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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27528799 No.27528799 [Reply] [Original]

Jeff Bezos steps down as Amazon CEO

>> No.27528958
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the jews are a foot

>> No.27528968

It appears that OP is a faggot

>> No.27528972

What will this mean for the future?

>> No.27528986

thanks just shorted 100x

>> No.27529182

bezos did it the madman

>> No.27529443


>> No.27529489

He's sloppin the bog full time while his minions attempt to copy everything Elon is doing.

>> No.27529553

What bodypart is /biz/?

>> No.27529561

The greatest CEO of all time, does anyone have any idea why he decided to step down?

>> No.27529660

preparing for end game collapse

>> No.27529689

prob wants to retire

>> No.27529760

He is going full-in Blue Origin now

>> No.27529763

He already . He can just collect forever and pursue other things

>> No.27529785

I am financially ruined

>> No.27529811

I cant imagine Amazon without Bezos it cant keep going right?

>> No.27529822

just wants a cozy life with his 10/10 gf

>> No.27529828


>> No.27529847

Probably wants more time to focus on new business ideas

>> No.27529859

Moving to his NZ bunker before shit hits the fan

>> No.27529959

Is he really the greatest CEO of all time though?
I know Steve Jobs was a massive cunt but god damn was he effective...

>> No.27530028

peg leg

>> No.27530320


>> No.27530323


does this mean we buy more $gme?

>> No.27530355


>> No.27530398
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>> No.27530458


>> No.27530462

Restructuring the company similar to Google being 'bought' by Alphabet. One reason is to avoid being forcibly split up

>> No.27530893

>Andy Janny

>> No.27531131

Didn't his ex wife take like literally HALF his money?

>> No.27531159

Breaking: Jeff Bezos to be the next CEO of gamestop....more at 11

>> No.27531177




>> No.27531212


>> No.27531240

finished his silver accumulation

>> No.27531325
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>10/10 gf
She's a literal goblina

>> No.27531394

probably want to be the next bill gates and create his own vaccines

>> No.27531395

The guy legit paid like 40 Billion so he could fuck that tranny goblina. Its unreal.

>> No.27531413
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Don't care, not selling.

>> No.27531421

that was bait newfriend

>> No.27531484

Cancer or rocket shit

>> No.27531519

Im holding AMZN until the end of time - They even got a new jew CEO.

>> No.27531539

Buying this dip

>> No.27531547

Jews are intelligent and hard-working. Good choice.

>> No.27531558

The great reset begins.

>> No.27531565

lost everything on GME the sad bugger

>> No.27531628

He's a Jew isn't he?

It's kinda getting tiresome now

>> No.27531632

>Jassy is Jewish with Hungarian ancestry.

>> No.27531656

Is she some sort of demonic entity that Jeff sold his soul to for wealth?

>> No.27531880

appendix. utterly useless

>> No.27531925

Time > $$$

>> No.27532052

Noooooo not the Bezorino!

>> No.27532105
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>> No.27532217
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He wants to have more time to prepare cause he plans to be the next President.

>> No.27532300

anyone just know that this will be the absolute peak for AMZN?

>> No.27532377

That's clearly a man.
Jeff probably fucked a million girls with the money he has and the gear he was on, he finished /bizfit/ and now settled how any fit biz brah would want, a tranny wife to peg you and play vidya with you and no wagecucking even at your own company.

>> No.27532474

She took the call

>> No.27532536
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>> No.27532703

Fuck me my AMZN stonks

>> No.27532758

Audibly kekd

>> No.27532870

He's escaping to Epstein island before the FBI discovers his stash of CP

>> No.27532967

Hungarian here, FYI his name is pronounced "Yuh-shi" with a long sh

>> No.27533032
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>> No.27533039


>> No.27533144

god can you imagine the hype if spacex had an IPO

>> No.27533182

We speak American here brother

>> No.27533247

no way you cant convince me theres satanic humiiation ritual stuff going on at that level
jeff made a deal with the interdimensional demons and now he has to marry that sucubi

>> No.27533553

He wants out before the communists take over anyways. He doesn't want to be Jack Ma'ed.

>> No.27533689

jobs is #1 in salesmanship to be sure. his competency as an overall CEO can be questioned. he was a product visionary but not so much when it came to the company itself. he had the right people to plug his own gaps and even needed the "adult supervision" at times
bezos was definitely visionary as a company leader. he had lieutenants but led the ship all the way through
it's fair to give the crown to bezos in that light. probably

>> No.27533779
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>> No.27534079

and already focused on enforcing big tech authoritarianism

>> No.27534279

remember when a bunch of CEO's stepped down before the crash last march? I wonder if this is the second round of that.

>> No.27534534


>> No.27534987

What a shocker. I love watching in real time as we head into a techno dystopia.

>> No.27535139

Wow, GME tanking was more serious than I thought.

>> No.27535190

Looks like Amazon is on the diversity route

>> No.27535303

CIA / Mossad contract is up, time for hanging by a beach in Israel

>> No.27535397

dios mio, do americanos really

>> No.27535466

yooooooooo doesnt that mean he thinks the stock market might crash? i heard ceos do this because the only way they can sell all their shares without a ton of paperwork and rules and shit is to step down as a ceo

>> No.27535548
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This is a bear signal, right?

Richest guy knows the money has been made this cycle.

>> No.27535836

looks like crash coming next fall

>> No.27535854

Am I retarded or did their dads work at the same law firm?
Some kind of arranged marriage?

>> No.27536041
File: 61 KB, 389x358, 20210127_001940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economy crash in fall?
I'd be surprised if crypto makes it out of february unscathed

>> No.27536369

Well considering Amazon had a legendary boost due to COVID-19, next year it wont be able to get nearly the same YoY. He's bailing now on top before he gets looked at like a failure if revenue drops.

>> No.27537539

People like him don't retire. He is the type that is driven by success and power. He is either being forced to retire by some lizard jew or more likely, he's getting his ass to his bunker in New Zealand before shit goes down.

>> No.27537633

my fuckin sides

>> No.27538084

In bed with the Bogs, good choice.

>> No.27538140

Bile duct

>> No.27538437


>> No.27538530


>> No.27538553

Probably wants to step down before the global crash so his CEO record remains untarnished.

>> No.27538621

Jeff Bezos wants to build O'Neil Cylinders in space and he will most likely putting a lot more resources into his space company, Blue Origin to reach that goal.


>> No.27538958

Very based

>> No.27539276

Aye. He is going to build Elysium and only let his pals and rich billionaires on it while Earth goes to shit.

>> No.27539431

love this pic. mfer is vibing hard. i hope to know that feel one day.

>> No.27539853


>> No.27539874

I cant post a screenshot because of these faggot mods but look at his Wikipedia. Someone got him already ahahahah

>> No.27539999

He lost all his money on Gamestop didn't he?

>> No.27540074

>He's transitioning

>> No.27540377

He just wants more time to polish his head.

>> No.27540818

Seems kinda random was there an recent investors meeting

>> No.27541144

got fired by the board amd his exwife....they didn't report any subscriber info...i would bet a shitload of accounts were cancelled over jeffs political shit.

>> No.27541442

Thinking about it, that seems like the most reasonable explanation.
He couldn't leave the US for good, while at the top of Amazon.
If I was an American billionaire, I'd pack up and run for my life as well.

>> No.27541565

Man I dont blame him, Bezos is 32 steps ahead.