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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 140 KB, 512x512, ant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2747169 No.2747169 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2747178

We're not fucking selling.

>> No.2747191

I wanted to add 10 more to my collection.. come on dip.. pretty please ? :(

>> No.2747210

selling now is the worst time possible theres a conference on the 15th

>> No.2747237
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>> No.2747305
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>> No.2747407

got 50 new ones on the dip, thank you suckaaaas

>> No.2747416


tfw it;s still the my least loosing my coin today; why is this happening ?

>> No.2747473

will fall to 200ksats

>> No.2747778

Ok seriously wtf is going on here

>> No.2747794

Every conference in crypto has prefaced a drop in value.

Buy the rumors = Price goes up because people think something big is coming

Sell the news = The actual news you is never enough for the people who bought in, and they sell.

>> No.2747907

iv been hearing a massive partnership being announced for this conference

>> No.2747919


Ironically, still not usually enough to get a pump these days. If they dont announce you can assume another a large drop.,

>> No.2747963

Not true, ETH skyrocketed after their April conference.

Last Antshares conference saw a huge pump before, but then huge dump during the conference.

>> No.2748411

It was a overhyped rebranding conference that was fueled by FOMO from the people who missed out on ETH (Was one of them, but got in at $3 usd. ANS is still a solid fucking platform, it's just dumb fucks dumping their shares when they don't get 4000% returns after a month. I will buy all their shares up and cash out come spring, have fun eating ramen poorfags.

>> No.2748506

>entire market is crashing
>ANS staying strong
literally the last ticket to lamboland

>> No.2748513

This. I just wish I had more fiat to buy more.

I could sell my ETH but I don't wanna do that either

>> No.2748548
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1499480052651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on board you fuckers. we're on the launch pad while everything is collapsing all around us.

>> No.2748551

There won't be. Hence the falling price.
If there was a firm rumour the price wouldn't be falling.
The last conference pump was driven by the rumour of a partnership with Microsoft. It had nothing to do with rebranding. The Microsoft consultant scheduled to speak was a no-show which is why it was rightfully dumped and dumped hard immediately following the no-show (no explanation from the CEO for the consultant's absence was the icing on the cake). Unprofessional and shady as fuck.

>> No.2748552

I do not think you understand what stable means

>> No.2748567

So they aren't partnering with Microsoft? Or the guy just didn't show up?

>> No.2748591

Both. There is no partnership confirmed with MS at this stage. The rumour surrounding that is what drove the price up and not FOMO horseshit that ANS apologists like to trot out.

>> No.2748595

>Microsoft consultant wasn't there
>Microsoft Chief Digital Innovation Officer was there and spoke
Get out FUD faggot

>> No.2748599

yeah keep thinking that, faggot. just don't say we didn't warn you after this conference.

>> No.2748660
File: 27 KB, 1072x268, Live Stream of Antshares Conference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guess which of the two MS speakers scheduled to speak at conference 99% of investors wanted to hear from?

Protip: not the poojew

>> No.2748675

ANS is literally about the rebrand in a matter of weeks. Why would MIcrosoft want to do a full partner presentation around a product whose name and logo is going to completely change soon?

>> No.2748709

Why schedule to have a speaker from Microsoft to discuss 'Blockchain projects and cooperation with Microsoft' if Hongfei had no such projects or cooperation of substance?

I would not be surprised if the consultant got wind of what they had advertised for him to discuss and told them to fuck off.

>> No.2748736

>thinks one presentation not happening means there was a falling out
>is an idiot

>> No.2748763

We do things differently in the West, zipperhead.

If you make a promise then break that promise, you'd better have a good fucking explanation or your shit gets dumped. Sweeping it under the carpet doesn't cut it here.

ANS got dumped.

>> No.2748770

Everything you've said reeks of someone who doesn't actually work in business. You think a single presentation with a fucking CONSULTANT matters more than an executive officer speaking at another company's conference?

>> No.2748799

yup. he's a basement dweller LARPing as a business expert, lmao

>> No.2748817

When that consultant is slated to discuss blockchain projects and cooperation with Microsoft, absolutely.

The rest of the conference was worthy of a blog post on their embarrassing website. That's why their shit was dumped and why ANS volume on bittrex is 10% of what it was. All hype, no substance.

>> No.2748828

if it was really "dumped hard" ANS would be back at $1 right now. it clearly has support because people see the enormous potential in it. take your FUD somewhere else, dude. sad.

>> No.2748852

>Loses 60% of value

>> No.2748870

Once again, ANS haters only comment on the price being down when the entire market is down. A classic FUD strategy.

>> No.2748895

The whole market wasn't down when it was dumped.

>> No.2748928

>Started at less than $1
>Went to $14
>Stabilized around $8
that's not a dump. it's a stabilization. you are just trying to FUD up the place because you hate ANS. you're probably an ETH bag holder. we get it. now go.

>> No.2748942

>$14 to $6

Nice damage control.

>> No.2748957

nope. $6 only came well after all coins started to bleed. nice try, FUDer.

>> No.2748976

I have some rope you could use

>> No.2748988

this looks like it's going into a freefall

>> No.2749024


>> No.2749037

Shit's stable.

>> No.2749060

hope it goes to around 220k. then I can finally buy 500 ANS and stop daytrading

>> No.2749064

Enjoy your bags.

>> No.2749067

more eth bag holders clearly biased and calling horizontal movement "freefall".

>> No.2749070

For all you people who still don't understand it
>buy the rumor sell the new
Everything there is to the initial PnD
However, the pricing stabilized at around 8dollar and fell the past week due to a weak market in general
The current regression is mostly a cause of big investors driving down the price to pump it up again at the confrence, just as we saw before

Is no one watching the order book?
Is no one watching at the chart?
Is anyone able to recognise patterns?
You cant look at every fucking coin, that is not a shitcoin, to understand that there are verry rich people trying to get more money from weak hands

Call me a shill or what ever, im holding my ans tight

>> No.2749094
File: 209 KB, 1439x1132, 2017-07-10 18.34.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic is epic

>> No.2749101

This. I've even sold other coins off at a loss to get in at this dip.

>disclaimer: I said this because it agrees with my hopes. I have no knowledge whatsoever and I am only in ANS because biz shilled it so hard to me. I barely understand more than "chink eth", "chinks love their own technology", "neo rebrand to the moon".

>> No.2749120

Than you should drop out at the next exit because you won't know when it's time to sell your bags

>> No.2749218
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It's going up soon, r-right guys?

>> No.2749246

Pretty much why everyone else is in it

>> No.2749253

>retard who can't spend 10 minutes reading a whitepaper
Just sell to me you don't deserve this.

>> No.2749295

So tempted to buy but those candles are scary

>> No.2749305


True, it is amazing how well this coin stays stable or recovers all the time.

Number 1 China coin out there!!

Perhaps even top 3 coin worldwide in 3 weeks.

>> No.2749313

im fucking dying, this is too perfect

>> No.2749319
File: 185 KB, 400x300, 1497198234521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are your little ants doin' good, son?

>> No.2749324

>mfw bought @0.00362

>> No.2749328




Eth is really done, too much competition .. AND ETH based ICO's just not worth it

>> No.2749483

This dip is weird and unlike the previous.
The order book looks as if its filled with people really hoping somebody to take of their bags and not to press the price down.
So this doesnt seem to be a whale attack anymore.

Also whales are too invested in this, no way this isnt going to skyrocket.

>> No.2749779

Don't need to. Read a reddit post that turned my hands to iron. All I needed. White paper is for fucking nerds.

>> No.2749819

Would you mind sharing this post?
Not that i would consider selling before 15 dollar

>> No.2749832

Look at Onchain, the owner of NEO, other projects

Decentralized email for Alibaba, and some kind of hyperledger DNA thing?

>> No.2749843

google Everything you need to know: AntShares vs AntCoins

I'm not sure if you have to be as ignorant and retarded as me for it to work. But I've gone maximum HODL.

>> No.2749846

source on this conference that isnt some shitty chink translation no one can confirm?

>> No.2749878
File: 62 KB, 400x400, gotta_wear_shades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>future's so bright, gotta wear shades

>> No.2749924

I think you got the wrong idea

I know fully well why im holding ans and why i didn't really bother seeing it drop to 250

I was just curious about that ominous redditpost, just curious what gave him "iron hands"

>> No.2749931

>Microshit bows to NEO
>In contact with Alibaba

>> No.2750408

Buy more ants now or will it go lower? Can't decide and it's making me antsy!

>> No.2750441


I'm in about 220k.. I kind of anticipate it is going to go even lower.. These floors have been more than I expected

investing more fiat anyway

>> No.2750632

Hmm its "going up" buts its just fish orders.
We really might get one last dip before mooning.