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27433108 No.27433108 [Reply] [Original]

I got a huge inheritance and plan to put around 25-50k in crypto, possibly more over time. Redpill me on crypto, in the following areas:
>it's uses and advantages over centralized currencies
>best way to store it securely
>which coins are the best bets long term and why, especially ones that are likely to be picked up for any mainstream applications and integration to the average person (read: boomers and normies)
>best way to purchase them (binance/coinbase?)
My main driver in investing in coins would be the ones which are most likely to be picked up by tech giants to be brought to the average consumer. Whichever coin(s) reach this milestone are the ones that are going to boom, if you ask me. Nobody cares about uber-security cryptoshit, they'll always be irrelevant compared to the ones that someone like Amazon will eventually allow to be transacted.

>> No.27433604

Just buy like 1k LINK and the rest in GRT on coinbase pro. Then relish in the fact that you will have made it within 5 years. Can store them on a cold wallet for security.

>> No.27433929

Nfts are the future

Imagine having an airplane with millions of parts. How do you track each part as it swaps in and out, is bought and sold?

NFTs. Each part gets a unique token that you can look up in a second. Imagine you're in Papua New Guinea and you board a puddle jumper. You can whip out your phone and check your plane had all its parts updated before you hop on.

NFT20 is a decentralized exchange where these are traded. Right now they're just dealing in video game nfts, but one day they'll auction off legal titles for property.

MUSE coins give you a piece of every fee. NFT20 Made $1000 the other day. If you had $700 coins, you would have made $1. If they make 1M, you make $1,000.

The service just launched, and even though the DEX is making money, the coins are cheap because nobody knows about it yet.

>> No.27433998


>> No.27434154

Put 20% of your inheritance into BTC.

>> No.27434187

You won't find actual info here. At best buy bitcoin when it eventually dips and hope that it goes up.

>> No.27434345
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Put some into VVT. Doxxed team with a working product. Barely 2m marketcap and only 230 holders. Can be an easy x20.

>> No.27435861

>it's uses and advantages over centralized currencies
You can send it to anyone anywhere in the world almost instantly. It can't be inflated. No government or bank can intervene, it is like electronic gold. Further more, "decentralized finance" has began to develop, in which distributed computing via crypto aims to replace traditional financial services such as loans
>which coins are the best bets long term
Bitcoin is the crypto standard. Eth is the defi standard, but it has scalability issues. I can't tell you what will if any will replace these, you'll have to research the topic
>best way to purchase them
Probably coinbase for burgers, binance for the rest of the world

Tech giants will probably never pick up a single crypto, Dorsey seems to like Bitcoin but otherwise crypto is not popular among big tech or finance, so while it continues to grow there's no predicting what the future will look like

>> No.27435986

This guy is right. BTC is safe.

Muse might set you up for life though. I'd put 5k in and forget about it.

>> No.27436528
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Just looked and it moved almost 400% last week? Seems to be the trend right now looking at all the coins. Past month has been a major bull run. Ordered a cold wallet hoping to hop into BTC, ETH, LINK, GRT, PRQ, or API3. Haven't heard much about Muse until now, will keep my eyes on it.

>> No.27436681

Watch this https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUl4u3cNGP63UUkfL0onkxF6MYgVa04Fn then buy algo, monero, link, and whatever other defi eth competitor projects are out there

>> No.27437056

Do your own fucking research and then lurk for another week. The only suggestions you'll get will be from shills.
>if you ask me
If you know what to buy then go out and research and buy it.