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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 545 KB, 840x854, stressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27476719 No.27476719 [Reply] [Original]

ive only been here a week, now im shitting blood and probably taken 20 years off my life

>> No.27476797

heavy substance abuse, depression, and little hope

>> No.27476834

Only gamble with money you can lose, and actually have a normal portfolio that you don’t gamble with

>> No.27476928

i am clinically insane

>> No.27476950

Only use money you're willing to lose, don't listen to others when it comes to your money, and learn when to sell in pump and dumps. Remember, any profit is better than no profit.

>> No.27476998


>> No.27477041

I masturbate to make my mind numb as much as possible.

>> No.27477074

I can make it back.....eventually

>> No.27477078


>> No.27477094
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Yall a bunch of slack jawed faggots

>> No.27477128
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ding ding !

>> No.27477171

You get used to it. I used to panic about my $10k investment, now I see a $100k swing and feel nothing.

>> No.27477174

The best time to get into crypto is when you're already depressed/suicidal

>> No.27477207

Smoke a lot of weed
Dont sweat the small stuff, know at the end of the day you can survive as you always did.

>> No.27477277


I used to do that, but now I got a lumb on my penis from excessive masturbation. I now need some time of and put on some cream.

>> No.27477317

That’s all we got, that’s why, it’s our life. Also if you’re in ZORA everyday is a blessing

>> No.27477468
File: 42 KB, 480x360, 502FD8A3-D549-4CBE-9018-20689903B959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re here forever friend

>> No.27477505

"Masturbate frequently and quickly so you're not thinking about titties and shit all the time and can do more physics and shit" - Einstein

>> No.27477531

Doge Coin is the only answer. K-pop fans and stars are starting to buy it like crazy. BTS fans will take Doge to the moon!

>> No.27477546

desu just dont give a fuck and know you gmi, its just a matter of time

>> No.27477645

The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of everyday, anon.

>> No.27477736
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Honestly? I set two times each day that im allowed to browse /biz/, invest and Look at my investments. Like once on the morning and once in the evening, I also deleted all apps from my phone. Stress levels are way down

>> No.27477763

>Only "GAMBLE" with money you can lose. 20% of portfolio I suppose?
>"INVEST" majority of portfolio to lower risk ETF's
>Keep your finger on the pulse, listen to the hivemind for signals, but ultimately trust your gut
>unless you've recovered your initial investment, don't get greedy and hold out for more
>don't obsess over the charts, optimizing your position should ultimately lead towards passive investing (less emotion or response to setbacks)

>> No.27477778
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Newfags deserve the $ROPE.
The #1 rule of PnDs is enter late, exit early.
> Be me
> Be trained on shitcoin PnDs
> See Gamestop shilling
> Throw in 2000EUR @ 68$
> See loosing stream
> Sell at 310$
> Moved to silver before the pump

Feels good man!

>> No.27478120

you buy stocks/crypto with good fundamentals and a good team and you just leave it. trading is for degens and autists

>> No.27478137

I find all this incredibly fun and engaging and not much more stressful than my Dota addiction. My pc died so I'm stuck here making(losing) money instead of wasting time on a ded gaem.
also this, whenever a chart starts worrying me I fap

>> No.27478195

faggot detected
Faggot #2 detected

>> No.27478265

Mild psychopathy. Also I have nothing to lose, I'm NEET gf leeching of rich men.

>> No.27478322


>> No.27478382

Saved my ass from buying tops and selling dips.

>> No.27478386

i was already depressed before coming here, but also i learnt to make myself emotionally dead while trading

>> No.27478425

You get over the initial anxiety after a few weeks and you stop caring so much.
I actually didn't come to /biz/ for like 6 months after my initial obsession wore off.
You will learn to control it

>> No.27478561
File: 129 KB, 1410x793, hide your pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have, im only down like £100 (which is fucking nothing) and im going to be moveing my portfolio to another app, (id apperacite recommendations)

at least im feeling a bit more comfy now ive restricted myself to this thread

>> No.27480212

you get used to it. eventually money going up and down doesn't even seem real so you lose emotional attachment to it. a lot of investors simply don't spend their earnings on anything other than compounding their investment, that's why it just feels like a game in the end.

>> No.27480298

I like the adrenaline

>> No.27480351
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bought rubic and stayed cubic

>> No.27480364
File: 335 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210202-091834_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You buy a real company

Pic related



>> No.27480641

How much are they paying you?

>> No.27480660

I haven't been swindled (yet) and after doing a 10x I felt excitement for all of about 10 seconds before just thinking about how I should reinvest.

And this.
When you come back you'll see there's patterns to all of this and you're much more likely to understand what the fuck you're investing in and why it may take off compared to others.

>> No.27481580
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>heavy substance abuse, depression, and little hope
>Only gamble with money you can lose
oh right and at what point do you decide to actualyl change shit? putting your life savings into doge is retarded, but what if you're like a normal investor where you grew your money, now it's a lot? fuck off, go back
>i am clinically retarded
>any profit is better than no profit.
enjoy working
>I masturbate
>You get used to it
>Dont sweat the small stuff, know at the end of the day you can survive as you always did.
>its just a matter of time
>The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life
>Stress levels are way down
this is interesting, especially if you're already deep in the game and wouldn't be selling at a 50% drop anyway. thanks for the tiperino.
this isn't wrong
earning 5% on a pnd is actually pretty good and if you can handle it enough times you will unironically grow your stack quite well
ther's a pump almost every day
>trading is for degens and autists
unless you actually want to increase your holdings
or did you liquidate your 401k to buy xrp?
they'll become degernates soon enough
>make myself emotionally dead
>a few weeks
wait utnil you start making some fuck you money and a 'dip' makes you contemplate what the fuck you're doing gambling cones on a basket weaving forum

buy ethereum and bitcoin

>> No.27481720

have a good career and put money in vanguard
literally all you have to do
you will get burned fast if you buy into get rick quick schemes and have no idea wtf you're doing

>> No.27481730

t. a man who didn't buy rubic

>> No.27481767

limit exposure to each asset. diversify. don't get greedy. relax

>> No.27482230

Well, I'm a /pol/tard and have only come to /biz/ because of this GME shit. I've been trading more or less for 10 years as a hobby (was a PDT for a year even). To me, it's a calculated risk, and I don't get emotional over it (just like I enjoy casinos, but only playing craps or blackjack where I can easily calculate my position). This past week has been hilariously good entertainment, though (I bought in a modest amount for fun back at 50, and sold at 150). I think people are going to realize that financial markets are not a game, and are in many ways far more brutal than a casino, because at least at a casino, odds and expected values are easy to calculate. The forces that an individual investor, or even a firm, is up against in markets is insane. There are so many moving parts, and entities that can light fire to billions and not blink an eye. Being in waters with giant squid of that size is the reason why investing aside from blue chip, steady funds for retirement, is usually left to professionals. I think it's great that people are perhaps taking interesting in finance... but, knowing human nature, I doubt there is genuine interest. The people who think their RH phantoms are making some political statement are the same rubes who get fucked over by get rich quick schemes anyway.

>> No.27482376

Yup. For like 99+% of people who have jobs and a life that isn't in the financial sector, this is the intelligent play.

>> No.27482680

this is not the biz way, please go back to your safe space board
the younger you are the more aggressive you should be
>50% ultra high risk, biotech startups and crypto
>25% traditional shit like 401k
>25% real estate
when you say literally all you have to do you're also implyng literalyl all you have to do is work for someone else for the rest of your life. believe it or not, nobody that's under the age of 50 is retiring before the age of 80
>I'm a /pol/tard
stopped reading
go back
it's barely above room temperature iq
the window to gain wealth is closing if you haven't noticed, and i bet you $100000 that they're going to pass a bill that prevents "small investors" from "volatility"
have you ever thought about how you have to have $1MM to be in a hedge fund? or $250K to be a seed investor? it's literally to stop poors from doing this exact shit with gamestop

buy ethereum and bitcoin

>> No.27483352

lol my first job paid >$250k TC right out of college, so what's your point, again? What windows are closing? Where some opportunities close, others open. But you think it's sound for people who are already scraping it to invest heavily in something that could easily bankrupt them or, worse, their family? I suppose it was my sense that people here would be as retarded as you that kept me from this board in the first place, although it is still amusing, just like browsing the WSB threads on reddit. /pol/ is excellent for memes, and politics and history are a rather subjective grey area. But burning cash to fuel a gambling addiction is a whole different level of retardation.

>> No.27483580

go back pol nigger

>> No.27484207

>buy internet play money


>> No.27484341

I gave up on life years ago.

>> No.27484777
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>Dead game
Just teach some plebs how to play the game instead, good money to be made.

>> No.27484869
File: 35 KB, 220x274, 1611824903708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is great without counting my crypto gains. If I lose the 600k (my entire networth not including my shitbox Suzuki) I have in shitcoins outside the top 100 I would still be in a better position than most people my age. Maybe if you idiots weren't pinning all your hopes and dreams on crypto you wouldn't be so stressed and would make better trades.

Invest in yourselves dumbfucks.

>> No.27485839
File: 60 KB, 800x510, CB57C1AE-5648-410D-B6E2-BB2A7B73ABC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I suppose it was my sense that people here would be as retarded as you that kept me from this board in the first place
once this wall street bets shit dies down you can leave and stay gone
the window to gain wealth is closing, you have to be a blind man not to see what they're doing with these lockdowns, etc.

>> No.27485925

I’m a sociopath

>> No.27485961

>What windows are closing?
i said it in the post you're replaying to
to add,
starting your own business, you now have to compete with amazon and google
when it comes to school the world is globalized and you're effectively fighting 1000 resumes
housing is harder than ever to get, and no, i'm not talking about a trailer in the middle of fucking arkansas
>some opportunities close, others open
this is precisely what i mean
if you invested in almost anything in the DJ over the past 30 years you'd be fine, which isn't the case today
>But you think it's sound for people who are already scraping it to invest heavily in something that could easily bankrupt them or, worse, their family
ultimately yes, as it could also just as easily set them free

this isn't even my own theory as the 'wealth gap' is widening which is a fact at this point. im like you, my salary wasn't that high, but with assets investments and dividends i'm 100% okay and to probably 99% of the people on this board i've already made it. all im saying is, you can't walk into a fucking corporation anymore and just demand to have a job. the wealth gap is closing. housing is insanely expensive. you're competing with global companies that are quite literalyl going to to the moon, and all the while you have to compete with other countries' geniuses for basic academic jobs.

>> No.27486201

These meme stocks are nothing compared to what we've been dealing with in crypto for years. Its literally just another Tuesday.

>> No.27486795

Take your meds, schizo, holy shit you're delusional

>> No.27486846



>> No.27487097

Precisely right a based af Schizo, everything In anons post is true, wake the fuck up and realise how fucked things are

>> No.27487777

Your mistake was buying in when attention to bitcoin was so high. When everyone and their dog is talking about bitcoin again that's when you sell, when attention is low and the price is stable again that's when you invest.

I made the same mistake and lost money in the 2018 crash but made it all back plus a profit recently

>> No.27488843

i knew it, its an gamble