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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27442624 No.27442624 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently holding big position in IDLE, playing doge off dips when possible but too risky, same goes with XRP. Name some other coins you guy's are playing with or holding long?

>> No.27442877


>> No.27442889

I'm playing doge like a true blue gay. I Got in on IDLE 2 days ago and its bringing me nice returns. Haven't touched XRP. FUCK THAT SHIT

>> No.27443025

too much volatility on XRP & Doge and way too much meme hype behind it. Not touching it with a 10 foot pole. I like what I see from IDLE

>> No.27443055

you a big gay for playing with doge, idle is the play for long term

>> No.27443124

>itt: 4 pajeets shilling their new coin that they made in a week

>> No.27443271

Sir you are the pajeet here, moonjeeeeeet

>> No.27443298

i'm fucking with Doge for short term retarded left hand stroking orgasms. Going long play with IDLE for soft right hand stroke. Look at the market cap and the price rise in past 4 days. Its insane.

>> No.27443412

Bought IDLE at 3.15, and still sitting pretty. I lost on XRP today, fucking trash piece of shit pajeet coin.

>> No.27443504

just don't buy rubic thats a real dogshit coin

>> No.27443577

HUGE RETURNS FROM IDLE SINCE YESTERDAY. GOING LONG DAYS WITH IDLE. Playing other Junkjeet coins like doge just for fun.

>> No.27443726
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>> No.27443811

OP, Idle looks decent. Good Market cap.

>> No.27444033

I'm obviously investing in other crpyto coins but out of these 3, Im investing in IDLE. They have a solid management team, they aren't trying to create a fake marketing hype like so many other coins are especially the 2 of which you named. Their platform is actually useful.

>> No.27444070

i fucking hate shitty pajeets with a burning passion. if you live in the third world. please dont even think about trying to take my white anglo saxan generational money. like goddamn just go work at a call center you worthless streetshitters. get off of 4chan

>> No.27444079

never fomo into a moon

>> No.27444141
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$SHIB you kek

>> No.27444151
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Pssst. Hey kid. XLM.

>> No.27444154

you will never be white

>> No.27444251

Lol shib is a pump n dump

>> No.27444262

They're out their working and it's more than fair. What did you do other than be born rich? I say, if you're dumb enough to fall for rajesh you deserve to lose your money.
Even those call-center scams they pull don't bother me anymore. Boomers in this country have it coming for their crimes

>> No.27444290

Funny how you shitskins always make it so obvious that you're shilling jeetcoins

>> No.27444355

IDLE got a solid working platform, this aint a shib shitcoin

>> No.27444368

LMAO @ SHIB. Ya, go ahead and get dumped on like the retarded Pajeets putting money into GME who thought options expiry's today would send them to Vanhala

>> No.27444499

>t. rajesh

>> No.27444601


I mean whether someone is shilling it or not, look into the actual company itself before making accusations. Retards can shill whatever you tell them to but if its fundamentally sound, doesn't make a difference who does what when its out of your control. I'm holding IDLE LONG

>> No.27444621

You do realise everyone can see your ID, don't you pajeet shill?

>> No.27444761

ive made money it and ADA, I'll hold out for Doge. Maybe it's all the John Keel books ive been reading but it seems like its gonna works solely because its the most insane choice.

what's the consensus on MUE?

>> No.27444766

We need /pol/ flags here

>> No.27444795

so what you faggot, im giving you a good coin to make money, while you doing some clown sherlock investigation

>> No.27444922

Where do I buy shitcoins like REEF, BOND, BDT, and IDLE? Binance won't let amerifags lose their shirts to poos on pnds. Land of the free my big fat ass. I have the god-given right to make bad decisions. And I couldn't even make this a thread because I'm range banned from uploading files./biz/ is run by streetshitters who only let their fellow poos make pnd threads.

>> No.27444937

Never heard of IDLE until now. It actually looks legit. Not like some shit pump and dump.

>> No.27445014


>> No.27445101

We can see your ID you retarded call center worker

>> No.27445338

I dont get how people aren't in on IDLE right now. This shit is literally popping right now and im holding diamonds hands bitch aaahhahaa

>> No.27445397

IDLE is steadily rising like my penis looking at the chart right now.. come to daddy gains

>> No.27445561

IDLE has been mooning for the entire week, wont be shocked if it keeps going. These dumb pajeets who think someone is schill peddling has never learned how to make money in his life

>> No.27445905

Moon it

>> No.27446035


>> No.27446479

IDLE is certainly looking good boys. All of us who are holding are staying strong. Big gains coming up in the next week.

>> No.27446544
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>> No.27446845

Any other good coins right now to put money in?

>> No.27446858

IDLE smells like shit because of all the pajeets holding them

>> No.27446943

Qcoin, trust the plan.

>> No.27446973

Have you even looked into it?

>> No.27446991

What is the best Bitcoin wallet these days?
Haven't bothered with BTC since I lost 3 of them back in 2010. Lost the password to my wallet.dat file. I didn't even care much until I found out they were worth like $120,000 or so, but I want to get back into it. Robinhood is gay and doesn't have a wallet address, so fuck that.

>> No.27447110

Give me a /quick rundown/ on IDLE, bro.

>> No.27447309

Moon & starsss for IDLE

>> No.27447382


you've actually never heard of it? Like the platform and its utility?

>> No.27447529

trashing XRP, fuck this short. IDLE way better

>> No.27447593

IDLE is a pump and dump shitcoin shilled by literal nigerians

>> No.27447606

Sadly no. As I say, I gave up on crypto back in 2010 when I lost the password for my BTC wallet. It wasn't worth much back then, but I have up on it because the wallet took an absurd amount of time to synchronize. I'm assuming it's gotten way more accessible since then, but I'm out of the loop. Fuck, I don't even know the go-to way of attaining crypto anymore.
All I want is a wallet that doesn't take 20 years to synchronize, a way of buying, no wait periods, and maybe a pen and paper this time round.
Can you help a goy out with some suggestions?

>> No.27447621

do you think elon musk will make people lose a ton of money? lol

>> No.27447709


>> No.27447826

Meme coins are meant to be a joke. You buy a few pennies or dollars worth for the fun of it but you don't actually invest in them. A cryptocoin has to have some real world application to have real-world value. If you can't buy something with the coin it should at least have some real world blockchain use. Otherwise you might as well be investing in rare Pepes

>> No.27448063

doge is the new internet money

>> No.27448180

The new shitcoin lol.

>> No.27448498


Its pretty much a platform that will find the best yields for your money. They're tokenizing the best interest rate across different lending protocols on Ethereum money market, so you dont have to switch funds between lending protocols manually. Instead, your underlying position will be rebalanced with the highest yield thats around at that moment for you to gain maximum profits.

>> No.27448591

You want to invest in rare Pepes? I have totally unique Pepes, hand crafted by myself, with love and passion.
Drawing Pepe and Wojak is now my only artistic endeavor. People on /pol/ love them and I've seen them get traded multiple times.
Feels good man.

>> No.27449329

hold the line pajeets!

>> No.27449363

Holding IDLE

>> No.27449475

Wouldn't sell on IDLE, just let it moon

>> No.27449564

IDLE will easily rocket lol, no brainer.

>> No.27449678

When is IDLE get staking?

>> No.27449855
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Idle moonnauts here. Why can’t a Jew accumulate without moonies?

>> No.27449934

Positioning to take off, so get in quick

>> No.27449978


>> No.27450043

Was anybody here actually stupid enough to buy XRP... which is still about to get raped by SEC and the founders tossed in jail where their tokens are going to get extracted by Tyrone's using big dick truth serum and then sold in the hood to buy fentynole to flip?

>> No.27450459
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I've been following IDLE on telegram for a while now and have around 1700 tokens. The team is about to release a major update.... Get ready to moon fuckers!

>> No.27450479

IDLE easy gains all week.

>> No.27450548

Have you looked into it yet?

>> No.27450617

Any idea of when the update is coming or what its about?

>> No.27450675

Oh shit I'm sorry bro, I didn't see your post. Thanks for the info, I'll look into it now.
My apologies for that, m8.

>> No.27450937

Excited to see the new updates