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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 591 KB, 605x601, deepfuckingvalue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27530254 No.27530254 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically, how does this guy escape murder?

>> No.27530563

He cashed out $13m he is just holding the rest at a loss so he doesn't get suicided or fucked by the sec

>> No.27530655

i would take 40 mil and just delete reddit

>> No.27530689

Who would lay a hand on that smile?

>> No.27530759
File: 173 KB, 353x364, Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 3.25.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Just a little further my children... our spaceship is almost ready..."

>> No.27530770

This. It's the only smart move.

>> No.27530840

the retard is literally feeding the beast. he could've cashed out and done some real good. leftists are garbage people who need a father figure/cult leader just like conservatives.

we need totalitarianism. people are not fit to make decisions for themselves.

>> No.27530941

Take this tens of millions and flee to some shithole country that will accept anyone and doesn't extradite. Then live there like a king.

>> No.27530991

We already have totalitarianism
The people in charge are just subtle and velvet handed

>> No.27531058
File: 112 KB, 640x380, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were listening to worm from rounders the whole time

>> No.27531112

people have too much freedom still. they don't deserve it. they should be put in cages with wires coming out of their head.

>> No.27531134

shut up incel

>> No.27531156

He can buy guns

>> No.27531169

More like how does this guy escape an SEC investigation

>> No.27531273

is he telling them to hold?

>> No.27531296
File: 136 KB, 740x750, 1612116913030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27531341

Go back

>> No.27531370

Can I get a qrd?

>> No.27531401


>> No.27531503

Oh simple, just make all of the 7 million recent new members of WSB into millionaires as well

>> No.27531583

>living remote
>investing in top of the line security
>purchasing firearms
>waiting 2 weeks for the normies to go back to consuming and cooming

>> No.27531652

after the aspirin they had to swallow with this clusterfuck?

at this point the scapegoats start rising to the surface with the convenient timing as people start to realize they have been rooked

>> No.27531748

You will never be a woman

>> No.27531782

Little known fact is that this guy was an elite runner in college, he ran 4:03 in the mile.

>> No.27532950

how do we know he has not cashed-out yet on live account and is not just posting his duplicate demo account position to leddit fags?

>> No.27532976

who is this guy?

>> No.27533065

cant run away from radiation poisoning anon

>> No.27533097


>> No.27533147

*cashes out and hops on the first boat to Mexico*
¡Adios niggers!

>> No.27533230

we do live in totalitarianism.
God is totally and complete in control at all times.

>> No.27533268
File: 14 KB, 460x259, F388AAB2-12F9-4992-8B2B-866FB59C37B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks suspiciously like RobinHood CEO. Was this all planned

>> No.27533289

The redditor/youtuber who started this in june 2020

>> No.27533377

Based monarchist

>> No.27533392

people with certain genetic makeup being more intelligent than others and rising to the top of their industries?

>> No.27533588

For someone who's interested in finance, he's obviously not greedy. He would rather lose out on 40 million than be the 'bad guy' who caused the stock to crash. Fair enough since he already has enough money to never work again and pulled off such a legendary bet.

>> No.27533925

what did he do wrong exactly? he's still holding as of 45 minutes ago and hasn't posted a comment in 6 months besides his position

>> No.27533993

A spook told him about the shorts and told him to sweep aside his anonymity so that people would notice were he to be killed.

>> No.27534084

He's not a leftist