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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2752001 No.2752001 [Reply] [Original]

Post your losses

>1000 $ so far

>> No.2752011

$250 -> $145

>> No.2752012

24hr: -$17k

thats crypto

>> No.2752021


It hurts too much

Literally buy high sell low

I lived long enough to become a meme

>> No.2752022

7000$ today

>> No.2752026
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>Haven't sold
>Planned on going long anyway, just used the bull rush to acquire more ETH & BTC

>> No.2752027


>> No.2752032
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$1550 to 1284.04

>> No.2752037

First time I'm down in ANS ever. -$3.49

>> No.2752039

anyone who bought in after may is the buy high sell low meme

>> No.2752040


>> No.2752041

From ATH? Around $100k

>> No.2752049

Lost $23. Im literally shaking rn

>> No.2752050

I went from 27k to ~13k in a span of 3 weeks.

>> No.2752068

make it stop

>> No.2752074
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>> No.2752092


>> No.2752110
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ATH: 10k
Now: 4.3k
Initial investment: 2.3k

Sucks that I didn't sell at 10k.

>> No.2752157

I lost about 5 bucks this week.
From an initial investment of 12 bucks. I am poor but it makes me feel better when I see how much you fags lost.

>> No.2752173

Over 50 fucking thousand. Fuck this shit why are retards ruining the market!?

>> No.2752174

1.5k......500 bucks left lmao

>> No.2752187
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>> No.2752211
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-£823 in a day

>> No.2752213


>> No.2752223

-34% BTC

>> No.2752227

Yeah if coinbase could have technical issues right about now that would be great

>> No.2752228

>blood in the streets.

this is exactly what we've been waiting for gents. these are the moments that will make many people poor, but a few smart people even richer.


>> No.2752235

-13000$ now

>> No.2752240
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ATH £8000
Now £1714
Principal: £400

Couldn't sell as I was in Japan during ATH and all my coins were held in wallets back on my pc in England

>> No.2752243

glad i cashed out :)

>> No.2752287

I'm proud of you anon. Some of these fucks think that a market never goes down.

>> No.2752303

I was +20% on ETH last week

Now I'm -20%

Fucking crazy. How the heck do you fuckers do it? I pulled out cos I can't

>> No.2752326

Margin call on ETH/USD
-4000 USD

>> No.2752357

dont pull out at the bottom lmao

>> No.2752371
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just lost 100k.

>> No.2752377

15k down in a month
More than I made last year

I should have known I was meant to be poor. This is my fault. I am sorry.

>> No.2752385

eyy same lad

>> No.2752392
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I stopped looking a long time ago

>> No.2752400
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>> No.2752430

DOGE is only 12% down

>> No.2752433

>Couldn't sell as I was in Japan
filthy weeb

>> No.2752448
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Filthy and proud

>> No.2752482

How much Monacoin does she cost?

>> No.2752485
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Post your portfolio now.

Thank fuck I got out of this form of (((currency))) yesterday, with a 15% profit. ETHniggers welcome :^)

>> No.2752490

+650~ this month but i do tsx v

>> No.2752500

i bought in really low about a week ago and i lost at around 2500 right now

>> No.2752506

Like 10 billion now, monacoin is fucing dying as we speak

>> No.2752521

I don't know mate it's going down too quickly.

>> No.2752551
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They all are

>> No.2752609

20% gain on my stock portfolio

>> No.2752618
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Ah well.

>> No.2752622


>> No.2752639
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>> No.2752651

I come to you all in a time of need.

>> No.2752668

Fuckers, now ETH is going back up.
My margin wouldn't have been called if it the floor had been just $2-$3 higher.
It's almost as is a whale was hunting.

>> No.2752685
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>> No.2752686

would be 29 grand in red if I hadn't sold

>> No.2752715


>> No.2752773

Mfw my boss gave me a 2k bonus last week and the cheque hasn't cleared so I didn't invest it yet

>> No.2752797

I've been too busy working two and a half jobs to calmly evaluate my situation. When I would have pulled the trigger, I waited a day due to having no time and lost $700 the next day. I'm still 50% above initial investment of $2000, but a third of it is in 4th tier risky aka shit coins and might not even survive before the inevitable August bull rush.

I can't pull out now. My window has come and gone. I'm sorry for your losses though. We will HODL through these trying times. I might even risk the falling knife and invest another thousand while there's still blood in the streets.

>> No.2752815

I lost everything...absolutely everything....it's gone. all gone.

>> No.2752847

3k in one day

It'll likely take months to recover

>> No.2752948

down about 2m from peak. should have probably sold and bought that beach house...

>> No.2752963



>> No.2752964

34% all in on antshares.

>> No.2752967

+$5k but i'm not trading anymore.

i'll start putting money back into stocks (and maybe some crypto) in october. until then i'm just here to laugh at people holding i guess.

>> No.2752993
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>tfw I lost 99.74% of my portfolio

Could be worse could have never had the chance to almost buy a yacht anyway

>> No.2753011

Hard to measure. Since the Bitcoin peak I guess I'm at like $75k lost or something, but I was up like $200k before that so I'm still sitting pretty.

Got about 6.7 BTC out trading cryptos, I still have 4.7 in Polo which I've been slowly building on by lending and shorting. I put only 1 in there, so that's a $15-20k boost even though Bitcoin has been falling, depending how you want to measure it.

Been buying Bitcoin for the last 5 years, will buy for the next 5...

>> No.2753044

Why is everybody selling and literally losing money? Isn't it better to hold and hope for recovery? Doesn't it always bounce back?

I'm not being a smartass, I'm a noob.

>> No.2753048


Looks like the 1% asset allocation via your portfolio went out the window huh?

I've barely tocuhed red and I find it so mind bending people failed to see this coming in time.

>> No.2753068
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>> No.2753075
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Lost $50.

Sold ATH.

Enjoy those iron hands as the drag you to the bottom of the lake

>> No.2753085

It's like a chain reaction of hysteria right now.

Due to all the August bullshit people are more edgy, when nothing happens it should return to business as usual, and /biz/ will be back to pushing shitcoins again an posting moonrockets.

We will see. But I think this is going to be a hard month.

>> No.2753111

200 bucks... oh no....

>> No.2753117


3.5k . can't pull out now. See you next year biz

>> No.2753138
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>> No.2753163

Yeah I still don't get it. Is it even possible for BTC and ETH to never recover? Even with value dropping significantly, you shouldn't actually lose money if you don't sell, right? If it's not possible for them to never recover, it would be sensible to hold, and long term you'll get your money back, probably even make profit.

tl;dr: I don't get the mass hysteria if it's not possible for the coins to go to 0$ and never bounce back.

>> No.2753165

My money is cruising in chain coin!!!!

>> No.2753194

> is it even possible that nobody will trade $300 for a single unit of a shitty inefficient platform for ponzi schemes, even if i wait decades to find someone?

>> No.2753196

doing the hodl dance wit my chc and we're still crushing lol

>> No.2753197

30 euros

>> No.2753238
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I was up over 30k and now i'm down like 2k. It stings a bit, guess i'm a bad trader or unlucky. The memes made it worthwhile though.

>> No.2753248

I thought BTC and ETH are very active and you can buy/sell at any point.

I just don't understand crypto I guess.

>> No.2753280
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>tfw you invested in Gulden instead of all these other shit cryptos

>> No.2753541
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I've got you all beat, so far. Down around $300k from the ATH. I'm up significantly overall though, and still looking long term. Trying to time the Bitcoin market seems riskier than hodling

>> No.2753624
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It's over

>> No.2753665
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>mfw know when to cash out and surrounded by /biz/ hodltards

>> No.2753680

I miss umineko.

>> No.2753687
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who else didn't buy into the cryptocurrency meme?
who /smart/ here?

>> No.2753700


Since ATH

>> No.2753720

No idea. Not checking right now. I'm half in MONA and USDT though, so I'd guess I'm down $500 at worst, which would put me breakeven with my initial investment ($1500, when I bought at the very top). I'm a latefag, but these rough waters are a great opportunity to practice before the next bull market.

>> No.2753725

I shorted btc and made $15000 in the last 48hours, and just made another $5000 shorting Ethereum.
Fucking right back off to USDT for now.
Calling it a fucking day; I also made $3200 on a USD/CAD Forex trade :)

So nothing.
Get fukt you inactive shitmonkies.

>> No.2753735

Im around there aswell.

>> No.2753812


350 to 70usd

maybe it will go up right?

>> No.2753829


>> No.2753837

Remember: it only had to go down 80% for that to happen. Now you have to wait for it to go up 400% just to break even

>> No.2753842


>> No.2753845

Can you crypto faggots explain me how hard or easy it is to cash out? For example, let's say that, at the beginning of January, I had 20 million dollars in Bitcoin. Would it have been possible to sell all of it before July 1st? I read it is hard to cash out large quantities, you can't just click a button and deposit whatever worth you have of BTC into a bank account in USD. Is it true? Can you explain me how much money you can cash out every, say, 30 days? Asking as someone with no knowledge on stocks and crypto.

>> No.2753915

>Is it even possible for BTC and ETH to never recover?
While I suspect it will recover the is a very real possibility that it will not.

There is a none zero chance that
Segwit could turn into a cluster fuck effectively destroying btc's value.

Eth may never find a killer app or gain support

>> No.2753936

40 bucks

>> No.2753958

Same as OP.

Crypto is a scam.

>> No.2753977


what was your investment strategy, young man?

>> No.2753988

it's a scam the same way walking into a casino to spend your hard-earned money is a scam

>> No.2754000

Another retard here

I've got about 40k sai coin and 1.5K LBRY, both of these have halved in value.

I've made a bit more trading shitcoins with low caps in the meantime but my portfolios still completely fucked.

Do I just hodl until after August and see what happens or just sell? I don't really need the money but seeing 40% of my investment wiped out is pretty shit.

>inb4 buy DGB

>> No.2754006


Goddamnit LMC you are suposed to moon soon. Hurry up a fucking recover so you can moon.

>> No.2754012


>> No.2754018

I can cash out the equivalent of 200,000 USD every 30 days on Kraken. They only allow fiat withdrawals in Canadian Dollars, Euros, and Yen, though. You just need to prove who you are by sending a scan of government issued ID and proof of residence, like a driver's license and bank statement

I'm not sure about other exchanges

>> No.2754094

My ATH was 2.24 million 3 weeks ago.
Losses at 1.4 million right now.
You do the math. Still, I took out some money near the ATH of the bubble and paid off most of what I wanted to, so everything right now is free money. I can leave it in crypto forever. No debts, no payments.

>> No.2754112

you would have to sell at multiple places

localbitcoins.com is good for selling because you dont need to give ID or anything

>> No.2754127

From 2 weeks ago, down $4000 from $12K. All house money. Cashed out initial in May. Could be worth 4 times if I wasn't so God damn autistic and always having to do something. February to June was so fuxking fast paced it fucked me up mentally. In April you could buy literally shit coin, go take a shit, and be up 20%. Most things take time and the adjustment from the crypto boom to real world markets has taken 2 weeks. Anyways, I'll be accumulating what I can, buying in when I can, and stacking long term holds. I don't know much but I know we will see a March/April/May of 2017 time again and next time I'll be more prepared.

>> No.2754133

These coins will never even sniff the highs you've seen

It's ogre man, probably forever stuff doesn't have to come back. Very real chance most of this trash goes to zero where it belongs. Maybe bitcoin survives mostly for illegal activity

Currency of the future nonsense is fucking retarded and always has been

>> No.2754146

If I had anything like an 8 figure stack, I would have made a deal with say coinbase in late May. Would only have held btc or eth and would have sold $20 million worth for $15M cash. Make th make a little.

My dad, who died when I was 16, told me a very wise thing a long time ago - male people money and they will make you money.

>> No.2754169

Nigger, negotiate. If you seriously have that much get in touch with someone who is a boss there and make a deal. Cut 15% or whatever for your entire stack to cash out. It's fuxking simple but yet you both about cashing $200K out a month? I could have helped you and I poor. That's the actual problem with crypto. Dumb fuckers who did nothing hold it all and control things. I'm sure monopoly money is nice, but fuck my man, some God damn real world shit would have helped. And real. World is a lot more abundant.

>> No.2754174

About tree fiddy

>> No.2754190

Down probably around 5k at this point. I really don't give a shit at this point since I went in with expectations that I could lose everything. Went in for long-term anyways so we'll see where it's at in a couple years

>> No.2754207

400 usd.

>> No.2754209

Better scam than the stocks and forex scam.

>> No.2754313

Crypto is 100% scam because it's not backed by anything except lies.

Stocks are backed by real companies producing real goods/services.

>> No.2754361


>tfw crypto scammed me out because I made 40k usd

>> No.2754362

$1200. It's alright though because I make 200K a year at my wagecuck job.

>> No.2754410 [DELETED] 

just got back in at 2340 on bitstamp... whish me luck, cut loses for 25 on this dip, pray for an ATH now

>> No.2754415
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Did anyone elses' Blockfolio transactions all disappear? But the graph is still accurate?

>> No.2754423

just got back in at 2340 on bitstamp... whish me luck, cut loses for 25 grand on this dip, pray for an ATH now

>> No.2754436

5k initial -> 3.7k now
liqudated to nubits.
plus $500 in pending civic ico.
you guys make me feel better. peace

>> No.2754442
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i am beating the market

these dumb fucks can't even scrape data and run a basic genetic algo against it... fucking hilarious

>> No.2754446
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>> No.2754457
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>been riding since the first bump in 2016
>made up to 35,000 usd from an initial position of 1000 from all the Dead alt coins that exploded to life
>lost much of the 10,000 I left behind to play with
>still pocketing 27,000
>currently buying my childhood dream car

Feels good man

>> No.2754473
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>$0 because I didn't fall for the crypto meme
Feels good lads

>> No.2754475


>> No.2754481

top jej lad

>> No.2754482
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>buy ans they said, it's the new eth
>buy eth they said, its the old eth

>> No.2754489


Daily reminder if you invested just 2 months ago none of this matters because you'd be up atleast x10 still

The eterneral no coiner always finds the right times to make himself feel better for missing the easiest chance to make money off memes.

>> No.2754498

Welp, I'm home now and forgot I had a USDT-BTC buy order at 2380, so I ended up riding most of the way down anyways. Fuck. I'm at $1200.

>> No.2754504

dont worry lad we're probably back above 2400 within a week

>> No.2754507


$60 or so USD

>> No.2754511
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$475k. All on Stratis. Not joking.

I'm considering taking my last $100k and trying to survive in Africa dirt cheap, or else just killing myself.

>> No.2754523

down 420k here - not sweating. enjoying shorting eth atm with my scraps

We'll be back soon

>> No.2754530

Was up around $50k two weeks ago, now I'm down to about $35k.

Shoo glad I got in on etheroll, pretty much every other crypto investment I own absolutely tanked the past two weeks.

>> No.2754551

Started at about 12k. Went up to 19k. Now down to 3k.

And I sold.

Yep. Just fuck my shit up. Should have walked away at 19k. Fucking hindsight is 20/20 bullshit

>> No.2754556

I'm not checking Blockfolio for a week. Much better than stress and anxiety.

>> No.2754560

>And I sold.
No one is this dumb

>> No.2754563
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Do it faggot.

>> No.2754568

Are you me

>> No.2754571

You don't lose anything until you sell retard

>> No.2754579


>> No.2754580

I shorted that stupid stellar garbage at ~850 sats. made a comfy 2 BTC so far.

>> No.2754586
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stop dropping my little babies...... daddy wants you to stop... just for one day my precious coins

>> No.2754594

Had over $2000 lost big on a margin call and liquidated down to $400. Said fuck it went all in 5:1 on eth, same day dropped from 250 to 203 and triggered a second liquidation. I'm down to $13 and some change at the moment.

>> No.2754606

who keeps making these kek

>> No.2754676
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>> No.2754683

You went all-in on Metal?

>> No.2754698




>> No.2754700
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>> No.2754725

Literally $0

Got out of the market a week ago.

>> No.2754726

Im so sorry

>> No.2754735
File: 30 KB, 456x320, JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP FAM SUICIDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went from ~$12K to ~$7,200 in the past two weeks, most of which was lost in the past two days.
Kinda hoping someone shoots up my workplace and kills me.

>> No.2754751

from my all time highest (18k)? -9k

from my initial buyin amount (9k)? im clinging to my gains at +$250

>> No.2754758

no i just have some money on antshare, i guess im really down 1k but yesttarday i had 9k

>> No.2754776

$800 fucking dollars. And I keep making positive trades, I zip in and out.


>> No.2754783

Yep the whales know how much % they need to swing to start triggering margin calls. It's strategic butt fuckery.

>> No.2754794

ETH just broke 190

gonna be a long one boys

>> No.2754796

For the short term LTC is much more stable.

>> No.2754798

From this crash, $0 I sold everything two weeks ago still a heavy loss since June, I don't know the exact amount $5-$8k mainly on DGB and STR. It sucks. So tempted to buy back in now

>> No.2754805

4k -> 2k

HODLING cuz im not a bitch

>> No.2755087
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>> No.2755103

This is literally me

>> No.2755117 [DELETED] 

1200€, BTC bought around 2250.

>> No.2755127

Invested: 9k
ATH: 78k
Current: 26k +9k cashed out

I don't really have any reason to be upset but damn I could have done many things better.

>> No.2755128
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Once there was a way....

>> No.2755132
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......To get back homeward

>> No.2755134

At least $450 so far. But I say "at least" because that's not counting the earlier times when I pulled out early and could have made thousands.

>> No.2755146
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i probably broke even at this point

>> No.2755164

Max folio worth: 1020$
Current: 617$


but I started to mine two days ago and prices will go up.

>> No.2755169

I'd bet most of the "sold it all 2 days before the crash" fags are full of shit why are you trading if you sold everything? They're no psychics here trust me, just bag holders trying to convince themselves to hodl until they lose everything.

>> No.2755176
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Cashed out 30k about 4 weeks ago. Got a little over 12k usdt before this dip started. I'm riding this wave here on out.

>> No.2755238
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>TFW went all in on MTL on Sunday

>> No.2755262
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vitalik better not show his face around the bay area i'm gonna fuckin kill that crocodil fuck

>> No.2755272


Lost $0 because I cashed out 20k 2 weeks ago lmao (initial investment 1k) I left about $3k in shitcoins just to have something in there for when we hit another bullrun someday. I had considered keeping all my money in bitcoin but I cashed it all out because I had just enough to pay off my student loan completely. Ended up being a good decision after all.

>> No.2755280

4000 on initial investment

Kill me

>> No.2755300

up 15k from initial investment. but lost like 20k last two weeks x) ;(

>> No.2755451

And coiners always look at tip of he mountain. You know you need a buyer at the top and seems that no one wanted them at those prices. This is crazy cashing out from ICOs and when all scams are cashed out we will see if anything actually stands out.

>> No.2755552

still in the green off initial investment
ANS and LTC carried pretty much my entire portfolio

>> No.2755575

i'm here too ! might drop a few hundreds more with next paychek before august

>> No.2755579
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Since the crash: 3.5k

>> No.2755585


>> No.2755618
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position still open, wondering if I should close it or continue enjoying the ride

>> No.2755628

What happened? Crypto was supposed to be my escape.

>> No.2755662

Down 300 on initial investment, ATH was +1300

Getting weak hands

>> No.2755707

200k ish from ath...

>> No.2755735
File: 30 KB, 384x509, 1499742194779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literraly gonna prostitute myself for food.

>> No.2755745

Down to 1.2 btc from 3.4 but feel like selling now would be even more stupid, speaking from previous experiences of selling bottom, but then I thought that before and after every 20% plunge over the last week and it just keeps dropping.

>> No.2755752

buy the dip anon

>> No.2755757

Went from 38k at the peak to about 33k before it dropping again to 27k and now I woke up to less than 21k. What a nightmare

>> No.2755777

atleast you still have your shirt

>> No.2755873

Did Vitalik tell you to buy Ether?

>> No.2755912

Metal is up right now

>> No.2755967
File: 13 KB, 300x169, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost 3 dollars I guess? Ive been mining about 2 weeks now on my shitty entry level laptop.

Feeling pretty smug about this drop. Seen this coming for a month now. We arent even halfway to the bottom yet is the crazy part.

>> No.2756010
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It's all gone...

>> No.2756030
File: 396 KB, 480x270, 412343123123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew alt-coins were a meme, you people deserve everything you get for throwing money at something that is essentially a pyramid scheme.

>> No.2756032
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It was never meant to be.

>> No.2756036
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That was the joke. If he lost -$5000, it means he gained. F-funny, right?

>> No.2756053
File: 53 KB, 1080x625, Screenshot_20170711-091814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a beauty.

>> No.2756058

Come on guys, now's the time to buy even more, what could possibly go wrong? ;^)

>> No.2756059

ITT : people learning from their mistakes ... the most efficient way ... by losing money

>> No.2756074

Lawyer appointment today, already paid
Was about to discuss how to save taxes on my 100k gains
Now only 60k gains

Still going to book a hooker afterwards if it goes well
60k is still not bad for a former NEET

>> No.2756090

It isnt losses until you sell.

I suggest now is wise to hold, because market go up sooner or later.

I predict that next bull market begins after august 1 when this Bitcoin thing is over, august 1 make people afraid to invest Bitcoin and that influence whole cryptomarket.

So wait after august 1, i suggest not sell and take losses, market go up, and end of this year marketcap could be double easily what it is now.

>> No.2756104

Thank fuck I'll be able to buy a new graphics card now all these greedy cunt retards with rooms filled with GTX 1070s are going to be made practically worthless.

>> No.2756116
File: 131 KB, 1506x1131, grief-model-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the shock, comes the denial

>> No.2756134


Waiting a little before i start buying again.

This is the time to make money out of all the newcomers selling their bags for 50+% losses.

>> No.2756143

Don't forget the (fear of) AlphaBay exit scamming and the ensuing dump (which is odd since if they did exit scam they'd be foolish to sell it off now for various reasons).

>> No.2756168

Nice. 10k

>> No.2756186

Actually the psychologist who created the "7 stages of grief" stated the stages can occur in any order, and some stages may not even appear at all.

>> No.2756219

I'm down 24k.

I feel nothing


I guess I am in denial.

I made this money from nothing, so it shouldn't matter if it returns to nothing.

>> No.2756238


I'm sorry, but did ETH already dump? Oh, that's right. It hasn't even started moving yet. In fact, it's only at $189. Is ETH not being at $400 mean it's already over? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you still talk as if it is when it's gone up 500% in less than 200 days? Last time I checked Vitalik's still working actively on ETH it's been the most innovative cryptocurrency for how many years now? They're up against a thousand scam ICO coins and just happen to be moving down as these ICO clowns cash out followed by panicked weak hands. But you know what? ETH the technology is still fucking here. ETHUSD is one of the most popular trading pairs in all of the cryptomarkets. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded posts like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the ETH flips BTC when it hits $1k in record time and somebody replies to you. Oh look at that, the EU just announced crypto is going to be a new asset class. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never come back here again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-ETH posts because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like ETH because it went up. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll some real shitcoins, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your posts now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a thread like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.2756297

$1000 down to $700

Tfw I paid $3.14 for lisk and it will literally never reach that price again

>> No.2756331
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We are losing our time, the greatest asset of all.

>> No.2756337

haha jokes on you i'm only down $30

on a $100 portfolio ;_;

>> No.2756458
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>ATH: 26.5k
>now: 12k

Fuck I'm scared. If I drop below 10k I might consider shorting

>> No.2756466


>> No.2756532

About $15 losses total (from a initial $800 portfolio)

I was profiting $100 so i guess you could say i lost $115

I shorted a day before this crash, best decision ever.

>> No.2756534

from 3750 to 1975
kill me please

>> No.2756549

You know that if you sell and buy at the right times you can increase your profits massively right?

Theoretical example:
ETH at $400
I have 1 ETH, i sell
Now I have $400
ETH drops to $200, i buy 2 ETH
ETH values rises back to $400
My holdings are now valued at $800 (ETH at $400 each)

If you only long trade you are never going to get all this juicy profit from shorting

>> No.2756552

Almost 200k usd, no joke. I don't know what to do..

>> No.2756571

Around 700 usd in alts, so I'm no worried at all. I have around 8 Btc, really comfy when you know it's going to explode in about two or three months.

>> No.2756594


>> No.2756597

I lost about $1000.

I know it'll all go back up again, so i'm not despairing.

>> No.2756598

fuck off deluded retard
nothing is going to explode
your shitty kiddy coins aren't worth a penny anymore
the ponzi sheme is bust
the dream is over
2months and we are at bitcoins start value (1BTC = 0.05$ or whatever)

>> No.2756635
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its me via phone now

>> No.2756648

140 quid on a 600quid portfolio

>> No.2756669

Up $2.5k and sold at the bottom of course...
Was holding ark and eth
At one point I was up $17k
Kind of sucks. Sold half to fiat and holding the other half in BTC

>> No.2756718
File: 106 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'm not gonna make it, am I? The fucking conference is my last hope. Could have sold ATH. I know better now, but at what cost?

>> No.2756739

We are in despair phase, buy, buy now!

I bought 1+ mil DGB @ 400 sats.
I will be rich or I will lose all my investment, no third option...

>> No.2756740

about 1k over the last week
what the fuck is happening

>> No.2756744

Nice, I did exactly the same, except I withdrew only $17k. I've just left it in Bitcoin, that's what it was for years before I tried playing in this bubble, I'll just leave it there for now.

>> No.2756865

i have 20 ANS should i keep buying since i can prlly sell at conference

>> No.2756872

I picked up 1,000 whalecoins

>> No.2756894

2600€ -> 2200€

>> No.2756912

hang in there /biz/boyz

>> No.2756926

I've been holding since the 19th, and it's not looking so good anymore. Last Friday I would have told you yes, but with the whole market as shit as it is, I'm not even sure the conference will even do anything anymore. I'm not gonna die without the money I put in, but I'm not rich, man. This hurts.

>> No.2756935

You too will be a sick cunt. Keep it up. We're all going to make it.

>> No.2756938

.... so... i mean... we can just sell the day before conference... right.

>> No.2756951

so pissed

>> No.2756961

always sell half hold the rest

>> No.2756965

Just wait till you have 30K after a year and glad you are still just holding :^)

>> No.2756977

Is this panty from Panty and Stockings? Great show man

>> No.2756980

that's what i did but i'm still pissed
feel like i'm daytrading and i should just leave it alone and keep the eth

>> No.2756988
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What I mean is that I don't think there will be any hype this time around, and I will be left holding bags forever. I trust BTC to survive market downturns, but ANS is too fucking new.

>> No.2756993

I will surely enjoy polishing my Iron Hands while they shine in the sun a blind poorfags like you with my wealth by next year.

Your tears will be delicious :)

Enjoy the FOMO after august 1st

>> No.2757008

damn dude you're scaring me to sell as soon as this shit goes up 2 dollars lol. guess we'll wait see if we hear any news or hype

>> No.2757015

Chin up bizbros...it's free slurpie day at 7-11

>> No.2757033


>> No.2757214

Don't be scared man, just watch the charts leading up to the conference. Set limits, and don't get greedy. Greed is why I'm still bagholding despite buying before ATH and two subsequent pumps to 400k+.

>> No.2757219

It doesn't count if you haven't realized your losses

>> No.2757281

i dont know how to let limits on bitrexx.. the best i got is the alarm that goes on after a certain price. i think i set it to 8$ lol. im just trying to make a profit any profit really... i know im not going to get rich. this is my first investment with my own money

>> No.2757306

Holy fuck

>> No.2757308
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>> No.2757334
File: 83 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same as selling normally. See that button that says limit? Set an order for the price you want to sell at, and it puts it on the order book. If the price is reached and stays there long enough to be filled, it'll go through and sell. There's also conditional sell/buy orders, but I'm not too sure how those function exactly as with everything I've bought and sold, I've always been in front of the screen to do it. I'd imagine they're more useful for setting stop losses than profit taking.

>> No.2757342

$0 because i cashed out weeks ago since the crash was obvious

>> No.2757360

But i dont believe in the technology. It is snakeoil. I believe that others believe in the technology and that is where most people have made their money.

>> No.2757373

$ 2 mill gains unrealised. At that time I was aware of bitcoins, but I was a dropout without anything. Couldn't even lendings from friends or whatsoever.

>> No.2757396

60K Aprox.
For four years to today

>> No.2757432

post yfw you didn't fell for the shitcoins meme

>> No.2757455

7 dollars

>> No.2757474
File: 1.44 MB, 277x202, brah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never bought in
>tfw I'll buy in in the next two days
>tfw I'll make tons of money

gonna feel real good.

>> No.2757482


The good thing about being a poorfag is you don't really fall from that high.

>> No.2757488
File: 31 KB, 1258x84, Capture d’écran 2017-07-11 à 13.48.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic realted

>> No.2757634

What technology? If you believe the only way for a blockchain to work is with a token, you literally have no clue. "believing in the tech" is an overused hype to convince morons to invest more. Every ICO is a scam. Smart fucks scamming money out of you dumb fucks. Eth is the only success story of altcoins, because its the base layer of the pyramid scheme

>> No.2758661

$700 of initial 2400.

You can't blink. Any position you have you either double down on or close your eyes and wait for summer to be over.

>> No.2758668
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>could've cashed out at 4x gains around a month ago
>instead I'm now making a loss

>> No.2758702

10k to 18k and now at around 7500.

So i lost 2500 coz I was not fearful when others were greedy as Warren Buffet put it.

Deep depression is the result. Fuck it all.

>> No.2758719
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bout a hunnit bucks.

>> No.2758762

>Paying taxes on untraceable crypto currency


>> No.2758827

how are you supposed to turn it into USD then? The IRS is going to be wondering where all this money came from. There may be some loophole in the 100k pages of tax law we have that could be useful, its worth checking anyway.

>> No.2758844
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> what tech
can you even keep up?

>> No.2758873


but I only invested like $2000 initially (years ago) so no biggie

I'm still +$170k profit

I'm just happy retards who bought STATUS, EOS, and similar ICOs are getting BTFO hard


>> No.2758887

>$65 to $53
Started a week ago. Fuck this shit I'm out

>> No.2758913

I lost $80k dude

>> No.2758942

Bitcoin is not untraceable you mong.

>> No.2758995


Converted a bunch of $245 ETH into 15000 sat CHC a few days ago. Doubled my money this week faggots.

>> No.2759009

Man thats like so many tech memes jammed into one company its scary. About the only one they are missing is quantum resistant encryption.

AI hedge funds are not new. They arent even rare. They also dont work all that well usually. They just memed it because its "blockchain" now.

>> No.2759019


>> No.2759038

Lost 80k

>> No.2759091

serves you well for being a fucking weeb

>> No.2759411
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Don't worry senpai. I was basically in the same situation but opened a long position last night that got eventually liquidated over the night (by dropping 0.5% below 20% maintenance needs) losing half of your portfolio. Now everything recovered and I would actually make a profit but my position got already liquidated REEEEEEEEEEEE. I was buying ETH at about $50 now my portfolio is worth the initial investment. Such is life.