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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27450544 No.27450544 [Reply] [Original]

>There was once a time where you could browse /biz/ without GME AMC and Dogecoin threads shitting up the catalog
>This cancer has somehow even made it's way to /pmg/ with all the silver shorting shit going on
>now the shitcoins are back in full force
Can we just have a comfy thread tonight? What's got you up lads up this late/early? How are your investments, jobs, and businesses going? Fuck this all got out of hand quick...

>> No.27451307
File: 73 KB, 640x627, 1609940216517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember 2020 calendars? There was once a time where you could browse a 2020 calendar without 2021 shitting up the dates.
>This cancer has somehow even made it's way to /pmg/ with all the "current date" shit going on.
>Now the future is back in the present
Can we just make totally illogical posts tonight? What's got your schizo incels up this late/early? How are your disorders, meds, unemployment bux and drug addictions going?

>> No.27452286

>/biz/ literally one month ago
>99% crypto shitcoin threads
>/pmg/ and /smg/ in their containment units
>"thats a man!"
>pink wojack
>pink wojack
>Rug pull.

>> No.27452407

>This cancer has somehow even made it's way to /pmg/ with all the silver shorting shit going on
it was inevitable, fren.

>> No.27452491

KEK. Accurate

>> No.27452503

We are about to become millionaires and these retards are so clueless. It's kind of comfy.

>> No.27452505
File: 10 KB, 255x197, fren playing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was bad but it was our bad. now it's reddit's bad.

>> No.27452535

This, /biz/ is a Pajeet shitcoin shilling board first and foremost.

>> No.27452586

fuck off, it was always cancerous coinshit, fucking bitbean etc

>> No.27452635

the squeeze will be squoze

>> No.27452676

See frens. Look at him wiggle.

>> No.27452707

oh yeah i miss pajeet shill threads so much

>> No.27452758
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I'm starting a comfy new work from home job later this month and moving to a new place soon, things are going good for me

Also buy UUUU

>> No.27452785


>> No.27452916

Don’t worry after I make it soon you can get back to discussing your rare silver coin collection and the performance of your 401 k

>> No.27453027

But it was fun. All the pajeet memes, bobo memes, autistic subcelebs, etc.
Now its boring paper jewish stuff. Jewish bankers selling what they dont have, and moving 1000x more money than what we see in crypto, and 2-digit IQ plebbitors thinking they are smart from playing in a rigged field.
Memes have decreased 90% in the last weeks. This board is now a appendix of Reddit, nothing more than that. And they dont make memes, they are very bad at it.

>> No.27453424
File: 81 KB, 713x809, 1510356700038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I 300%'d my savings from GME, but bought back in and lost so much I only gained 200% total (from 7k to 25k to 18k or something). I am tired of stocks so when I have transfered my money on thursday I will buy 50% GRT and 50% shillcoin to gain more. I dropped out of uni and I am really anxious about my financial situation, I can live off 6k a year if I live like a munk but I'd rather make it and never have to worry about money again. I doubt I could ever get a job, and I used to cry and feel suicidal because I thought I had to work, but since my big GME gain I've started to hope, and crypto seems easier than stocks so far. Also I hate how much I have to wait when trading stocks, but I am afraid crypto will make me even more addicted and reliant on internet

>> No.27453581

investments are great
job is fucked. govt's gay covid response destroyed us. oh well move on.

>> No.27454950


>> No.27455016

dude ive been here since summer how the fuck are you not bored of crypto shilling? and uniswap scams that charge you 800 dollars just to buy and sell