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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 200x200, rubic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27468326 No.27468326 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27468363

it's not

>> No.27468362
File: 48 KB, 1280x1144, 67546794679888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is senpai

>> No.27468376
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You got played.

>> No.27468397
File: 234 KB, 886x950, 1611822315263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ein Volk
Ein Reich
Ein Koin

>> No.27468423

just buy it you idiot. you'd still be early to the party

>> No.27468496
File: 82 KB, 1920x1080, download (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're either gonna be rich as fuck or poor as fuck. Get in motherfucker.

>> No.27468565

This one has the memetic energy of 4chan behind it, the autism of /pol and a fuck tonne of money pouring into it.

tldr 10k suicide stack HODL

>> No.27468662

Meanwhile soaring past ATH

>> No.27468849

it's the next link and normies are gonna jump in soon

>> No.27469015

Last couple days to get in on staking, but people here spend too much time listening to the fud, while the fudders will benifit more from staking tomorrow.

>> No.27469089
File: 312 KB, 500x500, jumping rubic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfiest hold right now

>> No.27469141

its a fucking pajeet rugpull scam, are you that stupid you cant tell all the threads and replies are by a bunch of faggots all in the same telegram group

>> No.27469187

isnt this just a shit uni clone

>> No.27469212

your own ID is calling you a liar. you still have time to fomo in, faggot

>> No.27469258

are you talking about pooling on uniswap or did I miss something?

>> No.27469275
File: 315 KB, 500x500, comfyrubic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a pajeet rugpull scam
this fud is like 3 weeks old. get with the times old man

>> No.27469309

> 4127 holders as of now
> 1,400+ ETH & 8,7 MM RBC pooled
> 28k transactions
> $2-4 MM daily volume

The absolute state of fudders

>> No.27469331

buy it now! we are going to fucking moon!

>> No.27469333
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always was

>> No.27469614
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>> No.27469635

buy high sell low

>> No.27469716
File: 64 KB, 925x750, 09-19-17-1610635543155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three years from now, people will be buying 5 RBC at a time and saving up for a 1000 RBC suicide stack

>> No.27469738

thats insane, and link was like 20 cents as well. fudders are going to neck

>> No.27469938
File: 214 KB, 320x423, RUBIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1b supply
>130m supply
We are to make it sirs.

>> No.27470296

Fuck you liar

>> No.27471616

I got free RBC just for holding smallcap WISH. 3 more Rubic airdrops to come from the MyWish team which is the same as the Rubic team.

>> No.27471711
File: 4 KB, 391x129, get it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll rope yourself much sooner
Dyor on BOR and try saving yourself from these jeets

>> No.27471983
File: 14 KB, 385x172, Screenshot_20210202-122612_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 4 weeks ago when RBC wasn't shilled (or fudded for that matter) there was a great thread where both BOR and RBC came up. I researched both... same goal, different approach. I bought both and while BOR gave me some cool gains (currently 200%) RBC blew it the fuck out of the water (pic related).

I still have my BOR bags but don't come shit up this thread with your cheap fud.

>> No.27472079

it's not the next link
it's way better

>> No.27472094


>> No.27472243
File: 451 KB, 1080x1514, 1611342213772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just added 15k to my stack

>> No.27472372

the pic related is $DELTA gains tho(DeltaChain)

>> No.27472374
File: 225 KB, 1280x720, 1612247248236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm up 1300% anon. You tell me. I'm feeling comfy knowing it's only the beginning. The tokenomics, team, and product are all a perfect storm for the DeFi market. Pic related is very real.

>> No.27472416

this coin was made by and made for jeets, its community is full of jeets itll never be link

>> No.27472567

No, it's a screen from my first RBC transaction in the Delta tracker app.

>> No.27472975

It's more like a getting in early with railblocks than Link. Will moon hard this year.

>> No.27472986
File: 7 KB, 466x528, bad-man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 2000 RBC
How much money will i make?

>> No.27473114

$2 million

>> No.27473246


>> No.27473320

I’ve been telling you since 2 cents... you better find some cope

>> No.27473358

how does forbes list sound?

>> No.27473480

So it's at ath now. What tells you it won't crash when btc does to gain in satoshis later?

>> No.27473631

A lot of people won't want to eat gas fees making those transactions is my guess anon.

>> No.27473703


>> No.27473915
File: 346 KB, 517x508, 1612211558664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. That's why they call it a suicide stack (10k RBC).
I just purchased a suicide stack today myself. I now have 110k.

>> No.27473961

Ngubu is making me alot of money

>> No.27474024

I accumulate in satoshis and a lot of the people discuss usd gains mainly so I look at this a bit differently. In usd this coin will crash. It’s at ath or so now.
Link did exactly the same at first and this was an insane fud then. I didn't buy link at first due to the supply. The supply doesn't matter anymore it looks like this cycle other coins matter completely and, as with the last cycle, marketing is the most important thing.
I came back to /biz/ after nearly 2 years and I missed out on this and other coins at the beginning of the cycle basically. I'm still looking for low entry coins to accumulate satoshis and for now I think I missed it and have to wait for the btc to crash at the end of February or so. I'll have this coin in mind then.
Gas won't be a problem when btc crashes anon. The transaction number will crash with it and the gas prices will go down.

>> No.27474101

Seems like an organized scam, memes all came at the same time. Shit coins like this come and go all the time.

>> No.27474240

Do your own research on this project. Check the roadmap
And the team is doxxed and through their previous project they built good relations to binance.

>> No.27474331

Not scam, I don't think so. Remember link? Same shit. And it has the potential but it's too late for now to jump into it. Wait for btc to crash to 10k or even to 15k from now till end of February or so and then pick alts for satoshi accumulation.

>> No.27474354

Anon if you've been gone for two years, things work a little differently now. I came back after a 3 year hiatus and have had to change my thinking on things. I luckily tossed in a few 1000 into rubic at 2 cents though. After holding through the first massive dips and pumps... I actually think rubic will hit more than $1 by may.

>> No.27474622
File: 764 KB, 1000x668, Indians-of-Armenia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oke sir if you do not buy now rubic wit gogle play giftcard yes you will need to buy a robe in six months oke sir buy rubic now please anons post beppe de frog pictures and say "based" we are not pajeet scam we are based coin oke

>> No.27474805

Fuck me I think it was 3 years for me to. Basically was here through the last halvening.
How is this shit correlated with btc?
I will look this up but if you know and can share it would be greatly appreciated.
I see that it's different. The exchange tokens are hot as fuck now.
Also Defi or whatever. Daps were the big thing then. And new eth or btc bullshot.
I still am sitting on icx from then. Somid project from Korea that went nowhere cause no fucking marketing.
Also the supply seems not to matter this cycle for some reason.

>> No.27474883

Just to add: if this was at 2c I would buy, but it's going to crash back to this levels possibly, just like link did, anon, when btc crashes.

>> No.27474889

Stay away from any coin with meme images.

How many bitcoinchans do you see?

>> No.27474938

the exchange id dogshit, not even a fud, it's the truth

>> No.27475036
File: 45 KB, 470x309, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinion discarded

>> No.27475538

this and

seems very inorganic
ill probably still buy a dip because the shilling is persistent but hasnt spread over to reddit and other places quite yet

>> No.27475730

This. I think this is the best idea itt. Basically this cycle these types of coins are hot. Last one was dapps and..well link-like coins.

>> No.27476092

There's some signals before btc crashes. We still have another stimulus on the way. Eth needs to hit some higher ATH. Alt coins have yet to do their 50-100xs. We're probably going to be mooning through the year.

Just have your exit strategy ready.

>> No.27476606

Kind of similar to 2016 if so.
This means there will be a crash of 30% or so somewhere in February/March then a summer pump.
I think I'll wait for the crash and load up then, then will accumulate the satoshis during the summer. Expect a lot of fun on all alts when the brc crashes soon. Buy the coins that are skilled now and look like solid projects.
If this truly is similar to 2016 halvening there will be opportunities then. I came back too late for 50x of the alts for now. Have to wait with what I've got so far.
Obviously dyor and if you were through the halvening before you already know this.