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27477028 No.27477028 [Reply] [Original]

I legit don’t understand how this token can dump right at a listing. Aren’t listings supposed to raise the token price?

People don’t believe in Cudos and that’s a problem. Project is legit and confirmed

>> No.27477303
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>he's not all in RLC
ngmi faggot
RLC is the cloud computing king, working product and entreprises are boarding on as we speak

it's happening tonight faggot

>> No.27477308

how new are you

>> No.27477365

Project is shit
All in RLC

>> No.27477496

which one of the crying bastards in the telegram group are you?

>> No.27477727

I own rlc and made more gains out of Cudos already. For a project with a 10x smaller market cap. Rlc is doing shit for the hype there was around eRLC for the 1st feb.

Less than a year. And already transformed 4 digits to 6 digits in less than 6 months. By your comment I know that you aren’t able to do that.

>> No.27477750

what listing? Kucoin lol? Why would that raise the price?
the coins been trade able for about 2 weeks I would honestly just relax a little bit

>> No.27478154

ok faggot. wow you got it all figured out.

>> No.27478311

Yes but why would a KuCoin listing impact the price negatively?
Because people who can buy on KuCoin could already buy on BitMax?

>> No.27478733

I don't think the kucoin listing has made any significant impact either way.
Volume is up abit, not much vol on KC by the looks of it, maybe certain people are happy accumulating in this range.

I wouldnt obsess over small movements like this too much, unless for whatever reason you want to swingy

>> No.27478860

Cudos more like Chodus

>> No.27479364
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that is because circ supply keeps increasing. anyways RLC is better in all aspects