'd be okay living with.
Jesus bless ya OP.

>> No.27535695

I'm 32 and have a net worth 7x yours. I'm living the life you described and it's very lonely.

>> No.27535890

The biggest thing you can do is to preserve your personal wealth is by not getting married or getting a solid prenup. The next thing you do is live like you are poor. Keep saving every penny and when the next market crash happens, go all in.

>> No.27536064

Yea 31 year old who just broke 7 figures here. I can attest that its lonely without a woman, but its absolute constant bullshit and drama being in a relationship. I actually prefer being single and having a 4 year younger female fuckbuddy. Yea it may not be marriage, but at least i know I wont be moving back into my mothers house when im 45 and divorce raped.

>> No.27536172

Living like I'm poor is something I need to learn how to do again. Appreciate playing sports, music, enjoying outdoors. Then if I want to sprinkle some luxury on top of those things, I am more than happy to.

Instead I make the mistake of treating myself to luxuries or new toys, in order to spark some sort of inspiration to enjoy other things again.

Damn /biz/ u wild

>> No.27536315


agree, both paths seem to have some terrifying terminal side effects. We *can* appreciate that we missed out on something, without being sad about it though. Fuck it, in the end we all die alone.

>> No.27536526

Checked. I definitely do want you to succeed OP. The stocks I gave you are all good in my book for the up coming years. They would be long term holds too.
I'll just explain my reasoning behind Disney real quick. I'll leave it up to you whether you want to buy any of those stocks or not. It would be a long play anyways so there's plenty of time.
Disney owns Hulu, ABC, all the rights to the normie shows that are slowly disappearing off Netflix. Disney also owns a massive hotel chain, intellectual property worth billions, and infrastructure to monetize all that IP very easily. They make money. And as their streaming interests grow, they'll keep capturing more of Netflix's market share. In this way, when you compare Disney to Netflix, Netflix is being crushed.
Netflix has dropped the ball very badly in the past few years. They've failed to monetize their good IPs and are constantly hemorrhaging money despite their household name. Obviously companies don't have to be profitable to be successful in this day and age, but Disney's many different paths to make money and their effectiveness to monetize the IP they create with their movies sets them completely apart from Netflix. I'd just keep your eye on them.

>> No.27536735

wise words. Yes we do all die alone eventually. Its hard for me to imagine what kind of life kids being born right now will have in the future. Looks bleak to be honest.

>> No.27536826

Based aspie.

>> No.27537205

Go with dividend aristocrats, however hard nowadays to find undervalued, and do not be afraid to stay on the sideline until you find a good entry. Most people here do not like this way, but it is a way you can not really fuck up and pretty conservative. I am 60% dividend stonks, 40% crypto. I will always have food on my table even if I completely fuck up crypto, and even if I completely win crypto I will aim for the passive income way eventually.

why? just why would you shill any of this risky oh-so-risky growth stock? the guy wants to play safe

>> No.27537875

Next step is to realize that you're now in 6 figure hell and that you will never escape it.

>> No.27537879

play some world of warcraft perhaps

>> No.27537990

you should have children instead

>> No.27538271

What’s net worth from? Crypto?

>> No.27538333

What's your yearly income op? Sounds like s great way to lose $20k

>> No.27538471

The rule of 110 is a rule of thumb that says the percentage of your money invested in stocks should be equal to 110 minus your age. So if you are 30 years old the rule of 110 states you should have 80% (110–30) of your money invested in stocks and 20% invested in bonds.20 Nov 2018

>> No.27538726

start by going back to ask reddit

>> No.27538803

High income job and heavy investments in crypto, stocks, and my retirement plan.