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File: 126 KB, 1001x1293, 1497725689640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2750932 No.2750932 [Reply] [Original]

What's the chaddiest way to get rich

>> No.2750991

Parents money lol

>> No.2751023



>> No.2752023

Being a stock broker.

Jordan Belfort is the god of Chads.

>> No.2752090

Convincing women to spend their husband's money on his stuff while being a part-time stripper on the side.

>> No.2752117

This, banker or corporate lawyer

>> No.2752152
File: 28 KB, 436x356, 1499410463154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a loan from your gf and put it in crypto

all fiat right now

>> No.2752177


>> No.2752188

Pro sports, acting or having rich parents

>> No.2752194
File: 816 KB, 637x477, 1498708670077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do what I did and have sex with elderly Jewish women in Boca Raton.

>> No.2752231


>> No.2752250


>> No.2752251

>he doesn't know about fucking retired Jewish widows
Anon, you're never going to make it

>> No.2752267

Explain further please, anon.

>> No.2752271

that is absolutely disgusting

>> No.2752331
File: 210 KB, 331x378, 1476354129861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy to talk them into giving you extravagant gifts. You should be moderately /fit/, however.

Yes, it is. But oh so worth it.

>> No.2752370

Where do you meet them?

>> No.2752408

Publix, country club, dating websites, etc etc etc

>> No.2752411

California, any city on the East Coast, or Israel

>> No.2752452


How do you go about approaching them? And how old are they?

If over 60 that's pretty nasty anon

>> No.2752466

>Yes, it is. But oh so worth it.
why have you sold your soul to mammon anon

>> No.2752499

Just casually check out older ladies and let them catch your eye. They're much more forward than grills in their 20's.

Is ok tho. $$$$$$

>> No.2752555

How old are we talking?

>> No.2752564


>> No.2752567

I'm horrifically pee shy to the point of mental illness, but that picture is hilarious.

>> No.2752598

How do you tell the rich ones apart from the non-rich?

You're a literal prostitute btw

>> No.2752635

>How do you tell the rich ones apart from the non-rich?
>Boca Raton
Trust me, there's not many poorfags running around, and you can tell who is simply by looking at them. (protip: they're brown)

>You're a literal prostitute btw
Yes, and I'm making more than $200 per fuck. Much better off than whores who fuck sweaty, fat, truckers. If they were smart, they'd be fucking Jews (just like Ivanka)

>> No.2752749

becoming a highly paid pornstar.

>> No.2753691

This is larping at its finest, plz post time stamp with old jewess