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27514495 No.27514495 [Reply] [Original]

You’ve been warned. Rubic is /ourcoin/
And anonymous cross chain swaps are unironically the internet of crypto

>> No.27514640

Can someone please tell me how the fuck I'm supposed to use BSC on rubic exchange

>> No.27514902
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Them putting polkadot on the roadmap is unironically a super smart move. Polka has hundreds of millions invested in their ecosystem and will be starting a huge marketing push soon.
Everything about RBC is so insanely bullish.

>> No.27515008
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You bought in right anon?

>> No.27515081

/biz/ owns 30-40% of all RBC

>> No.27515170

Imagine what the history books will write of us
First link then rubic

>> No.27515229

Tell me how to buy Rubic NOW

I'm guessing I buy ETH from coinbase
get crypto wallet on chrome extension
Swap ETH for Rubic

>> No.27515242


>> No.27515391

It’s a fucking scam.

>> No.27515511

No u

>> No.27515615

Pls keep secret sir. We have almost dumped our employees bags

>> No.27515661

I have 9.2k am I gonna make it or what, how high could this go by 2024?

>> No.27515717

How is $9.20 in 3 years sound

>> No.27515784

please sirs my village is still hungry no scam i rpomise

>> No.27515830

How does $350+ sound?

>> No.27515854

How does 92 million dollars sound

>> No.27515934

350k*+ (conservative estimate)

>> No.27516199

site looks really good now

but they seemed to have hired some pyramid scam marketing group to promote it, which I really don't like

>> No.27516205

Pretty cool I think I could afford to go to school and get my doctorate in nursing
I could feed my village
God I wish

>> No.27516231

I’m going to have $700 million in just a few short months. Feels good /biz/

>> No.27516404

Can RBC possibly reach $10 within some years?

>> No.27516556

holy shit whales dumped 100k and it barely fell

>> No.27516592


>> No.27516666

Try this month anon. Still not going to sell though. I’m making sell orders for $37

>> No.27516670

I estimate $40-$100 / rbc market depending on how fast DeFi grows in a few years

>> No.27516676

if they are on track with the roadmap, it's surely possible

>> No.27516726

Swingies get the rope too

>> No.27516764
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>> No.27516790

I would buy more but the gas fees are crazy and I'm a poorfag

>> No.27516827

wow, checked. rubic always gets 666s.
but $10 this month isnt possible sadly

>> No.27516836

What's the best way around gas fees?
Signing up through some other website and getting "verified?"
Throwing eth increments into different coins and dont want to get hit by the fees everytime

>> No.27516925

the best thing you can do is research before you buy and then buy a larger stack to mitigate the fees.

>> No.27516993

there is none at the moment

>> No.27517067

also, gas prices are lower at certain times of the day when there is lower traffic on the eth network. so time your trades. with all the hype in defi right now though you might have to bite the bullet and pay a high gas price.

>> No.27517080

Prove me wrong

>> No.27517193
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Lord, forgive the seething norubers, they know not what they do.

>> No.27517207

It would have to make 4000% increase

>> No.27517280

And your point is?

>> No.27517346

My Metamask's Rubic balance went briefly blank with a yellow exclamation mark and I fucking panicked so hard. I need a hardware wallet ASAP.

>> No.27517508

I have a hardware wallet but I barely keep anything in it. Most of my shit is in multiple different software wallets

>> No.27517559

if you mean cross chain swaps theyre actually doing tutorials now

>> No.27517651


>> No.27517749

Suicide stack of 5k reporting in. will i make it?

>> No.27517793

Sir... please no deprive me of village chief respect

>> No.27517858

Rubic to 30$ my niggers

>> No.27517941

Not a suicide stack

>> No.27517974
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>> No.27517983


I jsut bought a bunch of rubic on eToro

>> No.27518012

This racist clearly did his research

>> No.27518083

No you didn’t fucking Kek

>> No.27518093

Spic here, I only have 300usd, how much I'm gonna loose in gas fees? Is it worth it with that little? I want to buy rubic. Also, I'm going to pay with PayPal, I am gonna get fucked with fees? Never bought crypto before.

>> No.27518185

gas is gonna run you $200 right now, try again at 3am

>> No.27518195

Stop this shilling niggers, I want to fill my bags

>> No.27518313

Stay away from this shitcoin if you’ve never bought crypto in your life

>> No.27518312

Time waits for no man

>> No.27518377

wait until tomorrow morning around 6/7am european itme

>> No.27518399

Shitcoin of the week
50k market cap at $0.08
600k market cap to reach $1
Unironically the next moonshot


>> No.27518413

What timezone? Want to buy more too kek

>> No.27518712

fucking kek

>> No.27519244

6/7am gmt
Very early morning US
You want the most amount of people sleeping as possible. Pajeets don't actually make that many transactions. Chinamen laregly use BSC, OMG, etc not as many ETH transactions so

Pick a time when the price is low, do it in a single transaction instead of many

>> No.27519292

I can't buy more till Friday is it gonna pump all week?????

>> No.27519451

dem fucking milkies

>> No.27519608


Probably dip, but I think $0.2 is the new floor.

>> No.27519634

It’s dumping right now

>> No.27519655

This is good advice for normal times. But I don’t advise waiting for gas fees to dip on a crypto that is clearly exploding.

>> No.27519718
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You should buy this...

>> No.27519823


had to take out initial investment , rest profit to the moon

>> No.27519837

ETH gas fees are a scam
never paying 40 bucks to buy 200 bucks of RBC

>> No.27520320

If this is the new dump I think I’m about to buy 100k more. Thanks anon!

>> No.27520419


> the future of finance!
> $200 fee for a $300 transaction

>> No.27520448


fuckin sick 0.2 is a small price to pay when I plan to hold it all year

>> No.27520537

Should I get in now? Don't have much to throw at it.

>> No.27520578

That is perfect for me, I live in mainland Europe which is +1 from GMT time. Thanks anon!

>> No.27520598

Use coinbase wallet to buy through coinbase or use another exchange, coinbase will fuck you on the 3 day crypto holding period.

>> No.27520610

A transaction costs what a transaction costs regardless of contents, just be less poor

>> No.27520689
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>> No.27520780


Do you see any significant level of normies adopting a system where they have to pay a $200 fee every time they move their money around?

>> No.27520963

Every single project is working on negating fees right now.

>> No.27520973

my understanding is that this is the exact problem rubic aims to solve

>> No.27522285
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>> No.27522604
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Oh no anon why did you have to say that when I'm already rock hard from it hitting 26c..


>> No.27522941

because it hit 27c 20 minutes ago and coingecko has been catching up since


>> No.27523471

good GOD, what a historic day for /ourcoin/.
My neighbour, a prolific FUDposter in many a rubic thread, has just been found dead by suicide!

>> No.27523474

Is 35K enough to make it?
I don't care about fancy cars and stuff, I just want a comfy cottage and be free of wage slavery.

>> No.27524290
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>> No.27524358


>> No.27524815
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>> No.27524993
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No one is selling. I love this coin

>> No.27526748
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>> No.27526842

is 50k a suicide stack? i feel like i should keep getting more. Just gas prices are cucking me right now.

>> No.27527149
File: 113 KB, 1080x1080, 9F7EE832-129E-4D7E-BBC8-C07273F7723F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically bought 50k because of this video

>> No.27527274

50k is a make it stack anon. You’ll be sitting comfy in no time

>> No.27527325

im a fking newfag can someone explain me how to get this coin ? its not available on coinbase or binance or shit. Do you get it by trade ??

>> No.27527391

>does nothing for 3 months
>suddenly massively shilled on /biz/
>2.5 million volume (literally only /biz/)
take your profits newfags you WILL be dumped on

>> No.27527476

Rubic exchange or Uniswap. Get on that metamask wallet game anon!

>> No.27527548

it's a PnD

but, it looks to be a good one. make sure you know what you're doing.

>> No.27527680

this time i'm not late,
stacklet tho

>> No.27527684

u guys are going to feel despair by the end of the month lol

>> No.27527954

I purchased like 0.1 ETH, and it still wasn't enough for the fucking gas fees. I'll see you on Binance

>> No.27528047

dont worry friend i'll sell you some rubics for $5 each on binance in a few weeks

>> No.27528105

bought 10k more

>> No.27528192


>> No.27528247

We should consolidate our power.

>> No.27528362


>> No.27528363

Yeah, make sure to have enough ETH for the gas.

>> No.27528393

>its only /biz/
>everyone is buying for the long term

We wont start shilling it to reddit until it hits exchanges

>> No.27528431


>> No.27528501

>yesterday it was $0.17

Rubiclets are PURE LOLZ!

>> No.27528626

Rubic goes cubic while GME goes N/E.

>> No.27528727

Is it too late to profit from the pnd?

>> No.27529850

What $200? Everything shows $40. Which is a lot as well but not as bad as $200 worth.

>> No.27530066

its a competing exchange to unishart. Not sure how thats a PnD.

>> No.27530223

its done nothing but go down from 50 cents to 5 cents over a year. why would it go up now??

>> No.27530536
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Oh Rubic you little cuboid Chap

Who would've thought you'd grow to a 20M Marketcap

When I first saw you I questioned if you're shilled by pajeets

But thanks to you Rubic, on the rocketship I've booked my seats

I'll admit that when I bought you I was won over by your memes

But I now hodl firm as you provide the profits of my dreams

>> No.27530590

Normally it dips when the chinks wake up and start dumping but that hasn't been happening for the past couple of days. I just bought more earlier today because I got tired of waiting for another good dip and wanted to add to my stacklet.

>> No.27530660
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Brought a tear to my eye.

That's it, I'm putting $8000 odd into this when it hits my bank account in the next couple of days.

>> No.27530882
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I salute your dedication to the cause sir

>> No.27531300
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>a 5 minute tutorial to swap some shit coins

>> No.27531422

congrats on the 8 bajillion dollars

>> No.27531455

yeah you will get fucked with fees ese
that's just the name of the game at this point in time

>> No.27531718
File: 59 KB, 501x900, trumpet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it a pnd, it's been growing and pumping organically for about a month now
fucking retard

>> No.27531915

Rubic is not a project you should be investing in long term. Reasons:

1. Market cap: $26M !!! For a swap exchange that has a really shitty UX and product, cannot be even compared with 1inch (used by Rubic primarily and has stellar product with $172m market cap and 8b monthly volume). With 98.4m circulating supply, reaching $10 is not possible in a gazillion years looking at this shitty product.

2. Usecase: Who the fuck wants to swap on Binance chain outside of Binance!? Also why the fuck would I use Rubic when I can easily get the best prices on 1inch, Uni or Metamask swap?!

3. Contant shilling: Pajeets scamming this board with stolen link memes just waiting for you poorfags to pump the price so that they can dump on you!

4. Inexperienced tech: Their dev team/tech is really inexperienced compared with dev teams of the defi world. Check the dev teams at Sushi, Aave, 1inch, YFI, CRV, Uni, SNX. These guys dont even stand a chance.

Worst part: The website was down for almost 2 hours which has happened 3-4 times so far (server load is a shitty excuse)! Imagine website going down during a swap.

That being said, yes the constant shilling on biz might pump the price a bit maybe but this is never a safe long term hold, because either you might get rugpulled or whales might dump hard and the price would never recover and you would be holding these coins forever.

So DYOR. There is no reason for you to use Rubic when there are literally 100x better products in the market..

>> No.27532207


Didn't read, not selling

>> No.27532329

Help me out rubichads. When should i buy back in to avoid high fees?

>> No.27532381


>> No.27532545

Despite making up only 13% of the population...

>> No.27532610

any exchange that doesn't require KYC is a scam ABORT ABORT ABORT rug pull imminent

>> No.27532635

to cross chain swap onto another chain
anon it's more complex than just a normal swap

>> No.27532671