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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27442143 No.27442143 [Reply] [Original]

Uniswap is supposed to moon! Why is it dropping?!

>> No.27443951

Sushi is captan nao

>> No.27444012

How could uniswap not fucking moon when they charge me 40 dollars in gas all the god damn time, motherfuckers

>> No.27444071

it already mooned retard

>> No.27444104

rug: pulled
curry: swapped
pump: dumped
redditors: scammed

>> No.27444124

pajeet coins really break a nigga

>> No.27444176

Because it already mooned. From nothingness to $8000. Literally an infinite gain.

>> No.27444224

Why does a Uniswap transaction take 40 bucks but just sending ETH takes like 2
What the fuck are they doing

>> No.27444225

$23 is dropping? Lol

>> No.27444422

OP is an underage redditor who expects to instantly 100x his money within a day

>> No.27444493

Checkd and kekd

>> No.27444547

Uniswap will likely go up again this season because it is already being used. Alt season has only begun. These are normal cycles in a bull run.

However, there are much more lucrative long term projects that will probably eclipse Uniswap, such as Injective Protocol, which I am holding mid-long term.

>> No.27444573
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because shibaswap is about to kill it

>> No.27444856

Because a uniswap tx is actually like 2-3 txs, and involves more OPCODE calls, also there is a fee to the liquidity provider.

>> No.27446032

fucking thinnies

>> No.27446297
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Because Kadena is about to launch kadenaswap mainnet.
Its basically uniswap without those fees.
You can buy it on www.coinmetro.im

>> No.27446669

It's literally impossible for a dex to have no fees. The fees come from the txs and their opcode calls. You can't have a dex without on-chain transactions. If they are claiming zero fees it sounds like they're just secretly a centralized exchange. At best they are batching txs and settling them together to save on fees, which means they are partially custodial.

>> No.27446806

I can't believe HE was Hitler's Top Guy

>> No.27446822

why are there so many random pictures of sam hyde in the world, does he take these and upload them on gumroad.

>> No.27448150 [DELETED] 
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>Why is it dropping?!

This place fucking sucks.

>> No.27449380

He probably does it himself for PR reasons. His reputation as an ALT-right, misogynist, multiracial Jewish white supremacist blah blah blah whatever... makes it impossible for him to have a professional agent promoting him. So he force memes himself into every fucking thread. you got to admire his work ethic although I can't figure out what his endgame is since he's never going to be booked anywhere

>> No.27449863

It's literally been pumping for the past week.

>> No.27450236

MUSE is the binance of nfts. Except it's only 1.6M right now

>> No.27450256

so i can buy more, duh

>> No.27450278

Uniswap only pumps when the market is in the red. Compare downward market trends to Uniswap pumps and you'll see the pattern.

>> No.27450355

Because amm bullshit liquidity pools. Bet you made a few stable coins rich, retards

>> No.27450388

he pays people to market him on the chans and on reddit. he's been doing this for years

>> No.27450486

Anybody got the video of his supposed motorcycle accident. The one in which he lost half of his face?

>> No.27450877

i think that was fake. hes been playing with movie makeup/prosthetics a lot this year

>> No.27451822

Of course that was fake. But do you have the video or not?

>> No.27451879


>> No.27451998

oh yeah he made a movie now or a parody trailer of one I can't really tell.