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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2743190 No.2743190 [Reply] [Original]


BTC fags are going fucking insane over the success of ETH and how everyone wants to get on board.

Read the article and weep you Bitcoin fucks.

>> No.2743256
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yup. it's been happening for a while now.

I just can't wait for aug1 when bitcoin finally dies. if only they would have come to a consensus.

>> No.2743264

Not a currency.
Not a store of value.
Zero working Dapps.
Point of entrance for ICO scams.
It's not cheaper to mine than Bitcoin.
A lot of paid advertising since 2016.
Price is still crashing because of a long term P&D.
Do I really need to continue?

>> No.2743269

Spoiler Alert: the value of both reaches ATH by year end
Screen cap this you're all faggots

>> No.2743271

>Scared of ETH which shits itself the moment there's actual activity going on

One of the other smart contract platforms will probably beat it out in the long run. ETH just had the advantage of being first

>> No.2743434

They are for different things, both will be huge but on their own.

>> No.2743463

>Not a store of value

And we all know gold and silver are going to fork soon too.

Give me a break with your Bitcoin religious fervor. It has weaknesses, like ETH does. There's going to be a third currency which isn't apparent yet (not dash) which takes over, probably one that the world bank creates and makes governments adopt.

But ETH takes over first.

>> No.2743469

Decred is gonna replace BTC

>> No.2743498

>Banking Execs.

now those are some people I can trust. isn't the point of Bitcoin to get rid of bankers? no shit they're going to favor the scam coin.

>> No.2743501

XRP. Like IOTA a lot as well. Both long, long term though.

>> No.2743534

>Decred is gonna replace BTC

Possibly. I would trust that takeover more when dcr has more than 50% in circulation. I'm curious to see what coins are still around after the actual crash when it happens

For real though, I don't see how eth heads think a non currency and (IMO) poor implementation of blockchain can sustain the pace it has.

>> No.2743554

>I don't see how eth heads think a non currency and (IMO) poor implementation of blockchain can sustain the pace it has.
they probably wouldn't if eea didn't exist and there wasn't news like the op

>> No.2743555

Eth and bank exec is a good match. Both like to fuck over their users, wait for more forks and diminishing returns sheeples

>> No.2743567


Is the EEA anything but companies saying that they're looking into ETH implementation? It doesn't mean they've actually committed anything to it right?

>> No.2743604

Yes. Correct. You shouldn't downplay its importance even if you don't like eth. You can make btc from announcement pumps.

>> No.2743618

Keep coping, eth tards. Maybe you'll reach your ATH again in 4 years, lol

>> No.2743669

EEA members are interest in private blockchains for internal use so we won't see anything happen on the main chain in terms of increased value or daily active volume.

>> No.2743691

what will ethcucks do when they learn about hyperledger and rootstock

>> No.2743724


Oh I don't discount how important that was for ETH's initial movement up, I just don't think it should be necessarily definitive in some people's belief that ETH will go beyond the ATH again

>> No.2743753

Cope. Harder.


>> No.2743758

t. ETH bagholder

>> No.2743759

Oh I know.

But BTC lovers are shitting their pants over the idea that ETH could steal part of their market cap.

Fuck them and the fear they try to spread.

>> No.2743862
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>> No.2744500

>success of ETH
the only success it had was that people were willing to spend 25x more than what it was worth the month before.

as a technology it's useless and has made no improvements since it was just another scamcoin.

>> No.2744711

ETH? Who?
95% of people don't even know what that is, and it will not boom, Nor BTFO bitcoin, but hey, have fun trading all your shitty non-relevant scam chink coins