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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.27497899

They’re still accumulating

>> No.27498527

The guy who wrote the article is a retard.
IBM has largely cut out their blockchain branch and moved people who were working on hyperledger to other fields or cut their jobs on the list.
Northern Trust, literally just a bank that bought some BTC through a new startup. On the list.
Sergey, nowhere to be found.
Vitalik no where.
Emir no where.
Charles nowhere
Wolpert Nowhere
Forbes is worthless, always has been always will be. It is for midwits who aren't in the know.

>> No.27498703

Are they implying the twitter guy is going to get Jack Ma'd? Would be kinda cool.

>> No.27498851

they are lending legitimacy to blockchain, even if they write garbage articles.

>> No.27499208

Whales whaling
There is a list of crypto that they're trying to buy up bigly
/biz/ deletes said list if posted for some reason
Tldr groomers on discord and kikes are snapping up shit with profits from pump and dumps like amc and gme so they could buy up crypto
Link and uni keep eyes on

>> No.27499248
File: 375 KB, 832x612, A4F5B20E-DF99-46B4-BA3F-D9705A2372E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bullish as fuck. Just wait until all of these 50 start implementing real smart contracts which need input data from their off-chain sources. These are big names here. And nobody wifey knows about it yet. Bullish

>> No.27499315
File: 349 KB, 845x925, 1606936702200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentioning a woman before mentioning Sergey

>> No.27499465

it's showcasing a woman front and center. that should be all you need to know

>> No.27499788

Is that link Jesus on the right?

>> No.27500029

What does this mean?

>> No.27500471

>JPMorgan Chase Has signed up 425 banks, including Deutsche Bank and Mexico’s Banorte, to use its Liink blockchain network to speed up interbank transactions. The technology will eventually help banks issue fewer paper checks and move more transactions online.

Guys, I don’t feel so good

>> No.27500636

Who is the guy on the left and why do people always shop his face to make it smaller?

>> No.27500832

Looks like the Twatter hobo to me.

>> No.27501899

This. It’s why just about everything coming out of any major institution these days is unreliable garbage. Everything is tainted by agendas now, and actual truth is incredibly hard to find.
And if they needed to promote a woman, where is Blythe Masters?

>> No.27502026

is jack ma still gone?
I rarely feel bad for chinks, but fuck

>> No.27502621

This place is a fucking echo chamber. Spending to much time here have made you believe chainlink is bigger than it really is. Out in the real world it's just another scam coin propped up by it's lunatic fans. Sorry if this offends you but it time to realize the truth. That's not to say that you should n't make money of it but just remember to get out at some point.

>> No.27503561

UBT indirectly mentioned. Comfy

>> No.27503764

the shadow fork is real