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27459091 No.27459091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yes I begged for money, yes It's "Pathetic" but when your in my condition words like shame and pathetic go out the window.

I didn't get "Whoa 2 BTC Has been deposited!"
But a benevolent soul did donate to me, and when I woke up you made this old cynical poorfag cry.

I have to say in my entire life growing up in a church and surrounded by "charitable people"

You people have been the most sincere and generous out of anyone I've ever met.

And if your reading this Anon, I really do thank you.

Love is the best painkiller and you guys gave me a glimmer of hope.

And to the Jannie that let it sit for an hour, Thank you as well.

>> No.27459288

>thanking the jannie
don't worry about that anon, he gets paid for it

>> No.27459328

They get paid? lol well then I recant my Jannie thanks.

>> No.27459327

You're going to die anyways.

>> No.27459356

How much you got?

>> No.27459362

I will, I mean we all will me just a tad sooner than most.

>> No.27459369

Godspeed anon

>> No.27459392

yes, they get paid in estrogen shots

>> No.27459408

I don't kiss and tell but little less than a weeks pay, it helps a lot.

>> No.27459429

Much love friend, hope things turn up.

>> No.27459464

Lol and Onions greens.

>> No.27459505

If you played with shitcoins on uniswap before 1sep2020 check ur wallet maybe theres $8k airdrop sitting there

>> No.27459542

If you're still here OP, check out these guys. idk if you have the funds for their consult, but they have put multiple cancers into remission, including glioblastoma with dietary intervention, just look at their publications.


>> No.27459551

Na just found out about Uni few days ago, late af to the game here.

>> No.27459611

Thanks friend, I'll look into them for sure, I'm at that place where alternative treatments look better and better.

>> No.27459670

Damn, if it makes you feel better i used like 30 wallets on uniswap thru the summer and deleted one after another after using it... Sold my 1 uni airdrop for $1300 and cashed it to fiat

>> No.27459715

Damn but good looking out, might have to make a few uni wallets incase that ever happens again.

>> No.27459717

Just go work construction or something you pussy faggot scared of work. You are spoiled man child ease consider roping yourself to end you misserable existence.

>> No.27459726

i just realised thumbnail on phone looks like a white ass riding a black cock
>inb4 mutts law

>> No.27459773

He is literally dying and you say that?

>> No.27459813

What do you mean "riding a black cock" are you that damaged? It just looks a white girl in booty shorts with a thigh gap.

>> No.27459818

If someone HODLed over 100 uni on a snapshot date in november he got like 1eth worth of MIR token, then 1inch gave away over $800 on the day of airsrop if someone made even 1 transaction there, theres rumors about metamask giving someething away for using their swap

>> No.27459840

Glioblastoma isn't curable. Stop preaching for charlatanism ty

>> No.27459858

I'm used to it lol.

Scared of work? try working when your infections burst through your clothing after 3 hours.

and I do what I can.

>> No.27459966

What is your condition exactly ?

>> No.27460120

The doctor's haven't given it a proper diagnoses as my simple blood tests didn't show lymphoma but I've lost 120 lbs, had 4 lbs of rotted necrotic cancerous cells removed from my spine, this year alone lost control of my right leg and can't move/feel it.

Surgery helped but all the cells are returning again, also losing control of my eyes and have to sleep every few hours or I'll vomit and pass out.

I don't have a car so even getting testing is work in itself.

I've gotta go back to the doctor and through a bunch of specialists now to "find" out what I already very much know and feel.

>> No.27460225

What country do you leave in ?

>> No.27460306

United States unfortunately lol

>> No.27460355

So MS or Cancer?

>> No.27460461

Actually might have both I've gotta goto a neurologist to see if I have MS, The leg going lame and Nystagmus indicate I might also have that.

But the lymphnodes pumping into my spine and growing cancerous cells that rotted into a pile of flesh was a big ass indicator my body is creating cancer.

Doctor's won't do things quickly though at my age they expect a 33 year old to be fine.

>> No.27460506

I'm sorry that you have to go through this in a country without proper healthcare. This seems so inhuman to me.

Best of luck to you. Seems very surprising to me that they performed surgery on you without knowing what type of cancer it was.

>> No.27460568

Ngl I was the anon who called you out and was rude. My bad man, not sure why I got upset. I'll send you $100 in Ethereum. Hope that helps. Sorry again.

>> No.27460605

It's obviously not multiple sclerosis if you have clear signs of cancer. Didn't they perform analysis on the tissue they removed from your spine ?

>> No.27460633

just sent 2 bitcoins on your way anon. don't be cheap on the treatment options. wish you the best.

>> No.27460647

It's either Lymphoma or squamous cell carcinoma.

They ran simple blood tests which aren't fullproof as they only ran a few before the surgery and none afterward.

When cancerous cells develop in the pilonidal area they are instructed to remove them immediately as all cases end in squamous cell carcinoma if not removed.

>> No.27460720

It's to investigate what is going on. Happens all the time.

>> No.27460756

I didn't post my wallet haha but I'll throw em up there again for the halibut.

BTC> 3DucakAPUvkMcQRe1YLAQRw18wat3wPJtz

ETH > 0xcF3Eec3d91b3B2D5239fFd8326b357478DBa1Fbe

>> No.27460785

Sent, sorry again Anon. Hope that helps.

>> No.27460840

Brother I don't expect anything, and believe me I am a cynic It's hard for me to trust people especially when they aren't standing infront of me.

One guy helped me out and gave me a loan last year and I quickly got him the money and he was just testing me, I didn't believe him when he didn't want it back.

I don't expect generous people in a chaotic world we live in.

But I do appreciate the kind words mate.

>> No.27460891

;) I love you brother haha I really didn't expect that.

And don't ever be ashamed of being cautious, it's a good standard to live by.

>> No.27460913

I got unintentionally redpilled on cancer when researching the carnivore diet. Turns out most treatments for cancer are garbage and research on it is so tunnel visioned on genes they can't see the forest for the trees.

This video explains it pretty well

>> No.27460937

timestamped pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.27460952

Nah man I shouldn't have said all the harsh things. Was foul of me. God bless anon.

>> No.27460957

Well I'm a doctor myself and what you're telling me seems very strange.

It seems you weren't given proper information on what your condition is, I'm also very surprised the tissue removed from your spine wasn't examined by a pathologist (unless they don't do it unless you pay for it because USA)

>> No.27460986


I didn't say cured. I said remission. The patient was given months to live and instead has been symptom free for years.


>> No.27461015
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Thank you brother I'll bookmark that and take a gander in the morning, and to the poster below here's a pic of my surgery scar, not that I need to prove anything.

>> No.27461113

I let harsh things roll off like a duck in water haha.

And to Doctor Anon yeah nothing about my treatment is normal but I had growths for 3 years before I was able to get insurance, they had to do an emergency surgery because I was getting sepsis nonstop.

Never once has a doctor given me a diagnoses on why it happened besides "Let's hope to god this doesn't return"

>> No.27461202

Your $1 will give me hope...I'm lost

>> No.27461249

God bless you too Anon, I mean it you were very gracious even in the last posts.

>> No.27461308

Might wanna indicate what wallet that is, I mean 1 dollar isn't gonna go very far.

>> No.27461366

You're spreading misinformation and tempting an already very vulnerable person to fall for charlatanism and scams.

Patients with grade IV gliomas (glioblastomas) can be put in remission for 6-12 months with radiotherapy and proper surgery, sometimes more. Ketogenic diet, curcuma powder, homeopathy or 457 Hz bineural beats have nothing to do with that.

People like you can't handle the fact that cancer is sometimes so serious that modern medicine is impotent. So you look for alternatives, but there's none

>> No.27461374

you seem like a kind person anon, I wish you all the best

>> No.27461435

didn't read, kys

>> No.27461446

>without proper healthcare
You’re a moron if you truly believe this. I would rather get sick while poor in America than Britain or Canada any day of the week.

>> No.27461547

It's BTC..
I feel too bad to ask..
But 3 guya sending $1 each will make me have hope and smile. A small cost for them but something priceless for me in these times. I am demoralized.. But if I keep going like this for more time I'll end up like you most likely.. We are too sensitive and not stupid enogh to enjoy the ride.

>> No.27461689

Based on what lmao
I'm french, and while our healthcare system (or even our country for that matter) is widely criticizable, we don't let people die without helping them.

Have fun not being able to get dental care kek

>> No.27461725

Annoying why it's not posting but yeah I agree I thought US healthcare was good till I got on 600 a month insurance and they treat me the same.

>> No.27461837

Thanks again all, I'll be around I do plan on fighting this bs until my body gives in.

That and I have an addiction to this forum since this week, if my condition improves I will post here with the same clickbait ass pic.

>> No.27462009

I also can tell you as a poor sick person they refuse to help unless you have insurance, went to the E.R for 3 years until I was forced to get insurance to get slightly better help.

They will refer you to a specialist you cannot afford and go about their day.

>> No.27462048

Look into using thalidomide (the sleeping-pill that created t-rex proportions).
It's used experimentally in cancer treatment, ... or at-least it was when my gramps had it, he eventually died from kidney failure, but much later than projected and the radiation-treatment department was pissed there was nothing there to radiate and make money after we did the semi-diy thalidomide treatment.
Also a lot of medical mushrooms are known to have anti-cancer effects, and won't hurt if combined with standard treatments.

>> No.27462179

So you have no actual knowledge outside Michael Moore documentaries? Spics cross the border and that day literally get world class healthcare that day. The entire problem with the American system is Jewish level pricing due to Jewish lawyers and their litigation bumping the price. There’s still huge amounts of safety nets for those without insurance and anyone with insurance is way beyond any European socialised care.

>> No.27462261

They have to legally treat you when you go to an emergency room. Your white guilt is stopping you from playing the nigger and spic game. ERs are the ultimate FUD.

>> No.27462320

Thanks, I snipped that to look into, I'm curious naturally anyway even if it doesn't help.

>> No.27462373

Your dead wrong, they do not have to treat any disease, they have to treat the symptom.

If you have a disease and goto the E.R they will refer you period, I don't know what world you live in but I've got years of medical records to prove your wrong.

If you get shot or stabbed they have to stabilize you, if your sick give you an antibiotic.

>> No.27462436


>> No.27462471
File: 1.40 MB, 600x600, 0f57b96b38d4339ecb0f1114189b7847c0e71f26.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too have cancer and i just told the doctor to not talk to me about my life expectancy since i could not afford any sort of treatment that wasn't herbal fuckery
I'm spending the rest of my time day trading and helping my family, but man, if you wanna donate then thank you from the bottom of my heart
BUT if any generous anons or most importantly the op can talk me into accepting to get my treatment partially paid for by the people at my past job please do, because right now i just dont want to go thru chemo or radiotherapy or whatever just to fuck myself up more

btc: 1J18LfwsBsAr64KykuC55wzkJNCtpqqxKF

regardless, report me for beggin if you want i want to leave 4chan for a while too

>> No.27462514

Wish you well anon, Im a poorfag, but im here with you.