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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 57 KB, 256x256, unicorn-face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27443885 No.27443885 [Reply] [Original]

What did you do with your $8,000?

>> No.27443980

Just letting it ride. Might as well since I got it for free anyway.

>> No.27444281

pretty much this. imagine buying a PS5 with it when 400 UNI is looking like a nice suicide stack right now.

>> No.27444458


literally never ever selling

>> No.27444475

no air drop but i bought in early
feels good

>> No.27444545

Same here, i missed out on the free tokens but I know an opportunity when I see one. Wish I bought more now.

>> No.27444560
File: 69 KB, 750x557, 7085FDDD-A7F3-46F5-BC0C-3C205039F435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a cool 1k stack,, feeling good about it!

>> No.27444583

Turned it into cocaine and shot it into my ass

>> No.27444628
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold at $6 because I didn't realize people actually gave a shit about it
the $2400 was cool I guess

>> No.27444696

*5000 for me, but I unironically bought silver intending to just have in any case the economy goes to shit since the US government seems to think its ok to mass print. Now that silver is memeing I doubt I'll actually be able to get it delivered since the sight says my order status says its still pending shipment.

>> No.27444806

ill pass the UNI down to my children, as they will to theirs.

>> No.27444894

Not selling fuck you

>> No.27445022

held and loaded up more at $8 then panic sold at $3 and watched it dump down sub $2 and got saved by ETH. thank you based skelly... fuck you dumping unicorn coin

>> No.27445723

Someone unipill me, I’ve only seen it used to trade pajeet dog clones

>> No.27445916

I traded it for a blue hexagon shitcoin that will go to zero in 2021

>> No.27446431

400 UNI will be half a make it stack fren

>> No.27446563

We still going up nigga

>> No.27446590

kept a bunch and also invested in cardano/algo

>> No.27446640

It's just a voting token atm but soon all holders will get a % of uniswap fees.
Plus it's been spiking up well, and not in a pnd way as it retrace and finds a new floor every time.
Unironically 100$ eoy if market does t shit the bed.

>> No.27446681

if i ever see anything like this EVER again I'll jump on it. I'm so pissed at myself for not getting in on this when it was a thing. I was totally primed for a new investment in september too. ETH got me tho i guess

>> No.27446861

Flipped it into donut coin it is now 55000$

>> No.27446921

Had like 10 wallets I just straight fucking didn't even keep the seed phrases too

>> No.27447032


>> No.27447096

Sold for LTO, wasn't sure this would ever hit above 20 dollars. Not sure what the best investment was, to hold or to hold LTO. Guess we'll see in a year

>> No.27447215

Whats the cheapest trade on uni rn?

>> No.27447251

i put 1 eth into reef and i'm keeping the rest in eth for now.

>> No.27447663

uniswap is the #1 decentralized exchange by far. DEXes have a bunch of upsides, like not having to deal with KYC or bribing the exchange to list your coin or CZ's scam wick price manipulatuion or inconvenient downtimes, etc. But as of right now, the main problem with DEXes is that the fees are high due to ETH gas issues and such.

Uniswap V3 is around the corner and apparently will use a L2 scaling solution to make swaps significantly cheaper, faster, and AFAIK with less slippage. In addition, fees collected from these swaps will be paid out to UNI holders, akin to stock dividends. And that's on top of UNI's already existing utility as a governance token of the uniswap protocol. Basically, holding it makes you a shareholder in one of the biggest DeFi projects.

Anticipation for these things is why UNI is pumping. But it's still got plenty of room to grow from here. Keep in mind that the price was kept undervalued for a long time simply because of all the high-time-preference idiots selling off their airdrops in Q4 for PS5s. But price will continue to pump, as with other DeFi projects, but especially because uniswap is going to see a surge of activity throughout the rest of the bull market in 2021. And more activity means more fees means holders make more money.

>> No.27448118


TP 70%
Zcash 10%
Half a kilo of fucking silver from mintx.co 10%
HELD 10% uni

Also, most of my Take profit is in usd on anchor wallet making 8% APY interest

I would post silverpepe.jpg but I'm rangebanned from posting images..