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File: 299 KB, 512x512, LTCgetaboardnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27522608 No.27522608 [Reply] [Original]

LTC is a sleeping giant. Gather yours before it awakes,cus it's gonna wake up and moon soon. Now that ETH has now breached it's ATH LTC is next. It's the only big OG coin that has yet to to hit's it's ATH..but it will. Be smart

>> No.27522985

Sold my LTC for ETH the other day. Not mad about it but plan on going back into LTC to ride the pump. I think it’ll grow faster than ETH

>> No.27523309

I've been buying 3 of these per week for months and months now. Will continue to do so until we break previous ath, and then strap in for the ride. Am i going to make it?

>> No.27523409

Get your suicide stacks before you get priced out. The Litecoin rocket is still fueling up

>> No.27523462

Dead project

>> No.27523510

>Am i going to make it?

You certainly are closer to making it than you were before accumulating. Keep it up.

>> No.27523530

High IQ, I have also been buying what I can every few weeks. Litecoin is going to go ballistic soon

>> No.27523624
File: 90 KB, 1379x548, Someone is stacking coins..LTC strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmhhmm. Yep, the big boys certainly don't see it's value do they now..oh wait.

>> No.27524197

Delete this

>> No.27524276


Thanks frens. I just want to have the financial security to help the people that I love. Idk why this coin gets fudded so much. It's probably a benefit that Charlie Lee sold--if he didn't the fud would be "HE CAN DUMP AT ANY TIME." I basically just view it as BTC with more upside.

>> No.27524482

it's getting integrated into flare finance, the same airdrop that pumped xrp up to .70 in december.
I dont even like ltc but I've been dca'ing in because its obviously going to pump.

>> No.27524635

>It's probably a benefit that Charlie Lee sold--

And the fact he donated the sale proceeds to the Litecoin Foundation to further it's dev and growth also said a lot. Plus he was honest about it from the get go. It sat fine with me when he sold. His agenda is different than mine and most. I got no qualms about that.

>> No.27524997
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. at the very least you are guarenteed to make money by buying before that hype.

and I think its undervalued on its own merit anyway. 4x as many LTC at BTC, but its faster and therefore better. so it should approach .25 btc right? even at .025 btc it would be a huge successful trade.

>> No.27525400


>> No.27525876

There's an anon who posts here and also has a TA youtube channel "Crypto Charts," he summed LTC price action up pretty well as being one cycle behind BTC and one-quarter the price. It seems to hold up.

>> No.27526943

so then ATH this cycle should be 5,000. sounds about right.

>> No.27527335

LTC holders are fucking delusional holy crap

>> No.27527702

Mark cuban a billionaire just sholled LTC to the hordes of reddit fags. It is bullish as fuck. Even paypal has it.

>> No.27528898

sir i WISH i was a litecoin holder. currently all in on other stuff but LTC will be my next purchase

>> No.27529122

I can't begin to imagine how liberating it will feel to dump these LTC bags I've been holding since ATH

>> No.27529147

To think, it was .5ETH at one point, like 2 years ago.

>> No.27529211
File: 228 KB, 600x315, litecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patiently waiting

>> No.27529223

they're genuine retards

at least people stacking doge know they're going to dump on retail retards. The thing about LTC faggots (like clueless boomer mark cuban) actually believe it's anything but a bitcoin copypaste.

>> No.27529254

I also cannot wait to dump these LTC, its pissing me off everytime I look at my portfolio, please tell me we will have blast off soon and give me hope.

>> No.27529257

LTC is the only original coin that actually has sensible fees

>> No.27529383

why do they hold ETC? seems like a total piece of shit

>> No.27529439
File: 36 KB, 551x527, 154656867878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking arise chikun.

>> No.27529458

you know what? why not! I'll just buy 10 LTC at the cost of 1 ETH, it does not harm to have some in the wallet

>> No.27529538

>like clueless boomer mark cuban

Yeah those clueless billionaires don't know shit about making money. I hear you bro..lol

>> No.27529638

Kek literally me
I hold Fantom, Eth and Litecoin

Fantom and Eth are mooning while Litecoin sits at -1.2%

>> No.27529786


Their analysis obviously shows it has value to hold and offer in their portfolio to their customers. Go figure, they seem to like to make money and offer a range of options to accomplish that goal.

>> No.27530084

Eth/btc/LTC/reef here. LTC is due for a giant moon mission soon. I will sell every last fucking one of them.

>> No.27530092

>believe it's anything but a bitcoin copypaste.
You this isn't fud right? Calling it a bitcoin copy only helps ltc. Makes people think, "oh it's like Bitcoin?" It's one of the oldest blockhains with proven uptime, and security. Theres value in having history, like Bitcoin.

>> No.27530502

> Buying LTC in 2021. Literally buying China's bags you fucking normie retards. Anyone buying this hasn't researched the token. It's amazing it's even trading so high in the first place.

Normally I would say "This is the last run that it reaches these price levels", but it's probably not. An endless supply of normies will keep buying "the silver to bitcoins gold" for probably at least a decade to come.

Look at DOGE. My biggest mistake was failing to realize exactly just how fucking stupid normie money is. My autistic research into different coins was useless, because it all comes down to normie memes. Unironically thinking about buying WOZX after seeing the DOGE and LTC shit.

>> No.27531203
File: 268 KB, 640x905, 1611286739703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that a convenience store store that I use now has one of those Crypto machines now, and LTC was one of them. That's infrastructure. Also, I belive LTC has something going on with the Cosmos ecosystem but I don't much about Cosmos so I can't say much. Something something mimblewimble.

>> No.27531349

LTC really is complete and utter dogshit. I have 20 that I am waiting to sell once the normies latch on to it.

>> No.27531544

>once the normies latch on to it.

Should be easy, it's on Robbinhood and Paypal.

>> No.27531913

There is one thread in /biz/ about LTC and this is it.It is the most quietly existing crypto in the top 20 and it is a top 10 or top 5 coin depending who is ranking it.It does that with no fanfare what so ever.Imagine if it had the shilling that the others have..but it doesn't need it. But it could for sure use it.

>> No.27531994

I like this guys attitude...you seem fun. What the hell are you doing here lol

>> No.27532123

Thats why I picked up 20 at rock bottom a couple months ago. I can't wait to offload these pieces of shit once we have liftoff. Looking back, i wish I picked up more because this definitely is one of the most easily accessible types of crypto for normies.

>> No.27532126

>b-but mark jewban shilled it
and a lot of the normies will buy it on niggerhood and not realize they don't actually own that LTC because the faggots wont let you transfer it anywhere

>> No.27533177
File: 48 KB, 657x527, asdfasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 20 of these around 135 euros, you'd better be right

>> No.27533747

how much is suicide stack 10?

>> No.27535080
File: 459 KB, 713x1000, 1611289854293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how does LTC compare to Dash?

>> No.27535330


>> No.27535468

You could have picked up 20 for 1/3 of the price 3 months ago lol. It really is one of the only major cryptos that hasn't boomed during the bull run yet, hoping it actually does boom one of these days.