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27521769 No.27521769[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know the elite of the jews is rotten but who cares?

how can i get rid of my hate?
If its not the jews, than someone else will jew us, there is no end to it.

And hating jews is starting to affect my life because im 12 hours a day on /pol/ and /biz/ and if i talk to people i always tell them the jews are to blame.
Now i dont have any friends anymore because i thought Im woke and based.

>> No.27522023

Take the bluepill.

>> No.27522158

im still high on the redpill and im coming down from the blackpill, now what tha fuck is the bluepill?

i just wanna be clueless, its so much better

>> No.27522333

The truth will set you free, but first it'll make you miserable.

There's no coming back.

>> No.27522443

Turn your hatred into something productive, the chances some redpilled God will critique your ways is very small anyways. In the event you do just use your sense of scale to call into question their very being. You will not ever find any redpilled men because you are a faggot plain and simple.

>> No.27522670

the elite class also has non-Jewish members
just hate the elite

>> No.27522837

Stop going on fucking 4chan and live in the real world, that's how.

>> No.27523128

This is the reddest of redpills. I absolutely believe 90% of the /pol/ talking points, but my life experiences (growing up in a poor white area in the UK, serving in the Army) have, on reflection, convinced me that my fellow countrymen are equally shitty people. Perhaps more honest and upfront about it, but equally shit. Anyone will prey upon you if they see a weakness they can exploit - trannies using pronouns as a weapon, fellow dudes bullying someone physically they outnumber, managers humiliating someone desperate for a job, whatever - and that's the truth of it.
The only solution is Nietzche. But real Nietzche, not the meme version. You need to accept the world as it is, become self-interested, and pursue goals that YOU define (Will to Power), not ones that relate to your standing within the society in which you happen to live.
My personal goals now - becoming physically strong enough to defend myself, rich enough to have fuck you money. Then setting my family up for success and devoting myself to learning the things that interest me and fully exploring and fulfilling my depraved sexual desires. Fuck nationalism, and fuck Jews, etc, beyond knowing enough to protect myself and my family from their predations.
This is what biz has generally been about, despite the efforts of pol types, and why it is the best board on 4chan.

So: strive for individual power, define and pursue your own goals, and use pol shit as a tool, not an end of itself. Just use 'white capitalists' instead of Jews in conversation.

>> No.27523212

They say they are Jews but they are not, they worship at the synagogue of satan

>> No.27523426

By ignoring their shilling, realizing that in the grand scheme of things, you will be more happy, even if you do get Jewed purely by not being a neurotically obsessed control freak.
If anything we should feel sorry for mentally deranged Jews because unless they snap out of it, they will die miserable and will have nothing good to say about their life when God asks them what they did with the time he gave them.

>> No.27523585

Easy. Get insanely rich. Buy friends. Problem solved.

>> No.27523612

Get out of your sheltered bubble and meet people so you learn that there are shitty people and good people of every race and gender.

>> No.27523650

No it won't kek. There is literally no such thing as the redpoll because the universe doesn't conform to logic. There is only blue and black pill. Just get high on the blue pill it's much better.

>> No.27523679

Have sex
Clean your room
Cut carbs out of your diet
Get a clue

>> No.27523803

realizing that most jews are normal people like you and me, not bankers or media execs or whatever
then taking the reddest of pills that the elites are a bigger problem than merely jews

>> No.27523886

Im financially independent, my family is well off but whenever it alkpolitics i cant help myself blaming the jews, it goes so fr that i started screaming sieg heiland heil hitler when i did coke and alc.
As i said i totally beleive jews are a problem but you you are right who isnt a fuckingproblem, we are all fucking creeps etc..
So who is there to judge?
I went balls deep in on Hitler rothschilds jews and aliens and i like it, but it dont get me nowhere unless everyone in my country would start killing jews, me hating jews is the only problem untill than.

I just dont wanna care about all this shit anymore, i wana enjoy my life and money, i worked hard for it, but my stupid anti jew opinion isnt going anywhere, not even my lebanese friends care about hating jews anymore.

its like everyone is already over hating jews, to me it seemslike its just a waste of time.
Cause who cares if im right or not?

>> No.27523986

You are making a classic mistake. If you strive only for individual power, you will eventually be overwhelmed by groups operating against your interests. It doesn't matter how rich you get, you can't protect yourself or your family from broad societal changes and changes to government. Eventually, it will catch up with you.

For example, you can make all the money you want, but if the government says that you have to pay reparations for slavery/colonialism because you're a white male, then you're going to have to pay up.

Pursue your naked self-interests, but at the same time, network with people who can support your interests as well. That can include donating to nationalist causes, anti-immigration groups, etc.

>> No.27524032


>> No.27524208

Go to shabbat dinner. Enjoy some food. Talk about it.

>> No.27524210

We're all just humans, bro.
If you haven't taken mushrooms before, I suggest taking a 3 gram dose just once. It will help you shatter the illusions you've come to accept as real and see past even the limits of reality, beyond time and space.

>> No.27524585

You definitely fall under the "shitty people" group. Re-evaluate your life before it's too late, buddy.

>> No.27524696

thats were i fucked up i think
i did a bunch of dmt, shrooms and acid, i even like cocke and get wasted. I really do think thats the problem.
I wake up trade crypto smoke weed and browse pol and stormfront.

>> No.27524700

>I know the elite of the jews is rotten but who cares?
As opposed to the "noble" elites of the whites, the asians, the arabs or any other people? You're just a mouth-breathing retard

>> No.27524964

>convinced me that my fellow countrymen are equally shitty people
i've seen a couple of different instances of this live.
>i don't like people who look like me
>foreigners are nicer than people from here
it is the result of the demoralization campaign. never used to be like that.

>> No.27525119

thats what im saying, they are all crazy, thatswhy im saying im tired of hating the fucking jews, cause the moslems whites, freemasons and monarchs and the elite of the catholic church or any other church are fucking crazy.

I just dont want to care about this shit anymore at all ecause its not etting you anywhere.
its useles to worry about that shit.

>> No.27525350

Fundamentally you care because you're still identifying with the people the jews fuck with. I get it, I had a pol phase. Then I realised the jews weren't the ones who had bullied me, humiliated me, undermined me throughout my life. Imagine if you dedicated your life to otherthrowing Jewish influence in academia, for example. And then what? Would you benefit? Would your family benefit? Would you feel good for helping all the people who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire? Do you think some other corruption wouldn't come along?
Nations, cultures, etc are transient. There were some great ones in the last century, but they are DEAD. Something else will come along. Make sure that you, or your descendants are there to benefit when they do, not the people who have shat on you your entire life - and I would be willing to bet money that the most egregious of those to you personally are not fucking jews. Fuck them. Enjoy yourself and have a family. Surving descendants is the closest thing to 'winning' in this life, if that's what you need.
You absolutely can if you have enough money. You can leave the country. It's that simple. It's not the wealthy getting strung up in revolutions, it's the middle class who lacked the imagination to fuck off (kulaks, etc). All right-wing, nationalist groups are subverted. Look at the Israel-lover Trump, look at the British Conservatives relaxing immigration quotas. And 'your' people are not even some sort of fucking united volk - they would absolutely run you down to get a discounted sofa at a sale, and dont fucking forget it.

>> No.27525922

get off of pol and stormfront. most of them are blatant liars who prey on the gullible. I shitpost on pol but only because I know I'm too strongminded to fall for their stupid propaghanda, and it's actually so hilarious reading their discourse. I legitimately believe the average IQ of /pol/ posters is in the 85-90 range. So many of them are incapable of using even basic reasoning skills.
It's possible you went too into psychedelics, they're useful as a tool, but like anything can be abused.
You need to place yourself in more positive environments. Lots of these alt-right entrypoints disguise themselves as positive and friendly, but it's all a front to bring more people in. Eventually they bring you down to the pits of despair, to the point where you can't tell what is true any more and you feel cut off from society. That's their goal. That's how they get their control over you.
What is the thing that you love doing that can be made into a practical and positive action? Humans are meant to create, to build, to develop. When we aren't being proactive, depression sets in. For me, I love music, so I spend my time playing guitar, nothing is more enjoyable to me than jamming with other people and sharing music. Humans naturally desire to connect with each other and I find I can do that through music. Find your way to connect with your fellow man where you can create relationships focused on development. Pol and Stormfront aren't it, and neither are communities like incels or nofap. Something TANGIBLE.

>> No.27526093
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Ignore all the shit answers, the only answer to this is just to enjoy cute jewish girls. That's it, this is the only out.

>> No.27526152

I did not say that I prefer foreigners. I literally stated that I agree with 90% of pol. But I also know that:
A. I cannot change anything.
B. Even if I could, I would be making an immense sacrifice on behalf of people who have only ever acted like scum. And many of those would absolutely drag me down to gain a momentary advantage (e.g. fellow whites could try and get me sacked for racism to get promoted over me).
C. Knowing this, I prefer to protect myself, use redpills as a tool, and make an absolute shitload of money so I can pursue my own goals.
Fundamentally, most people are not good, and they see the world as zero sum. They absolutely will fuck you to get an advantage, or even just to feel.good. And that includes your race, gender, class, etc. Honestly, I think that by being morally neutral (I NEVER hurt, demean, or even be rude to anyone, but help noone outside my family, and pay lip service to neoliberalism to have a high-paying career), I'm still better than 95% of people.
Go and fight the jews if you want, it'll be your own countrymen who drag you down and beat you to death.

>> No.27526249
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once you learn that they need antisemitism to thrive you will dial it back.

>> No.27526369
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>> No.27526411

stop saying on fucking pol. You might not be an idiot if you're realising this.

>> No.27526495

go work with a bunch of jews and if thats impossible join a jewish community center for their gym and pool and stuff.... im a math grad student in mathematical finance, so i work alot with jews, and grew up going to a jewish community center even tho im goyim, and of course after all that i see jews as people no matter what 4chin says. yes, i know the richest people are jews and the richest people also want me dead and unable to have class mobility, but no matter what redpill i take i cant extend that evilness and swindling nature to all the jews i know irl when they are nothing but nice to me.

>> No.27526632

So, they're jews?

>> No.27526650

good posts

>> No.27526887

i don't hate jews. i merely recognise that all the media are jewish and obviously they are interested in looking after themselves and their people. it's information to keep in mind, as all.

to hate the jews as a race would be to believe in some sort of jew hivemind, which is ridiculous.

muslims are a bigger problem right now anyway.

>> No.27527022

As a Jew, can somewhat agree. I lurk /pol/ as motivation to become richer and successful.

>> No.27527100

Dude, last year i was in cuba for a few days and i banged the hottest jewish colombian chick, i swear to god, that was one of the best fucks i had

I love these little devils
jewish colombiana

but now the jews are to blame that i cant go on vacation- you see there is no way out of this shit

>> No.27527262

you stop hating them once you beat them.

>> No.27527364

>The universe does not conform to logic
What is the scientific method.

>> No.27527483

How’s the weather in Haifa, fellow white men?

>> No.27527537

You have to turn off all electronics, get fit, read, start a business and family, make the most of each waking hour

Join patriot front too, healthy group of lads who function well outside of jewry

>> No.27527549

yup. it's a never ending loop. example: a jew on twitter will talk bad about white goyim, screencap goes on /pol/, anons froth at the mouth, then jews will say see look at these violent goyim, cycle repeats forever.

>> No.27527579

Call them capitalists like the rest of us

>> No.27527694

i wouldn't join any group at this point. they are all controlled ops/honeypots. the rest of what you said is spot on

>> No.27527925
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Yeah but they can still be pretty cute though. At least this feeling is both authentic and more balanced

>> No.27527950

Post nose

>> No.27528126

that anon is correct.

>> No.27528155

Look at political life in Israel and see that the Jews do not form a coherent bloc even in their own country.

>> No.27528178

I'm Jewish and I don't hate you.

>> No.27528236

Pf may be infiltrated but it's not a honey pot. They operate 100% legally so it would just be a waste of the feds time.

It's really a solid group of dudes that do healthy non degenerate activities, and they're only open to Whites.

Some questionable lads come through but they usually don't last long

>> No.27528315

I'm a jew and I hate jews

>> No.27528549

if they're only open to whites it's only a matter of time before they're labeled as nazis and feds crack down. don't be naïve

>> No.27528547

wtf you talking about?
the moment I realized what is going on with the Jews, my life started having a purpose.
it is now my mission to rid humanity of this plague.
i am happy because I have a purpose in life.

>> No.27528687
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Hating jews is just a funny meme bro.

I dont think most of us actually hate them. I know jews who aint rich and struggle like the rest of us

>> No.27528715

if you think i'm lying you obviously haven't spend enough time with sand niggers.

>> No.27528722

why do you want to stop?

>> No.27528857

make a jewish friend. maybe you can bond with him by financial discussion :^)

>> No.27528921

antisemitism is just something angry losers made up to draw attention to themselves

>> No.27528925

he said it's affecting his life in a negative way

>> No.27528984
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>> No.27529116
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it's an empirical method for which there is logically no sound basis other than convenience

>> No.27529198

huh, you know lizzy too? had fun with her in tulum.

>> No.27529202

Jews are just more likely to be evil because the rich and powerful are more likely to become evil. Jews are disproportionately rich and powerful because they taught their kinds to read and do math for thousands of years. That's basically the key reason why Jews are overrepresented in the evil rich and powerful, its just thousands of years of prioritizing literacy giving them a massive advantage. Literacy isn't evil.

Also, hating on something is not that productive, and its taking time away from other things you want to do. If you spend your time hating on something, that's time that you're choosing to not spend that time doing something that makes you happy, being productive or investing in yourself. You're not going to be successful if you choose to not spend time on doing what you want... do it enough and it'll be a self fulfilling prophecy for you and your Jewish overlords.

>> No.27529270

i agree to a certain extent, but im the type of retard that cant handle memes and takes this shit serious

>> No.27529474

Remember, the anti-semitic narrative uses real facts in service of a greater lie. This is how its always worked. The claim that there is a high percentage of jewish people in media, banking, finance, hollywood etc. is true, but what ISN'T correct is when you make an inductive leap from that assumption to the idea that, because a large number of jews hold powerful positions, they MUST all be in cahoots with each other.

The reality is its a way of forcing the world to make some kind of sense– that there is a "reason" for why things are the way they are and not otherwise. It's basically one big cope, a low IQ attempt to piece the ineffable complexity of the world together in the shadow of le sneaky merchant because the truth is too messy and disjointed for them to handle.

>> No.27529564

Jews are just doing what Jews do, they will probably be thrown out of the country sometime this century. It's your responsibility to put yourself in a position where you can't get fucked financially.

>> No.27529682

Thanks anon. It's something I've been thinking about a lot recently, and thought I'd take the opportunity to actually elucidate it. Bonus points if it helps a fellow biz anon, since this place has done miracles for me.

>> No.27530228

jews are just a scapegoat. the Jewish people are smart they stick together they clique up and help each other. they aren't the only ones though. you are right the hate is counterproductive and will just be weaponized against you. the Jews love to be hated it's their greatest shield
so don't hate a jewish person because of their race or their fraternities hate them because of their individual acts and surpass the Jewish trap.

>> No.27530285
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Realize that not all Jews are part of Zion

>> No.27530362

You have done too many drugs and conspiracy theories.

RAW is the only hope

You can also try

Discordianism http://www.principiadiscordia.com/book/1.php

And the Church of the Subgenius

Good luck

>> No.27531387

anger is the projection of fear. Where there is unwillingness to face, acknowledge, embrace, and accept an aspect of your consciousness, for whatever reason, there is fear. In other words, belief in separation, negative, lack-based, limiting beliefs, is fear. This fear, which would have you believe you are not supported, that you are under threat, that you are in danger, and all of that, can be internalized as depression and anxiety, or externalized as anger and blame.
There is an image in your mind which serves as an anchor for your internal discontent. Because of the information that you willingly engage with, this anchor takes the form of "Jew." This image is not real and exists only in your mind. The more you give your energy to this image the more it becomes real and the hatred grows.
You deal with this 1) by consciously choosing to cultivate positive, life-affirming points of view and beliefs about the world, and 2) re-engaging with the internalized fear/externalized anger symbols that you have selected (jews, mommy, whatever) and trying to understand and love those things.
In short, start living your own life, instead of worshipping the false gods that others give you.

>> No.27531588

You are woke and based. Friends are usually not worth much but a good time here and there.

>> No.27531742

>the Jew cries out in pain as it strikes you

>> No.27532015

Hating the jews is not the problem here. You are a retard for talking irl like you shitpost.

>> No.27532958


>> No.27533208


Basically this. You can't blue pill yourself. It's like trying to un-bake a cake.