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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27509299 No.27509299 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27509404

nothing, as is usual for /biz/tards

>> No.27509577

That buying a floor model minidisc player during the closure was good idea? That was what I was thinking.

>> No.27509718

i believe we bought our first computer from there back in the day. a packard bell with a pentium processor. I think my dad still has it

>> No.27509736

check out the porn DVD section?

>> No.27509769

Jcpenney meme was cool. If we all get together on something Im in fren

>> No.27509783
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You think?

>> No.27509855

i miss my job there
all i did was get high with my boss and sold laptops to college chicks making $13 an hour part time in 2006

>> No.27509939

Cars pictured, from left to right:
Ford Taurus
Chevy Prism

>> No.27509950
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I worked at a gamestop next to circuit city as the PS3 was releasing
I had the night off for midnight release
Took a handful of display boxes out of the back, stuffed them full of worthless promo magazines, and buzzed past the line wrapped around CC in my car with my friend holding a box out going I GOT ONE I GOT ONE HOLY SHIT and dropping it on the pavement
They swarmed like fucking roaches over a fresh slice and started fighting when they realized they lost their place in line

>> No.27510083

How do I buy Circuit City stock?
I can't find it anywhere. Do you guys know of any faggots holding bags of it that may want to sell?

>> No.27510252
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I had a dream about being trapped in one of these stores. It's probably a bad omen but fuck it bros lets do it.

>> No.27510282

white car might be a Saturn

>> No.27510301

Old school is top 5 best comedy's of all time.

>> No.27510329

fuck bros i miss going to circuit city for parts for real circuits

>> No.27510409
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This but also Blockbuster. Bring back the old world.

>> No.27510449

it aged fucking horribly compared to the comedies that came out even a couple years later, it has the late-90’s pozstink on it

>> No.27510651

Almost looks like a bimmer. Really cant tell though

>> No.27510837

This kek. Sales managers didn’t give a fuck about anything

Yo Harold where you scumbag?

>> No.27511014
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For me it’s Radio Shack

>> No.27511062

>> https://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=6822362&page=1 bags are worthless now

>> No.27511213

You slandering cunt I'll heem u

>> No.27511364

So that's like literally what 95% of zoomers are going into debt for right now, right?
t. paid off my large student loans in two years

>> No.27511715

My first thought was that it was an E46

>> No.27512025

Never realized how good we had it until it's gone. Their branded stuff is still largely made in the US (like solder and other supplies).

>> No.27512135
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>They're onto us again

>> No.27512176

Either Saturn or 4 door Cavalier
Nice to see a br/o/ here

>> No.27512295

>he doesn't know

>> No.27512631

I worked at several radio shack stores when I was in high school and college. Their upper management fucking destroyed that company. Damn shame, too...

>> No.27513198

When I was a kid going to this place was as special as going to a theme park.

>> No.27513660

Confirmed 4 door cavalier, I still drive a pos. It just won't fucking die.

>> No.27515307
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Kek, that's fucking great.
Consumerist hamsters deserve nothing more.

>> No.27516442

fuck this place had the best selection of PC games. take me back!!!1 REEEEEEEE