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27514095 No.27514095 [Reply] [Original]

>830k net worth

>> No.27514188

Damn bro how did you manage that

>> No.27514221

A failure.

>> No.27514244

what's your portfolio

>> No.27514259

>25k net worth

>> No.27514357

Does my child add to my net worth?

>> No.27514370
File: 1023 KB, 500x361, 87C3C6E5-5038-4F1A-9139-6C5EFECAB7C0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9k net worth

>> No.27514404

>250k net worth

not bad for starting last year with just my first stimmy check

>> No.27514436

its a 100x. Unless you have a mutt, then its you worse than broke.

>> No.27514449

dont forget the racist and trannies anon on your journey in to kikedom

>> No.27514477

Amazing job brother. I hope I can have as much as you at that age. That's fucking make it money right there, no matter what some retards here say "u need 5 mil bro". With 800k you can mortgage a house, live off passive income, and still have enough left to continue making risky investments.


>> No.27514497
File: 61 KB, 446x647, 99223E79-7D5C-4275-873A-C9A13A69CAF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fellow 25 year old upper 6 figure bro.
The game is rigged in our favor, can literally just use the passive income from staking to do degenplays and investments, no need to use wagie check.

>> No.27514539

literally me

>> No.27514554

>£2k net worth

gonna make it soon

>> No.27514555

Same but 32 years

>> No.27514570

>13k net worth

Not too upset, desu. I'm able to save 500/month right now and it's only going to get better as my credit card debt is almost gone.

>> No.27514713

>2k USD

Lol. At least I live in a 3th world country, so is pretty ok as I started last 5 months.

>> No.27514720

No mutt thank god

>> No.27514778

-14k reporting in

>> No.27514795

tell me how deer sir

>> No.27514869

And I forgot to mention most people won't even need to live off the passive income. Once you find what you truly love to do you can monetize it and continue making some money while also getting the passive income.

Staying at home and wasting time on vidya all day is a fucking meme, that's fucking bullshit life. You always need goals and ambitions.

>> No.27514893

>Negative 30K
I ain't even mad

>> No.27514909



L oser

>> No.27514924

Based 9 thousandaire. You will never feel wealthier than you do now.
No joke, the more you gain in value the more you will think about missed value and how much further you need to go

>> No.27515074

15k net worth

Not sure how to start generating passive income
Hate being a wagie

>> No.27515076

Not bad, but could've been better. I had that amount with 22.

>> No.27515095

>156k net worth

And to be honest:
>of which 85k generational wealth by the savings account my parents gave me + 500gr gold bullion.

>> No.27515176
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>25k net worth
its over

>> No.27515361
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>still can't retire
>1.3m atm

its all so tiresome

>> No.27515547

>Did postgrad
>Nigga I am broke
>Who tf told me being a doctor was best way to make money

>> No.27515710

>50 U.S.D net worth

Just 50.
No K

>> No.27515729

>1.3 mill net worth

>> No.27515850


>> No.27515970

If you went to university for the money then you got scammed like 99% of the people who do that.

Should only go to university if you're very interested in the subject you want to study, eg: doctor, scientist, engineer. Any other degree is a meme scam.

>> No.27516003

how does genetic immortality sound to you bro? having a white kid is the best gift

>> No.27516063

>195k net worth

>> No.27516096

lol stay poor

>> No.27516102

5k net worth

>> No.27516141

>31k net worth :|

>> No.27516156

>-5k net worth

>> No.27516192

Oh went for medical science so I didn't get memed but it's not as rewarding as I thought

>> No.27516263

>just broke 50k net wort this year

feels bad that this literally makes zero difference to having $0 net worth and that I will be a wageslave for the rest of my life

>> No.27516270

>5 Link

>> No.27516273
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>15k net worth

>> No.27516317

>white kid
Well my wife is half black so...
He's 1/4 black

>> No.27516349

You need 5mil. Good luck with 800k

>> No.27516402

18, 250$ Am I gonna make it?

>> No.27516567

>90k net worth
<didn't miss link

>> No.27516585
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>Buy home for 200k in midwest
>Put 630k in index for 6% to 8% annual return
>Withdraw 5% annually to live off of
If you're not doing that, you deserve to lose it all.

>> No.27516649

>20k net worth
It's not much, but I'm saving half of my 50k a year income now. I should have more than 100k invested in a few years.

>> No.27516970
File: 5 KB, 225x225, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even make this kind of money without getting lucky on shitcoins or having a rich family? I'm 21, not in debt, have a few physical assets to my name like a bike etc.
I'm going get my degree this year. Anything like a mortgage or a car payment would fuck me financially. Do I just live in a hole in the wall for 5 years?

How do I stop being retarded?

>> No.27517443

>1 $GME net worth

D- Did I make it?

>> No.27517794

This. How the fuck do I go from being poorfag to make it status without winning the lotto or having well-off parents?

>> No.27518028

Some people make a lot of money doing side jobs/"hustles". I make $4500/month and I'm not even employed or have a degree, 21yo as well.

The most important part is that no matter what you work or how much you earn, you have to invest as much as possible. The most guaranteed way of making it is investing.

>> No.27518248

Basically hunker down for a few years. I'm 27, BS degree working in the same field of study. Still owe on student loans, ~14k, and have a truck payment that's covered by mileage, owe ~30k. First years of college are rough but if you actually get a decent job out of it it gets significantly easier over a few years.

What side hustles do you do? I've mostly been a lazy sack of shit in that regard

>> No.27518585
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>-2000$ thanks GME i lost 10k

>> No.27518835

We sure are mate

>> No.27519042

Bitch you don't, this fag is a 1 post by this ID larper. Honestly if you're bellow 35 with money you either got VERY lucky and that is very circumstantial, boot strappers are first to get fucked since corporate mentality is to stick them in menial jobs with no promotion pathways and let them work themselves into depression. The degrees are memes and the debt has to be paid off to put your books in the green, face it the system is toast. People that got lucky like to pretend that they were or did something special to get the success they now enjoy, they hate it when people point out that they are nothing special, just favorable set of dice rolls. Winning in this world requires sheer and brutal cunning or luck, there is no room for merit or hard work anymore.

>> No.27519061

what hustles you working?

>> No.27519132

A lot of random bullshit. You can either focus on one thing and maximize it or do several smaller things.

>pick up furniture items that people give away free, sell them for cheap = ~$700-1000/month
>buy and re-sell gym equipment, runs out of stock in 1-2 dayys on most sites due to Rona = ~$2500-3000/month
>help my uncle with his business' website = $1000/month

>> No.27519176
File: 119 KB, 543x800, ritsu sleeves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 23 and have 73k. how am i doing?

>> No.27519207
File: 621 KB, 711x644, 7gjqM3F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23, only child
both my parents networth is by default mine already

>> No.27519296

>2,500 in debt (not paying lol)
>500 in crypto
>15 in bank

>> No.27519313

18 and 210K net worth. Good or meh?

>> No.27519334

With that kind of mentality, everyone would be broke forever. It's true that not everyone can make decent money, most dumb and lazy fucks like you can't.

>> No.27519413


>> No.27519692

what the fuck youre killing it
you were a child recently

>> No.27519724

>can’t retire
How much do you need, fag? 10% returns from boomer index fund payouts are more than enough to live.

>> No.27519913

you would need 5m for that type of lifestyle to cash out a respectable sum after inflation and taxes and reinvestment to make the principal bigger

>> No.27520029

eth was $1 5 years ago
even anons who missed out on bitcoin and never traded got the chance to get a x1000 by following the hodl meme. not once, but twice (eth first hit $1000 in early 2018, even if not for long)

>> No.27520101

>net worth 1000

I can totally turn this around right?

>> No.27520139

Well, he would need a lot more than normal FIRE because he has to live 55+ years of index returns instead of the usual 30.

>> No.27520143

Dollars or Rupees? You're not fooling anyone, Pajeet.

>> No.27520195

>15k in debt
>250 in crypto
>700 neetbucks in bank

/newfag/ here, bought DOGE, REEF and GRT. will i make it

>> No.27520208


>> No.27520220
File: 348 KB, 1125x1060, 1612273281850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are gonna make it.

Buy some $CLF


>> No.27520235
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I agree with >>27519334 in that that defeatist mentality ensures one to never make it....that being said, It's painfully obvious that the system is rigged against us, but I'm wondering what steps to take to increase my chances of pulling a winning card. Not by assblasting my savings into shady shitcoins/stocks, but by careful study and observations. There's so many books/courses ect on the subject but I'm scared of wasting time on get-rich-quick junk with no sound advice.

>> No.27520323

$108k net worth

Where did i fuck up bros...

>> No.27520382

either you can't do math, or you're a snotty silver spoon kid from NYC or sanfran

>> No.27520418
File: 37 KB, 280x305, 0F2332A6-B356-4FC0-86BD-5A21F7577BAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200k net worth

>> No.27520487

> 25
> £30k NW

I've got good skills luckily. If my Crypto can 10x and hit £100k over this bullrun then I'll quit my job and spend the next 2 years building a business. Chained by the fucking IP clauses of my current job (consulting) to build out my own side-hustle consulting gig. Waging sucks hard

>> No.27520522

>8m NW

Retirement at 30m

>> No.27520558


>> No.27520567


>> No.27520574

>$61K net worth

What this anon said >>27516263
It's literally no better than being dead broke other than the fact that I have emergency funds

>> No.27520597

Fucking bitch please, you fall into that catagory of pretenders that hate the fact that they are nothing special. Or was I not working hard pulling 10-14 hour days in fucking fast food to afford going to collage on top oh working as a pharmacy janitor? Or perhaps when my university canceled my degree after I put one year into it leaving me holding a 20K bag it was my lack of work ethic? Or when said fast food job denied me promotions and I had to work somewhere else to service my debt it was my fault for not being a leggy female or diversity hire? Was it bad work ethic that saw that old boss fire me after I had fully served two weeks notice just to spite me for leaving? Or the years of grinding in costumer service to clear my debt while trying to put my academic life back together was just plain dumb? Pray tell when year after year I am stalled with any potential advancement being denied me since I was good at what I did middling away for $12 while being passed over, year, after year, got plenty of bullshit plastic trophies but no better paycheck was I rewarded for my stupidity? People like you are gross to me, I paid my dues, I bled I fought for a simple career, instead I was expendable while trying to be responsible fuck off with your judgmental arrogance, your hubris will be your undoing.

>> No.27520611

>reached 6 figure € hell this week
feels good mane

>> No.27520674

>$0 net worth
>$300k worth of loan money in RBC
to ze moon

>> No.27520681

Imagine expecting common stocks to return 10% lmao
Look at Credit Suisse Global Investment Returns Yearbook for returns since 1900 across many countries.
4.5% median after inflation. Inflation can sure pump up nominal returns

>> No.27520748

>-30k net worth
SL cancellation waiting room.

>> No.27520750

All I'm reading so far are people who can't retire in their 20s or 30s.

>> No.27520770
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>wanting more than 30k a year annual is somehow snooty

>> No.27520883

Learn 2 code

>> No.27520962

>20k net worth

>> No.27521077

Your results are the fruits of your own decisions. No one forced you to sign up for college while working, you could've worked and invested your money instead. You would've been in a 100x better place than now.

No one forced you to do a single job for $12/hour either. You could've done the job and also find something on the side, even if it's for an extra few hundred a month.

If you blame everyone else or the system, you won't make it bud. Adapt to it. It's never too late to turn things around, good luck.

>> No.27521087

getting his ass pounded in

>> No.27521151

Getting over 15k savings in your early 20s isn't that hard. The key is to lower your general cost of living, not remove all frivolous expenses. I'm able to save 40% of every paycheck because I bit the bullet and started renting rooms instead of an apartment. Even if I can afford to pay $1200-1300/month in rent for my own place, I can't save money significant money while doing so.

Has the last 2 years been miserable renting only a room while living with a bunch of Pajeets? Yes. Will I break 30k in savings by middle of 2022? Also yes. I've already started investing my savings and that will grow it steadily as well. I'll keep renting rooms until I find a gf to move in with.

>> No.27521236
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>$400 in my bank account
retarded city government job requires me to live in nyc despite paying me dick and i miss all the memes/dont have enough to put in to make decent returns

good thing my loans are suspended or i’d be fucked

>> No.27521390

like 3 grand

>> No.27521480

>25 almost 26
>sub 60k net worth
im gonna fuckin cry anon.

>> No.27521616

feels insignificant ;-;

>> No.27521633
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>$35m+ net worth

>> No.27521756

Prove it pussy

>> No.27521819


Feelin the same but I'm 29. Looks like we're stuck in the same shit bro

>> No.27521934

>thanks to GME
no its thanks to YOU faggot. start taking extreme accountability for yourself and your actions and you'll rise

>> No.27522053

prove it

>> No.27522094


>> No.27522119

>still can't retire
>1.3m atm
Wtf how? 23 and literally 3000$ here

>> No.27522207

It sucks still having to work, but feels good that when you do hit six figure hell you no longer have anxiety about paying a bill. Y’all six figure hell dudes know that feeling. But this insane desire of greed does consume you cause you know you effectively just need to 20x your money to effectively stop waging

>> No.27522209
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Meant to add: Nobody is a fortune teller, so I'd rather do my research and learn enough to understand to spot a probable good deal vs a shit deal. Where should I even begin?

>> No.27522225

>10k networth
Just made 2k with GME fiasco, am I gonna make it bros? Also in uni, fuck tradetards.

>> No.27522270

But I am screwed by everyone else and the system, so I close my eyes cover my ears and pretend that a decade of my life did not go to waste. I am saying that those that got lucky should not take it for granted that they just got lucky, at the end of the day you can nit pick with 20 20 hind sight someone that at the time was making (as they were told) all of the right moves to get where they wanted to go. You would also be blind to a large set of fundamental problems that we are just now seeing come to the surface. The only thing that I blame for this is myself but that doesn't make the circumstance any less what they are. Arrogance is what you are plying, I have seen it by the metric ton since for the longest time I worked with the public, your attitude is the exact nonsense that people grow to hate especially if they had to work with the circumstances they were given, and not the ones they worked for.

>> No.27522392

>truck payment

>> No.27522509

-20k because of student debt

>> No.27522538

>No college
>door 2 door sales
>6 figure anual income in commission

I don’t give a fuck about anyone’s “circumstance” go knock a fucking door and make a living

>> No.27522562
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monetizing your interests makes sense. I write and could probably start submitting to places but I wouldn't make a lot of money
>tfw could have bought ETH at 100$
I do have ~15k in saving, but I've never seriously invested other then playing around with a few hundred worth of coins. I just focus on staying in the black. What % do you guys invest a month and where? What books do you guys read for that kind of stuff? there's too much boomer and meme advice out there.
>I'll keep renting rooms until I find a gf to move in with.
I feel you man.

>> No.27522633
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>3k debt
>1.5k asset+crypto portfolio.

>> No.27522712
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>8k net worth
I only got into crypto recently, and chances are this is about to change to 2k net worth by the time GME is done with me. Unlike most zoomers I'm actually willing to work hard jobs, so I'll be able to get it all back within a few months. I've only been working for about a year and a half, so I have no clue how people can be in their 30s and have no money. This shit isn't that hard.

>> No.27522756

Nice sob story. Working hard is totally irrelevant to wealth, or else gas station attendants and construction workers would be the richest mfers on the planet.

>> No.27522795

>literally only 3k in my bank account

I'll end myself if crypto doesnt help me make 40k before i'm 30

>> No.27522817

>1 id
>didn't post portfolio

>> No.27522823


>> No.27522841

Everyone’s going to call me a faggot for this, but I pay motley fool 200 dollars a year. They give me stock picks and I don’t need to stress out if I’m getting scammed by some random dude on the internet. I put 98% in long term holdings they suggest that I don’t sell and use the other 2% to gamble on the stock market on plays like GME

>> No.27522876
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>> No.27522909

what do you sell? knifes?

>> No.27522935

>12k net worth NEET

>> No.27522986

>I have no clue how people can be in their 30s and have no money
no judging, but do you still live with your parents?

>> No.27522997

HVAC and insulation

>> No.27523010

>genetic immortality
Not if you kid gets killed/becomes an incel.
And chances of inceldom is massive for the next generation of boys

>> No.27523015

>27 single
could be worse, just got lucky with some calls

>> No.27523027

This. I just got over 100k and it doesn't feel like much desu. It's probably because you realize it's still far from being a fuck you money.

>> No.27523070

I’m happy for you anon!

>> No.27523095

you mean sicilian?

>> No.27523146

Yo my guy, you've been investing in the bull market of all bull markets. It's easy to say "it isn't hard" when all you've known is a bull market.

>> No.27523160

>genetic immortality
Where the fuck does this meme come from I keep seeing it on /pol/ too. 99% of bloodlines are extinct. Having a kid slightly delays the end of your bloodline but it can still easily end with your kid. That isn’t anything close to immortality.

>> No.27523188
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>live in eastern yuro shithole
>15 ha land on my name, worth around €100k
>own appartment in downtown, worth €150k
>power company just bought 20ha from my father for €350k, ill get €100k
>rest of land owned by family worth around €1 million

i may not be super rich but the fact is i was set comfy from birth and thats good enough for me

>> No.27523202

>3k net worth

>> No.27523227

83 years old and on /biz/. Legendary

>> No.27523240
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>doesnt matter because it's all numbers on a screen and my life is meaningless

>> No.27523270

>£25k networth
It feels difficult anons. Spent so much time building a base and purchasing the required basics of life.
Smartphone fully paid for
Good computer fully paid for
Decent car fully paid for
Emergency fund setup (2-3 months expenses)

>> No.27523336

this is unironically true my networth is at ATH and I feel porer than ever because of all the mistakes I made along the way, gains I missed out on, etc.

>> No.27523358

post pic of gf

>> No.27523431


Don't chase moonshots and it will grow by itself fren

>> No.27523441

Top 1%. If you’re not memeing, good job bro. Now don’t FOMO into something retarded.

>> No.27523457


>> No.27523518

Everyone's life is meaningless.
All that matters are numbers on a screen.
That's the meaning of life.
You 're a winner.

>> No.27523535

And what about SPY? average of 13% per annum

>> No.27523571

you clearly weren't around for 2017 if you think this crabfest shitshow is the bull market of all bull markets lmao

>> No.27523584

>Staying at home and wasting time on vidya all day is a fucking meme, that's fucking bullshit life. You always need goals and ambitions.
Every word of this is painfully true
t. spent last 18 months as a NEET

>> No.27523634

I live with my parents and they don't charge me rent, so every £700 of my paycheck that would have gone to landlords goes directly into s&s and low cap shitcoins.

>> No.27523641

This thread has made me feel terrible.

t. a 23 year old with a 4 figure networth...
PLEASE tell me what coins are gonna make me ascend lads.......please...

>> No.27523654

Did you day trade or do you go long term

>> No.27523698

low key did that for a while, made some half decent money, let me pay down my car and shit.
that sounds incredibly based. what has been the most popular as of recent, has it been central air or other stuff?

>> No.27523774

>35k net worth

Better than the -15k I was at the start of the year tho.

>> No.27523797

What the fuck, how?

>> No.27523800
File: 182 KB, 640x773, EA70E9E3-50EF-4D7B-A2DF-3D8F635C0DDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unemployed Neet

How my doin bros?

>> No.27523856

That's not what was said at all, but go off queen.

>> No.27523857

>18.5k roughly but my paychecks aren't deducted for taxes so I likely owe some
>leasing starter car which I will buy (costs ~17k) at the end of lease

>> No.27523894

Nah, I have roommates and work hard jobs. Factory work, did some work at a nursing home, worked at a deli, and I'm currently being recommended for a trade job. I'm willing to work hard jobs and put in the time and I'm not a drug addicted zoomer or a sexual deviant boomer, so I can usually egg out most other applications just by being a normal human.

>> No.27523896

Makes me sad. I obly have 1400 in crypto.

Dont know how you guys multiply it so much

>> No.27523904

Here's a message signed by an Ethereum address holding about $15m of crypto. Can be verified on MEW:

"address": "0x213657bccc5cf8b74455d110c11d5a8ed6241dec",
"msg": "I am 27521633. Can't be arsed to prove all of my holdings, but here's this.",
"sig": "0xe6dfc1ab2e4a92497e3d1a0dfdb37206b87fe26b17ae54a06861fae11a0041e428106d159ec185683ff41840fa1bf77c0bddf106b7924b22679863c527548cbf00",
"version": "3",
"signer": "ledger"

>> No.27523984

What kind of call can make you 200k?!

>t. 27 15k

>> No.27524010

>75k net worth
>Got a promotion starting next week
Feels good I’m on my way

>> No.27524038

>idk like 40 dollars

>> No.27524134
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>140k net worth

>> No.27524163
File: 8 KB, 225x225, F4EB25C3-A1DC-447D-981F-7AAA9582968A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40k net worth no debt

>> No.27524192

>50k net worth

>> No.27524240

Stop fucking with coins and open a Roth IRA. Contribute to it often. Then get your fun money and put it into dividend paying stocks from companies that are doing well. You’re behind but you’re not fucked.

>> No.27524277

Once debts are paid what should I be investing my money in?

>> No.27524310

>What % do you guys invest a month and where? What books do you guys read for that kind of stuff? there's too much boomer and meme advice out there.

Books about market trends are memes; the entire stock market is random. If you want to understand it, better understand human psychology over complex math models. The best advice I can give is buy what you know and have experience with. Read a few books on behavioral economics.

I'm a math/physiology double major that's worked as a cook for 5yrs, so I generally invest into markets based on my education/work experience. I have money into weed because it's legal in Canada now and I know it's going to become a guideline medical treatment soon. I invested into Cheese Cake Factory because it has one of the most recognizable brands in North America right now. It's also one of the few major chains that has it's own separate stock so you can better directly correlate it's success to the stock. Most restaurants are owned by a parent company and you gotta buy their stock. Post covid, people are going to be rushing to restaurants.

Find what you're passionate about and look into the companies creating your passion. Look at their success. Their failures. Do you believe their next product could mean something? Invest if you do. Or if you want a safe ass bet, invest in an ETF. The Vanguard S&P 500 Index always breaks 10% growth each year, but the per stock cost is getting expensive.

>> No.27524364
File: 48 KB, 558x321, ss+(2020-10-24+at+08.44.55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 25
>3k networth

>> No.27524461

>9k net worth

unless trading cards and retro vidya count. then maybe 70k

>> No.27524464

good job bro
>1k net worth

>> No.27524469
File: 19 KB, 399x384, 1607922533502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have my dream amount of money (but in €) with this I could buy an appartement and be free.

So stop crying nigger.

>> No.27524538

>but go off queen.
the fact that you're a flaming faggot aside, "the bull market of all bull markets" was a direct quote from you, you stupid son of a bitch

kys asap if you're actually this retarded and not just trolling

>> No.27524545
File: 85 KB, 720x900, 1591390799792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, signature is legit

>> No.27524579

if you keep putting $250 in every week for the next 7 years of course you will.

>> No.27524608

Keep going off, queen. Express yourself.

>> No.27524612

We do a whole package approach. We get 4K rebates from the government if they replace air conditioning, heating, and their insulation. That plus 0% financing it’s the easiest sell in the world

>> No.27524618

21 and like 4k
Such is the life of an Eastern European loser

>> No.27524631

its not the end goal remember, a lot of us wagies just want to escape the imminent NEED to wageslave. The point of becoming a NEET and making it, is so if it comes to it we could play vidya all day and live a normie wage life without working.

When we have that basic baseline we can then go on to fulfill ourselves

>> No.27524650

>2.5k net worth
I got into stocks last month so hopefully I'll make it

>> No.27524728

>£0 net worth
>Living off overdraft (2k) past 2 years
>5k in credit card debt
>3k in bank loans

As of this week i've dumped all my wages into crypto (GRT/LINK). Giving it til i graduate next year. If its not paid off ill just kill myself instead since my futures fucked. At least for now i can coast off my student bursary and loan (based scotland)

>> No.27524754

Am I die

>> No.27524790

so you're saying we're part of the 1% master race that survived all this time?

>> No.27524792

Are these threads demoralizing or what in 24 with$2000 fugggggggg

>> No.27524814

i was a 23 year old in 2019 with a 4 figure net worth now six figs. DCA every last penny

>> No.27524913

Oh I'm with you, escaping the rat race via financial independence should be everyone's primary goal in life. I was just stressing the part about what comes next- without goals and progress towards them life becomes a haze of ennui.

>> No.27524939
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thats some good shit right there.
im a shitty wagie bank teller who got lucky with some MTG cards being worth a fat stack, may sell some soon for the cash.
im trying to get into the market and set myself up since i only have a 2 year degree and i have no clue what to do with myself. im hoping i can make it

>> No.27524945

GRT and 1INCH. But don't blindly put your money in, DYOR always

You'll make it

>> No.27524969

Are you pimping it out? If no, then ngmi

>> No.27525015
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>> No.27525144

700k hell
$250k/yr job working for myself

>> No.27525163

Not if you raise them right

>> No.27525312
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same here

>> No.27525323


damn, it's literally over for me isn't it
i should've killed myself like i thought i was going to. should never have believed in my drug addict lies

>> No.27525324

how does it feel being this fucking based?

>> No.27525366

What you do for work anon?

>> No.27525386

I really pray i do man. I only got 192 GRT atm, and 12 LINK. Started a month back, putting in what i can hoping its my way out

>> No.27525419

massive dick
1 billion dollars in bitcoin

zoomers get the rope

>> No.27525490


>> No.27525502

Just know that if all else fails there sales. You need to have a strong sense of accountability, but you don’t have to put yourself through debt with schooling or anything. Good luck anon I hope we all make it. Also have you tried any of the NFT card games like GU? I think it was developed by the guys from MTG.

>> No.27525515
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>20k net worth
I have a house, a fiance, and a dog
I'm just full retard when it comes to investing
Literally lost $500 on the doge pump

>> No.27525520

How do people have so much money? I'm 28 as a doctor on £95k a year yet I'm poor in comparison to most of you

>> No.27525535
File: 2.87 MB, 300x264, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20k in savings
>80k in 403b
I feel like I'm so fucking far behind.

>> No.27525644

How much debt you in tuition? What interest r8?

>> No.27525646

im 25 with 250k€ in savings but too afraid to invest :/

>> No.27525670

>trying to not give into my alcoholism

>> No.27525717

>$60k networth
Did I fail in adulthood if this is all I have?

>> No.27525755

Fuck this one hit me
I want a kid so bad but I wanna make sure I have a home before I do that

>> No.27525760

4chan's main demographic has historically been middle class white Americans, so a lot of guys start out with money from their family. The other guys are either link marines or STEM autists who grinded their way to a huge salary

>> No.27525765

Start a business or something. What the fuck are you doing with that lump of cash? It's like a melting ice cube

>> No.27525829
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>400k net worth
>still no gf

>> No.27525899

>People here have money because they aren't niggers

>> No.27525923

If you have a paid off house you obviously add its value to your net worth.
Imo net worth is the wrong number to focus on, what matters is how many hours you work and how much money comes in each month.

>> No.27526016

Put small investments in companies you do business with and continue investing the more business you do with them.
Lets say you're a carpenter, do you get your shit from the home depot? Buy a few shares every once in a while. Do you shop walmart? Probably another good investment. Just don't try to day trade. Shit like GME doesn't happen very often.

>> No.27526038

i haven't tried any of the NFT games since im so into magic already, i came from yugioh and figured it may be cheaper because yugioh was a nightmare. i was mistaken but at least my magic cards arent all worthless after a reprint. honestly i havent played much because lockdown and shit but i feel like once the world opens up again, paper magic will surge. i've been buying modern staples and edh staples and shit. i've got a friend who does sales so if something does happen i can ask him if he has any potential ins for me. i just wanna be comfy. i dont need to have millions, id like to but if i can just live a comfy life, not have to slave at a job 50 hours a week, id be just fine.

>> No.27526050

Nah it's not paid off, so technically I have -250k

>> No.27526137

>a lot of guys start out with money from their family
Americans tend to look down on people who got a head start in life, even though this is the entire purpose of civilization. When my parents offered to pay 2/3rds of my rent I initially wanted to refuse out of a naive sense of pride before I realized there is no cheating in the game of life and you should take every advantage you can get.

>> No.27526142

i rather be a 35h wagie making stable income than being miserably self employed and dead inside.
Anyway, this gme bs unfortunately pushed me into /biz/ and im afraid im here forever

>> No.27526214

Do you have a useable basement?

>> No.27526233

Why specifically companies you work? To stay in touch with their advancement?

>> No.27526251

Nice, nobody ever proves anything here. What's your game, have a family and live a good life? Buy properties? Start a company? Become president?

>> No.27526345

>50k net worth
>big tiddy gf

>> No.27526363
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thank you based Sergey

>> No.27526383

> 23
> 3k
I fucking wish I cared about finances when I was younger. Fuck, I feel so old. I've wasted so much money on so much stupid shit.

I will be a millionaire at 30. I don't know how I have to do it, but I will do it.

>> No.27526473

So you’re still in the six fig hell.
Keep at it fren.

>> No.27526493

>-200k net worth

>> No.27526560

You are here forever - and you can have a side business while maintaining wagie status. Don't let that cash sit around like that. When this pandemic is over - look to finance some rental properties or something. You can parley that amount of cash into a really good passive income stream

>> No.27526588
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>660k~ net worth
>never held a fucking job in my life
>all from inheritance
>another 1.5m+ coming down the pipe when my dad dies in the next decade or two
Life is a joke. I don't deserve any of this shit.

>> No.27526661
File: 21 KB, 500x333, fast chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 dollars in bank account
>800 in crypto
>300 waiting to be taken out of robinhood
>no debt
how am I doing bros?

>> No.27526664

>undeniable proof of 8 figures
wew, I guess /biz/ isn't all larping poorfags huh

>> No.27526731

>4k net worth i built up from 200 bucks in 6 months, aigmi?

>> No.27526810

Significantly better than I was at your age, good luck anon. Please keep saving money, manage your spending carefully, don't take on debt.

>> No.27526879

I was on old loan scheme so was just over £3000 tuition a year, plus maintenance loan. I have around £28k debt at 1.1% interest. Around £200 a week of my pay goes to repayments. I can overpay it if I want but there doesn't seem to be much point with the low interest rate.

>> No.27526896


do it pussy you won't

>> No.27527025

>3k in bank

>> No.27527097

Damn - that is an infinitely better situation than if you were from the states. Anyway - people obviously have more money here than you because you were in med-school and not earning most your 20s

People here aren't the average either. Most people are monogloids when it comes to finances

>> No.27527119

6 figures hell is real

>> No.27527122

how do I view this with MEW?

>> No.27527133
File: 1.71 MB, 1180x720, combot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make $20k a year
>But fully own my own house and live in a town that costs 10k a year to live in.

Have I made it for my age? God I hope my indie game hobby dev takes off and I raise my net worth. Think I should get into the stock/bitcoin market on the side too.

>> No.27527184
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>1.2M net worth

>> No.27527208

feel you. hold. we can do this. $link

>> No.27527245
File: 169 KB, 944x1024, CBF4477D-1AE3-4A67-89C8-A4DED7C51C93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 net worth

>> No.27527292

I’m 33/4 and I phoned my dad this afternoon asking his advice if I should use the 20/21 tax free savings money to buy shitcoins (rbc) normally I play it very safe with an RA and the TFSA and then spending the rest on myself (you have to live) and he said that I’m still young and can take a risk. So my advice would be:
1) talk to someone you trust
2) take little risk (I can potentially lose 1 year of tax free savings) but I have maxed my yearly allotted TFSA since 2015.
3) live your life being miserly your whole youth is also no way to live.
4) never be too stubborn to learn something or expand your view on something

>> No.27527333


>> No.27527399

>200k net worth

Thanks Sergey

>> No.27527409

Thank you anon. I am pretty debt allergic so I'm going to become a labourer at an electrician company and hopefully they will hire me as an apprentice and pay through all the related schooling. It sucks right now because I want to DCA into GRT some more but my boss at my shitty under the table job just make me take the week off.

>> No.27527515

>rental properties
that is literally not possible in my area and moving is not an option
the housing market is empty and boomers dont sell below half a million for a crackhole.
trading it is i guess

>> No.27527551

>80-90k net worth (depends on what I can sell property for)
>started from the bottom :(

>> No.27527592

Yeah pretty much
I've never had a problem with it really, but it does piss me off when someone who got a 50k investment loan from their dad claims to have made it on their own. I would have been fucked if it wasn't for my familial support and I don't pretend otherwise.

>> No.27527716

>life is meaningless
Indeed, anon, indeed. The only way to define ourselves is through others. By helping others one can give one self meaning. Why don't you help me help you help me. Ahem *cough* XMR: 49XdJw7RtNyM1vt69bMH8ADSwP8GjbSxuL1pPMuSgxJJhYuZvXcTbKPd8z6zuBnLns2r6HCA59jvAcXFG6jk517X1eDc9KA

Some times giving is its own reward anon.
We're all gonna make it.

>> No.27527910

Jesus dude why are you even on this board


Was broke and in debt 1 year ago and was still more comfy than I am now for some reason. I miss the blissful ignorance that /biz/ has shattered

>> No.27527930

I own a law firm

>> No.27527947
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I'll move a lot of my wealth over to stocks, fonds and property, then travel the world and enjoy myself before I come back and probably just indulge in hobbies. I've also been giving some to my parents and extended family and will probably continue doing so. I guess my end game would be to start a family of my own, but for the time being I need to focus on improving myself.

pic related

>> No.27528058
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Appreciated anon.

>> No.27528087


>> No.27528217

You should be charitable. It will make you feel better. Help some other anons out and give away some LINK

>> No.27528325

Unless you own a particular coin that holds all your staking earnings for at least 2 fucking years. What the fuck are ETH devs thinking?

>> No.27528351

You don't, anyone telling you otherwise is being a big guy online.

>> No.27528360

hope to get to 100k in a year or two

>> No.27528389

Buy a bunch of bitcoin mining rigs and send them to a verified facility in the states that will manage them, and provide you with an inexpensive electric rate.


There's one idea other than "trading"

>> No.27528467

>$4500 all in ETH

It's either swapping that all over to alts for some 10x tier gains or waiting till I get a job to invest more. Realistically I won't make it from just staying in ETH.
When is alt season?

>> No.27528487

>40k net worth


>> No.27528507
File: 32 KB, 600x400, 2b566dba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, true.
LINK: 0x6B3DA9B0a55072ae72eD69e1fF1A8304cd70D38e

>> No.27528509

>45k net worth

Just from drug dealing. I would have another 15 to 20k if I hadn't spent my money like a retard when I was younger.

>> No.27528673

I am white and middle class and I have $2K at 20

>> No.27528813
File: 408 KB, 1242x1438, C2F07A9D-AB0D-4663-B009-5E4609BAD4D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing bros? Am I really that behind?

>> No.27528847

Don't get too impressed. I've made far above average returns on the market on my own but I'm a trustie. Never waged in my life, only have done work I wanted to do and perpetual studying.

>> No.27528874

>didn't use the 2k to finance rims
>not a nigger confirmed

>> No.27528935

dont give up worthless druggie failure anon Im sure you can get lucky and become rich and depressed.

>> No.27528980

>4k net worth
My job was fucked because of covid and I have been neeting for about 6 months. I'm afraid to get a new job because once vaccines start pumping out even more, they will probably not let me work unless I take it. (Not fucking taking it)

>> No.27529010

Have you actually ever gotten people to send you anything being a beggar like this?

>> No.27529048

>£-1k networth

I want to die.

>> No.27529121

Made it in 2018 fag here.
Travel is a good idea, I personally did a full degen mode travel and fucking for 2 months and got it fully out of my system.
I have completely embraced the MGTOW shit now just like based Saylor and Winklevoss twins, when you go through that you will know why .
Have fun anon.

>> No.27529150

fellow chase-bro,

what type of savings do you have? i have a student account right now that im considering moving to one of their other interest-bearing accounts

>> No.27529187

How do you fucks do it? Even my parents that work 50+ hours a week could barely feed us as kids. Their combined net worth from working 40 years is somehow less than 750k. Did you just get lucky in the market?

>> No.27529399
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n-no. i haven't gotten squeak.

>> No.27529557

Based Latvian

>> No.27529602
File: 56 KB, 220x524, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 530$ in my bank account and I just started my first job I hope I will make it bros

>> No.27529662

It was all from crypto, I had a negative net worth back in 2016. Went all in on ETH with the savings I had, then got into the LINK presale, and rode some other pumps along the way.

>> No.27530001

>~$40k networth
>~$15k of that is gains from the last year of bull runs
I should be so much further along but I make well below the average income of someone my age and I'm stuck with a useless degree

>> No.27530221

Honestly the other accounts from chase are not great. You are better off looking at online banks (ally), they have better rates than chase

>> No.27530246

>pic related
cool, thanks anon. how'd you earn your wealth? sell a business or something? or hit it big with crypto?

>> No.27530440

21 fag here.
Been a NEET quite a while. Looking for jobs pretty much everyday, weekends included various hours a day etc. I've been into crypto for 2 months now, got like a 100 bucks only.
I need money to trade with and I just got 100 bucks. I tried to go at 1 minute buying selling but it didn't work. I can't get almost nothing from family since we're in debt. What would you do anons?

>> No.27530549

based poorfag

>> No.27530567

>250k NW
>10 years ago I couldn't afford new clothes

Life's good. Unironically made it because of /g/, /fit/, /biz/ and /r9k/. To think it all started with /b/.

>> No.27530581

Get a fucking job working anywhere - save every bit of it.

>> No.27530585

>being able to make this level of money and still not being able to figure out how to retire

Yet if I hit mid 6 figures id stop job searching

>> No.27530627

One of the single most important indicators of success is if you were raised with a father. Next generation is fucked because a quarter of them dont have dads at home

>> No.27530653

the richer you get the more you realise your greed wont let you stop.

He could have 100m and he would feel blackpilled by billionaires

>> No.27530830

>-1k credit debt
>1k in stocks
> 500 in bank
> in school for premed; no student loans
>starting to get into cryptos
how am i doing anons. am i gonna make it

>> No.27530886

Not having a father and being a nigger are related. The "Jordan Peterson" tier data you're referring to on the subject is skewed.

>> No.27530906

where do you look for the gym equipment to flip?

>> No.27531001

Congrats Anon.

>> No.27531059

Maybe you shouldn’t have bought a $40k+ truck you dumb ass

>> No.27531092

>I have completely embraced the MGTOW shit now just like based Saylor and Winklevoss twins
Huh. Will be interesting to see if I come to the same conclusion.
>Have fun anon.
Thanks, anon.

Crypto. I made like $10k botting in Diablo 3 and put $6k of those into Bitcoin in 2013. During that bull run I only took out my initial investment and left the profits as BTC. I then did extremely well trading the 2017/2018 bull run and this run has been amazing so far too.

>> No.27531120

Don't give in bro.

>> No.27531198

craigslist - alot of gym equipment as been for sale over the last year because of all the closings

>> No.27531210

>450k in real estate
>50k in crypto & stocks
>8 inch cock

>> No.27531224

right here

>> No.27531272

I'll miss you, Dad. It'll never make up for losing you, not ever.

>> No.27531301

Your net worth is negative with all that debt. Take care, anon, and pay the debt off first before gambling the rest. Paying it off is guaranteed returns after you no longer have to pay the merchant's interest rates. You can make it, but it will require discipline, not hopium from magic internet coins.

>> No.27531306

this kills the /biz/igger

>> No.27531331

>37k net worth

>> No.27531359


Seriously tho...how can I turn 5,000 into a lot of money lol

>> No.27531374

terrible advice.

learning about a company's financials and product line/outlook is not that hard

>> No.27531451

You're doing infinitely better than the average person your age. I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. This world is in for some crazy changes in the next 2 decades - don't be blackpilled

>> No.27531470


in six-figure hell, it's just numbers on the screen to me, doesn't feel real only I need more of it.

>> No.27531517
File: 190 KB, 1127x1500, 1584063760518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finishing my engineering masters this summer which because of covid i get to live at home and make money off the scholarships

tfw missed BTC and ETH X1000 tho

>> No.27531608
File: 8 KB, 251x201, 1611546799938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crypto. I made like $10k botting in Diablo 3 and put $6k of those into Bitcoin in 2013. During that bull run I only took out my initial investment and left the profits as BTC. I then did extremely well trading the 2017/2018 bull run and this run has been amazing so far too.
Nice, gj anon, sounds comfy. I've only been trading crypto since Nov and I've made decent gains, feels like it's impossible to pick a loser in this market though to be honest. Got any insight you wanna share with a newbie?

>> No.27531635

>$60 cash and some loose change in my old 2004 Toyota's cupholder

>> No.27531689

You actually seem pretty autistic by how you type.

>> No.27531756

There are going to be so many investment opportunities built off the crypto revolution in the coming decades - just stay in the space with your ear to the ground. You'll make it

>> No.27531768


>> No.27531777

i'm 26 and same. it's not fun, idk why you're acting like some proud faggot. this money doesn't mean shit until it's at least 4 mil

>> No.27531901

>With 800k you can mortgage a house, live off passive income
retard detected

>> No.27531986

>in b4 your son actually becomes a sissy

>> No.27532034

I don't know Anon. My Dad was an abusive piece of shit. I might have turned out even better without him.

>> No.27532056
File: 31 KB, 1232x449, tradehistory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasn't pure luck i'm just smarter and earlier than you fag

>> No.27532195

What broker do you use?

>> No.27532250

Having 2 parents obviously increases a families economic stability on average. All I was saying was that the stats on <fathers = success> are skewed because low IQ nogs naturally don't formulate families like other races do.

>> No.27532403
File: 228 KB, 512x512, 1611799066720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck can you sound autistic just from typing?

>> No.27532724

I live in Spain, been searching for a job 9 months already I didn't even got an interview yet.

>> No.27532803
File: 145 KB, 793x600, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, once the market becomes like this, it's hard to fuck up. Just make sure you stay level-headed and never get too greedy.
>Got any insight you wanna share with a newbie?
Well, some might disagree, but something I tend to tell newbies is to always trade alts with the goal of accumulating BTC. I'm no BTC maxi or anything, but bull markets generally follow the pattern of pic related. In practice, this means that you should judge performance of alts against BTC, not fiat, and try to recognize the phases of these cycles to get the most out of them.

>> No.27532941

28, 5k
No debts tho so I guess I dont have to worry about collectors coming after my kneecaps like some folks I know

>> No.27533004

> 23
> 844k net worth

>> No.27533037

gib plz
is she goth?

>> No.27533104

Youre one of those who believes any fun that falls under video games or browsing the web as a waste of time even though the purpose of entertainment is being entertained. Let me guess going to the club and dump $200 over 2 nights is good entertainment? Getting black out drunk because you sevretly hate your job but always claim to love it because
>work hard, play hard
>i love the company tshirt
>they offer you volunteer opportunties which they take the credit for (and act as if thats a benefit for working there)
>pay you a paltry amount