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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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274322 No.274322 [Reply] [Original]

What is a typical day like at your work?

>> No.274333

I work as a frontend developer at a medium sized, rapidly growing digital marketing company. As long as I get 40 hours a week done, I can pretty much make my own schedule. It's most convenient to do 9 to 5 since there's always other people involved.

>arrive at 9ish
>coffee and reading emails etc.
>start a project / continue on a project
>write code until whenever
>eat lunch whenever
>browse the net on the side
>log my hours, there's no time punch clock thingy, it's based on trust
>leave at around 5

i like the job, there's quite a lot of time to educate myself during the day.

>> No.274352

I sit at home watching CNBC, and do about 30 minutes of real work for my actual job. I work at home full time for a Fortune 100 company.

>> No.274351

What programming language do you use?

>> No.274353

It's mostly frontend stuff, so HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Our backend is built on PHP and Postgresql, and I deal with them almost daily also.

>> No.274366

What's your job?

>> No.274372

I work in the methodology area of the program management office (PMO) in an IT shop.

>> No.274376

Programmer/manager at financial company.

>arrive to work around 8.30
>check emails and see if there is anything urgent needing attention
>fetch coffee, place lunch order (it's delivered and free)
>write new programs, improve existing ones, troubleshoot problems, help in emergencies
>joke around coworkers and check funny links/youtube videos they find
>go home around 18.00

>> No.274431

> 6am at storage
> 6.30 drive to site
> Arrive at site somewhere between 6.30 and 8.30.
> Work my ass off
> 12.00 eat and take a nap till 12.30
> work my ass off
> 17.00 go home

>> No.274446

system / solution developer at global 50

>get to work at ~0700
>check email
>write software
>fix software

>> No.274516

integration consultant for financial software company
>arrive 9:30
>coffee, breakfast, emails
>meetings, trainings, presentations
>resolve issues
>1pm go out to get lunch
>2pm continue resolving issues
>plan stuff
>fuck around
>6:30-7 go home

>> No.274573

ITT 9- 5 Plebs

get off my /biz/

>> No.274640


Oh man, the young Jennifer Connelly was so adorable, I can't contain in.

>> No.274651

analyst/developer for major bank - i'm making shit because i'm contracted to a third party company who take the majority of my shekels

>turn up at 9am
>read emails
>continue any dev i'm doing
>do adhoc tasks
>respond to queries
>take lunch about half 12, leave about 5

sometimes very busy, sometimes very quiet, wrk from home once a week or so.

>> No.274653

Go in at 5:30
Get raped by Dickwolves till noon
Lunch till 12:20
Raped by Dickwolves till 3:30
Go home and cry

>> No.274809

English teacher in Thailand

>Wake up around 10
>Swim in the ocean and lay in the beach for 1-2 hours, have breakfast.
>Walk to work, which is a Thai primary school.
>Teach English from 2-5 to Thai teenagers.
>Walk home, sometimes I go out drinking with co-workers.
>Once I'm home I eat dinner, check my stocks, browse 4chan and reddit, have sex with Thai girlfriend.
>Go to bed around 12

>> No.274918
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IT at a college:

>8am: Sit my happy ass down in my office and kill off tickets from after hours
>9am: Either meetings for projects or running through current tickets (classroom issues, offices, etc)
>11:00am: Project work (coding, GPOs, planning server maintenance, testing)
>12:00pm: Lunch w/office mates
>1:00pm: Watercooler talk, dishing about shitty clients with my manager
>1:30pm: Tickets tickets projects projects
>4:00pm: Dick around until 5pm
>5:00pm: "Oh hey anon could you check out this one ticket and oh there's another class that's got a prof who thinks the mouse has AIDS on it."
>6pm: Fuck.

It's a living. I live near campus so home's just a walk away, which is nice.

>> No.274924

Drive half an hour to work and arrive at 8:30. if i haven't eaten yet i steal someones bagel. Begin work soon after, how hard depending on deadlines and quantity of work. Talk to co-workers as we work. Have lunch for half an hour at 12, then a 15 minute break at 3. finish at 4 and drive home. On fridays work a halfway, and boss takes everyone out for lunch.

>> No.274933

I have been working at a call center for the last 3 years (flat hourly rate) and I shit you not my routine has yet to change
>get to work at 4am
>sit around and get an average of 1 call per hour until 11am
>get about 40 calls back to back until i leave at 12:30

>> No.274935

>Wake up at 8 am
>Drive to work (Marble Slab)
>Get high in the parking lot
>Set up a playlist of Podcasts and music
>Actually go to work at 9 am
>Get dressed (Mascot)
>stand around with a sign for 3 hours
>Lunch break, get high again
>stand around with a sign for 4 hours
>check email
>Contact my friend
>work on computers for a few hours
>Drop off computers in the morning

I dunno why people hate working mascot jobs, shit is turbo easy.

>> No.274942
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>arrive 9-12ish
>beyond that they get worried and message me on Hipchat
>drink about 3 cups of coffee
>know from the night before whether anything urgent needs to be done
>IF YES, do that thing
>IF NO, plot the next way to help grow the company
>and check my emails
>12-1 rolls around
>play a game of foosball with whoever
>decide whether I have enough budgeted to eat at a fancy place
>eat lunch
>oh shit it's 3pm
>get a bunch of shit done here too
>become suspicious that they're going to fire me
>meeting with the person I report to
>"everybody here respects your work and the effort you put in"
>wipe brow
>either wait until everybody else leaves or announce loudly that i'm leaving
>go home
>new city, no friends, so I watch Mad Men until I fall asleep
>think of work and how I'm going to get promoted
>drink to fall asleep
>every day passes by quickly
>drink on the weekends too, so no time to explore the city
>online friends tell me my profile picture looks like I'm tired all the time
>I am
>my only joy is singing along to David Bowie songs while I'm drunk

>> No.274943

> wake up 9:30
> scratch ass
> breakfast at 10:30
> lunch at 12:30
> gym 2pm
> harass recruiters 4pm

That's about it.

>> No.274948

You sound like the perfect employee, seriously. what do you do?

>> No.274950

>wake up
>eat breakfast
>get called over as pool boy for 5 women
>they are always gassy
>fart slave for 3 hrs
>lunch 1hr for them
>get 2 hr break because their food needs to digest
>fart slave for another 3-4 hrs

>$25/hr plus fetish fulfilled

not bad at all since i invest 10-20% of my gains and no need to find lays for the night since i usually get to come with the fart stars, and since it's with farts, it's more intimate so i get the psuedo connection with them.

>> No.274951


Favorite Bowie album? If you don't say Ziggy Stardust you're an uncultured pleb.

>> No.274964

Network engineer at one of the largest ISPs on Earth

>get in between 8-12, dick around for a few hours
>randomly turn off customer's internet for "testing" purposes
>notice instance where the customer site is legitimately down, send a tech to the site to see what's up
>customer employees are minimum wage art school dropouts who decided it would be a good idea to unplug their cash registers so that they can charge their cell phones and get internet connectivity on a laptop
>call up said customers and yell at them for being retarded
>dick around some more
>go home around 3-5
>get a raise every 6 months because I'm the only one who understands what I do

>> No.274970

>>randomly turn off customer's internet for "testing" purposes
You're a dick but I like you anyway. How'd you come upon that job anyway? What's your experience, education, and qualifications?

>> No.274975

How do I do what you do?

>> No.274977

Digital marketing, and I'm leading a team to work on v2 of our product. :^u

Ziggy Stardust or Scary Monsters. I really like Ashes to Ashes.

>> No.274979


I'm a mathematician who works for a very small (12 people) investment fund specializing in stat arb.

>partner 1: supplies the money and connections to clients
>partner 2: heads the operations and trading side
>quant team: me, ex-physicist, two CS developers
>trading team: head trader, two junior ones
>back office people

>arrive at 8
>8-9:30 meetings, strategy, etc until markets open
>9:30-10 on deck monitoring algorithms and performance during open
>10-12 pure math: develop and research theoretical models
>12-1 lunch
>1-4 applied math: implement algos, fine-tune existing programs
>4-4:30 monitor algos during close
>4:30-6 more meetings, incorporate new designs into existing code and revise strategies for the next day
>leave at 6.

It's nice. Partner 1 thinks we're weird and just avoids us, but he's rarely in the office, and partner 2 gives us wide latitude to pursue most any research we can justify, so long as it eventually materialized into a tradeable strategy, which it does with sufficient frequency that everyone's happy with us. It's a surprisingly low-stress job for finance.

>> No.274983

Cisco certs. Also most of the time it's the customer who wants me to turn off their shit for testing, but only because they're dumb fucks who don't know that you can test shit without unplugging things. One time one of them even called one of their sites on a different carrier to tell them to shut all their equipment off so we could test our equipment, then they couldn't get the equipment at that site running again when we were done. They ended up with that site down for like 2 days while the other carrier sent people out to fix it. Some of the shit inexperienced IT people do I will never understand.

>> No.274988

Hey /biz/. i just turned 18, and i have 35k in the bank.What should i do with it? so for I've invested 5k of it, its already turned into 6. At the moment I'm spending a lot of it on booze, about 1.5k a year. Should i invest? Save it for a payment on a house/car in the future? buy a sport bike?

>> No.274999

ya blew it

>> No.275000

Well first I take the elevator
Then walk up several flights of stairs
Then I talk on the radio for eight hours
Then I go home

>> No.275018

Accounting intern at small restaurant chain.

>Arrive at 9.
>Check e-mails.
>Post entries.
>Lunch from 1:30 to 2:30.
>Check for any e-mails that arrived during lunch.
>Post entries.
>Leave at 5.

>> No.275048


All you do is journal entries? I thought computers did that shit for you?

>> No.275056

what trade?

>> No.275081


>> No.275101


>Arrive at 0830
>check emails
>reply to any suppliers, clients, subcontractors
>download appropriate material for the day, organise material
>morning tea at 1000
>develop estimates and quotes for a range of projects
>continue replying to any emails
>lunch at 1330
>submit tenders that have closing dates in the next 2 days
>site inspection of projects downloaded earlier in the morning
>arrive back and send emails to appropriate people
>finish 1630

>> No.275110
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>arrive 10 minutes early or late
>clock in (the clock rounds and doesnt remember or add small minutes, rounds to the closest 15)
>hang up my coat, put on apron say hi to coworker(s)
>start checking lines to make sure all the food is stocked up
>check the list on the board to see what projects are urgent
>stock all the food
>prep anything that is urgent or if I have time other side work
>cook hundreds of dollars worth of food while earning a pittance
>Have to check lazy, idiot coworkers who constantly make mistakes relating to cleanliness, accuracy, and speed.
>by check I mean I call these people out even though I am not the boss or make more than them I just know the right thing to do
>get hated on and talked about behind my back because no one understands me
>angrily realize how much value I am providing >clock out, chug my duty drink
>return home exhausted and poor

>> No.275113
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Get to work
Wash hands
Help clean kitchen
Fill up steam table, prep table
Look around at what I need
5 orders show up
Make orders
Look around again cuz I forgot what I needed
Make like 20 pounds of bacon while more orders are up
Make corn tortillas
Make chips
Cook meat, beef and chicken fajitas and car me asada
More orders
Gets slow for an hour
Take a shit while browsing interwebs on iPod
Order came up while shitting, have to cut it short
Make sure I'm prepared for dinner rush
For about 2 hours I'm making nothing but plates and tacos non stop
2 hours left of work, start cleaning up
Sweep floor
Scrub floor
More orders
Dry floor
Yay I'm almost done and out maybe well get out early today!
Nope a table of 8 comes in
Now only about 45 minutes to closing time
Sweep and clean again cuz I made a mess making that huge order
Clean grill and turn off all burners
5 minutes to closing
Dude walks in
Orders like 2 tacos
Heat that shit in the microwave cuz I don't want to have to wash grill again
Finally turn everything off and gtfo

That's during the week, on sat and sun I work mornings, don't even get me started on those days

>> No.275116

I work from home trading my own capital and some friends/family.

>7AM-8AM Wakeup/Prepare for Day
>8AM-9AM Breakfast/Clean a Little
>9AM-12PM Trade
>12PM-1PM Lunch
>1PM-4:30PM Research/Analysis
>4:30PM-5:30PM Dinner
>5:30PM-6PM Daily Report
>6PM-7PM Mad Money
>7PM-8PM Gym
>8PM-9PM Shower and clean/do laundry
>9PM-12AM TV/Movie
>12AM Bed

Weekends are a toss up. Usually go out or take my family to dinner/mall.

>> No.275122

how much capital?

monthly/daily gains?

>> No.275134
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I know that feel man. Are there even any kitchen unions?

>> No.275135


About $500K ($140K of my own)

I make anywhere from $250 to $2,500 a day. Some days I trade til noon some days til close. I swing some and scalp some. Personally scalp my own money. Swing trade ETFs and high cap equities with my friends/familys money.

>> No.275137

I'm super jelly, but my net worth is expanding exponentially so I'll get there in about two years.

>> No.275138


Make sure you pay the SEC jews. My first account was closed. Section 7 needed even to trade your grannie's money.

>> No.275159

oh they get their 15%.

>> No.275166

What do you guys do when you get home? The day is pretty much over

>> No.275172


Something like that I suppose. They get cranky if you don't pay for your licenses and SEC fees. Look at all of the offshore firms they intimidate to register as a US firm.

>> No.275175

What kind of qualifications do you have and what's your salary like? I'm going to be getting my masters in stats if that's related

>> No.275242


(On phone now)

Dual Bachelor's in theoretical math and computer science, and masters in applied math, but no PhD. I had solid but not great grades (3.5 ish gpa) and I worked for a DoE lab for about five years until they hired me. I knew the physicist from school, and he cold called me in '09 when they were putting the fund together.

Base salary is low, around 65k, but the bonus can be huge. Only got 100k bonus last year, since the smooth upglide of stocks made it hard for us to make a profit- we do best in volatile directionless markets- but I cleared 400k in 2011, since we hit it out of the park.

As for your qualifications, masters in stats from a decent school should be a good foot in the door. I'm not the best person to ask about how to get the job, since I stumbled into mine, but whatever.

>> No.275294


Really cool. I always loved math. The crazy theoretical stuff is so over my head and that's a novel territory for me.

I've recently decided to switch my career path to business. I always wanted to go to med school but it looks less likely due to such a large volume of applicants. (Sucks because I always have loved science however my ego would never let me enter the field without being an MD)

Anyways, I'm such a nerd and newbie in the world of biz but I'm voracious. Asking some friends for their b school texts. I've got a book on finance now.

>no income no job/assets
>want to do my dads accounting to learn more and do some math cause it's fun and I want to get fast at certain calculations quickly

>> No.275341 [DELETED] 

>Get there
>sit for 12 to 24 hours in a comy recliner watching amazon prime
>maybe get a few calls
>see dead people or help hurt/sick people
>go back and sit on my ass
>go back and

>> No.275380

>camping receptionist
>8 AM arrive at work
>start answering to e-mails and reservations
>Around 10 AM the guests that leave that day pay
>Around 2 PM the guests that arrive that day check in
> 4 PM Go home
>Pray whole day the guests leave me alone and just browse 4chan

Guess it's not bad. Untill summer kicks in. That is a nightmare.

>> No.275400

I work at Google.
>show up between 11 and 1 depending on when I woke up
>start with emails
>check for any urgent matters relating to our builds and make sure our tests are still passing
>check for updates and new bugs and feature requests
>check for any code review feedback or requests for my feedback
>write code
>get lunch if I'm hungry
>more emails, test monitoring, issues, features, code reviews, code writing
>leave whenever, usually between 5 and 8 depending on when I arrived and what my evening plans are

>> No.275783 [DELETED] 
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>7AM-8AM Wakeup/Prepare for Day
>8AM-9AM Breakfast/Clean a Little
>9AM-12PM Trade
>12PM-1PM Lunch
>1PM-4:30PM Research/Analysis
>4:30PM-5:30PM Dinner
>5:30PM-6PM Daily Report
>6PM-7PM Mad Money
>7PM-8PM Gym
>8PM-9PM Shower and clean/do laundry
>9PM-12AM TV/Movie
>12AM Bed

>> No.275790
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>7AM-8AM Sift through cape collecton and lounge in boudoir
>8AM-9AM Goblin servants bring me breakfast
>9AM-12PM Search for babbys to kidnap
>12PM-1PM Goblins polish my crystal balls and fan me whilst eating
>1PM-4:30PM Write songs about goblins and living in a maze
>4:30PM-5:30PM Check weather and scout for storms
>5:30PM-6PM Find sister babbysitting younger brother
>6PM-7PM Wait until sister sleeps and kidnapping babby
>7PM-8PM Entice sister to chase brother into my maze
>8PM-9PM Zany antics ensue
>9PM-12AM Miscellaneous goblin parties and singing
>12AM Goblins tuck me in, think about next day, rinse and repeat

>> No.275862
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god i hate my fucking job so much I wish all those fucking limp dick peasants would be set a flame by the stench of their very own incompetence.

Never work in an actual restaurant if you can avoid it.

>> No.275867

I work as a freelance Illustrator and 2d animator OP.My day usually go like this:
> Wake up at 6 am to work out when missus is cooking breakfast and sometimes I do cook for her too.
> Since I work at home, I usually start doing the first 2 hours searching for jobs over the internet while reading the feedbacks my client gave me.
> do the first job for 4 hours.
> coffee/lunch break.
>do another job for 4 hours.
> browse biz and study new shit like programming and what not.
> work another 4 hours on another gig if I feel good or play vidya or paint a personal piece.
> sleep.

>> No.275994

Civil engineering tech

5:30a get up
6a gym
7:30 a breakfast
8 a office
8-12 input information into cad programs or fuck off
Lunch till 1
1-4 go out to jobsites and measure shit

>> No.277232

I work as Quality Assurance in a survey-conducting call center. I work from 8-5, with a team of about 4 people.

>help develop survey questionnaires that clients want
>write instructions and tips that the interviewers follow
>focus manpower on surveys whose deadlines are approaching
>collect information, transfer to SPSS and Microsoft Excel
>develop Powerpoint slides and charts, condensing information that the client wants
>check the slides of others, going over spelling, numbers, etc.
>have meetings with other workers to discuss how we can improve efficiency and productivity (just want us to work harder and faster for the same pay...)
I only get $24/hour for this job, when a unionized labourer can make close to $30/hr in my country.

Second Job: Call center monitor, work from 5-10 at the same company.
This is basically a lower-paying, relatively stress-free job at the same company, $15 an hour.
>sign in interviewers (like a punch-in) on the system
>answer any questions, wander and look for people not working, or on their phones, or chatting while not on break; discipline with a note on their profile if they break it
>listen to peoples' conversations with respondents, make sure no one swears, acts rude, and reads the script verbatim

>> No.277258

I am looking at becoming an analyst.

What programs do you use?

Should I learn R?

If not what other than SQL and excel functions(pivot tables,anal TP, Solver) should I learn?

>> No.277266
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high school band director
> get to school at 7:30
> contemplate suicide until about 5:30
> go home

>> No.277271

What kind of analyst, dipshit?

R is helpful for running statistics models as far as I know.

If you're going to be an equity research analyst, start by getting your bloomberg terminal certification. Don't bother familiarizing yourself with software programs aside from bloomberg. Every company uses different software. Some develop their own in-house.

>> No.277273

not like i'm an authority on the field but python seems to be popular other than that a quick search on indeed/monster will show you what ppl are looking for. From what I see every position is different.

>> No.277278


The question wasn't directed at me, but I use mainly Mathematica or similar for theoretical stuff and higher-level prototyping, R for some numeric/vector computations, and rarely Excel. Lower level stuff is handled by the devs, usually in C/C++ or Python.

In general, you'll wan to learn R and Python first, since those can probably help you anywhere, and then determine what else (C, sql, etc.) to add to that.

>> No.277282

Nah, I was looking to be more of a business intelligence analyst.

I am kind of new to the decision, so I wasnt sure as to how different each of the fields were.

>> No.277289

Hi Mr. Rubino.

>> No.277302

So how important do you guys think college is in determining the final job that you get? Is it true that graduating from a prestigious college puts you at a massive advantage over others?

>> No.277329

If you dont do anything in college, prestigious schools dont matter at all.

Look. I am going to a school with 2k people. I still have great connections. Theres a guy I am talking to who is worth millions of dollars and he is hooking me up with an internship.

Depending on the position, ivy league will get you places, but not always. Again, its all about the connections you make. Those connections are easier in Ivy league, but not necessarily.

As for needing college?

Other than the jobs that you see here that people hate and are suicidal, yes. You will need a 4 year. its not 100% necessary, but you arent going to be the .000001% of people who snag a good job in the 21st century without a degree.

>> No.277351

That explains a lot, thanks. I am planning to finish all four years so that's not a problem.
Are there any general tips that you could give me? I'm planning on being something like a financial planner, something that can predict/manage/control money well. Anything related to that (reading X book, etc) or just something else good to know for life would be nice.

>> No.277363

Are you me?

>> No.277549


>Turn up at 2pm
>Run shit through machine quite a lot whilst management is around
>6 o'clock
>Breaktime, management has gone
>Dick on phone/computer for four hours
>lie in log book
>go home

>> No.277630

>get up at 5am
>shower etc.
>drive to work
>start working at 7am
>package air cylinders misc. products
>box and label them
>ship them out until 3:45pm

I'm 18 years old with a rent of $200/m, how much should I bank every week out of my $320/w paycheck?

>> No.277684

minimum of 10%

>> No.277695

>math major
>just graduated
>paid 300k starting
>any job I want

Stay mad biz