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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 384 KB, 644x324, Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 8.11.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27434934 No.27434934 [Reply] [Original]

I just got an inside scoop & things are gonna possibly hit under $100 tmrrw after the market opens.

>> No.27435054


>> No.27435137

Just remember I told you so

>> No.27435155

Dont care, still gonna hold.

>> No.27435264

But the damage against the hedge funds is already done and you guys aren't gonna make anymore money. It's better to sell now.

>> No.27435718

Sure bud, if the squeeze was over, then why all the sabotage work and lying from the media? Hmmm, very interesting indeed.

>> No.27435789
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> Please sell goys!!!!

>> No.27435794
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800 calls mid march tell me otherwise

>> No.27435905
File: 158 KB, 1024x717, 60C6C2B7-59B6-4C43-BBBC-8EA351B1ABEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t need to be an insider to know that an insolvent company’s stock is going to return to baseline douchebag.

>> No.27436125

From what I have seen they are not insolvent, they just aren't in demand at all and are failing to make themselves important in today's landscape.

IMO they should become esports oriented--training, tournaments, etc. Esports is just getting bigger and bigger

>> No.27436267
File: 65 KB, 153x146, clammy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly sounds dope. imagine a esport company name gamestop. tag line could be,

"The games stop here"

>> No.27436486

>But the damage against the hedge funds is already done
no. If we sell their original shorts will print, their new shorts at $400 will print and they will laugh at us all the way to the bank. All we have to do to win is not sell.

>> No.27436620

This. He's right.

Projections show this isn't going to happen.

>> No.27436723
File: 717 KB, 1354x1266, ctpw5fcxuxe61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go be a sell shill bot somewhere else

>> No.27436763
File: 29 KB, 512x512, lgkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant tell if bait or honestly a shill anymore
>replies to a pasta
>argues against a unique response

>> No.27437042

Shit here is filled with bots they don't even know what boards to spam in.
If the price goes low, BUY

obviously don't spend more than you can afford to lose, but consider it "fuck you" money against these hedgie jew fucks.

>> No.27437583

You're just paranoid. Enjoy losing your money and ignoring sound advice.

>> No.27438120

But paper handed reddit poorfags won't even hold ONE SHARE, they've already sold.

>> No.27438239

why are you samefagging lol
do you not understand how ids work?

jesus, if you're going to shill, at least read your instructions.

>> No.27438247

You're replying to yourself, you kike. Get a younger intern next time that knows how to use the internet

>> No.27438272
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I dont think I will Mr. GOLDSTEIN

>> No.27438342

real talk though- is Usopp a Jew?
or maybe just Italian?

>> No.27438370

It was an error by the system

>> No.27438452

>metal illness

>> No.27438530

>proposes actual solid plan with all backed up data to destroy the banksters (physical silver)
>prefers to ignore because muh paper handed shill amirite
>they win in the end like always

>> No.27438539

>Sell by tomorrow morning
Are you Rarted?
The market is closed already, so anyone selling is going to have to wait until tomorrow morning.
Also, why would I sell?

>> No.27438544


>> No.27438622

The fact that they’re sending shills this bad tells me to hold

>> No.27438769

samefagging tsk tsk. time to buy more GME!!!!!!

>> No.27438899

I actually can't tell if faggots in this thread are trying to make me lose money or not.
Price has only gone down - there is no recovery from this. You paranoid fucks are something else.

>> No.27438930

3/4 of /biz/ telling you to cut your losses and take an L cannot be by definition a shill
shills are a minority faggot

>> No.27439302

>not buying even more shares when the price drops
Not gonna make it

>> No.27439532

Wrong. It is very obvious to spot a shill since they are soulless husks. And if you've ever been on /biz/ you know damn well nobody gives a shit about other people's money and would not be urging them to sell unless they had something to gain from it

>> No.27439596

This thread glows

>> No.27439639
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, 1610098217402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is nothing but a board full of street-shitting pajeets that shill their bags and try and rip each other off.

>> No.27440793

what fund do you work for? I'd like to report your sound advice to the SEC.

Thanks fren

>> No.27440876
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>> No.27441012
File: 282 KB, 1665x1440, 14C1C623-CB11-49D4-B1C1-5023D2744FD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will literally be a minimum 100,000 individual retail trading bag holders, holding their first bag. Let that sink in a little bit.

>> No.27441021

this guy is trolling right

right guys

>> No.27441149

Sending a message that jews can profit from new short positions as normies bail in fear lmao

>> No.27441343

There is no way this isn't bait. They have you doing overtime, Herbert? 2 months until retirement, right?

>> No.27441723

You are putting a water filter into an ocean of piss, faggot. Fuck off.

>> No.27441821
File: 3.45 MB, 491x277, Belle_Delphine_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Buy a real company. Not this microcap no liquidity pump dump bs that now worth 15b with negative revenues past 3 years



>> No.27441928
File: 141 KB, 850x588, Kemps_SimplyCrafted_VanillaBean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it a scoop of this? Because that's the best fucking ice cream I've ever gotten from a grocery store.

>> No.27442029

No, he's just based on pinocchio.

>> No.27442108

based vanilla bean enjoyer

>> No.27442448


>> No.27442558

This site has a messy format and I thought I tagged someone else. It's hard to figure out.

You're losing money. This isn't a movie.

Your loss, not mine.

>> No.27442607

I hope you realize your actions are increasing the probability of a second holocaust occuring.

>> No.27442631

Why the fuck are there so many damn shill threads popping up? Literally 5 different ones I've seen now

>> No.27442704
File: 34 KB, 680x680, 83c897f90bf4ad9e3cc85eeb3d9a0d6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit guys he's not trolling

this is actually melvin LMAOOOOO

>> No.27442758
File: 43 KB, 641x491, 1610482580082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This site has a messy format and I thought I tagged someone else. It's hard to figure out.

>> No.27442958

>I jUsT gOt ThE InSiDe ScOoP
Hey he’s got the inside scoop

>> No.27442967

It's so gotdamn good. Ridiculously.

>> No.27443019

The shills all use this same exact image kek they're not even trying

>> No.27443145

>no evidence or reasoning to back up claim?
are you just bored as fuck kid?
consider kys

>> No.27443146

>P-P-P-P-lease sell anon? We have spent millions of dollars to try and get you guys to quit and broken tons of laws to try and get you to quit - surly it's proof you're not winning and we aren't scared little fucks . P-p-p-lease buy s-s-ilver anon? Pretty please?

Go suffocate on a dogs dick, while eating your own shit, you hedge-fund cock sucker lol

>> No.27443178
File: 953 KB, 2400x2400, f4aed5f7-a59a-4aad-8ad5-9ff51aa02e2a_1.dd1d7353d050e3ca9be19ca080d569f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vanilla bean

>> No.27443229

Perfect time to buy!
Diamond hands

>> No.27443238

because they're terrified

>> No.27443310
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>> No.27443415

What is "keep short" supposed to mean? Hodl?

>> No.27443488

schrodonger's shill

>> No.27443631
File: 58 KB, 828x612, HOLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27443699

it means we should all be shorting gamestop oh fuck weve been on the wrong side all along

>> No.27443743

I'm a malted mooshake man myself.

>> No.27443763

My dad works at Nintendo and he said you're gay.

>> No.27443862

this thread is just one person and his multiple personalities shilling a stock. I dont buy it.

>> No.27444138

And I'm going to be happy when 4chan gets shut down soon

>> No.27444623

How and why?
Because today the price fell by 30% we'll be getting SSR for the next 2 days.

>> No.27444709
File: 10 KB, 501x585, trust_me_you_stupid_jew_hater.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is right you goys. It's not worth the risk. Sell everything when the market opens tomorrow.

>> No.27444813

Meant to say guys lol dasu dasu.

>> No.27444923
File: 1.90 MB, 851x1024, 1611927048559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically bullish for crypto

>> No.27444974
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>> No.27445091

Nice anti-semitism, kiddo

The value is going to continue to drop. I'm trying to save the people who bought north of $300 dollars because they're gonna lose a lot more money if they don't sell. As for the guys who bought GME at $19 then I can see why you want to hang on but soon it's going to be under $100 then next week there's a possibility it will be back to $19

Just remember I tried to warn you.

>> No.27445330

>Nice anti-semitism, kiddo
My sides

>> No.27445349


>> No.27445797

How much do they pay you, real shit, I'm about to call Melvin's main office tomorrow and ask for a job, you don't even fucking try you literally fucking suck at this. If you spent 5 minutes here and looked into how this board works you'd know it's /SMG/ , a bunch of chink ponzi schemes, and people trying to pump their bad investments. Nobody fucking helps people here and the fact that you are "trying to save people" is exactly what makes you stick the fuck out here you fucking retard.

>> No.27445854

Holy shit, this is the worst shill I've seen in a while. Did they train you at all?

>> No.27445947
File: 29 KB, 720x460, 1612239575239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diamond hands

>> No.27445996

more concern fagging? Really?

>> No.27446047

I love it how they always samefag not knowing there are ids.

>> No.27446073

i won't even sell at sub 1 cent

>> No.27446160

This one specifically should get fired he's made these same similar threads and hasn't taken even a second to learn the board or the "ebb and flow" here.
A total fucking retard and all the more reason to hold on to my 5 shares of GME just to see what the fuck happens to these muppets.

>> No.27446194
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, Happy Mirai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Limit buys it is!

>> No.27446284

The price is dropping. Anyone with two eyes can see that. However there seems to be some grey area that has to do with shorts not being covered. No one can prove anything. This is causing a lot of speculation that the squeeze is late but eminent. This is coping probably.

GME ended in the red hard. The ladder attacks worked and they will most likely do the same thing tomorrow. Expect the price to drop to around 80 closing.

>> No.27446418
File: 8 KB, 348x326, 1433924768311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many "insiders" lately telling people to sell, its tiring

>> No.27446472

lmao yeah and you’re just so concerned about my finances that you rushed here to tell me?

>> No.27446520

Plz make my 70p weekly print.

>> No.27446547
File: 332 KB, 1080x720, 700xjpbkoze61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone smarter than me please explain why this graph is bullshit and how we still have a chance. PLEASE

>> No.27446577
File: 926 KB, 358x328, 1612214631416.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes the (((Projections)))

>> No.27446691

>source my ass

>> No.27446699

False. I've seen countless threads of people trying to pump certain stocks in order to help other users on this site.

I'm assuming you're on edge because of that user who claimed to be a Melvin Employee, right? I understand. But just take a look at the numbers. It's trending down. I don't know what else to say. I can't give away my source, though.
When tmrrw morning comes and it goes below $100 remember that some decent account here tried to help you out.

>> No.27446820

Thank you for convincing everyone in this thread to keep holding.

>> No.27446821
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>> No.27446869

Maybe its a reverse shill using psychology to get you to hold or something.

>> No.27446939

if it hits $20 again would buying at 20 be a smart idea in case it goes back up?

>> No.27446948

I bought one share for 60eur so I don't care if it goes to 0.

>> No.27446956

God I hope so, I got 5k ready to go

>> No.27446999
File: 115 KB, 530x611, surprised-jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your face when typing this response

>> No.27447045

I apologize. It's hard to navigate on this site. It's very different compared to Twitter and Reddit. Tagging people is done completely different.


I see your frustration. The stock market business makes a lot of people stress out. I genuinely want to help you guys out. Tmrrw morning when you see it continue to go down (eventually to $100) then remember me. I just hope you guys didn't put your life savings in this stuff.

>> No.27447150



To whom else will I sell when I exit?

>> No.27447182

>responding to an obvious bait thread
I know this board isn't known for having high IQ, but this is a new low.

>> No.27447212

Just an every better time to buy

>> No.27447228

there is no sabotage work, everyone is showing 50$ short interest left lol

>> No.27447232


Im seeing these kinds of retarded posts often, the shills are absolutely in overdrive

>> No.27447234

The squeeze starts tomorrow. Robinkike planned shutdown and stock market plummets

>> No.27447248

imagine replying to yourself and not realizing your post is ID'd LMAOOOOO

>> No.27447257

I can't give away hidden sources or else it wouldn't be hidden

>> No.27447258

Imagine how stupid these people must be, christ.

>> No.27447262

he's right

>> No.27447316

sometimes you gotta appreciate the ID system, it exposes really REALLY fucking retarded faggots.

>> No.27447331

i agree

>> No.27447341

thanks, just bought 100k. maybe instead of worrying about the financial wellbeing of a bunch of autistic anons, you should check in on your girlfriend who seems to be fucking other dudes off bumble. priorities, senpai.

>> No.27447363

>Nice anti-semitism, kiddo
Oh my lord, this is the best shill thread I’ve ever been in.

>> No.27447368

Hello, I am a normal 4Channel.org user on the /Business/ board just like you. Now please do sell your GME stock. How I got hold of this information? Don't ask it's an inside scoop, now sell goy.

>> No.27447375

The KGB trained us to shill better than this

>> No.27447379
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>> No.27447395

>I just got an inside scoop

>> No.27447412

Nicely tried anon, their flavor is just too stupid. But 6/10 for effort.

>> No.27447442

Дa, я coглaceн

>> No.27447521

op posts 20 threads a day minimum to biz shitting up the board, while simultaneously larping as a reddit fag. YIKES go long on rope kike

>> No.27447542

mah nigga
although I'm a blackberry pie man myself

>> No.27447652

bro yeah o_o good save, yaar

>> No.27447752

Lmao, you can't be serious.

>> No.27447870

You genuinely think I care?

You honestly think after my family lost their business, after my uncle fucking killed himself, and my best friend was made homeless after 2008. After slaving away to try and get any amount of upward mobility back to me and my family, watching my father become a shell of himself as he was forced to sell the family house, and turn to alcohol.

You think I’d ever forget what Wall Street did to the people of this country? What it did to me? Your fucking money is poison, if I can use it to kill off the fucking leeches at the top I would burn it all twice over.

This isn’t about money. You vapid shallow shell of what pretends to be a human. This is about so much more than that, you fucking disgust me.

>> No.27447909

They just made enough from selling shares to stay afloat for the next decade.

>> No.27447986

Get the fuck out of here Newfag

>> No.27448005
File: 134 KB, 1008x756, 1612237595767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At ease

>> No.27448013

funny how the small percentage of sell posts rattles the majority.
I had a lot of friends log in to tell me about silver the past weeks and already sold out on friday, and they don’t even go on reddit. Maybe that says a lot about MSM and the direction GME is going, plus meme stocks=ADHD investors, so I’m not surprised if GME is forgotten after a week or two and falls back to 4$

>> No.27448031
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>> No.27448055
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>> No.27448096

I had a hard time adjusting to the tools on this site and I accidentally replied to myself. As I explained, tagging people on this platform is different and typically I only use Twitter and sometimes Facebook.

I can't give away hidden sources. I'm just telling you to look at the projections and you will see for yourself that things will go sideways for you if you don't sell tmrrw. When RH and other apps restricted and limited what you could buy, it allowed hedge funds to recover. The damage is done but now things are returning to normal. I'm just trying to give you all a heads up.

>> No.27448161

You faggot
"But guyiessss pweez sell pweez"

>> No.27448171

Mervons surr working overtime. I just got a tip your a retard.

>> No.27448204

Great, so retail can buy up more shares. It was all short ladder volume driving the price down.

You can tell when volume is awfully low for the day.

>> No.27448231

didnt read
not selling
get fucked kike

>> No.27448236

pinochio = italian so usopp is both

>> No.27448272

This is the lowest quality bait I've seen in a while.

>> No.27448291


>many brokers disallow buying of additional shares
>RH capping at 1 share
>many brokers disallow selling past a certain amount ($5k)
>media runs hit pieces defending hedgies non-stop
>shit volume during trading hours, short ladders everywhere

Yeah, okay, nothing to see here.

>> No.27448299

Not sure if copy pasta. Dude the thing is you're not sticking it to Wallstreet anymore. They took the L and moved to the next play. Its over. You are only hurting yourself more

>> No.27448323

>the small percentage of sell posts rattles the majority.
The plan and goal of profiting hovers around the idea that lots of people hold so yes. Holding is extremely important,standing in unity is extremely important so people are gonna get shook when some guy says they're gonna sell or encourage to sell. The more of us there are the better this works.

>> No.27448350

Try harder Scholomo, you're going to have get the bagel without shmear soon.

>> No.27448360

get a load of this shill, how much is Melvin paying in the troll center? do they have air conditioner there?

But seriously reddit is full of SPAM, do you think the jews would infiltrate the hacker known as 4chan , with its really low user base?

>> No.27448378

I’m trying man, my dad doesn’t laugh anymore. And I don’t know I’ll ever get that back. Money won’t bring it back. I’m just glad to finally hurt them.

>> No.27448387

dude come on im on fucking robinhood NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, do i set limit sells?

>> No.27448389

>They took the L and moved to the next play
>the next play is doubling down on the short

>> No.27448433

u have bloomberg terminal? why is this data so different?

bless u

>> No.27448468
File: 216 KB, 1080x1498, Screenshot_20210201-121533_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I knew this meme stock was a bad idea

>> No.27448499

You're holding this shit till March? LMAO

>> No.27448589

so much effort for low quality pasta

>> No.27448639

Got in at 14 and sold my bags to you idiots on Friday. Enjoy holding for years and looking at it everyday telling you what a dumbass you are

>> No.27448674


If the price is going to rocket down, why would the short % drop?

>> No.27448685

Why should I care? I’ve been poor, barely able to get by, doing this won’t put me back as far as we were in 2008. I’m smarter now, but if I can contribute in whatever small way to making these fucking lazy useless thieves pay for everything they took from me and everyone I cared about all those years ago, I’ll hold my shares into the fucking pits of Tartarus if it takes even one of them off the edge of a skyscraper.

So no, I don’t care, I’m not selling. Maybe it’ll fuck me and I’ll be poor again, but so will they, and the difference is I have skills to provide for myself beyond stealing money from people, unlike them.

>> No.27448696

~$60 have been deducted from your account.

>> No.27448736
File: 4 KB, 250x235, 1582428196620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27448850

So you are saying im going to get a huge tax write off? Thanks for the tip, gonna hold for sure now.

>> No.27448852

cope, seethe, and dilate.

>> No.27448883

Fair enough brother I hope thinks get better

>> No.27448904

Imagine being chained to a computer by mid tier beta kike dradle man forcing you to shill chat forums past midnight

>> No.27448928

Does it taste like flan?

>> No.27448958

Based. Either we get our shekels and the wall street niggers get fucked, or the SEC bails them out and nobody does business with the US and we get another recession. Sit back and enjoy the chaos either way

>> No.27449099

>normalfags and RH niggers are panicking and getting out
>volume going up
>shorts getting covered
>less media coverage
>more people moving on to other memes including silver
I think the squeeze will definitely still happen but the price point is going to be a lot lower than anyone is hoping for. The daily ladders and trade restrictions have killed and are continuing to kill it just way too hard. I could be wrong and the stock could double tomorrow morning but nobody can really say anything for sure because it's so volatile. Call me a kike but at this point I think it's really just a coin flip on where it could go. I honestly think it'll be in the 100s by tomorrow.
>t. sold @ 287 -10%

>> No.27449154

I like the first option better, but I’m fine with a recession. We’re in one already. Watch the Redditors get blamed for not giving the poor billionaire kikes their money back

>> No.27449160

paper bitch

>> No.27449215

Big dips to buy tomorrow before the Wednesday cover

>> No.27449225

Let's pretend that's authentic and you ran over here as fast as you could to warn us. Why the fuck would you care so much about a bunch of faggots on a Taiwanese macrame forum enough to come and waste all your time trying to 'save' a bunch of people calling you a kike and retard.

Surely you can't be such a good person.

>> No.27449240

what sabotage? all that is redditor conspiracy bs

>> No.27449297

It's not about the money, it's about sending a message. Sending a message that we really LOVE GME that is.

Keep shilling, shills ;)

>> No.27449333


>> No.27449346

Nothing would make me happier. If other people get paper hands and want to fold, I won’t blame them, for me, money lost it’s allure a long time ago. It’s just a thing to me, but to these people... and I use “people” in the strictest sense of the word, it’s all they know/care about.

Diamond hands, man.

>> No.27449443

Yep. My limit sell was 2$ off yesterday's peak which would've been break-even but RH wouldn't let me cancel it for like 10 minutes despite my best efforts. Once I saw it tanking I just said fuck it and got out at market before it dumped even harder. I'm a retard but holy shit, RH is a completely garbage service and they essentially single-handedly killed GME.

>> No.27449452

They’re in here gauging our rhetoric and logging data for data research.

>> No.27449490

Lmao faggot. If it doest hit at least 3k IDGAF.

I blew what? 200 bucks? For amazing entertainment. Worth it. Stop fucking shilling in either direction and let kek guide your decisions.

Also saved some peoples jobs. That alone is worth 200.

>> No.27449525


>> No.27449536

Indeed. Fuck Wall Street, this is for 2008

>> No.27449586

Yes. Omg

>> No.27449591

you're right anon, you should trust the people saying you'll become a millionaire overnight by over throwing the evil capitalists. far more believable.

>> No.27449617

why are you so confident in the squeeze being tomorrow? enlighten us senpai

>> No.27449641

>enjoy losing everything

You cant fucking lose more than you put in. I put 200 in and so did 95% of people with no expectation of seeing a return dumbass.

>> No.27449709


it's not about the money, it's about sending a message.

>> No.27449717

This but unironically.

>> No.27449723

GME has remained quiet thru all this. Why would anyone sell before even hearing chewys plan for the company? It’s still undervalued. That’s why DFV hasn’t sold yet.

>> No.27449758

I already have before. You don’t scare me.

>> No.27449792

>did it for the kek
>”what you mean Im a shill!!!!”

No. Fucking. Self. Awareness.

>> No.27449814
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Going all in at tomorrow premarket
Wish me luck bros

>> No.27449821

Fucking cringe

>> No.27449830

Sure they will.

>> No.27449839

Literally types like a boomer

>> No.27449889


Dont listen to (((shills))) hold anons, hold with all your might

>> No.27449900

A bunch of stocks owned by Melvin we sold AH today, and it's highly likely it's to cover their GME shorts. Not to mention the crazy fud campaigns and the fact that it doesn't make sense to buy shares near Friday unless you have to (like the gamma squeeze)

>> No.27449924

Tear down all the walls and leave them nothing but the street.

>> No.27449941

>We arent selling.
>b...but the money!?!???!?!?
>kek fuck off shill
>i...anon im not a shill!

>> No.27449960

i like my shares

>> No.27449971

*were, not we

>> No.27449975

lmfao didn't even seen this one holy shit
you are a goddamn retard

>> No.27450063

Anyone still holding GME is a fucking retard. It’s at $189 and still projecting downwards. The “$1k by this week!!” meme was probably pushed by the hedges to keep you retards holding until now.

>> No.27450110

That was poetic

>> No.27450116

Also the massive GME dip AH today allows for the perfect opportunity to buy those needed shares

>> No.27450189

Bruh Im an insider. Im inside of 2050.

The Biden administration (The us is now a Necrocrocy.) bidens brain was transformed into a supercomputer with Nuralink.

If you held GSE stock before Feb 3rd you are turned into Hunter Bidens personal cock slave.


>> No.27450301

holy fuck and dubs to cap it off, makes sense. ive set up my sell limits for gme on robinhood already, you think im still fucked?

>> No.27450310

ok (((buddy)))

>> No.27450366

PLEASE keep going, shill, this is the funniest thing I've read all week.

>> No.27450390

The hedgefunds hedged their positions buying call and selling. This neutralizes the short interest calc, but still means the market is overshorted

Theyre still bleeding, but will have carious dated expirations to essentially do controlled demo over time.

In the meantime they shill to reduced the price and lessen potential blow.

>> No.27450452

It's hard to tell if it's advice from real people or if it's demoralizing propaganda. I say this because it almost always uses a very specific tone, like the person feels superior and is laughing at the stupid inferior person, but also going "now, come on, just do as I say and you wont make it any worse for yourself, you stupid fuck." If I did want to demoralize people, that is the sort of stuff I'd post, "lol u stupid faggots, I got my gains at $350, what a bunch of mongs" etc. etc.

Of course, it is equally possible this person could just be an asshole who made the right choice to sell at $350. Only time will tell.

>> No.27450507

This board has become a battle between optimism and cynicism. Unfortunately, in a harsh unfair world, only the latter survive

>> No.27450511

Maybe it will make them realize the stock market is a casino and that it ought to be regulated like a casino! Would anyone suggested gambling reitrement savings at a casino?

>> No.27450583

Dude, for fuck sake. Lets be real.
I got in at $60 and sold at $300. Why? Because the house always wins. You are betting against hedge funds with billions behind them. Those guys mvoe countries. The minute they showed they can shut down all top brokers withour sweating it was over.
The game is rigged, dont throw money away

>> No.27450585
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Unfortunately they waited too long to make the transition to e-sports.

They refused to adapt and are about to go the way of Blockbuster Video.

>> No.27450614

>shilling bags is the gameplan
after doing some research on this company, this stock has no future, and like a fat girl playing dodgeball, I’m out.

>> No.27450658

I have no idea what Robinhood will actually end up doing. If they do the planned shutdown, they're mega fucked in every which way. Just wait tomorrow and Wednesday in case they prolong their fud

>> No.27450691

Way to deflect from what I'm trying to ask, but sure, they're more believable than some guy who genuinely wants to save others from ruining their lives and his first stop is 4chan.

>> No.27450775

You know that a stock's past performance doesn't cause its future performance, right? Like, if it did, you could just calculate rate of change and make all sorts of money buty it doesn't work that way. Or it does but you have to do calculus and almost no one can do that, I guess you could compute derivatives if you had real-time data

>> No.27450854

good luck anon

>> No.27450884

hoping the billions they got over the weekend and a bunch of tards switching brokers this week gives me a chance

>> No.27450891
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Why do you care so much what we do with our money?
This is 4chan. This is where we call each other faggotniggers and laugh our asses off at people posting losses and telling them to kys and stream it etc..
Why so many new posters trying to save us from ourselves all of a sudden?

>> No.27450922

>to keep you retards holding until now
How does that make any fucking sense?

>> No.27450949

I don't know why people don't realize this.

If i had a position of 10,000,000 shares and I sold a quarter of them, it would devalue the rest of my holding unless there was a buying frenzy. Selling lowers prices. Holding keeps prices steady or raises them. SHort of the company being delisted, the shareholders set the price once a majority of them decide to trade the stock at a certain value.

>> No.27450977
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Now i understand, these happenings are a prime time for (you)s

>> No.27450986

the dump bobos predicted since 12k pushed us down from 34 to 32k
don’t run for this shit be a cool dude
now the best conditions is staking, high-liquidity tools, NFT and multi-level pools
that’s why participate new poolz, you will like it rofl

>> No.27451144

Amateur trader here that started last fucking Tuesday.
Tell me why a stick that was worth $8 over the holidays will ever shoot up over $200 EVER AGAIN.
look at the fucking 5 year chart, hedge Jews will slip out while dumb Redditors lose life savings.
Legit people here trying to help you out before you burn your money buying high Buttcoin style.

>> No.27451148

I know this is bait because they don't let boomers anywhere near social media departments.

>> No.27451347

i like the stick

>> No.27451420


>> No.27451517

Obviously, OP

(1) Cares deeply about you
(2) Has special information but can't say how
(3) Wants to protect you from yourself, therefore
(3b) Thinks you are stupid.

I mean, you should really thank him for taking an interest. Never mind that unsolicited advice to buy or sell stocks is rarely a good idea!

>> No.27451554

Holding does nothing except allow the price to decline. BUY more. Pump it up

>> No.27451591

sometimes I accidentally play the part of the jew and the nazi in the same thread.

>> No.27451596

>buying a stock that got covered
Lmao, buy high sell low

>> No.27451638
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>> No.27451685

bots literally starting to make no sense
it's over for hedgies

>> No.27451837

Why under a 100? Bring it down to $5. I want to average down.

>> No.27451850


>> No.27452004

If this dumps below 100 I'll be buying FDs

>> No.27452039

Lmao they were only going to win again anyway bro.
The trust in ALL institutions for most Americans was completely obliterated over the past two months.
Honestly there's a giant pile of your GME money sitting around and somebody wants to take it now.

>> No.27452059

not trusting o_O

>> No.27452219

If I lose everything I can still write it off on my taxes LMAO

>> No.27452337

Another general issue with this is that in the after-hours market, the stock fell, then rose, indicating some buying at that price point it dropped to--is all of this manipulation? I know there is some difference in access to after-hours trading, is it that big, or is it a nonissue? Is the idea that it was clueluess retail investors who, when GME dropped after hours, decided to place a horrible bet?

>> No.27452390

God Bless America. Learn to enjoy losing.

>> No.27452744

thanks market buying tommorrow

>> No.27452861
