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27506957 No.27506957 [Reply] [Original]

The only reason I'm doing this is to make enough to move away from people and try to live a clean life before the world ends. I am often physically ill at the sight of the world.

>itt: why do you want to make it?

>> No.27507157

too lazy to go to uni, too lazy to wage
just wanna stay home and hodl
simple as

>> No.27507224
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pretty much the same just want a piece of property innawoods with enough income from investing to live a epicurean comfy lifestyle and not have to wageslave anymore

>> No.27507295

I have things I want to do, I want to live a life that produces more joy than stress for myself and those around me

Wasting more time than not working for someone else and stressing over e-mails for work that has no importance in the grand scheme of things (B2B, literally the world's most pointless industry) is fucking stupid.

I just want to work for myself

>> No.27507314
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I buy $WORLD so I can leave it.

>fight against the worldly ways anon.

Godspeed anon


>> No.27507490

I want to buy several square miles of forested land and begin an estate where I employ many people practices in traditional crafts and trades, where we will live as God and nature intended, without asphalt or plastics or electricity.

>> No.27507658

Been a wagie since I was 16. For most of it I have worked 2 or more jobs. 15 years later I am tired of the grind. I am just so tired of it all bros.

>> No.27507722

Met my soulmate in Overwatch a year ago. We've managed to stay together despite the distance and are 100% committed to each other. She lives in another country and I'm planning to kidnap her and live a happy life together with my gains.

If that doesn't wind up working out, just not having to participate in the rat race is reason enough for me to be in the market.

>> No.27507884

My husband was a bridge painter when I met him. We got pregnant, got married, and he switched companies to industrial. We now have 2 kids and a house. I just work part time on weekends to pay my own car bill etc. But now his company is having him do sewer plants. He has to pressure wash and paint concrete sewer plants and he's basically stuck doing this. He's driving 2-4 hours a day. If he didnt have us he could have just quit and gone to school for programming and found a way out but he's taking care of us and paying all the house bills. I want to save up and invest enough so he can retire and find a hobby or something he actually wants to do. I really want to make it for him but I cant spend all of our money either. I can only invest what we can afford to lose. So my few hundred might make a couple thousand but thats not nearly enough. I'll keep trying though.

>> No.27508671

i want to live in a small house in the north and play riichi all day
oh and i guess pay my mom's debt too

>> No.27508781

Same, I hate all of this, I want it to burn.

>> No.27509267

Same bro, already been blessed with unicorn gf that I met in high school. Currently going to uni for a cs degree, but I'm just trying to make enough to move out to a comfy homestead.

>> No.27509349

Same here friend.

>> No.27509680

We're all just trying to escape this sick world. Some have delusions of grandeur, some are blinded by greed, but those of us who have really struggled and fought and suffered in life are seeking relief.

>> No.27510011

if you don't work how do afford to HODL?
I've been having the same thoughts recently brother, how existence seems futile at points, coming from a 3rd world country I just wanna fight back at a system that robbed the people dry
my main reason to make it are my family, they suffered enough and I want to give them the rest they deserve; might sound cringy but it is what it is

>> No.27510158

some background
>be 27
>wage for a couple of years while paying off uni fees
>get CS degree
>feelsgoodman, working part-time shitty job upgraded to internship during senior year
>get full-time job
>fast forward a year I get a better offer; take it
>live frugally, pass out on life to save up enough and gtfo to study and get a better life
>economic crisis starts to happen
>financially raised to just keep savings in the bank and get interest
>people protesting they can't withdraw any money
OHSHIT moment
>I have 10k USD worth of Lebanese lira
>People can withdraw 200$ per month in cash
>central bank governor says lira is fine no worries
>keynesian raised that all is good
>Lira to USD starts to go even further
>civil unrest, protests, people can't get a single dollar
>black market rate starts to affect all goods and imported food since we basically have nothing local produced
>get laid off and unemployment is on the rise
>work a part-time job making 200$ worth of LBP
>had BTC and some anons sent me some when I made a thread about this, cash out for USD
>have around 1.8k cash at hand
>wagie cagie time lost
>fuck depression, I get tasks on plebbit and make friends online to get tasks that pay in crypto
>cash them out here for USD using peer-to-peer groups, exchanges always blacklisted us and the banks always said CRYPTO bad
>lurking /biz for a year, become based austrian economist
>fuck keynesians
>never keep your eggs in one basket, INVEST in crypto don't trade, achieve FIRE any means necessary
>fuck banks

>> No.27512007


>> No.27512107

>Met my soulmate in Overwatch a year ago

>> No.27512126

I want to support my parents the way they’ve supported my retarded nigger broke ass for years

>> No.27512311
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>> No.27512523


>> No.27512801
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to see if I can

>> No.27513046
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Right in the feels. Consider the alternative.

>> No.27513314

lol this post reeks of r/eddit

>> No.27513370

Same. Just want a smol cabin in the woods and enough money to pay property tax for the rest of my life.

>> No.27513772
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I just want to farm in peace

>> No.27514050

is bareet homes a souf thing? never seen them desu

>> No.27514275

wagin is humiliating, unless it's for yourself or unless you at least have a stake and are rewarded accordingly, e.g. percentage of sales/percentage of clean profit on top of your already decent wage.
academia is rotten, total retards make it to professor position and powertrp, total midwit cesspool
to make it conventionally, you have to choose a lucrative field, then study well, then work well, and that's already at least a decade of studying then working for peanuts, and that is only if you guessed correctly, and lucrative field remained lucrative, plus you could finish studies, which if you're dumb you're not going to. if you're truly dumb at least.
and even then, it's 9 to 5 AT LEAST, in practice probably a lot more.
also, you have to be lucky to be geniunely interested. but what if you are not? then you must suffer.
that's why.

>> No.27514381

>>itt: why do you want to make it?
I have made it. I had to make it because I can't interact with society or people much because I need to live quietly and apart as I am long lived.

>> No.27514660
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Because a bad day fishing beats a good day working

>> No.27514786

>I can't interact with society or people much because I need to live quietly and apart as I am long lived

>> No.27515195

based chad farmer

>> No.27515462
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>why do you want to make it?

I don't actually want to make it. It's just that investing gives me something to look forward to and offers a reason not to get up in the morning and stay sober during the day.

>> No.27516027

100 acres or bust

>> No.27516045

I hate working for other people, I hate working long ass hours doing things I don't like, and I never found something that I liked enough to pursue. Was gonna do coding but always got bored, same with networking, but I learned enough to get a general basic understanding which helped with crypto. I'm learning how to trade, invest, and manage money more than ever since these things actually interest me and I genuinely enjoy the game. My dream idea of making it would be kicking back in the tropics with a batch and enjoying my time. But I would also consider being a successful trader as my main occupation making it too.

>> No.27516364
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I believe that there are massive global conspiracies that are enslaving millions of human beings for sexual depravities in vast underground chambers dating back to the last glacial maximum. I also believe in a very real God, and I'm afraid that unless I do everything in my power to stop these conspiracies from essentially keeping human cattle for sexual gratification, I will go to Hell for not doing enough. Currently, I know of no other mass effort to defeat these human traffickers, and so I've decided I must initiate such efforts myself. This sort of thing would require massive amounts of money, so I need to make as much of it as I can, and leave it to my descendants and successors, so they can finish what I started, descend into the Hell Tunnels and liberate them. In this manner, I hope to escape damnation.

>> No.27516514

nice spuds
keep it up

Absolutely based. I'll send a prayer your way. But remember God loves you.

>> No.27516626

i was working at the post office 60 hours a week to help support my gf and i while she was in school but then she switched on me and became abusivd and always yelled at me and hit me and nothing i did was good enough for her. i spent nights crying and when she said she wanted for us to be poly i literally lost it and kicked her out of my house and she broke all the windows in my car and lied to everyone about me to ruin my name
i had to move states just to escape. now my soul purpose is to make money and get revenge

>> No.27516679

It's probably my last shot.

I fucked up uni.
I fucked up at life.
I'm 30 khv living at home barely scraping by wageslaving my life away.
I have given up.

>> No.27516802

No just long lived.I'm a practising Catholic but like all men a flawed sinner. My earliest memory I still have I watched the troops falling back after the battle of Lutzen. I can't remeber what my mother looked like but I remember he calling me away in a panic and I remember her saying that I was nine and not a child and should not be so stupid. I'm 398 years old and loom something like 40 or 50 but with a 30ish year old body. I don't know how long I will live my best guess is 600 or 700 maybe even 800. There are others history books are full of us..

>> No.27516855

just want enough money to buy my grandfathers farm back after it was sold ~50 years ago

>> No.27517001

>There are others history books are full of us..
I know. I actually believe. Good fortune to you.

>> No.27517039

pretty much same
that’s actually pretty based. ive wondered the same thing about myself, at least the general idea of being damned for simply not doing enough

>> No.27517118

Its nice to be able to just say it knowing that no one will believe it and so I am still safe, lost in the stuff and noise of this place.

>> No.27517265

I suppose so. Many aren't willing to see just how good things can be, because it means they're not good enough in their eyes. It's suffocating to others.

>> No.27517944

Its lonely. Your memories are not just your memories, they are shared with the people you did things with. When they do you are alone with the memories and they start fading. Its hard having a pretty girl with you or making children (all mine have had normal lives and aged and die, I try and drift away from them and vanish once they are in their 20s but come back and look). Its not nice sitting at the back at your own childs funeral .

>> No.27518260

Well at least you drew the line and stood your ground, she did you a favor.

>> No.27518286

yeah i heard about that physical withdrawal limit in leb
bit iffy my man

Well, I imagine not. But you have to say to yourself you are this way because it within your life's plan, and God's plan. When I mean how good things can be, I didn't necessarily mean your situation. More so that the opportunity for a radically life-affirming existence is possible with so few steps, but we are choked by the smog of collective delusion.

>> No.27518329

Based and boomer pilled. You are going to make it someday, old man. I've got faith in you.

>> No.27518719

>Well, I imagine not. But you have to say to yourself you are this way because it within your life's plan, and God's plan
Yes indeed the Good Lord gives us everything and it is all part of his unknowable plan, even the crosses we sometimes must carry are part of it

>> No.27519918

Absolutely. If I may ask, what prayer do you do, and what meditative activities do you participate in, if any? When did you start to notice you were different, and do you feel different than others, you think? What would you impart as wisdom?

>> No.27520070

>What would you impart as wisdom?

>> No.27520250

To relieve my family of debt from the material world and help them maintain their bubble of peace. My folks are good people, they don't want much and neither do I.

>> No.27520329
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>The only reason I'm doing this is to make enough to move away from people and try to live a clean life before the world ends. I am often physically ill at the sight of the world.

>> No.27520404

Not even close.

>> No.27520504

>The only reason I'm doing this is to make enough to move away from people and try to live a clean life before the world ends.
You say that now but wait until you're rich.

>> No.27520579

Thank you for the confidence that I am going to make it. But when I am, I believe I will say the same thing.

>> No.27521951

yeah hence why I advocate crypto
we can't withdraw since last december lol

>> No.27523269

tell me more about this

>> No.27523366

I wanna pay off my house cars and other debts so I can be gainfully employed while whatever money I invest with just racks up. Maybe eventually adopt because I can afford it to.

>> No.27523994
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same here frens!
want some cows and a nice couple acres

>> No.27524848

I want to achieve peak degeneracy. Just live a quiet life in a no-name suburb, have the best fucking PC setup in the world and bsng a high class prostitute every week. Or maybe twice a week.
Else I would literally just sit in my room and play videogames all day until I die of heart failure at 40. Money would go to my sisters, who would have had no idea I was ever rich to begin with.
I want to be an example of peak clown world. An average joe, making it big trading pajeetcoins then dying of excessive hedonism. Hope it makes normies reflect on what it means to be alive and successful.