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27523848 No.27523848 [Reply] [Original]

Hold me bros


>> No.27523957
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I held.

>> No.27524002

stop the bot spam losers

>> No.27524069
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I had 57 shares and I sold I am sorry OP

gonna save my money and never trust meme stocks ever again.

>> No.27524202
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You are not the wolf of Wall Street.
You are a sad, pathetic neet who fell for a meme. That’s what you are. Face it.

>> No.27524318
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Friendly reminder that this is why you'll be necking yourselves tomorrow.

>> No.27524367
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Scalper gang

>> No.27524652
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>Buy 10 shares at 6.66

nop, im still winning

>> No.27525139

wtf i hate jews now

>> No.27525208
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653 Shares of AMC and not selling

>> No.27525211

>down 40% when i wake up (aus)

>> No.27525263
File: 118 KB, 1009x541, 2021-02-02-1612296822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding for the tomboys

>> No.27525359

Whats up with the fags calling those who hold idiots? If this shit was in an upward trend today they'd all buy in too.

Fuck em I'm holding till the end.

>> No.27525578

Holding until 0

>> No.27525944

Every time I see someone spamming AMC, I check the price, and it's flat

>> No.27526065

tfw I had 9ps but chose 1/29 expiry instead of 2/5 or 2/21

>> No.27526188

2/12 i mean

>> No.27526412


>> No.27526553

I’m going to go stand in the train tracks and just hope getting hit by a train is painless. I’ve lost everything.

>> No.27526746

>selling your soul at a loss because of imaginary numbers
the weakest of hands

>> No.27526820

also want to shoot myself for not selling at $2.50/option and instead holding to zero (I forgot that options settle in T+1 instead of T+2)

>> No.27526851

Reminder that you only lose when you sell. It will go up eventually no matter what.

>> No.27526996

finally sold all 50 of my shares in this faggot stock. not going to keep letting this thing kill my gains. no more meme stocks just gonna continue with bluechips and ETFs fuck you guys.

>> No.27527071



>> No.27527136
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>> No.27527637

I'm starting to think that the poster who said that this was a scam by the early redditors to trick the rest of us, was on to something.

Same, at least I'm grateful that this got me to jump into stocks which was something I talked about doing for years until now. I'm not doing any stupid meme stocks anymore, not unless it's something where it's impossible for me to lose on. For example I put $50 into DOGE at $.0166 and I pulled $60 after it started to drop, so I have 800 DOGE still saved that I'm not going to sell unless it skyrockets, since I've already made my money off of it.

>> No.27527701

I sold something for $1.8k profit this morning and it was completely washed out by these memes. amc would have been a no brainer play if brokers hadn't ruined everything, instead I got locked in and barred from buying dips. fuck this entire week

>> No.27527845

Closing below 10. Its over


>> No.27527912

Everytime I think I'm buying in at a dip it crashes further like a fucking NIGGER, fuck this stock

>> No.27528041

More likely it was an actual Wall Street/hedge fund insider intentionally manipulating us. This was the wrong stock. AMCX was the one that was 80% shorted. They wanted to keep us off that one while they closed their shorts. And now that this is becoming shorted by us buying up a ton of it, they are now making a ton of money on us from it. We played into their hand twofold.

>> No.27528097

Sell tomorrow at open. It's always high at open and low by closing.

>> No.27528216

Oh shut up know it all

>> No.27528403

Sold today at pretty much what I got in at. Kinda sucks that I passed up on 3k of gains but I learned a lot and wasn't milked like a lot of people were.

>> No.27528652

blackrock bought heavily into AMC - https://fintel.io/so/us/amc/blackrock

>> No.27528690

I doubt this was the plans of the hedgies. They're still screeching over how much they lost and the fact that this was and still remains possible. It sounds like something a bunch of mid-level young investors did to trick both sides.

>> No.27529292

I bought at 16.35 and sold at 8
Lost $250 AUD.. seeing people on reddit losing their parents retirement funds + their own college funds makes me feel less bad about a days work of money.

>> No.27529483

I had 20 shares at an average of like $12 but I got high on FOMO and bought a bunch @ 16 bringing my new average to 14. Now I have to wait months to break even if ever.

>> No.27531216

bro amc is not going up ever. cut your losses, it's worth 2 not 20

>> No.27531265

>lost about a days work of money
Same, Im planning on holding, though. Either until the next pump (in the next week or 2) or until summer when the theaters actually start seeing people again.

>> No.27531326
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>it will bounce back when the theaters open

oh no no no

>> No.27531458

Boo hoo learn patience, it was a lotto ticket with optional rebate partial refund with a several year potential wait time, we all need to have a little logic, now the price will likely pump a bit tomorrow you can try to sell then or hold a while sell before the next share distribution because they will do one to aquire better debt so they can reopen maybe buy some of the regals more successful markets, this is a good thing this company is the future winner of the movie theater war. Its over last man standing, now that's the reason I took this gamble maybe the shorts do get called and we all sell at thirty tomorrow but the odds we're worth the price don't bet money you can't afford to lose or have to wait on coming back don't sell when your 40% down just imagine if you sold in the morning dip today? Sure it may be a higher price then tomorrow even but in the grand scheme of things it should trend up and smooth out these bubbles you did lose today as did I in not waiting tell right now to buy, that doesn't mean we need to double down though.

>> No.27533056

>this company is the future winner of the movie theater war

Far, far from it. All of their competition is in a much better position. AMC is finished. Theaters are guaranteed dead within the next few years, but the rest will easily outlive AMC, there is no question and this not arguable.

>> No.27533465

name 3

>> No.27533788

Go look at the movies they're showing at theaters. It's Groundhog Day and WW1984

>> No.27533803
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life is tough

but they are out of debt now right? maybe I was playing the long-term investment game all along and didn't know it.

>> No.27533929

the only people who made out well with this were the investors trying to actually save the company who have now cashed out $700 mil and ran laughing

>> No.27534821

I had never purchased stocks before and didn't really know anything at all about how trading worked, so I picked a very small amount to invest that wouldn't impact me financially even if it was fully lost in order to learn, but I didn't expect to be so emotionally invested as well. I think day trading isn't really for me if I get so bent up over so little money...

>> No.27534993

>1 Post By This ID

>> No.27535060
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sold today for an insignificant loss after missing out on selling for a slightly less insignificant gain, but memeing my own hand into “diamond” and “strapping in for the moon mission” kek
whole thing was a thrill ride and an invaluable lesson about high volatility investments and it was great pretending we were all going to make an unreasonably large amount of free money
if this thing dips low enough, will buy back into some of you poor poor fucks heavy bags, wishing you well for now
congrats to all of you with more experience and /or common sense who sold in the 15-17 range or even higher if you really had tight screws in your head

>> No.27535211
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I bought at $17 I almost necked myself and sold at a loss

but I bought more at $7 instead and it drove my buy price to $13 lmao

now I can make a 2x profit when it pumps tomorrow

>> No.27535276
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I held the stock and I will hold you too fren

>> No.27535295

it usually averages at 15 though
all this pump and dump didn't even touch how far it goes

>> No.27535550

I had never traded stocks or done any investment before, and I sank about 15 grand into AMC, BB, and NOK. Needless to say I feel pretty dumb, "lost" about 7 thousand dollars (I still possess the stocks). I will just hold them forever, they're in a retirement account and I can't touch the actual money anyway for several decades.

On the other hand, I put 1.5k into Doge and walked away with a 4 grand profit. Which was real money from my active bank account. So I felt better and now I am playing with crypto and it's fun. I've picked a few long holds and will just throw handfuls of money into crypto each time I get a pay cheque.

Maybe I'll use my gainz to buy a little gold doge statue to put in my living room, remind me of the first gainz.

>> No.27535677

Blackrock doubled AMC holdings today. They now own 6% of the company. Vanguard owns a shit ton also. SOmethings cooking


>> No.27535982


>> No.27536002
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>it was all a diversion

Sure. Explains why it was halted several times and is being short attacked identically to gme. There’s a reason they are doing this, the charts speak for themselves. Do you really think people on biz give a shit about you losing money? Ask yourself why so many people care. Use your common sense. I’m holding and can’t wait to embarrass these shills. Screen cap this bitch.

>> No.27536132

Still holding. The stock is low now so I can buy up some more for cheap!

>> No.27536193

Take your meds

>> No.27536246
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>> No.27536446

Glass hands

>> No.27536606

I put in an order at 6.50 GTC. Think it'll dip there tomorrow morning, or should I bump it up to 7?

>> No.27536738

Congrats on the crypto wins. Dont worry about those other stocks you can still build couponed interest!!

>> No.27537446

>AMC trading flat

what did it mean by this

>> No.27537564
File: 24 KB, 466x477, 81C9A4E3-C4C9-4497-AED8-0779778FDFC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This still isn’t a bad medium term hold. Now if the robinhood issue hadnt happened it probably would have hit 100. It had tons of momentum before that happened. It may still happen if the shorts haven’t covered GME and it sees another spike as AMC seems to be mirroring GME. All this screeching is like someone being upset for falling into the water when you told them don’t stand up and rock the boat. This stock will more than likely give back any ground lost, but may talk till Q3 earnings.

>> No.27537599

it'll open at 35 tomorrow cap this

>> No.27537676

Digits confirm.

>> No.27537696

16.10 chads you still out there?

>> No.27537736


>> No.27537816

Oh, it's a pupper.

>> No.27537862
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December 31, 2020
(Date of Event Which Requires Filing of this Statement)

>> No.27537921

I bought in at 7.50 ... am I gonna make it?

>> No.27537986

I'm here for you bro.

>> No.27537996
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Sold off on my GME positions, but I got in AMC way late, and only $500 worth so I guess I'm holding this shit long. Think it'll be $20+ by the end of the year?

>> No.27538015

Fuckkkk buy buy buy

>> No.27538101

It's inevitable, but maybe not this year. Maybe next year.

>> No.27538104

Yeah, I agree. AMC doesn't seem like a bad stock to hold onto long term.

>> No.27539409
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Hard to say. AMC dropping was pretty much expected with all the Jewish trickery going on, but it's tied pretty heavily to GME, and GME just plummeted off a cliff today and a lot of holders that we were expecting to join us panic sold because they're only slightly more intelligent than chimpanzees. It will probably drop to sub 5 tomorrow one last time and afterwards most likely stabilize around 8-10 permanently or blast off into the stratosphere if this post has any merit.

>> No.27539866

Take you zyklon b