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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2744006 No.2744006 [Reply] [Original]

I invested my entire portfolio into bytecoin, how fucked am I?

>> No.2744702

Mad fucked. Please permit me to kek privately.

>> No.2744709

sell it bro, change to STRAT

>> No.2744732
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>> No.2744748

Why the hell would you do that?

Did you think that their broken crypto (which was broken for years before anyone told the developers) which the devs responded to by exploiting it, censoring future exploits by changing the code that the miners are running (inexplicably they have a majority hashpower running secret code the developers are able to update), and never publicly fixing, indicated a coin with a good future?

Or maybe it was their shitty inefficient ring signatures? Or their lack of CT? Or effective choice of blinding inputs? Or obfuscated codebase?

>> No.2744768

Fuck man me too, but at 165 sats. I don't normally cut my losses, EVER, but holy fuck this was bad.

I had to cave in and sell at like 90 sats. This thing could be a dead coin, meaning it goes to 0 for real and never comes back.