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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 130 KB, 488x1306, Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 8.40.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27437011 No.27437011 [Reply] [Original]

Literally just sell GME already you fucking retards

>> No.27437313

Fake news hoax I've never invested before I saw this thing online that said it's literally infinite money lamo they HAVE to buy my share cos it was 140% short bro I can sell for whatever I want trust me 2 more weeks if he's in then I'm in as well.

>> No.27437557


>> No.27438079

lol kek you retards love to lose money, huh?

>> No.27438207

Yes, now fuck off jew

>> No.27438560

oh you big mad now, huh? kek

>> No.27438870


>> No.27438985

Ask yourselves why half the catalogue is FUD spam
If you fall for it then you deserve it

>> No.27438999


>> No.27439067
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GME redditor bagholders in a nutshell

>> No.27439072

Lmao I’m never selling my shares

>> No.27439236

ok, be broke then faggot. we don't care. if you didnt get out by friday you are fucked. like really, really, triple fucked. there is no diamond hands shit, there is no, i'm gonna make a hedge fund pay me 1488 for a share.

that's not reality. and you are an idiot. please fuck right back off to plebbit where you belong and stop shitting up this board, you literal, insufferable, actually mentally ill, retard faggot.

and leave the money to us. cause that's what we do. you stupid fuck.

>> No.27439279

Nice try melvin now fuck off. Never selling

>> No.27439314

>last two weeks on biz the post

>> No.27439374
File: 52 KB, 600x532, 1612232552294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you really want to see pink fields why would you tell us to sell? stop concern trolling, melvin needs to hire professional /pol/ shills to teach you a thing or two.

>> No.27439401

Seethe kike

>> No.27439437

lol still hodling

>> No.27439443

I'm cashing out of the jewish casino tomorrow. fuck you reddit fags and your diamond hands. my hands are steel: strong tamahagane, but malleable if you heat it in a forge. stress free life >>>>> playing mental chess with some worthless kikes, who are beneath all consideration.

>> No.27439542
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>"Haha...yes, my fellow 4channers, let's sell now! It's all over! Sell sell sell!"

>> No.27439547

But why do you care what others do with their money?

>> No.27439556

>confusing a 1pbtid for someone you were giving a reply to
bad form, OP

>> No.27439567
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>tfw I sell for $15000 the same day Biden goes to prison and Trump is inaugurated for his second term

>> No.27439589
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no balls no glory son

>> No.27439599

kek checked this anon sounds based cope retarded faggots

>> No.27439642

I put one shoe in, so that I'm not out.
If you tank it, I will buy it up.
Because I know that your wife's new tits were paid for by short selling.

I know humans, especially greedy high earners. Sharks only fight this hard for a golden goose. We're about to see some hedge fund meltdowns, sulking and suicides.


>> No.27439666

>please to be selling gme please sirs
Get fucked

>> No.27439694
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>> No.27439697

I'll be honest, at this point selling doesn't recoup any real money for me so it's pointless, the hope it goes up is more significant

yes I'm enlightened and jupmed through the twelve steps of gried at a rapid pace

>> No.27439705


If it hits $100 tomorrow I'm buying 10 shares.

>> No.27439734

if I enter the correct word in the options field is it worth it giving these guys a (you) payment to tell them to fuck themselves?

>> No.27439758

Disingenuous post that autists repeat all the time. If you don't think you should care about others there's no point to replying to posts that do at all. Facetious faggot.

>> No.27439835
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>> No.27439839

>4chan word salad
Guess how I know you don't belong here?

>> No.27439975
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>> No.27440023

why waste $750

>> No.27440105

kek shut up tranny

>> No.27440283

idgaf. currently looking into ways to acquire a bunch of gemach loans that I never pay back. literally all they can do is take you to (((rabbinical court))) where I would call the rabbi-judge a filthy parasite to his face and tell him to fuck off and go suck a bloody mutilated penis. usually need 2 kikes to cosign tho.

sage is the correct word. I'm back in the minute I recoup my investment but seriously would rather invest in Zyklon-B

>> No.27440755

Only this week have I seen 4chan literally still silver along ever mainstream media bigwig. Shit is so infested its not even hidden. 6+ troll gme threads after entire pages of silver over the weekend to drain peoples money before citadel fucking obviously liquidates their silver position like they did with Alibaba stock. Its all so tiresome.

>> No.27440852

rofl bro just sell your shares for $1 Billion per share bro you're gonna be richer than elon musk and jeff bezos' ex-wife combined

>> No.27441172
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You Fear Uncertainty and Doubt fags don't really seem to get that the market price doesn't matter and that fact was always part of the plan. Whoever owns the stock ALWAYS HAS A BUYER because hedgies are contracted to buy it up. Therefore as long as we HOLD they keep losing money and if they don't buy they lose money. Therefore the holders set their own price for the stock and the market value doesn't matter much except to regular people who want in on it.

Keep that in mind. Especially for you guys getting weak hands. The price is what we personally make it and it only sticks IF -IF- people hold it.

>> No.27441372

This is called a pyramid scheme, kids.

>> No.27441601

What am I looking at here

>> No.27442028


>> No.27442058
File: 36 KB, 882x758, 1598277465280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally just sell GME already you fucking retards

>> No.27442118

someone in another thread said it best: if it goes to 0, i don't give a fuck. if it goes to 2000 after i sold, i would neck myself

>> No.27442138


fuck off back to sreddit you faggot, die nigger

>> No.27442189

The kike cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.27442210
File: 6 KB, 181x278, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it goes to zero and some hedge fund guys get all my money, i dont care

pic is u

>> No.27442270
File: 55 KB, 1024x750, 74D8E356-5AFD-42DA-A9BE-8431EFD1DE8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, probably will buy more.

>> No.27442331

Last week
>by Friday it will moon I s-swear!
>M-monday bros d-diamond hands!
>J-just 2 more weeks guys HODL

>> No.27442352

but half or more wont hold, which will cause price to drop, which will make the other half reconsider holding, some will sell driving the price further down, more will sell as no one likes losing money, until the only ones left are the clown believers feeling retarded

>> No.27442356

This desu. Oh no, I lost $200. Whatever. I don't even make that much and I can shrug this off easy. My job is giving us three ~$160 bonuses over the course of a few months so it's all good.

>> No.27442420

Hmmm ive never seen /biz/ so “concerned” about my losses before

>> No.27442478

Fine have your you

>> No.27442508

>pic is u
you literally pulled this same shit on me with the same exact pic in a gme pump thread on friday
spice it up, shill

>> No.27442522


>> No.27442596
File: 338 KB, 695x797, 1600305234315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. i'm holding to zero

>> No.27442609

>escaped banking 10k
its about teaching the rich a lesson

>> No.27442619

word. usually it's just people memeing about how I lost everything.
why does everyone care so much if I lose a couple hundred dollars?

>> No.27442628

>i would neck myself

you should do that anyways retard.

fuck your "diamond jerk off hands"

>> No.27442632
File: 109 KB, 1351x365, 1612157228898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27442713

I have one share and I'm not selling unless it hits $800+

I'm having too much fun on this wild ride

>> No.27442735

Right away, Andrew.

>> No.27442767

not even jewish. just one of you. hi! but if you didn't know to get out of GME when it was 350 there's no hope for you. i'm sorry anon. sincerely. what the fuck are you doing.

>> No.27442851


Selling mine for a few million, I live a simple life so it will last awhile.

>> No.27442856
File: 3.08 MB, 2480x3508, my dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People will hold as long as they get reminded that they're the ones in the position of power and not the hedgies just because they made a number that doesn't really matter seem more important than it should. And even then lowering that number costs them money.
People just need to catch on and remind themselves of the simple fact that it's NOT the market price that matters it's L I T E R A L L Y JUST HOLDING YOUR SHIT

And if that gets too much for people niggas just need to set their sell limit and forget about the stock. They'll get contacted about it when the caving the starts.

The fucking rallying for this shit needs to keep those facts in mind

>> No.27442860

Checked. I can smell yahweh in here

>> No.27442867

would you like a soda to quench your thirst as you hold reddit's bags

>> No.27442892

It was good while it lasted

>> No.27442898

well enjoy your diminishing returns and literal market collapse that's not been seen ever. if you wanna take the bullet for the rest of us, tell us how much you've lost being this much of a complete fucking retard? they're gonna write history books on this, thesis, economy majors wet dream to talk about what we've done.

what did you do? tell us.

>> No.27442923

Fuck off shill

>> No.27442939

If GME crashes, then everyone will hate jews and we can usher in a second holocaust, it's win-win tbqh.

>> No.27442940

I'm gonna buy it when it goes lower so you hedgies can seethe.

>> No.27442989

>sell so I can make a few extra bucks
>hold so I can prolong this absolute meltdown of a temper tantrum by hedgies and expose kikes for the pathetic greedy cunts they are
reeeeaaaaally tough choice, this one

>> No.27443024


>> No.27443027

I’m still up. Lmao
You can have all 8 of my shares for 1000 dollars each

>> No.27443070

but they're not, they already bought out all their shorted shares. that's why they're not scared. that's why i'ts a bunch of reddit faggot bagholders fighting each other and it's glorious. all of /biz/ cashed out last week, because we know better.

redditfags are insufferable sacks of shit and they dared fuck with US and the stock market!!? hahaahaha no.

>> No.27443180

did this retard really just take a photo of his monitor

>> No.27443187

>just two more weeks until Q drops the election fraud bombshell
whoops, wrong cope

>> No.27443243
File: 921 KB, 1200x674, 1 GUvvMZgALBs5plZXKKBitA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail Satan.

Satan trips show the truth. Sell that shit you idiot fuckers. SELL THOSE SHARES OR YOU WILL BE FUCKED!!!

>> No.27443360

thank God I didn't have enough money to buy this shit Thursday. If I did id be crying right now.

>> No.27443391

>they already bought out all their shorted shares.
gb2msnbc their position with the shorts is terrible.
And quite frankly they've been blown the fuck out and even caught LYING about their shorts so many times that anyone following the situation knows they are just trying to cover their asses in hopes that people buy into their misinformation to rip themselves off of a big payday.

>> No.27443419

theres so much reddit cancer in here i dont know who's real and who's not.

either way, GME is a lost cause. also SLV ... that's paper silver you retards, if you dont hold it you dont own it..

fucking hell this is NEW PARADIGM for /biz/ where my oldschool fags at, goddamn. this is getting overwhelming. they're so fucking stupid.

>> No.27443426

Ask shills about jewish shit. They're not allowed to talk about that. The JQ is basically a litmus test for shills

>> No.27443455

>they already bought out all their shorted shares
lol, yeah, that's why when i try to short it literally tells me there aren't enough shares available to do so

>> No.27443472


Damn son, being primed with the original post, only to be argued against in a hokey meme way to seem like the contrary opinion is dumb, has really gotten me to question if I am dumb and made me changed my mind
Thanks Melvin!

>> No.27443501

>beleiving media shit at all, ever


>> No.27443512

you can tell who is reddit because redditors write in a jokey attention seeking fashion.

>> No.27443523

>hahaahaha no.
no one here talks like this

>> No.27443607

but,.. that's really happening. they're not lettting regualr people short shit right now. fuck spelling., yeah. we are here now my dude.

>> No.27443639

WSB got ruined by basedboi faggots this past week and now /biz/ is overrun. I have nowhere to fucking go FUCK.

>> No.27443687

>fuck spelling
ok pajeet

>> No.27443716
File: 16 KB, 150x200, 5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not reddit you stupid fuck. been here for decades. i've advised you on so much shit you should be sucking my cock.

>> No.27443742

>lel we don't care
>but just in case you don't believe me let me tell you why I don't care

>> No.27443783

Jewish claws typed this post. Literally never selling.

>> No.27443790

>misinterprets reply
strike 2, pajeet

>> No.27443792

hahahah nothing. gtfo scumbag and go be poor somewhere else.

>> No.27443813


Most normies didn't get their accounts funded till today let us pray they didn't all judas us for SLV

>> No.27443910
File: 82 KB, 220x182, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i bought GME late and got robbedd booohooooooooooo all the chantards fucked me up whasssshhhhhhhhhhhhh

cry moar faggot. also thanks for holding my bags. uwu.

>> No.27443935


>> No.27443986

woah it's that cheap? time to buy in again.

>> No.27443993

Dude it’s literally worth over $500 due to stupid Hedgies.

>> No.27444020

If you thought people were joking when they said it's not about the money, you're the retard

>> No.27444032

>sanrio posting

cant wait til i get my money up and laugh at your phony ass, failed man

>> No.27444106

That doesn't answer my question. There are so many posts saying "sell" or 'its over" or "have fun losing everything." Why does it matter?

Is it just fun to troll people?

>> No.27444152
File: 573 KB, 689x1033, 1606285883681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is DeepFuckingValue still holding though?!

You’d think he’d sell last week when he was up 40 million. Guy has been pro trading and succeeding for years Now.
If he’s still holding, he must think the stock still has a lot of headroom.

>> No.27444171

>Hmmm ive never seen /biz/ so “concerned” about my losses before
kek this.
/biz/ only has your worst interests at heart.
never forget.

>> No.27444243

he literally cashed out $10million and has god knows how much else saved already. Anything at this point is for the internet fame

>> No.27444279

It’s easier to psyops an troll 4chan into acting against their own interests than redditors at this point.

All you really have to do in order to get into average 4chinners head is act contrarian.

>> No.27444292

He sold off enough to never work again and he's just seeing where the rest go.

>> No.27444383

Sorry bro just bought 10 more

>> No.27444384

I think it's more that they only have their own interests at heart.

What that is, I dunno.

>> No.27444438

Feels good to see you trying this hard

>> No.27444477

Their own interests usually involve pumping whatever the shitcoin of the week is.
Also the GME meme is keeping CLF Anon from recouping his losses

>> No.27444490

Lol you niggers try too hard.

>> No.27444530
File: 84 KB, 613x1280, IMG_20210201_222618_505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going sell my bags for 29 trillion and they will have to pay tards

>> No.27444553
File: 189 KB, 828x1792, Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 11.15.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444608

I won't ever sell, I like the stock

>> No.27444776

last week, not two weeks. if biz had known about this two weeks ago we’d all have made a shitload of money. dont tell me it was in /smg/, nobody ever fucking goes there.

>> No.27444906
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>> No.27444917

>jewish hands typed this
Jesus shills here are so fucking easy to spot

>> No.27445040
File: 2 KB, 100x100, buzzsuityear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what did you do? tell us.
You said it yourself:
>literal market collapse that's not been seen ever

The funniest thing to me about you hedgie faggots is that you think that I and others are in this for the money. Some are, but not I. What I care about it seeing you squirm. I care about causing as much disruption and strife as possible, for it is in my best interests for this to happen. Because I don't like the current system. I very much dislike it as a matter of fact. Even worse is that the current system prevents me from getting what I want, as the powers-that-be are not me.

You care about maintaining the system, while I care about evolving it. What you fail to understand is that your incessant adherence to a stability is just another word for stagnation. Societies may ripen in stability, but with too much stability and they will inevitably rot, as we can see today. This country has the greatest productive capability and military the world has ever seen, and it is being used for maintenance. This economy is not building mighty works, this army is not carving out a vast empire. This system is getting nowhere, and you are happy with that. That you will fight tooth and nail to die.

I find that funny.

And as I find that funny, I want to see you fight even harder for it. It's entertaining, and it makes the inevitable collapse all the more humorous when it finally comes. A final "I told you so" before there is no one left to tell but myself.

We don't want to rock the boat.

We wanna sink it.

>> No.27445155

Meant for: >>27442898

>> No.27445309

I can smell your desperation you jew

>> No.27445358


>> No.27445406

Sold 20 last Thursday to cover my initial investment from mid December. (((You))) can work the rest out yourself. Suffice to say I'll still have the leftovers long after this is forgotten

>> No.27445468
File: 105 KB, 500x690, 86F3A29F-1D80-42A1-883F-12D7C6A153CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shills go home

>> No.27445640

People don’t care give a fuck about your money, just being right. When the diamond hands are left holding the bag and you’re hero dfv bails with his millions, there’s gonna be lots of told you so. Fuck Reddit. I got sucked in because of wsb claiming to be based, but it fucking sucks. Just dudes making the same jokes about dudes fucking their wives and saying their retarded. It’s like what kids think is edgy. And goddamn are they all over dfvs cock. It’s sounds like a cult. Fuck Reddit and wsb. I’m glad I got out before it cost me any money

>> No.27445646

lol, you can’t understand what is trash and what is pearl
why are u here lil boy? wanna eat this rubbish? cmon - check it
I will be clever and wait for playcent nft launch, my wallet will be safe

>> No.27446038

>Uhh get out b4 it's too late go- I mean guys!
They're so transparent it's wild

>> No.27446090

Shills have pink ID
You are warned

>> No.27446168

This seems like a nice time to buy the dip.

>> No.27446344


>> No.27446665
File: 46 KB, 431x580, b8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based cope retarded faggots

HAH. Thanks for the giggle sped, enjoy your night.

>> No.27446784

God I already made my money on this and now I'm seriously considering getting back in

>> No.27446871

When it hits $4 they will mutter
>J-just trust in the plan
When it crabs there for 3 months they'll all mysteriously disappear. Well not very mysterious actually they'll blow their brains out.

>> No.27446887

fake and gay

>> No.27447003
File: 93 KB, 488x1306, still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447014

This gotta be plebbit pasta right? God please send it to 0 so all these faggots can BTFO

>> No.27447037

Yummm very happy to pick up those after hours shares at 190

>> No.27447078

nigger the moon was 350

>> No.27447124

I'll buy those shares back from you for $4 and wait for the pump up to $20.
Moon was $469 actually

>> No.27447144


>> No.27447157

there's too many metric floating around and none of them are trustworthy.

If we actually had an anon with a terminal I'd take that over anything

>> No.27447170
File: 34 KB, 680x680, 83c897f90bf4ad9e3cc85eeb3d9a0d6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for it

>> No.27447238

Little desperate post there :D Is your hedge fund master losing money and your salary with it

>> No.27447432

My man, look at his old posts and see how much he has sold already.

hint look at the third row in your picture.

>> No.27447430

anon I'm long GME but yes, he did sell around half his calls for millions

he still has 75% of his total GME net worth in the game right now tho so he's unironically diamond handing

>> No.27447572


>> No.27447627



>> No.27447681

Is this some kind of reverse psychology anti shilling?

>> No.27447702


this too

>> No.27447767
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, 1595970108769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What worries me right now is that I sold on RH to cover my investment last week and then I requested a transfer to fidelity.

The process of transferring assets isn't done yet BUT fidelity is showing all my GME holdings BEFORE I sold. I've never transferred before and now I'm worries these faggots are gonna hand me back my GME shares that I sold at ATH when the transfer is done.

>> No.27447770

*shrug*, there's obvious political nonsense posted on 4chan, why not financially manipulative stuff? I am not saying either way, just that much of the stuff talking about selling off has the same tone.

None of it is "well, let's have a serious conversation about GME. Here is why I think you should sell."

It's always "lul faggots, cant believe it, such retard" etc etc. and it seems intended to demoralize, not really give advice on the premise one cares about others.

I get that many ppl here are not very well socialized or kind, but it seems more charitable almost to ascribe it to manipulation.

>> No.27447816

haha yeah we have these bankers by the balls bro dont believe FAKE NEWS cnbc, the storm is coming and our shares will go for 10k each! to the moon baby! haha

>> No.27447905
File: 8 KB, 139x160, 1356067775095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this now makes two different terminals both reporting the same data. Are we back in the game or am I being delusional from stress?

>> No.27447911

Or else what?

>> No.27447979
File: 316 KB, 241x200, 1595189075727.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


me: brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.27448001
File: 6 KB, 190x190, AAE63312-9ADB-4EBF-AEF0-AAD7B895B9C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who hold GME are going to get extra burned L.M.A.O!!!
I cannot believe it, they better sell tomorrow morning if they want to keep their house. xD

>> No.27448038
File: 22 KB, 480x451, 1596474043738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave the money to us

>> No.27448077

I agree! I sold last week and got a nice profit. I already won ha ha ha!

>> No.27448142

They're hoping you're either a mouthbreather who swallows the FUD or an advanced mouthbreather who's smart enough to recognize that hedges might be employing reverse psychology but dumb enough to commit to assuming that's actually the case.

>> No.27448155

Deepfuckingvalue says hold your trade niggers I got kids to feed

>> No.27448206

Are you sure the squeeze is over? I better sell my shares tomorrow too then? Time to make some real profit!

>> No.27448235

Oh and it's all about sending a message almost forgot

>> No.27448269


>> No.27448324

fuck it anon, the amount of money I have in GME is well worth the conspiracy theory copium entertainment /biz/ provides lmao

>> No.27448382

come on you can't make it too obvious that it's a bait

add some serious shilling in there and some people will fall for it

>> No.27448448

once he sells it’s too late

>> No.27448495

just havin some low effort goofs

>> No.27448506

he’s already cashed out 8 figures worth. kek

>> No.27448536

im almost ashamed i fell for the reddit gme hype after laughing at qtards for 4 years
>still not selling

>> No.27448668

Henlo glowie

>> No.27448700
File: 103 KB, 88x128, 1589916862136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70m shares at $5000 is just $350billion
Stimulus me up hedgie

>> No.27448735

I paid $200 for literally the best entertainment of my life. I have absolutely no fucking interest in pulling these stocks for less than 3k

>> No.27448740

literally ork gestalt psychic field

>> No.27448900

OP is as always, queer and counterfeit

>> No.27448911

Havent a few or these of things made some of those retards like filthy rich? One dude made 25k from like 1k in a literal day without really fucking anyone over.

>> No.27449046

My entire portfolio was in WKHS before GME happened and I transferred everything into that
I'm starting to think this whole thing was a way of God teaching me to resist the temptation of get rich quick schemes like this, sure I was up 13,000 dollars last week but I was greedy and wanted more.

>> No.27449055
File: 17 KB, 220x220, D0A6AA34-C4F9-4216-ACEC-9716D747ECE0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Robinhood let me buy fractional shares but won’t let me put a limit sell with fractional shares
the fucking audacity. Now I remember why I never left crypto.

>> No.27450776

They both obviously the same terminal, just one has been cropped differently. They have the exact same tabs open.

>> No.27450794


just hold you fucking retards, its literally the easiest thing you can do..nothing

>> No.27451256

IVE BEN BIDEN MY TIME now im comin in <$200 gme boys holding until marvin scarfs himelf

>> No.27452007

On desktop? Worked fine for me recently.

>> No.27452306
File: 53 KB, 650x650, f57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly rabbi... typing kek at the end of each post doesnt make you one of us

>> No.27452512
File: 228 KB, 789x1024, 1595788723596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>k, be broke then faggot. we don't care. if you didnt get out by friday you are fucked. like really, really, triple fucked. there is no diamond hands shit, there is no, i'm gonna make a hedge fund pay me 1488 for a share.
>that's not reality. and you are an idiot. please fuck right back off to plebbit where you belong and stop shitting up this board, you literal, insufferable, actually mentally ill, retard faggot.
>and leave the money to us. cause that's what we do. you stupid fuck.
Get fucked Satanic nigger!

>> No.27452569
File: 293 KB, 1212x691, oyvey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they certainly do

>> No.27453012

That data is from the 15th though. The updated FINRA data isn't out until the 9th.

>> No.27453416

People who post this shit are more mentally retarded than someone in a medically induced coma. Baphomet is a mistranslation that comes from mohammed and was created by a french artist, after the templars started overpowering the monarchy in France the king hired a painter to make art saying they were praising "baphomet" (mohammed) to make them look bad and muslim. You literally are so retarded you believe a meme from the 1200s

>> No.27453850
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>Want people to sell
>Won't give them a decent price to sell off at
Listen up you Wall Street fags, if you want us to sell and fuck off you're gonna need to make it worth it. Nobody wants to sell at a loss. Just let me sell for $400 and I'll take it. Otherwise we'll drain you out of billions.

>> No.27454006
File: 611 KB, 863x661, 1520032719526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, good enough to keep me from bailing. Either sell at a 50% loss or ride it out for a chance at 10x gains? The choice is obvious.

>> No.27454141

Always curious why people get so triggered over someone else's choice to hold a stock or crypto. like nigga it doesn't concern you, they're just raising a flag to build an echo chamber. You can leave

>> No.27454942

The kikes are shitting themselves. If we are poor to begin with who the fuck cares if it goes down some. The more we hold and the longer we hold the more they get squeezed. This is not about making profit. This is war!

>> No.27455099

ok so the plebitors on wsb keep saying that its going to rise, but anons here are saying its just going to be like every other short squeeze, which one is right? I dont have any stock on GME, I just want to know, this shit is fascinating

>> No.27455204

>Coof is greatly diminished through vaccines
>Normality of a sort returns
>Game Stop opens its stores
>Waltz in with a printed sheet showing my GME stonks
>Get treated like royalty
>Buy a copy of some AAA game that just came out
>Game Stop employee hands me a free copy of an older game as a thank you

>> No.27455237

based dip, buying.

>> No.27455242

holy shit what the fuck is happening. i keep seeing shit from 2017 that keeps giving me hellish nostalgia while im the most depressed ive ever been.


>> No.27455252

>bought at $60
yeah no kike

>> No.27455419
File: 25 KB, 705x156, CRINGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy cringe reddit fags go back

>> No.27455457
File: 6 KB, 290x174, Download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's as simple as this. No further thought needed. Why do they need to FUD? What's the point if we were actually losing?

>> No.27455583

upvote plz

>> No.27455614

smg wasn't talking about gme, ever. A few odd posts last december but that's it. It's mostly QQQ posts and other odds and ends.

>> No.27455629


>> No.27455699

Does it make anyone else grin ear to ear knowing those retards are losing their life savings because they pretended to care about the political side of stock trading? These greedy fucks just wanted fast money

>> No.27455811

oh wait, from board

>> No.27455900

Too many people falling for this prime rib bait

>> No.27456321

The English major will always be poor

>> No.27456533

I wonder how much these shills get paid? Probably in XRP which is why they try to pump that shitcoin too.

>> No.27456870

Here's an article from a group of kikes talking about hedge kikes as well as a few other quotes from some other kikes.

After market close on Friday the 29th with the article already published a mere 40 minutes after the market closed, hedge cucks earlier that day had already posted LOSSES of over 20 BILLION with just 8 BILLION wiped from their kike hands on Friday alone.


Not much happened over the weekend while the goyum relaxed in his house and shit posted on plebbit and the chans. Float Interest has dropped from 125% to 112% and from 70 million shares shorted to around 61 million shares still floated.


People (myself included) were watching AMC and GME stock trades in real-time on the NASDAQ and a pattern emerged: price manipulation. Securities were being bought/sold in whole-number batches of 100, 200 and 300 at hundreds of trades a second and at slight decrease in price and primarily at a 100th of a cent from the prior trades. The hedgies ladder attacked all day long. Pre-market Monday morning did not reflect this pattern.

Additional considerations: Generally over the weekend, the kikes have stories to push in the media either for or against a certain position. People then either buy/sell on the news Monday morning. Completely out of nowhere starting Sunday, there were tons of threads on /biz, plebbit and in MSM shilling for the ULTIMATE short squeeze of all time, holy shit woah dude! So many shills were pushing silver out of no where. The kikes pushed silver, they tried to call retail sellers kissless virgins, they tried to call them white supremacists, they tried to call them bullies for hurting the poor hedge funds, the MSM/shills went into over drive. But why put in all this leg work if the hedgies have supposedly covered their positions and the float is less than 50%?

>> No.27456933
File: 61 KB, 1242x385, C5F38A2A-8983-4568-9D08-19AB43A50871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. You have down syndrome hahahahahaha

>> No.27456990

Nooo! HOOOOLD GUYS! Do it for reddit! Btfo out of the hedgies by losing your money and killing yourselves. Lmao.

>> No.27456997

I will sell to you retards at 100k, okay? Cock sucker.

>> No.27457407
File: 38 KB, 800x800, Jolly01.png5c8e3c1f-cb1b-4662-a5af-61f6e24f0665Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit be takin that redpill like

>> No.27457431


>> No.27457530
File: 193 KB, 800x371, 096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it sounds to good too be true, it is


>> No.27457789
File: 30 KB, 512x256, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan is pleased.
Satan despises cowards.

>> No.27459649

sorry Melvin, I personally still like the stock

>> No.27459764

Not going to sell. Fuck you.


>> No.27460352
File: 1.11 MB, 927x523, get in here Anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, Not selling.
I want to see billionaire salt.

>> No.27460672

Well if /pol/ taught me anything it's how to sniff out a shilly little intern.

>> No.27460752

From one stripper to another:

If a girl keeps begging and waiting and nagging for that one dance...it means that the guy is the whale in the room. ;3

Love you, babes!~

>> No.27461379


>> No.27461418

I toled my mother and grandparents about GameStop and when they saw the news about it and became convinced I'm right they let me handle $140k of their retirements to invest. I toled them we would be millionares. I bought at $382. On friday I toled them don't worry I used hedgefund tricks to offset the loss. Now they think we actually gained some %. If today is another loss I'll ron away.
Excuse any English gone bad I am so upset I cannot always writed the post correctly

>> No.27461455

Why do you suddenly care fag?

>> No.27461737

You're the blackest gorilla nigger.