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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 512x512, FtMw4Uhc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2750454 No.2750454 [Reply] [Original]

Conference is in 5 days, its the last dip.

>> No.2750463
File: 62 KB, 400x400, gotta_wear_shades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first they ignore you
>then they laugh at you
>then they attack you
>then you win

>> No.2750471

how much are you shills getting paid? who taught you gooks english? ant a scam, everybody knows that

>> No.2750474

4th time.

>> No.2750483

Yes we know ANT sucks. We're talking about ANS here. Try to keep up, anon.

>> No.2750488

Really now. You guys think it will get to 420 any time soon?

>> No.2750495

I need to sell off my bags.

>> No.2750498

Nah. 320 or so tops.

>> No.2750503 [DELETED] 

Did statistical ANALysis. Seems like a pump is inevitable, either starting now or starting in 40-60 hours. Screen cap this and post if I am wrong.

>> No.2750505

I'm an ANS bag holder, but really what's going to cause this 3rd pump without substantial news?

I mean everyone had their panties soaked when they heard of a potential partnership with Microsoft and Alibaba.

Now, what is there to really cause it to pump?

>> No.2750506

I'm getting paid 1 btc a day. Easy money.

>> No.2750511

>muh conference
we know how last one ended

>> No.2750526

how do I get in on this

>> No.2750531


>> No.2750532

Potential partnership with JD's cloud computing division, but nobody seems to notice how massive that would be, which is fine, because if it happens, I'll be in lamboland, and in the meantime I can keep accumulating cheaply, especially with the bittrex summer sale in full swing right now!

>> No.2750548

guys all thisn lamboland talk is making me want to throw another 100$ into ANS. just started investing today so this si my personal money. pls tell me to stop.

>> No.2750559

> just started investing today so this si my personal money

As opposed to what? Your welfare check?

>> No.2750566

starting sound eerily similar to DGB. I bet it's going to tank like nothing before once the conference turns out to be nothing more than hype.

>> No.2750567

You'll just deny or not get online. Own up when I post this. Or summerfag

>> No.2750575

it might as well be me and my wifes household income is only 66k. i work at a prison.

>> No.2750576

Thats why you sell hours before the conference, remember buy the rumor sell the news


>> No.2750577


you can sign up here friend


>> No.2750584

that website told me to kill myself. is that a joke?

>> No.2750595 [DELETED] 

It's actually just a normal dev conference. People here are fucking retarded and act on FOMO. Read a bit more than Reddit headlines and you'd know what you are getting into. Cucks like you are bound to stay poor.

Hmmm, okay, if I am wrong hope you won't murder me through the internet.

>> No.2750606

I know right. The future of this coin is so fucking bright.

>> No.2750607

problem is; what rumor? There's no hype for this conference

>> No.2750609


>this is the last dip


>> No.2750622

Maybe do some looking dingus. It's all over the web.

>> No.2750666

>Not even fucking visiting the Kentucky Yacht Services site.
What the fuck are you? Poor?

>> No.2750688

The pump will be limited because a lot of people are pulling out into fiat. Bitcoin is going to hit 2000 USD at the very least.

ANS would probably be mooning to 400k if we weren't in a bear market right now, but it is what it is.

Interesting that Bittrex has stayed quite a bit below the Yunbi price for a few days now. Seems steady at 270k on Yunbi, while it is below 260k on Bittrex.

>> No.2750717

Because westerners just don't get how disruptive NEO is going to be to China. The Chinese do.

>> No.2750801

BTC splitting into Bitcoin Classic and Bitcoin is going to kill "bitcoins" but new king will be born NEO

>> No.2750825

What the fuck is Kentucky Yacht Services anon? Sounds kek

>> No.2751117

this coin will be the biggest mistake in your life

mark my fucking words

the fuck do you think they will announce at the conference? a new skin for the wallet and a new name, thats what. thats literally everything they have on their roadmap and that is supposed to raise value? just sell the shit you have and pick between btc, eth and ltc. other "cryptos" are just meme ideas and dreams that somehow lure millions of dollars from fucking clueless idiots like yourselves

>> No.2751126

It's actually a great sign. Every time Bittrex is more than Yunbi it crashes fucking hard.

Every time Bittrex is below Yunbi a pump happens. You know the pump is over when Bittrex is ahead of Yunbi for a while.

It's bizzare how reliable the pattern is.

>> No.2751241
File: 81 KB, 325x400, IMG_0462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still time to get on board anon. Don't be salty. When we're at 20+ then the window will be closing fast....

>> No.2751310

Ant Bitch More Like Lick My TAiNT Bitch

>> No.2751460

>implying the antshares dbtf system isn't superior to any other coin you named

>> No.2751506

hello fbi

>> No.2751513

nope not selling. That coin has the potential to become the 3rd or even second of the market. And if that's not the case, it will still be MUCH higher in two months than what it is now.
Not selling, sorry.

>> No.2751624

I have 4 antshares. I'm currently sat here browsing lambo sites wondering which model I'm going to be buying on the 15th. The plebs are going to be grovelling that's for sure. Bear market? More like fart market am I right guys!

We matrix now

>> No.2751690

>having less than 20 ANS

>> No.2751808

at best, youll make 4-6k in a year or two

Antshares you go big or go home, you are wasting your time with that

>> No.2751883

yup. you gotta have 500 bare minimum to be in the ant club.

>> No.2751888

Shit, I bought more BTC and ANS yesterday thinking that was the bottom.

>> No.2751907

I only have 130. Trying to accumulate as a poorfag

>> No.2751913


L-lads it was just a joke...

But damn going to a 50 billion market cap in year or two? Is china that good?

>> No.2751939

250 ans and I already have my Audi R8 on layaway.

>> No.2751949

its going to 220k in next hour

>> No.2751966
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Same, i have no spare money left now until next month

>> No.2751976

2015 Honda Civic, here I come

>> No.2751981

Nice. Just bought 100k

>> No.2751989
File: 10 KB, 271x247, 1428697452519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A worthless shitcoin in a bear market

>Last dip


>> No.2752175

Their subreddit says that the 15th is a web conference and the announcement that AND is starting to get traded on binance. Anyone heard of binance before?

>> No.2752232

It goes live the 15th I think or maybe thats the ICO but yeah. It's a new chinese exchange that supports NEO and used it as part of its ICO.


Website looks a lot better than before and it supports english now too.

>> No.2752296

So is that when our cat eating friends are going to start flooding into the coin?

>> No.2752298

looks pretty nice

>> No.2752330

omg pls be true, im 59ans at 374k

hands of steeeeel

>> No.2752382

It's nice to see the reaction-face I capped on another board. Are you a /fit/izen, /pol/lock, or /int/bro?

>> No.2752460

Hands of steel guys. We're all going to make it.

>> No.2752473
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>> No.2752474
File: 88 KB, 832x631, Bittrex reeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your Bittrex account is locked

>> No.2752497

Just wait a couple hours, it won't be valued above $1,000 anymore.

Nobody's will.

>> No.2752505

go back to /pol/

>> No.2752755

how did you get locked out

>> No.2752786

No fucking idea. I opened a ticket, though.
>inb4 I get v& for trading

>> No.2752810
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, IMG_4129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-are we gonna make it? I'm not a faggot who invested more than he could afford to lose, but I'd rather not lose it. It was disposable cash I was going to use for a pc upgrade.

>> No.2752946

Sell half during the pump right before the conference and when it starts to dip after sell the rest.

Because on the off-chance it goes orbital which is incredibly unlikely you don't want to lose too much by trying to buy back in.

Sell the other half at whatever the new ATH is and then buy back during the crash. Use this conference to get your investment back.

Assuming of course you aren't a retard and didn't buy at the ATH.

>> No.2753152

Course not, bought at 319k, Then like 37% of my total was bought at 416k because of FOMO. Both on the 19th, shit was skyrocketing that day. Was too much of an illusioned newfag to know to sell after a parabolic rise.

>> No.2753157

I expect a sharp rise to about 340k coming days. then steep crash for about a week, then steady slow rise after rebrand. will take months to challenge ath

>> No.2753893
File: 12 KB, 208x243, chinaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy ANS, America...
Is numba wan coin!

>> No.2754037

Same. But this conference I'm ready. I have around 300 ants and the average I bought them at is around $7.75

>> No.2754045

I'm not worried either it's a 1000+ moon mission or it's not. What are you gonna do?

>> No.2754051

if you play smart you can turn that 300 into 400

>> No.2754103

Hope for the best, and watch the charts like a hawk in the coming days. There's a lot of market uncertainty at the moment. If ANS existed in a vacuum I wouldn't be worried, but the general trends at the moment might impede what would otherwise be a real moon mission.
I'm gonna hold until I can exit with good profit, because Jewbase charges me out the ass to withdraw, and gdax won't fucking verifiy me after months so I can't fee dodge that way.

>> No.2754186

I Got That ANT Shares While I Check My Bag Into The Airport
Got That First Class Seat With That Big Ass Leg Room Bitch.

>> No.2754267

Gandhi didn't win. He got BTFO.

>> No.2754355

When exactly is the conference?

>> No.2754369

the 15th. get your body ready

>> No.2754428

>sub 230
wew lad
Should have sold yesterday and bought back in today.

>> No.2754456

because nothing else declined significantly, wew lad

>> No.2754470


What time breh?

>> No.2754519

I'm a bagholder, anon. Just making an observation, thought 250k was the floor.

>> No.2754532

there is no bag holding when it comes to ANS. Every ant is precious and represents a ticket to lambo land, no matter what price you bought it at.

>> No.2754753


>> No.2754769

I agree. At this point they better make it good. I want to see something sensational. I want to hear about something that blows my fucking socks off.

>> No.2754785

under 212K

>> No.2754804

Where can one watch the conference?

>> No.2754828

listen everyone just go to fucking sleep ok. when we wake up, the ants are gonna be doing just fine. now go to sleep.

>> No.2754831

When is the conference?
Are you from Phil by chance?
Any link, resource?

>> No.2754850
File: 77 KB, 638x479, bs9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that you anon ?

>> No.2754867

Waiting for it to go even lower to buy.
This gonna be good

>> No.2754902
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This isn't comforting at all

>> No.2754905

sell the news will be real

>> No.2754952

No. I have a memelake i5. Was gonna upgrade to an 1700x and stop being a quad-core pleb.

>> No.2755026

Hold tight and in a few days youll be a 48 core pleb

>> No.2755076
File: 63 KB, 850x680, sample_c04fd1ca8b9fc158da41c907cd6b608a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe when I wake up this nightmare will be over

>> No.2755121

Good work Anon next year you should be able to buy 12 - 15 lambos

>> No.2755152

I thinks its hit the bottom tbhwu

>> No.2755165

wont be going lower than 200k and if it does it will only be for a second.

>> No.2755208

That's not a girl, is it?

>> No.2755212


>> No.2755213
File: 33 KB, 300x304, 1442861519422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is clearly a girl (male)

>> No.2755232


>> No.2755236

friendly reminder that this conference has already been priced in

>> No.2755240

We're still gonna get that conference pump even though we know JD won't be attending r-right anons?

>> No.2755261

whales scooping up the bargains now fuck sakes

>> No.2755295
File: 312 KB, 474x452, mackenzie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JD partnership is still on, unless you got some news to the contrary?

>> No.2755307


>> No.2755353
File: 728 KB, 720x540, rarity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see what /biz/'s strategy for ans is.


>> No.2755881

Very diverse strategies, guys

>> No.2755907

No, not whales.

Everyone is evacuating from crypto because tomorrow will be another -20%, -30% bloodbath. Compound, it means people will be down 50% within the next few days, if not more, unless if they pull out ASAP.

>> No.2756123


I want to believe you

>> No.2756377

Ok so we're fucked, gotcha. Should have pulled out into BTC at the last pump to 395k. Should've known being greedy would fuck me in the ass.

>> No.2756550

can we pls start a discord thread for those ineterested in ANS chart staring and rumors pls. lets share our knowledge and ride this shit.
im also just bored and lonely, pls come.

>> No.2756583

Do we really need a fucking discord? These threads are barely populated as it is, and I'm losing faith by the hour because the rest of the market is so fucked.

>> No.2757145
File: 187 KB, 620x412, moon_man_feat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving my entire fun money stock portfolio (not retirement, obviously) to ANS today (it's only about $7,300USD). Crypto is much more exciting than playing the stock market. It's more like playing blackjack.

To the moon we go.

>> No.2757223
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Lambo when :/

>> No.2757237
File: 38 KB, 500x356, 1481909500213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here bought in under 100k?

>> No.2757250

hey guys.... i think its happening.... i think ans is being pumped... should i buy some more before its fucking 7$ like before.

>> No.2757274


It will do down furher.

>> No.2757276 [DELETED] 

No look at the buy wall lol, also look at chinese exchanges

>> No.2757285

bad news, boys, doesn't seems to moon this time

>> No.2757286 [DELETED] 

If chinese exchanges are trading for less what is stopping them for buying up cheap on yunbi and dumping on bittrex for a easy 40k sats profit for them. Fuck learn how to trade newfag don't act on emotions.

>> No.2757289

>looks up price of btc in korea

>> No.2757383

Bittrex is and has been cheapest exchange for Ans for a while now.

>> No.2757401

Yunbi does not issue ANS wallets, so you cant transfer into them.

>> No.2757414

haha that beta bitch manlet faggot deleted his comment

>> No.2757415

>Sole round eye exchange issues ANS wallets
>chink exchanges don't

Really makes you think.

>> No.2757423

he should post here and apologize sincerely then commit suicide.

>> No.2757426

Comment deleting is gayer than a cock up the arse.

>> No.2757439

for real. like this is an anonymous image board are you that much of a squirming little BITCH.
jesus christ he probably cant take criticism irl.

>> No.2757510

Agreed, I mean how delicate do you have to be, that you cant stand to be pointed at here?

The poor little petal probably doesn't like the outside place much.

>> No.2757532

Price predictions?? I'm wanting $4

>> No.2757566
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Depending on BTC but id say we see a drop to about three fiddy

>> No.2757640

If you start one I'll join

>> No.2757652
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I think it will recover now. I'm going to wait before trying to sell and buy back.in lower. Mind you i didn't think it would dip yesterday, so who knows.

Plans for increasing ant colonies?

>> No.2757677

It may not recover until the rebranding. It may pump before or during the conference but it won't be another ATH, It will just be 400kish at best unless the Chinese government and Alibaba openly announce support and partnerships.

The chance of which is zero. I'm sure the binance launch will have some effect though.

>> No.2757702


lets help each other out and meme together. btw this is my first investment idk shit. i just want someone to talk to and pick their brains.

>> No.2757829
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Bump for more people to join discord

>> No.2758287

Volume increased by 1K BTC over the past 12 hours. The pump is happening soon.

>> No.2758645
File: 797 KB, 1500x1000, ant_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy in now, shits about to get real

>> No.2758877

t. salty fag who got nuked by gandhi

>> No.2758979

Im down 50% and my hands are starting to get tired please gib moon mission now

>> No.2758986
File: 44 KB, 600x416, ant_strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll be at the international space station by the end of this month. there we will chill out for a bit and be at the moon by the end of this year. just keep holding on. have faith in the ants, dude.

>> No.2759389

So um surely this will suddenly skyrocket one day before the conference right :v)