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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27434306 No.27434306 [Reply] [Original]

I'm BALLS DEEP in REEF. Super Bullish.

There will be staking on a new platform called Unifarm on Wednesday. https://medium.com/reef-finance/presenting-reef-staking-on-unifarm-by-opendefi-with-upto-250-apy-1cdb7e26dbe2

In short, REEF is a Defi aggregator. It's being designed to abstract all the complex layers of Defi (multiple wallets, platforms, gas fees, technical complexity) into 1 easy to use platform. It's starting with ETH chain (the most active) but due to being built with DOT it will be able to work crosschain.

Basically it lets normies into the Defi space with a nice interface hiding a complex backend. Normie connects their wallet, decides how much they want to invest, and moves some sliders around. There, investing.

There's tons more in the platform, from AI driven investing recommendations, partnerships, risk assessment. REEF is the first mover in an INSANELY lucrative niche.

Nothing in crypto is guaranteed but if this can do half the shit they are discussing it will become a bluechip Defi product.

On the roadmap they are also planning to make a Reef DAO so token holders can vote on proposals and changes to Reef like in Aave and Uniswap.

>> No.27434371

- cont'd

- Reef gives retail investors access to the DeFi landscape with a low technical entry barrier while at the same time augments the decision making process based on users' customized risk levels

-Reef's infrastructure is a chain of multiple smart contracts composing and integrating on top of the ecosystem. This entry component is called a basket engine which communicates with the liquidity aggregator and the analytics engine

-It allows the user to invest/divest into multiple DeFi platforms with a single click and reduces the necessity to manage the outputs of the activities manually (e.g. LP tokens)

-The engine is being extended to support insurance cover of the basket and multi-hop strategies

-The infrastructure will support multiple chains including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot and Avalanche

-Liquidity Aggregated Dex similar to 1inch available on launch (takes liquidity from centralised exchanges like Coinbase and Binance on top of Dex's)

-The REEF token is a utility token used to vote on different proposals such as releasing new features, readjusting certain parameters in the system and more. Besides governance, the token can also be used to pay protocol fees

>> No.27434507

nice a post for people who want substance instead of memes (not that memes aren't important in their own way)

>> No.27434606

max supply is 20 bil
ofc this will happen slowly over years but how high could this realistically ever go?

>> No.27434731

Thanks OP. Maybe the smell of curry won’t scare anyone away now.

>> No.27434881

But he's making it too easy for them...

>> No.27434908

Still smells like stinky curry eating pajeets

>> No.27434985

stop shilling it i'm still accumulating

not a meme really stop shilling it please

>> No.27435257


>> No.27436459

this. please stop posting these threads, we need more.

>> No.27436997

At first i was scared i didn't see any REEF threads, then came the pajeet shills and people who aped in.... This sir, is the best REEF thread i read since i bought my bag.

Thank you anon-kun. WGMI

>> No.27437801

it's not that hard to digest anyways..... this coin is litteraly made for normies, if you dont get this and have no REEF you deserve to be poor lmao

>> No.27437845

I'm one of those who just aped in after spending some hours today looking at it. Bought 190k, please don't dump on me and tell me it'll be alright. The project sounds really solid after all

>> No.27437940

If you like REEF you should look into DOT, anon.

>> No.27437950

We're not breaking through that sell wall at 0.025 any time soon guys. Wait for the price to consolidate a little lower before aping in.

>> No.27438047

60K bag and accumulating. Ready to start staking for even more gains.

>> No.27438112

Buying more when it dips again

>> No.27438209

Yeah same actually took the time to read this, never done that on 4chan shills... automatically wanted a bag, there like an all in 1 but more advanced and 1 step ahead, i'd even say on YF1 because there algo uses news, trends on twitter and heaps of other factors into the automatic yield agg.

>> No.27438287

So if you think that REEF can be a top shelf Defi project like AAVE then $1-$1.20

Then again, that may take awhile and by the time it gets to that size the entire Defi and crypto space may be several times larger. So realistically, even higher.

Again, this is assuming a lot

>> No.27438477

>literally NO product yet

I mean, guys. This is a pipe dream.

>> No.27438488

I'm not a greedy man. I got 50k REEF before this pump, I bought some BAO as a gamble.

Going to just wait a few months and see where it goes.

>> No.27438572

App is set to launch this quarter I believe.

>> No.27438604
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He was early

>> No.27438850

>app might be shit
>app might not get any traction
>app might fail to pick up normie appeas

I went all in (814k) in reef as well but I wouldn't hold my breath. If it does end being THE go-to app for normies wanting to dabble in crypto, it's gonna be huge though.

But again, it's all a pipe dream as of yet.

>> No.27438857

Stop shilling it please.

>> No.27438909


>> No.27438974

I'm aware that the app might be shit but I have confidence since they have some serious partners. If it starts to take we can still cash out with a decent profit, right?

>> No.27439209

Remember LCX which got shilled/hyped up on /biz/ a couple of weeks ago? That thing was dead on arrival when it launched lmao.

I hope reef doesn't end up like this.

>> No.27439292

Did you not see the UI demo? It looks very solid already.


>> No.27439294

lcx got destroyed by Monty when he announced killed the tokenomics. That's not biz fault it's Monty's.

>> No.27439444

I mean, that's the trick, isn't it? If they already had a product, it wouldn't be at 0.03. We're gambling on them delivering, that's how to get your x100

>> No.27439809

Newfag to crypto, getting a new job this week. Should I dump half of my paycheck into Reef or GRT?

>> No.27439919

Reef has more upside potential imo, could be huge

>> No.27440069

This does look interesting desu.

>> No.27440494

Grt is going to be fundamental to the future of data. Id go with both, but you do have more immediate upside with reef

>> No.27440676


>> No.27440743

All the dot parachains really. Gonna explode soon

>> No.27440754
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1591614165155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and dis

>> No.27440759

40% link
40% GRT
20% Reef

>> No.27440904

Some shit coin from Lichtenstein doesn’t compare to these partenerships Reef has

>> No.27441176 [DELETED] 

Im on the fence about this project since nothing is out yet, I see huge potential in it if we do get a release soon. Trying to figure out

>> No.27441412

Do you really think Link has much more growth potential? I can’t see it even 4x from here. It might be better to put it in more smaller mc coins. Especially if you’re poor and risk tolerant