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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2742062 No.2742062 [Reply] [Original]

Conference and official rebranding to NEO on the 15th. Binance will also open on the 15th and will sell Antcoins. Why are you not buying in at low prices right now? Calling $20 ATH after the 15th.

>> No.2742068

Nice, just bought 100k!

>> No.2742070
File: 50 KB, 1024x576, 1497224129334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought 100k ty man>>2742062

>> No.2742072

Will dump my 5k bought at 1.20 after the conference and so should everyone.

>> No.2742075
File: 19 KB, 500x380, 1499493172387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup. say goodbye to sub $10 ants. can't wait for all the haters to BTFO later this month.

>> No.2742079

You are going to regret this long term lol. Good luck tho.

>> No.2742080

prove you have 5k ANS.

>> No.2742144

The wall movements have been looking really good.
Some whale has been moving down a huge wall bit by bit and now its about to melt.

>> No.2742270

Yup, have noticed it. Has been great day trading for the past 3 days, but will not continue doing it anymore. It's about to get pumped real fucking hard and I don't want to lose my day trading gainz.

>> No.2742320

How are people constantly buying 100k of everything? There can't be that many whales here.

>> No.2742347

you would do best not believing everything you read here

>> No.2742354
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rly nao

>> No.2742357

Yeah, I have also decided that this was my last day trading round till the conference.

I have seen some crazy 30k+ Buy walls pop up at random times, the whales have been preparing for a pump and Im definitely not going to miss out on it due to day trading greed.

>> No.2742365

I got 200 ANS on bittrex ready to go. The rest are in my web wallet makin coinz.

>> No.2742389
File: 58 KB, 450x320, stock-photo-inflating-the-tire-of-a-bicycle-cyclist-repairs-bike-in-forest-bicyclist-pumping-air-into-the-471852347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exacto lol, fuck this time I am going to cash out so big I get a hard on just from thinking about it. Good luck with the pumperoni guyzz.

>> No.2742978
File: 20 KB, 1003x464, Screenshot 2017-07-09 22.51.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these clean wall steps
Oh boy, the moment the whales take down their walls...

>> No.2743099
File: 106 KB, 1900x715, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in

>> No.2743105

so what's it gonna drop to after the ATH? i got in at 9

>> No.2743113

Sell, whatever that is its about to get dumped.

>> No.2743124

Kinda hope it crashes back down under $5 after this conference, like last time, just so I can buy a shit ton more.

>> No.2743150

>still falling for silly fake-buy walls for driving prices up

>> No.2743156

The ideal scenario would be like 20 bucks pre conference and then crash to 5 and then 100 bucks at the end of the year.

I dont really believe in conferences giving permanent value to coins. They are literally just publicily agreed upon pump and dumps.

>> No.2743166

100% we are not going to touch 5 ever again. There are too many people holding and unless some whales with big stacks start manipulating we won't go that low anymore. Probably 9 is the lowest we are going to reach after this conference since pumps bring in so many people.

>> No.2743206

I'm pretty cautious about any massive movement in price at the moment, we've seen it spike twice only for the hype to vanish and the price to fall.

>> No.2743389

>Conference and official rebranding to NEO on the 15th. Binance will also open on the 15th and will sell Antcoins
sauce nigger

>> No.2743402

Dumb nigger learn to google, go on the subreddit

>> No.2743408

Hope so I need to ride this pump and dump before so I can recoup some losses and buy back in. Here's to
Hoping that happens again for the 3rd time

>> No.2743423

I entered last night at 288k. I've literally spent the last 30 minutes watching the order book and there are constant fake sell walls popping up at 277k. Riding this one out through the 15th and hope there isn't an actual megadump in the next 5 days.

>> No.2743424


If it ain't pumping now it's probably not gonna pump after the conference unless the news is absolutely amazing

>> No.2743436

>Riding this one out through the 15th and hope there isn't an actual megadump in the next 5 days.
Anon this coin is heavily manipulated. If it moons before the conference it will be dumped afterwards.

You havent seen literal 50BTC buy orders being nuked within seconds just because they were a little too high for the whales tastes.

>> No.2743441

its probably going to dump either way atleast on trex. watch yunbi prices closely after the conf

>> No.2743459



>> No.2743461

lmao all their shit is in chink and nobody can say with any certainty when any of this shit is. nice try chang

>> No.2743509
File: 106 KB, 540x653, IMG_1054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANS shills are the pajeets

>> No.2743549

100% none of these faggots have concrete sources ever for their bullshit

>> No.2743557

>Why will NEO beat out all the other smart contract platforms?

None of them can ever give a real reason for its success related to the platform itself

>> No.2743563

There's plenty of tech reasons why ANS > ETH. Do your own research

>> No.2743582


Well no shit most other smart contract platforms seem like they'll be better than ETH. What about NEO is going to make it stand out from the others, and don't use the spoonfeeding excuse to try and avoid answering the question

>> No.2743660

The ability to program dapps in the major languages especially Java is a big seller. Also transaction times are instantaneous compared to Eth. That and quantum resistance and no need for miners fucking up the GPU market. It's a winner so far in a race where Ethereum still has no working applications yet. That and half the circulating supply means that if this does succeed Ethereum it is tremendously under valued at the moment.