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File: 192 KB, 528x700, sexyant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2742687 No.2742687 [Reply] [Original]


When the price goes to $1000 you will be all MILLIONAIRES

>> No.2742698
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1499480052651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah, baby. 1k ANTS CLUB. poorfags, STAY OUT

>> No.2742771


Ok OP, you can stop shilling your shit.

>> No.2742791

First you need to get to 10 my nigga

>> No.2742796

Lol I coincidentally have about $1000 ANS that i'm about to sell.

Get rekt retards and stop posting about it here. Wait for tomorrow cause it's gonna be a bloodbath in like 30 minutes.

>> No.2742887

I'm at 2200. I love the FUD here, it's going to be awesome with 120% gains in 5 days.

>> No.2742895

2500ant army reporting

>> No.2742907
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we're gonna make it boys

>> No.2742925
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So u sayin we finna be rich right??

>> No.2742926

tell me about antcoins, anon. is it effective PoS?

>> No.2742930


damn...do you feel safe keeping that much money in bittrex?

>> No.2742931

55 hand picked ants coming through, looks like i got all the good and non retarded ants. feel sorry for you guys who went for quantity over quality

>> No.2742944

Jealous as fuck but jeez bittrex is raping you of your ANC. That's like 7 a day.

>> No.2742959

You're gonna be a millionaire by end of year

>> No.2742963


Imo exchange with 2fa enabled is less likely to be hacked than a software wallet. Only thing safer would be a paper wallet, laminated and stored in a safe.

>> No.2742973

Only got 201 right now. :(

I'm steadily buying in as funds allow though, but I'm not a man of many means.

>> No.2742990

how do i do this?

>> No.2742993

5k ants. Wish i had more :(

>> No.2743005

>Literally has 100k in ANS
>doesn't know how to get ANC

Oh lord. Download the ANS wallet client, and then transfer your coins to it, and you get antcoins pretty much automatically after that (you have to click one button, I think it says "claim").

>> No.2743014

isn't it like $1 a month or some shit

>> No.2743017 [DELETED] 

Once it's in the client its a little retarded, it will start earning them automatically but you wont be able to automatically take ownership of them. You transfer all your ANS to yourself and then press the claim button. Worth it since it's going up in value as we speak. Over $2 each now and no one knows what they are yet.

>> No.2743019

so if it'll get me like 7 ANC a day would be $14?

>> No.2743023

$14 a day for now but it could be $140 a day in the future when ANTCOIN is on bittrex and used like a medium of exchange

>> No.2743027

Once it's in the client its a little retarded, it will start earning them automatically but you wont be able to automatically take ownership of them. You transfer all your ANS to yourself and then press the claim button. If you get confused check their reddit. Worth it since it's going up in value as we speak. Over $2 each now and no one knows what they are yet.

About 2100 or something will get you 1 a day which is about $2 so worth more than mining and it uses zero electricity once it's in your wallet.

>> No.2743049
File: 8 KB, 769x195, anc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this antshares wallet isn't gonna get chink'd i hope.

i guess its worth doing some

>> No.2743057

Help, I am a retard. Which exchange are they on?

>> No.2743067

Bittrex is the only US/European exchange right now that's carrying antshares. NO western exchange currently lists antcoins (You can buy some from a Chinese site if you fee like going through the hassle though).

>> No.2743073

how can i make sure i don't get fucked when using the chinaman wallet

>> No.2743074

Thanks. How do I generate ANS like this? The FAQ on Reddit is not very well-written.

>> No.2743130

Backup everything you can and use a 16 character password if possible that is printed out and not stored on your PC. Shouldn't matter too much if you don't plan on constantly moving it around. So backup the wallet file, and right click the address and save the private key too, preferably printed out or on a USB.

Once in the wallet it starts generating it automatically, you don't need to do anything. They will always be yours, claiming it may be the difficult part since you have to send your own Antshares to yourself and then the claim button under advanced will no longer be grayed out.


>> No.2743133
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>> No.2743170

This is the look of someone who missed out on the anttrain and sold for a loss. Sorry buddy boyo try again in another lifetime.

>> No.2743218

I have 300 ans on bittrex and haven't moved to wallet because I am trying to accumulate while I can. I have currently gained 100 from trades.

I believe I can gain a hundred or so more before it starts before it starts becoming incredibly risky.

Am I doing the right thing by accumulating or screwing myself by letting bittrex take my ANC?

>> No.2743225

11 ANS reporting. Will I make it?

>> No.2743230

i think after the conference+ rebrand volatility dies down it will be more advantageous to pull them out and keep them in the wallet

>> No.2743234

i'm guessing you're long on ANS. what's your reasoning?

>> No.2743237

Posting to update you guys that I just bought 100K.

>> No.2743348

>tfw 0 ANS

s-someone wants to send me s-some for f-free?

>> No.2743627

They're only $7

>> No.2743643


All my savings are 800ARK :(
Yeh I am poor.

>> No.2743647

imagine what her antennas can do to your cawk.

>> No.2743661

Get ahold of some IRL money?

>> No.2743672
File: 22 KB, 408x404, anty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 100 antshares, still getting more but I only have 1.5 bitcoin total

Ill at least live comfy right?

>> No.2743679

100 grand if you wait long enough

>> No.2743689

>tfw Bittrex account is disabled

>> No.2743692

I plan on holding for years

>> No.2743696


Im trying to find a job but

>> No.2743701

I only have 80 ;_;
I tried daytrading to get more but I got burned and had to sell some ARK to get back to 80.

>> No.2743706

At least it's not Venezuela

>> No.2743713


Im thinking about selling my ARK to get some ants but... I dont want to miss the ARK train... Damn it I hate being poor

>> No.2743739

Ark isnt going anywhere anytime soon. Ans is going to moon in 4 days. Make up your mind by then. Sell half at the peak and buy back most of your Ark.

>> No.2743804

>tfw only 190 ants

Should i kill myself now?

>> No.2743815

>conference coming
>Price isn't even getting past the 30k mark
Yeah, coin is dead.

>> No.2743821

That's 19K by Christmas. That's a conservative estimate too.

>> No.2743822

People who only had 190 eth when it mooned were pretty damn happy

>> No.2743827

Still third top volume on bittrex and being heavily manipulated if you care to watch the orders going through. This is far from dead.

>> No.2743831

Keep thinking that. You'll wanna kys soon enough.

>> No.2743842

Nothing for ANS. It's basically 3,5m now when it's normally at least 20m.
I keep hearing that ever since last conference ended

>> No.2743965

Only have 120 ANS, would it be worth it to put in a wallet having so little in terms of earning ANC?

>> No.2743978


120 ANS? You're better off buying knee pads, son.

>> No.2744171

ANS always stays near the top of the volume on bittrex you retard. It only declines in volume when EVERY coin declines in volume. go read a book.

>> No.2744978

If you have 10,000 antshares you will be a MILLIONAIRE when ANS goes to 100 (AKA next march).

Additionally, 10,000 antshares = 5 antcoins a day -> at $25 an antcoin that's $46,000 a year. LITERALLY THE MEDIAN US HOUSEHOLD INCOME JUST FROM RESIDUAL ANT INCOME YOU FOOLS.

>> No.2744989

>So what is it that you do, anon?
>I live off my antshares dividends, baby.
hell yeah

>> No.2744994

when is the best time to sell to accumulate more?
it's been dipping every weekend before recovering during the week but do you all think that trend will continue?

>> No.2745011

Sell after the conference before the blood bath of August 1st. Then rebuy. Make sure you keep them in your wallet to get some antcoins. Don't sell the antcoins, they're too rare at the moment. However, this sell and rebuy strategy may not work, if Antshares go up after the rebranding you may buy even higher.

>> No.2745019


In theory, there should be a significant moon over the next 2 weeks due to peakes interesting from a number of factors, the most pertinent being the neo rebranding. So the correct time to sell would be the day before the rebranding, then buy in maybe 2 days afterwards.

I don't think it will go much lower than it is now.

>> No.2745020

im going to keep mine on the exchange to react to the volatility, i dont think it will do too bad

>> No.2745025


I meant *peaked interest

Damn phone typing making me look like a pajeet.

>> No.2745032

So we got ANS/NEO conference on 18th july and btc fork on 1 August?
Got any suggestion on when to buy/dump?

>> No.2745035

it's good to have separate stashes for staking and trading. but if you only have like <500 then keep them on bittrex yeah.

>> No.2745054


Last conference people started dumping before the conference was over, and the ATH was actually the day prior. So assuming history repeats then the best time to sell is the day before the rebrand takes place.

>> No.2745064

we have no idea what this conference has in store. for all you know, this could be the legendary alibaba moment...

>> No.2745105


True, as a rule of thumb, however, if there is a parabolic increase at any point its time to sell. If there's steady rise up to the conference, might be worth holding until the day after. If there's a parabolic increase before the conference i would just sell then. Very rarely is the news from these events significant enough to sustain the type of rapid price increases seen last month (with ans) and the month prior with dbg.

>> No.2745675
File: 52 KB, 1200x496, sai-blog-spiritual-growth-prayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd literally pay 80% of my portfolio to cave in the face with a sledgehammer of the person that keeps making these ANS,s threads. and ALL there family members and pets.

These threads are so fucking annoying.

>> No.2745695
File: 797 KB, 1500x1000, ant_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's multiple people, no anter.

>> No.2745708

>i'd literally pay 80% of my portfolio to cave in the face with a sledgehammer of the person that keeps making these ANS,s threads. and ALL there family members and pets.

Hi you can always buy antshares right now for cheap only about $6.90. No point in being upset for missing the moon when we havent even fueled the ship anon.

>> No.2745724

I don't own an antshare. Consider yourself rekt m8

>> No.2746012

What is the exact date of the conference? pls respond.

>> No.2746030
File: 287 KB, 800x600, antshare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2746084

44,000 ANS

got em at 9ksat.

No complaints.

>> No.2746137

you're gonna have to post some evidence of that massive ant colony, buddy

>> No.2746168

Isn't the official wallet some trojan or shit?

>> No.2746172

I'd be happy with just 100.

>> No.2746180
File: 9 KB, 693x75, neo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold 1100 to more than double my BTC and am holding this. Not holding my breath for a million, though.

>> No.2746188
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 1499564151001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW less than 50

>> No.2746251

no, but thanks for the FUDsicle.

>> No.2746308

i have 100k ANTs

>> No.2746373

>conference 5 days away
>price keeps falling

>> No.2746446

Means its gonna moon my friend. Wales are buying in. Just wait until tuesday

>> No.2746528

crypto welfare baby

>> No.2746543

What happens Tuesday?

Seems 265k is the floor for now. Wondering if I should buy another 100; currently at 100 ANS.