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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 640x456, myst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2743941 No.2743941 [Reply] [Original]

Last chance to buy cheap MYST. The developers just posted a 10 paragraph update and pictures of the developer team/framework last hour on slack. Price has gone up 15% since that post.

>> No.2743957

proof and ill buy 100k

>> No.2743959


>> No.2743968

OP post a screen or gtfo.

>> No.2743969

Doesn't that run on Ethereum?

>> No.2743973

thank you, mister. Bought 100k of this wonderful crypto currency. Have a great day Sir!

>> No.2743975
File: 443 KB, 1056x694, mystupdate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic up update from Myst CEO

>> No.2743987

are thosse two guys who look depressed the dev team? They don't exactly inspire confidence lol

>> No.2743993

lol they didn't get shit done
and now that there's a flame under their ass they are last minute not trying to get a bullet through their heads.

>> No.2744004

So basically they are now at a point where they "decide" and "research"

So no work has been done, nice.

>> No.2744015

This actually inspires confidence for the short term. They'll release a few announcements, the price will rally higher.

However, long term this thing will die.

>> No.2744020

holy shit sorry to anyone who bought these things.. that "update" should send this price crashing even further lol

0.02 cents soon

>> No.2744043

>todo: Everything

vaporware shitcoin

>> No.2744048

get out of this shit coin... dont forget your fundamentals kids. Why would anyone want this coin?

>> No.2744055

> Price has gone up 15%

No it hasn't. it's gone down lmfao. don't buy this shitcoin

>> No.2744056
File: 7 KB, 127x160, 4123718qz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monacoin is better than this piece of shit >:(

>> No.2744064

>Price has gone up 15% since that post.

meanwhile i'm sitting here watching coinmarketcap and its -22% xD

>> No.2744070

looks like all they did was spend the money on a nice "workshop" for themselves lmao

>> No.2744077

Monacoin is best coin

>> No.2744090
File: 20 KB, 400x300, comment_Bz2WCPSVV7CSrKuisvSffuJahPQVgyYd,w400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you the mofo who's been shilling that shitcoin? You the first dev, or the second one?

>> No.2744098

oh look you guys got a nice 2000 sat boost on bittrex from the announcement. so happy for you

>> No.2744149

Are you clinically retarded? You must be pretending, otherwise you couldn't use a computer I'm sure.

>> No.2745040


is that what smart money does, lurks around slack waiting for updates? like fuck how can you compete with that

>> No.2745067

>It doesn't hurt me, because I dont have any tokens yet.

>Doesn't hurt me

>No tokens

The fucking dev is a nocoiner. abandon fucking ship.

>> No.2745074

wow 10 whole paragraphs
how many sentences per? are these college paragraphs or high school

>> No.2745084

Just bought 6 gorillian
Thank you goy!

>> No.2745395

>below a dollar

wow fuck this coin
down $70

>> No.2745418

bought this shit at 2$53.. Biggest mistake of my life.

>> No.2745521


nigger can't even proofread, and this faggot is a coder? good fucking god

>> No.2745579
File: 24 KB, 500x414, ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you could've actually sold at ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY FUCKING THOUSAND SATS not less than 2 weeks ago

>> No.2745686
File: 44 KB, 639x628, 1499573433650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be the comeback story that saved crypto.

>> No.2745721

i look likes he literally just got his mom to take pix of him chilling with his bro at home

>> No.2745731

he gets millions of $ worth of ICO money and they don't even have an office

>> No.2745749


I think most Millenials and near-Millenials actually prefer home offices and the comfort of that to anything else really. Even the era of Sillicon Valley goody goody companies with relaxing offices is passing by fast

>> No.2745761


bc millenials are lazy sacks of shit

>> No.2745764


That might be, but they are gonna inherit the earth anyway lol

>> No.2745796
File: 2 KB, 100x86, 1499569202338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they are moving into an office in berlin

>> No.2745950

Literally a scam, but well, you just bought them a nice place where they can chill and laugh about you. JUST.
>first workshop. KEK

>> No.2746344

if they were planning on scamming, they wouldn't post their faces.

i'm buying in.

>> No.2746365

you know a coin is fucked when this kind of update from the devs is enough to give the bagholders hope